What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?
As you libs point out, records - ALL records- help voters get to know a candidate.

According to libs, any candidate who deals or refuses to release records / info / transcrips MUST be hiding something.

If you think the reason Obama refuses to unseal his records and the reason Hillary refuses to release her speech transcripts is not because they are trying to hide something then you are as stupid as Gruber and the liberal leadership think you are.

But you know they are...you said it yourself, as mentioned in the 1st two statements of this post.

I would assume most Presidential candidates don't reveal their college records is because of bad grades, they happen, many people get them. They are also in their late teens and early 20s, not something I'm super concerned about and before a lifetime of experience for them takes place.

You're free to insist all candidates do something that few actually follow through on, there isn't a precedent set for college transcripts and other than a couple wingnuts on the right, nobody cares.

Tax returns though are something that most people want released and represent the candidate as an adult and much more recent.
Obama refusing to release his records means nothing...and does not reflect in any way on how he went on to become the most secretive, criminally non-compliant President on US History, refusing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests during his administration?! Riiiiiight!


I already told you my opinion on college transcripts. Why would I single out Obama for something I don't expect from other candidates?

Again, you're free to demand Obama's college transcripts but obviously, not many cared.
You claim anyone hiding records you are not entitled to are hiding something and must turn them over....except Obama / liberals. Got it.
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

Next you’ll be telling us that 9/11 was an inside job.

You mean 7/11 don't you?
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.
Who gives a crap how high hos salary is or how high you think it is. Again, why are libs so ibsessed with other people's money? Mind your own famn business. Stay out of our pockets, our wallets, our bathrooms, and our bedrooms.

Conservatives are the ones that want government so small to fit into the bedrooms and bless all of our marriages dumbfuck.

Drumpf is hiding something in his taxes….we don’t need him to release it to know that he is hiding something. Otherwise the brash billionaire you chose to be your messiah would be happy to show off his wealth…as he has been since he got his first grant from his father.

I mean really. The guy who does nothing but brag about being rich is suddenly not willing to actually show us proof that he is really that rich? C’mon.

Anyway, back on your knees boy, I hear Drumpf has a another load for you.
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.
Your only response is to personally attack me? I accept your intellectual surrender. You lose.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

Next you’ll be telling us that 9/11 was an inside job.

You mean 7/11 don't you?

9/11, 7/11..given his avatar he’ll probably say that the reason he is not in the band 311 is a conspiracy too.

His tin foil hat is on a bit too tight.
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on you own very personal opinion.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?
As you libs point out, records - ALL records- help voters get to know a candidate.

According to libs, any candidate who deals or refuses to release records / info / transcrips MUST be hiding something.

If you think the reason Obama refuses to unseal his records and the reason Hillary refuses to release her speech transcripts is not because they are trying to hide something then you are as stupid as Gruber and the liberal leadership think you are.

But you know they are...you said it yourself, as mentioned in the 1st two statements of this post.

I would assume most Presidential candidates don't reveal their college records is because of bad grades, they happen, many people get them. They are also in their late teens and early 20s, not something I'm super concerned about and before a lifetime of experience for them takes place.

You're free to insist all candidates do something that few actually follow through on, there isn't a precedent set for college transcripts and other than a couple wingnuts on the right, nobody cares.

Tax returns though are something that most people want released and represent the candidate as an adult and much more recent.
Obama refusing to release his records means nothing...and does not reflect in any way on how he went on to become the most secretive, criminally non-compliant President on US History, refusing to comply with 70% of all FOIA requests during his administration?! Riiiiiight!


I already told you my opinion on college transcripts. Why would I single out Obama for something I don't expect from other candidates?

Again, you're free to demand Obama's college transcripts but obviously, not many cared.
You claim anyone hiding records you are not entitled to are hiding something and must turn them over....except Obama / liberals. Got it.

Wow, you really have a difficult time separating what I wrote and what you want to believe.

I never said any candidate must turn over anything. I gave you my reasons why I don't care about college transcripts and why I do tax returns.
He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.
Who gives a crap how high hos salary is or how high you think it is. Again, why are libs so ibsessed with other people's money? Mind your own famn business. Stay out of our pockets, our wallets, our bathrooms, and our bedrooms.

Conservatives are the ones that want government so small to fit into the bedrooms and bless all of our marriages dumbfuck.

Drumpf is hiding something in his taxes….we don’t need him to release it to know that he is hiding something. Otherwise the brash billionaire you chose to be your messiah would be happy to show off his wealth…as he has been since he got his first grant from his father.

I mean really. The guy who does nothing but brag about being rich is suddenly not willing to actually show us proof that he is really that rich? C’mon.

Anyway, back on your knees boy, I hear Drumpf has a another load for you.
Trump is hiding something....because another liberal without proof says so. If you did have proof you wouldn't be on this fishing expedition.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)

Call a Friend ... easyt ... you're an idiot. Call him.

stay on topic.
Why do liberals believe only Republicans should be bound by their demands, demands liberals don't adhere to, when the law does not require them to do so? Just because liberals hypocritically demand others comply does not mean they have to. Deal with it.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)

Just a quick hint. "(snicker)" makes you look like a douche.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

Next you’ll be telling us that 9/11 was an inside job.

You mean 7/11 don't you?

9/11, 7/11..given his avatar he’ll probably say that the reason he is not in the band 311 is a conspiracy too.

His tin foil hat is on a bit too tight.

Everything I posted is easily verified...but what the fuck, just keep watching MSNBC. I doubt that you have the mental capability to even comprehend the information that you would have to search for. Keep believing in your beloved "corporate "gubermint"....what a stupid fuck...seriously.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)

Call a Friend ... easyt ... you're an idiot. Call him.
You LOSE! Take it like a man instead of continuing to hurl insults and call people names like a child.
you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.
Who gives a crap how high hos salary is or how high you think it is. Again, why are libs so ibsessed with other people's money? Mind your own famn business. Stay out of our pockets, our wallets, our bathrooms, and our bedrooms.

Conservatives are the ones that want government so small to fit into the bedrooms and bless all of our marriages dumbfuck.

Drumpf is hiding something in his taxes….we don’t need him to release it to know that he is hiding something. Otherwise the brash billionaire you chose to be your messiah would be happy to show off his wealth…as he has been since he got his first grant from his father.

I mean really. The guy who does nothing but brag about being rich is suddenly not willing to actually show us proof that he is really that rich? C’mon.

Anyway, back on your knees boy, I hear Drumpf has a another load for you.
Trump is hiding something....because another liberal without proof says so. If you did have proof you wouldn't be on this fishing expedition.
Well, it was used as bait when fishing for Romney the last time this crap came up, and it worked. Romney's delay helped him lose and sent him packing. It will do the same to Trump.
And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

its not tradition, it's commonplace for Presidents and candidates to release their tax information. Respect my opinion and quit asking me stupid questions.

Commonplace tradition. It isn't required, please respect my opinion.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)

Just a quick hint. "(snicker)" makes you look like a douche.
You would know what one looks like....from looking in the mirror.

Uh-oh, ya got me sinking to your pathetic level...time to put you hypocrites on ignore.
Are you playing stupid or are you really genuinely stupid? Do you actually, in fact, don't know or perceive the difference between college records and speech transcripts and a legal document such as a tax return? Do you not understand the difference between tax returns, which have been traditionally released by Presidential candidates, and the stuff you are demanding, which has never been released by Presidential candidates?

easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)

Call a Friend ... easyt ... you're an idiot. Call him.

stay on topic.

You have no topic....just lame bullshit but it's not like my expectations are high when I click on one of your fool-fueled musings.
And after the release of his tax returns he was still voted into office. Proving, his tax returns mean nothing to the voters as Trumps won't. If you are or are not supporting Trump, his tax returns won't sway you one way or another. I'm not voting for Trump or Clinton, their tax returns had nothing to do with my decision.
I don't think that's really the point. To me, the point is why is he not releasing them? Why should he get special treatment? All other candidates release them to the public, and he should too. We already know he is obviously hiding something and he is a sleaze. Looking like he is hiding something just confirms that.

He isn't required to. He is getting no special treatment, he made a decision to go against a silly tradition that started in the 60s.

If it was required by law to release your taxes then he should. I would feel the same if Clinton didn't want to release his taxes.

I think the tradition is silly, I am a liberal in that area.

you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.

$3,000,000 given in charity and it hurt Romney, Gore giving $100 in charity didn't hurt him.

If the roles were reversed and it was Clinton, you would be defending her.
easy is legally stupid .. as is the majority of Trump supporters.

Really? If I was in a situation where I needed to use the "Call A friend" option to answer a question, I would pick Easyt65 over you ANY day of the week and twice on Sunday. You don't have a fucking clue as to how the banking system works, you know nothing about the real history of this country including the 16th amendment, how the SCOTUS ruled on more than one occasion that the un-ratified 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" no new taxing powers. You know nothing about the CAFR or composite "gubermint" wealth. You are the fucking clueless one...as stupid as a sheep and that goes for all your leftard pals as well. The income tax goes to pay interest to a central bank that creates money out of nothing and it is our labor that moves this valueless paper. It's the biggest scam ever and the Grace Report that Reagan had done proves that our taxes do not provide even 1 percent of what "da gubermint" spends....not that they need it because the bankers that own this country have been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and using our money to invest. I hope Donald Trump or anyone else that works for a living can scam the collection arm of the IMF which you know as the I.R.S which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is Trust #62.

Fact of the matter is, you don't have the slightest clue....your teeny, tiny brain would blew a gasket if you knew the things I do. The Constitution was kicked to the curb and a corporate constitution took it's place and it's nothing but a corporate charter. You have been gamed...we all have but stupid fucks like you are worried that someone might not be paying "their fair share".
You don't even have a clue on what that even means.....so many STUPID people....so little time (sigh)

yeah, but you're an idiot.

Siete (after getting his ass thoroughly kicked to the cyber curb) rises off of the cyber canvas to deliver this beauty of a response......."yeah but you're an idiot".....he can't refute one fucking thing and the only arrow in his quiver is an insult.......typical leftard. (snicker)

Just a quick hint. "(snicker)" makes you look like a douche.
You would know what one looks like....from looking in the mirror.

Uh-oh, ya got me sinking to your pathetic level...time to put you hypocrites on ignore.

Yes, please do what you guys do when you lose a debate, pretend it didn't happen.
you have your opinion which I fully respect ... why is it you refuse to respect others opinions?

Where did I say I didn't respect your opinion? I would feel the same if it were Clinton. It's a tradition, based on nothing.

But it's not based on nothing. In this thread we've talked about what is revealed in tax returns and the level playing field, since all serious candidates since Nixon have revealed theirs it's a nice way to contrast, compare and see if they put their money where their mouths are.

We learned that Romney didn't pay his fair share, it hurt him. We learned that the Obamas and now the Clintons do. I'm very curious how Trump handles his money, how much he ships offshore and how little he pays in actual taxes as I don't think his income is as high as he wants us to believe.
Who gives a crap how high hos salary is or how high you think it is. Again, why are libs so ibsessed with other people's money? Mind your own famn business. Stay out of our pockets, our wallets, our bathrooms, and our bedrooms.

Conservatives are the ones that want government so small to fit into the bedrooms and bless all of our marriages dumbfuck.

Drumpf is hiding something in his taxes….we don’t need him to release it to know that he is hiding something. Otherwise the brash billionaire you chose to be your messiah would be happy to show off his wealth…as he has been since he got his first grant from his father.

I mean really. The guy who does nothing but brag about being rich is suddenly not willing to actually show us proof that he is really that rich? C’mon.

Anyway, back on your knees boy, I hear Drumpf has a another load for you.
Trump is hiding something....because another liberal without proof says so. If you did have proof you wouldn't be on this fishing expedition.

When someone who has done nothing except show off his wealth and brag about his supposed riches is suddenly apprehensive to show your proof-positive of that wealth and riches….something is up.

If you were going to go in halves to buy a business with someone and you put in your 500K and at the time of formation, the other guy told you “It’s coming”, you ask “when” and he says “none of your business”…would you still want to go into business with that guy?

I don’t think so.

OF course the above is not a fair example. I mean….you’re not going in partners with Mr. Drumpf. You’re being asked to believe this guy (who has walked back every comment he made and now says his principles were just “suggestions”); that’s all. And your vote is not worth $500,000.

That is you. You’re giving it away (and you know it) Mine is worth MUCH more than that. HRC will appoint center-left jurists (3-4) that will be on the high court for 25-35 years. My vote is priceless to make sure that someone who can’t do the basic function of being honest with you and I…never gets that chance.

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