what is trump thinking

just keeps getting worse week after week...pence is more concerned with football than white assholes at charlottesville and while he has failed on major issues he is raping the country ....he didnt drain the swamp he invited all his pals....funny how there is no money for anything obama started but plenty of money to fly those assholes about ...pence's planned protest about a 1/4 million where is that outrage? where is the outrage over trumps golfing trips....he refused to give p.r a break...by renewing the jones act
Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Good cop bad cop. Keeping the opposition off balance.

Democrats and those Republicans allied with them don't have a clue.

Every time something like this happens in the administration Trump supporters play it off as some sort of clever chess game he is playing with his opposition, but there never seems to be a payoff. After the twentieth firing/resignation it's time to acknowledge that it really is the clusterfuck it appears to be.
Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Good cop bad cop. Keeping the opposition off balance.

Democrats and those Republicans allied with them don't have a clue.

Every time something like this happens in the administration Trump supporters play it off as some sort of clever chess game he is playing with his opposition, but there never seems to be a payoff.

"The calm before the storm." :laugh:
Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Don't be fooled by twisted fake news reporting, I saw the headlines today then read what Trump actually said. As for who started it, it was Tillerson. Did Trump take a swipe at Tillerson then Tillerson reacted, NO it was just the opposite. But the twisted fake news reporting completely ignores that and paints Trump as the bad guy.

If a member of Obama's cabinet publically slammed Obama the entire liberal media would attack the person like a hive of angry killer bees. Oh the hypocrisy.
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Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Good cop bad cop. Keeping the opposition off balance.

Democrats and those Republicans allied with them don't have a clue.

How is publicly fighting with one or your chief cabinet members anything like good cop bad cop?

If he wants to show strength he needs unity in his admin. He doesn't get this by attacking his secretaries publicly
Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Good cop bad cop. Keeping the opposition off balance.

Democrats and those Republicans allied with them don't have a clue.

How is publicly fighting with one or your chief cabinet members anything like good cop bad cop?

If he wants to show strength he needs unity in his admin. He doesn't get this by attacking his secretaries publicly

Trump has been playing the media for decades.

I'm not stating as fact that is the case, but it is well within his stock of MOs.
Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Good cop bad cop. Keeping the opposition off balance.

Democrats and those Republicans allied with them don't have a clue.

How is publicly fighting with one or your chief cabinet members anything like good cop bad cop?

If he wants to show strength he needs unity in his admin. He doesn't get this by attacking his secretaries publicly

Trump has been playing the media for decades.

I'm not stating as fact that is the case, but it is well within his stock of MOs.

We have seen this play out in this administration a few times already, and it always ends in somebody being fired or resigning. How is that playing the media?
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Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Don't be fooled by twisted fake news reporting, I saw the headlines today then read what Trump actually said. As for who started it, it was Tillerson. Did Trump take a swipe at Tillerson then Tillerson reacted, NO it was just the opposite. But the twisted fake news reporting completely ignores that and paints Trump as the bad guy.

If a member of Obama's cabinet publically slammed Obama the entire liberal media would attack the person like a hive of angry killer bees. Oh the hypocrisy.

The twist of fake news? Seriously? This is his tweet we are talking about. Not some story spin.

And he started it? When the heck did the conservative movement get taken over by this progressive five year old nonsense. And even some five year olds know better than to use the "he started it"

Trump is the President of the united states. The buck stops with him. There are plenty of ways to take care of it internally. Heck he could have publicly stated the fake news is trying to split me and tillerson. We are working together for the people. That does far more effectively than calling your sec of state an idiot compared to yourself.

When are we going to stop this spin and just speak the truth? What does it matter if we get rid of evil lying democrats and become evil lying Republicans? Especially when we just end up endorsing the same damn policies we were opposing.
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Oh and when playing chess you sacrifice pawns. You don't fight your queens and bishops and knights. You use then to take out others
Starting a public fight with tillerson????

Don't be fooled by twisted fake news reporting, I saw the headlines today then read what Trump actually said. As for who started it, it was Tillerson. Did Trump take a swipe at Tillerson then Tillerson reacted, NO it was just the opposite. But the twisted fake news reporting completely ignores that and paints Trump as the bad guy.

If a member of Obama's cabinet publically slammed Obama the entire liberal media would attack the person like a hive of angry killer bees. Oh the hypocrisy.

The twist of fake news? Seriously? This is his tweet we are talking about. Not some story spin.

And he started it? When the heck did the conservative movement get taken over by this progressive five year old nonsense. And even some five year olds know better than to use the "he started it"

Trump is the President of the united states. The buck stops with him. There are plenty of ways to take care of it internally. Heck he could have publicly stated the fake news is trying to split me and tillerson. We are working together for the people. That does far more effectively than calling your sec of state an idiot compared to yourself.

When are we going to stop this spin and just speak the truth? What does it matter if we get rid of evil lying democrats and become evil lying Republicans? Especially when we just end up endorsing the same damn policies we were opposing.

Look in the real world if you bad mouth your boss in public and create a fake news media storm, what happens? Tillerson created the mess by running his big fat mouth. Yes some executives would quietly chew Tillerson's ass in private, but that's not Trump's style. Some people may not like Trump's style but his style is what got him elected. Had Trump acted like McCain or Romney he would have lost, I doubt he would have won the primary let alone the general.
Trump had this same type of public dispute with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions (that statist asshole). All seemed to work out.

This is just pure insanity. I don't know who or what to believe.

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