What is Up with Atheists?

That is pretty hard to believe. I have read my Bible in public, but, maybe depends on where you live?

MY answer, however, is that the people hate Christ and anything Christian more than anything (because He (Christ) is the ONE TRUE WAY, and Satan is ramping his efforts up ..... because he knows his time of "running his Circus on Earth" is limited.....

the Bible, after all, is about God's redemptive plan for us, through Jesus' death and resurrection.....
People on a bus can tell others please don't interfere with their space. This is an issue of good manners not constitutional rights.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

That is amazing. I would have had to read it out loud and warned them about eternity in hell - just to make sure they knew what happens to those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I take my bible with me wherever I go. I carry it with me at restaurants, waiting rooms, the hospital waiting room, wherever I am. I also share the word of God and read it to people around me. I'm going to share the Word of God when I'm around people. I do not get out very much so when I do I make it count. The people I meet usually ask me to pray for them. I've never had anyone say they wanted me to stop reading the bible! That is wild, BP!

Well like I said I thought it was just some crazy woman with an issue. Ok I can deal with that. What surprised me was how many people on the bus agreed with her and claimed I was infringing on their rights because I was quietly reading my Bible. So reading the Bible in public now is offensive?

There will always be some people who find something offensive.

Personally I have never once seen anyone object to anyone reading the Bible or the Koran or any other religious book on the bus or in public or anywhere else.

And this in the heart of atheism- San Francisco.

No reason for anyone to care what you were reading.

Well they cared enough to ask the bus driver to kick me off the bus for being offensive.

Like I said previously- there are assholes everywhere.

You asked what is up with Atheists- as an Atheist I just told you that anyone who told you to stop reading your Bible on the bus is an asshole.

That is what is up with Atheists- we think its fine for you to read your Bible on the bus.

Perhaps the problem is that wherever you live has too many assholes. .
... Well like I said I thought it was just some crazy woman with an issue. Ok I can deal with that. What surprised me was how many people on the bus agreed with her and claimed I was infringing on their rights because I was quietly reading my Bible. So reading the Bible in public now is offensive?

Hmm ... in England the anglican church liked to show in cinemas a little promotional spot with the title "just pray" - it show people in different situations speaking the Lord's prayer. But the companies Cineworld, Odeon und Vue - the most important film distributors in England - did not like to send this video. They say it's unusual to send political or religious spots.

I guess all this crazy behavior has something to do with the mechanisms how the terror of extremists extremises also the ways how to feel and how to think from people on the street as well as from the people on the "wallstreet". Take it easy: still the bus driver threw you not out.

... I am not a follower of religion. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.

You are not able to be rebound in Jesus (=to be religious) and not to be a member of the christian religion the same time. If you are rebound then you have to follow. This identity is inevitable. Everyone who likes to learn to fly needs roots first.

I don't know for example why everyone looks at the terrorists and thinks their rotten behavior has something to do with god, but no one looks for example at the reunion of Germany and thinks this has something to do with god. Because of the reunion of Germany died no one. U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e. Milions of people had given their lifes for it if necessary. So what can show in a better way how the hand of god carried and proctected all the good people from so many nations who reached this result? Terrorist on the other side kill others and themselve just for fun. The terrorist don't follow their religion and they are not rebound in god.

So Jeremaiah: think about the real ways of god: The message is in god - the messengers are members of the church. I don't know wether our christian church is really broken or wether this break is only an illusion - but anyway the breaks have to heal. I'm absolutelly sure you are on the wrong way with the stupidity to say what you said here. Let it be! If you are a Christian then you have to follow the christian way - the christian religion - what also means to follow Jesus the Christ. That's the same. Okay: Sure it's hard now to enjoy the christian duty to have to enjoy the soon beginning Christmastide. But duty is duty. So enjoy - it are not the hard ways which are hardly to find - it's the easy way, what's not so easy to find.

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So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

I had some church ladies come up and tell me I was going to hell because I was wearing a Slayer shirt. I told them to fuck right off.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

I had some church ladies come up and tell me I was going to hell because I was wearing a Slayer shirt. I told them to fuck right off.

I had some atheistic censors at the greatest forum in Germany at t-online. They told me I will be banned forever from their heavenly forum of Nazis, Commies and other propagandists of hate. The reason? When Kurds and US-Americans helped some people a very short time before the IS executed them unfortunatelly some people had to die in this operation. Also a soldier of the US-army died for the life of this people and the freedom of the world. So I wrote:

O mi Jesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra,
custodi nos ab igne inferni,
attrahe omnes animas ad caelum,
principue illas maxime egentes misericordiae tuae.

Translation: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.

Somehow I'm happy that this were my last words on this forum there, because in this way I was a little nearer to the unkown friend of your nation who died for all of us. And please do not forget: Others and he fought and died also for you - for your freedom and your life. So it's maybe also not unimportant what we make with our freedom in our lifes.

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So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?

I had some church ladies come up and tell me I was going to hell because I was wearing a Slayer shirt. I told them to fuck right off.

Rather JUDGEMENTAL weren't they!

"So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?"

No, your question should be: “why am I ignorant of the fact that this fails as a composition fallacy?”

One or a few individuals are not 'representative' of an entire class of persons.

Consequently, there is nothing 'the heck with' those free from faith; whether someone free from faith or someone who is a theist, all are human and subject to human failings, such as being rude.

The vast majority of those free from faith take no issue with public expressions of religious belief, nor do they perceive such expressions as 'offensive.'

Moreover, the premise of your thread also fails as a straw man fallacy.

You contrive the lie that 'all atheists' are 'threatened' by public expressions of religious belief and 'offended' by it, thus misrepresenting the position of those free from faith.

You then attack the lie contrived (straw man) in an effort to attack persons free from faith.
"So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?"

No, your question should be: “why am I ignorant of the fact that this fails as a composition fallacy?”

One or a few individuals are not 'representative' of an entire class of persons.

Consequently, there is nothing 'the heck with' those free from faith; whether someone free from faith or someone who is a theist, all are human and subject to human failings, such as being rude.

The vast majority of those free from faith take no issue with public expressions of religious belief, nor do they perceive such expressions as 'offensive.'

Moreover, the premise of your thread also fails as a straw man fallacy.

You contrive the lie that 'all atheists' are 'threatened' by public expressions of religious belief and 'offended' by it, thus misrepresenting the position of those free from faith.

You then attack the lie contrived (straw man) in an effort to attack persons free from faith.

So why for example are always only the believers in atheism are stealing consecrated bread in catholic church services? Why are practically never believers of other religions are doing so?

So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?
You were reading it out loud!!!

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But it is good to hear the number of who doubt and aren't afraid to speak up is growing.
So as many of you know I was recently in a car wreck and totaled my vehicle. So until I get all that sorted out I have been taking the bus to work which is actually kind of nice in a way....although you see some strange people on the bus and all this walking has made me lose about 20 pounds...which means I am suddenly hot again. :lol:


The bus ride is about 30 minutes and I thought 'instead of just staring out the window on my way to and from work I can spend that time reading the Bible thereby starting and finishing my day with some scripture'. So yesterday I am sitting there minding my own business, reading some scripture and this person on the bus huffs really loudly. I look up and glance at her, not really knowing (nor caring) what she was huffing about and go back to my reading. Then she finally says to me.

"Can you PLEASE stop that?"

I was a bit puzzled and asked what I was doing that was the problem and she insisted that it was rude and offensive to be reading the Bible in public. I was really shocked and just said "pardon me?" and she starts going on a rant about us religious people shoving religion down everyone's throats and how I was forcing my views on the whole bus.

I said "Ma'am, I am just sitting here minding my own business reading. I suggest you mind your own business as well and let me be"

Now here's the thing. I figured this was just some crazy bitch, but there were several people on the bus that agreed with her and joined in asking me to stop reading my Bible. They even asked the bus driver to kick me off the bus if I didn't put it away (which, of course, he refused to do).

So my question is....what the heck is it with atheists that they are so threatened by a guy sitting on a bus, minding his own business, quietly reading a Bible? How is that forcing my views on anyone or offensive to anyone?
If you were reading out loud you were rude and owe her an apology.
A bus ride is a good place for some idiot to start spouting their crap. I wish I had a dollar for each time I was minding my own business when some overzealous bible thumper came up and asked me if I had found Jesus. I never knew he was lost.
probably wouldn't be enough to buy you a cup of coffee......seriously, I'm 64 years old and I have had it happen maybe twice.......is it because you have a seriously "lost and going to hell" face or is it the slogans on the teeshirts you wear?......
A bus ride is a good place for some idiot to start spouting their crap. I wish I had a dollar for each time I was minding my own business when some overzealous bible thumper came up and asked me if I had found Jesus. I never knew he was lost.
probably wouldn't be enough to buy you a cup of coffee......seriously, I'm 64 years old and I have had it happen maybe twice.......is it because you have a seriously "lost and going to hell" face or is it the slogans on the teeshirts you wear?......

I haven't worn slogans on my shirt for 40 years, and I'm not sure how you can tell what a person is like by looking at his face.
A bus ride is a good place for some idiot to start spouting their crap. I wish I had a dollar for each time I was minding my own business when some overzealous bible thumper came up and asked me if I had found Jesus. I never knew he was lost.
probably wouldn't be enough to buy you a cup of coffee......seriously, I'm 64 years old and I have had it happen maybe twice.......is it because you have a seriously "lost and going to hell" face or is it the slogans on the teeshirts you wear?......

I haven't worn slogans on my shirt for 40 years, and I'm not sure how you can tell what a person is like by looking at his face.
can we tell what they are like by listening to them exaggerate?.....
A bus ride is a good place for some idiot to start spouting their crap. I wish I had a dollar for each time I was minding my own business when some overzealous bible thumper came up and asked me if I had found Jesus. I never knew he was lost.
probably wouldn't be enough to buy you a cup of coffee......seriously, I'm 64 years old and I have had it happen maybe twice.......is it because you have a seriously "lost and going to hell" face or is it the slogans on the teeshirts you wear?......

I haven't worn slogans on my shirt for 40 years, and I'm not sure how you can tell what a person is like by looking at his face.
can we tell what they are like by listening to them exaggerate?.....

A quick look at your previous posts tells me you are a religious nut.
A bus ride is a good place for some idiot to start spouting their crap. I wish I had a dollar for each time I was minding my own business when some overzealous bible thumper came up and asked me if I had found Jesus. I never knew he was lost.
probably wouldn't be enough to buy you a cup of coffee......seriously, I'm 64 years old and I have had it happen maybe twice.......is it because you have a seriously "lost and going to hell" face or is it the slogans on the teeshirts you wear?......

I haven't worn slogans on my shirt for 40 years, and I'm not sure how you can tell what a person is like by looking at his face.
can we tell what they are like by listening to them exaggerate?.....

A quick look at your previous posts tells me you are a religious nut.
really?.....did you find one that was inaccurate?........

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