What is Up with Atheists?

They are fearful muslims will be offended.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?
Too bad. This is America.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

What's up with you assuming you know what their intent is. They could be of another religion and your particular faith offends them.

Kristians, who ask for forgiveness, are the quickest to judge for some reason.
So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

who says they're "threatened"?

they just think it's a fairy tale.

i figure that's their business... not yours.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

What's up with you assuming you know what their intent is. They could be of another religion and your particular faith offends them.

Kristians, who ask for forgiveness, are the quickest to judge for some reason.

Ok you realize this is the United States where we have the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. By the constitution I have the right to read my Bible in public. That is a constitutionally guaranteed right. They have the right to be offended. I have the right to tell them to shove it up their ass.

This is what it has come to? Reading a Bible in public is now offensive? What if it was the Book of Mao? I bet you liberals wouldn't have a problem reading that in public. What if it was the Communist Manifesto? I bet you wouldn't have a problem with someone reading that in public either. But reading the Bible in public? No let's kick him off the bus.

Hey angry dumbass, I agree you should tell them to shove it, I'm pointing out your assumptions based on your narrow worldview that makes you convict various groups of people for what are crimes in your eyes without knowing anything about these people.

FEAR is what drives conservatives. From fear anger. That is 80% of a cons waking moments.

Go kick your dog. Again.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

What's up with you assuming you know what their intent is. They could be of another religion and your particular faith offends them.

Kristians, who ask for forgiveness, are the quickest to judge for some reason.

Newton, you should read the Gurnall devotional clip I put up for BluePhantom. One word of warning for you. According to Gurnall people who are scorners and mockers of holiness rarely recover from it. It is one of the deadliest of diseases for the soul.

You're kidding right. Because someone doesn't believe in a flying grandpa that has magical powers and talks to snakes you think THEY should be careful? Religion is one of the deadliest diseases of the soul, just open a newspaper tomorrow.

What is Up with Atheists?

Most are fine and follow a live let live philosophy.

The anti-Godists do not, and they are the ones to always keep an eye on and sic the law on when needed.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

That is amazing. I would have had to read it out loud and warned them about eternity in hell - just to make sure they knew what happens to those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I take my bible with me wherever I go. I carry it with me at restaurants, waiting rooms, the hospital waiting room, wherever I am. I also share the word of God and read it to people around me. I'm going to share the Word of God when I'm around people. I do not get out very much so when I do I make it count. The people I meet usually ask me to pray for them. I've never had anyone say they wanted me to stop reading the bible! That is wild, BP!

Well like I said I thought it was just some crazy woman with an issue. Ok I can deal with that. What surprised me was how many people on the bus agreed with her and claimed I was infringing on their rights because I was quietly reading my Bible. So reading the Bible in public now is offensive?

There will always be some people who find something offensive.

Personally I have never once seen anyone object to anyone reading the Bible or the Koran or any other religious book on the bus or in public or anywhere else.

And this in the heart of atheism- San Francisco.

No reason for anyone to care what you were reading.

Well they cared enough to ask the bus driver to kick me off the bus for being offensive.

Sure they did. :rolleyes:
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

What's up with you assuming you know what their intent is. They could be of another religion and your particular faith offends them.

Kristians, who ask for forgiveness, are the quickest to judge for some reason.

Newton, you should read the Gurnall devotional clip I put up for BluePhantom. One word of warning for you. According to Gurnall people who are scorners and mockers of holiness rarely recover from it. It is one of the deadliest of diseases for the soul.

You're kidding right. Because someone doesn't believe in a flying grandpa that has magical powers and talks to snakes you think THEY should be careful? Religion is one of the deadliest diseases of the soul, just open a newspaper tomorrow.

I am not a follower of religion. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.
And his belief is his business, not theirs.
So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

who says they're "threatened"?

they just think it's a fairy tale.

i figure that's their business... not yours.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

What's up with you assuming you know what their intent is. They could be of another religion and your particular faith offends them.

Kristians, who ask for forgiveness, are the quickest to judge for some reason.

Newton, you should read the Gurnall devotional clip I put up for BluePhantom. One word of warning for you. According to Gurnall people who are scorners and mockers of holiness rarely recover from it. It is one of the deadliest of diseases for the soul.

You're kidding right. Because someone doesn't believe in a flying grandpa that has magical powers and talks to snakes you think THEY should be careful? Religion is one of the deadliest diseases of the soul, just open a newspaper tomorrow.

I am not a follower of religion. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.

So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?
Lying is a sin.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

I call the story bullshit...

Unless you live in the land of fruits and nuts then possible...

I would have bitch slapped her upside the head with the bible and then asked her if she found Jesus yet :)
A bus ride is a good place for some idiot to start spouting their crap. I wish I had a dollar for each time I was minding my own business when some overzealous bible thumper came up and asked me if I had found Jesus. I never knew he was lost.

You wish you had a dollar for every time? That must mean that God has sent many laborers across your path to invite you to come to His Son. It's also a sign people are praying for you, Bulldog. What will you say to Jesus when he tells you that he sent his laborers to invite you to come to him but you refused? What excuse will you have then? Today is the day of salvation. You need to give your life to him tonight. Tomorrow is no guarantee. Today is the day of salvation.

Why don't you let me and Jesus deal with our own relationship? I don't need your help, and I don't think Jesus does either.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

There is nothing wrong with reading the Bible in public!!

I think you just experienced an anti-proselytizing reflex that has gone too far. Also, it is even possible that the people on the bus were not atheist as well.

Funny thing, you can go out and proselytize in public, so in a sense you are more than well within your rights.

On the flip side, she has the right to freedom of speech too--even if she is wrong(which she was in your case).
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

That is amazing. I would have had to read it out loud and warned them about eternity in hell - just to make sure they knew what happens to those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I take my bible with me wherever I go. I carry it with me at restaurants, waiting rooms, the hospital waiting room, wherever I am. I also share the word of God and read it to people around me. I'm going to share the Word of God when I'm around people. I do not get out very much so when I do I make it count. The people I meet usually ask me to pray for them. I've never had anyone say they wanted me to stop reading the bible! That is wild, BP!

Careful, you are on the bus. If the Bus driver deems you are intentionally disturbing the other passengers(Blue phantom was not--the woman was!), he can kick you off!
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

That is amazing. I would have had to read it out loud and warned them about eternity in hell - just to make sure they knew what happens to those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I take my bible with me wherever I go. I carry it with me at restaurants, waiting rooms, the hospital waiting room, wherever I am. I also share the word of God and read it to people around me. I'm going to share the Word of God when I'm around people. I do not get out very much so when I do I make it count. The people I meet usually ask me to pray for them. I've never had anyone say they wanted me to stop reading the bible! That is wild, BP!

Careful, you are on the bus. If the Bus driver deems you are intentionally disturbing the other passengers(Blue phantom was not--the woman was!), he can kick you off!

The Apostle Paul says we are to be careful for nothing.
I am careful for nothing. I'm going to be led by the Spirit of God.
If you want to be led by fear and intimidation that is your choice.
It's not for me though. God is the one in full control. God. Not man.
You should get a firm grasp on that truth before all hell breaks loose in America.
Otherwise you'll be a nervous wreck!
The right arm to the square has been raised in warning to you Jeremiah. Submit yourself unto God. You have been warned.

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