What Is Up With Willfully Ignorant White People?

Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.
Your analysis of the issue is way off track. Whites act as if they were appointed the position of dictating to Blacks what they should and should not do. I have maintained you simply need to get out of the way with your insecurities and racism. I dont know a Black person alive that is concerned with what whites think about Black problems. They are annoyed you wont mind your business.

Really? Then why all the posts concerning the plight or imagined plight of the Blacks on this forum? Why must I get out of the way for you to succeed? More excuses. If you were going to succeed, you would do so in spite of me. The other races have done so, why can't you Blacks?
Really. What threads are you talking about? I've never seen a thread from a Black person asking for white peoples help.

Why must you get out of the way? Thats a pretty dumb question unless you think I am specifically talking about you. I'm referring to the reality that whites own the resources and the systems that govern them which makes it inherently racist. What other races have succeeded that has the history of racism and slavery that Blacks due in this country? In spite of everything Blacks have actually succeeded more than other races.

Why don't you own some of the resources? The whites had the initiative and desire to take them. You lack that initiative? It's not the fault of the whites that you have no ambitions. Look inward. YOU are the problem for your own plight. You have never been a slave either.

Great example of white boy denial logic and lack of intelligence. Probably because my ancestors were enslaved and not allowed to own resources for centuries and subsequent Jim Crow and other racist polices official and unofficial kept this from happening as well. Have you actually looked into the history of racism in this country?

Glad to see you admit your ancestors stole the resources and you have no remorse for being a thief and a beneficiary of 400 years of "initiative"..

Didn't say the whites stole them. I said they took them. Black never even fought against the whites in this country. You aren't even mau mau.
Thats what stealing is. You take something that is not yours.

Nat Turner says different.

Whites just vastly outnumbered Blacks in this country plus they had the weapons. i wouldn't exactly be proud of your ability to knock down a Black rebellion under those circumstances. Sad that you actually think that makes you superior. It just makes you a coward.
Let me help some of you white guys out.

Racial Justice - The Benefit of Being White

I FIND IT A CONSTANT EFFORT TO NOTICE that people of color don't share many of the economic and other benefits I enjoy frombeing white. This exercise helps white people understand how racism works in our favor, and on many different levels. The exercise is for all white participants, or for mixed groups in which the white people participate and the people of color observe. Since white privilege—the specific kinds of economic, social, and political advantages that white people gain at the expense of people of color—is generally invisible, this exercise helps those of us who are white see and acknowledge just how extensive and pervasive those benefits are.

Really? Want me to write an opinion piece? Anyone can write an opinion piece. So what? You picked one that agrees with your defeatist agenda.
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.
That book got me physically ill at some parts.
uncensored tactic is too keep screaming "racists" and that sums up the totality of his logic on the entire blog, studies and information

You, Asslips, Shitspeedos, and a few others around here are racists. You attribute everything to skin color. If a white man makes more money - it's because he's white, not because he worked harder or was smarter. If a black kid is arrested by the police, it's because he is black, not because he was breaking into houses and stores.

You are a racist - that is simply fact. You hold skin color responsible for everything.

In real life, skin color is no more important than the color of shirt you wear. IF you rob a liquor store, it isn't the fault of the blue shirt you're wearing - it's your own goddamned fault. If you rush a cop and try to grab his gun, it isn't the fault of the black skin you have, it's your own fucking fault.

You collectivists claim that we are nothing but the product of our skin color, that we have no mind or will to make choices that provide a better outcome. Your racism is really just an extension of the collectivist cancer you spread.
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.
Let me help some of you white guys out.

Racial Justice - The Benefit of Being White

I FIND IT A CONSTANT EFFORT TO NOTICE that people of color don't share many of the economic and other benefits I enjoy frombeing white. This exercise helps white people understand how racism works in our favor, and on many different levels. The exercise is for all white participants, or for mixed groups in which the white people participate and the people of color observe. Since white privilege—the specific kinds of economic, social, and political advantages that white people gain at the expense of people of color—is generally invisible, this exercise helps those of us who are white see and acknowledge just how extensive and pervasive those benefits are.

Really? Want me to write an opinion piece? Anyone can write an opinion piece. So what? You picked one that agrees with your defeatist agenda.
I doubt you can write a coherent paragraph. Dont stress yourself attempting to write an opinion piece. The KKK has already written one for you.
uncensored tactic is too keep screaming "racists" and that sums up the totality of his logic on the entire blog, studies and information

You, Asslips, Shitspeedos, and a few others around here are racists. You attribute everything to skin color. If a white man makes more money - it's because he's white, not because he worked harder or was smarter. If a black kid is arrested by the police, it's because he is black, not because he was breaking into houses and stores.

You are a racist - that is simply fact. You hold skin color responsible for everything.

In real life, skin color is no more important than the color of shirt you wear. IF you rob a liquor store, it isn't the fault of the blue shirt you're wearing - it's your own goddamned fault. If you rush a cop and try to grab his gun, it isn't the fault of the black skin you have, it's your own fucking fault.

You collectivists claim that we are nothing but the product of our skin color, that we have no mind or will to make choices that provide a better outcome. Your racism is really just an extension of the collectivist cancer you spread.
When you start making outlandish claims you pretty much invalidate your entire post. i stopped reading when you claimed a white person making more money is racist.
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.
Hence the title of the OP. Willfully ignorant fits you perfectly.
Really? Then why all the posts concerning the plight or imagined plight of the Blacks on this forum? Why must I get out of the way for you to succeed? More excuses. If you were going to succeed, you would do so in spite of me. The other races have done so, why can't you Blacks?
Really. What threads are you talking about? I've never seen a thread from a Black person asking for white peoples help.

Why must you get out of the way? Thats a pretty dumb question unless you think I am specifically talking about you. I'm referring to the reality that whites own the resources and the systems that govern them which makes it inherently racist. What other races have succeeded that has the history of racism and slavery that Blacks due in this country? In spite of everything Blacks have actually succeeded more than other races.

Why don't you own some of the resources? The whites had the initiative and desire to take them. You lack that initiative? It's not the fault of the whites that you have no ambitions. Look inward. YOU are the problem for your own plight. You have never been a slave either.

Great example of white boy denial logic and lack of intelligence. Probably because my ancestors were enslaved and not allowed to own resources for centuries and subsequent Jim Crow and other racist polices official and unofficial kept this from happening as well. Have you actually looked into the history of racism in this country?

Glad to see you admit your ancestors stole the resources and you have no remorse for being a thief and a beneficiary of 400 years of "initiative"..

Didn't say the whites stole them. I said they took them. Black never even fought against the whites in this country. You aren't even mau mau.
Thats what stealing is. You take something that is not yours.

Nat Turner says different.

You're worse than Obama with your excuses and blaming someone other than yourself.

Whites just vastly outnumbered Blacks in this country plus they had the weapons. i wouldn't exactly be proud of your ability to knock down a Black rebellion under those circumstances. Sad that you actually think that makes you superior. It just makes you a coward.
The one and only message the democrats offer the nation is racism.

We get it, democrats hate white people. Hating others based on the color of their skin defines what it means to be a democrat.
Always has.

Already I can anticipate some of the e-mails I’ll get in response to this article. It happens every single time I discuss racism and the loss of Black life. I’m called a race-baiter and am accused of “hating Whites.”

You are a race-baiter and excuse maker for the failure of the Black race to achieve significance in society alongside the other races. Like so many Blacks, you find it easier to cry "victim" than to actually work hard for what you desire like the rest of society. You want everything given to you and have special privilege and advantage. We tire of your whining. It's old and worn out news.

Dude this isnt even about any failings in the black community. In fact I havent given you one excuse for it yet you claim I excuse it and hate whites for no reason
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance
uncensored tactic is too keep screaming "racists" and that sums up the totality of his logic on the entire blog, studies and information

You, Asslips, Shitspeedos, and a few others around here are racists. You attribute everything to skin color. If a white man makes more money - it's because he's white, not because he worked harder or was smarter. If a black kid is arrested by the police, it's because he is black, not because he was breaking into houses and stores.

You are a racist - that is simply fact. You hold skin color responsible for everything.

In real life, skin color is no more important than the color of shirt you wear. IF you rob a liquor store, it isn't the fault of the blue shirt you're wearing - it's your own goddamned fault. If you rush a cop and try to grab his gun, it isn't the fault of the black skin you have, it's your own fucking fault.

You collectivists claim that we are nothing but the product of our skin color, that we have no mind or will to make choices that provide a better outcome. Your racism is really just an extension of the collectivist cancer you spread.

1. First paragraph is a Straw Man;

2. Second paragraph is a classic, accuse others of what the speaker is;

3. Skin color is important, especially to uncensored; otherwise s/he wouldn't be so emotionally attached to the issue;

4. The use of "collectivists" in the final paragraph is absurd, one more example of an emotion laden post using pejoratives in place of any substance or evidence.
1. First paragraph is a Straw Man;

2. Second paragraph is a classic, accuse others of what the speaker is;

3. Skin color is important, especially to uncensored; otherwise s/he wouldn't be so emotionally attached to the issue;

4. The use of "collectivists" in the final paragraph is absurd, one more example of an emotion laden post using pejoratives in place of any substance or evidence.

The problem with having an intelligent discussion with a leftist, is finding a leftist who has intelligence. Obviously you don't fit the bill.

Let's start with the first line of your stupidity. It's clear that you've heard the term "straw man" somewhere; it is equally clear you have no idea at all what the phrase means,

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. Person A has position X.
  2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
  3. Person B attacks position Y.
  4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.}
Fallacy Straw Man

So let's introduce you to a new term, "malapropism."
1. First paragraph is a Straw Man;

2. Second paragraph is a classic, accuse others of what the speaker is;

3. Skin color is important, especially to uncensored; otherwise s/he wouldn't be so emotionally attached to the issue;

4. The use of "collectivists" in the final paragraph is absurd, one more example of an emotion laden post using pejoratives in place of any substance or evidence.

The problem with having an intelligent discussion with a leftist, is finding a leftist who has intelligence. Obviously you don't fit the bill.

Let's start with the first line of your stupidity. It's clear that you've heard the term "straw man" somewhere; it is equally clear you have no idea at all what the phrase means,

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. Person A has position X.
  2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
  3. Person B attacks position Y.
  4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.}
Fallacy Straw Man

So let's introduce you to a new term, "malapropism."
Diversion alert!!!
Cant express his point without wild conjecture so he resorts to diversions. Priceless.
Diversion alert!!!
Cant express his point without wild conjecture so he resorts to diversions. Priceless.

Ignorance alert!

Has his ignorance exposed, so flails widely in an attempt to distract.

Wry Catcher is an ignoramus. You are absolutely a racist. You seek to hold melanin responsible for the results of cognitive decisions. It is the collectivist mindset, that group membership instead of effort or intellect are responsible for your position in life.
Diversion alert!!!
Cant express his point without wild conjecture so he resorts to diversions. Priceless.

Ignorance alert!

Has his ignorance exposed, so flails widely in an attempt to distract.

Wry Catcher is an ignoramus. You are absolutely a racist. You seek to hold melanin responsible for the results of cognitive decisions. It is the collectivist mindset, that group membership instead of effort or intellect are responsible for your position in life.

More wild speculation. White people don't produce more melanin than Blacks. Why would I hold melanin responsible? If anything the lack of melanin may be the insecurity that underlays this whole issue. Good catch.
1. First paragraph is a Straw Man;

2. Second paragraph is a classic, accuse others of what the speaker is;

3. Skin color is important, especially to uncensored; otherwise s/he wouldn't be so emotionally attached to the issue;

4. The use of "collectivists" in the final paragraph is absurd, one more example of an emotion laden post using pejoratives in place of any substance or evidence.

The problem with having an intelligent discussion with a leftist, is finding a leftist who has intelligence. Obviously you don't fit the bill.

Let's start with the first line of your stupidity. It's clear that you've heard the term "straw man" somewhere; it is equally clear you have no idea at all what the phrase means,

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. Person A has position X.
  2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
  3. Person B attacks position Y.
  4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.}
Fallacy Straw Man

So let's introduce you to a new term, "malapropism."

LOL, uncensored wrote this:

"You, Asslips, Shitspeedos, and a few others around here are racists. You attribute everything to skin color. If a white man makes more money - it's because he's white, not because he worked harder or was smarter. If a black kid is arrested by the police, it's because he is black, not because he was breaking into houses and stores."

I leave it to others to decide the issue.

There is no evidence to support his first sentence.
There is no evidence to support his second sentence.
There is no evidence to support his third sentence.
There is no evidence to support his final sentence.

He offers a conclusion based on no evidence whatsoever; in fact the only conclusion to be drawn from his post is that the opinions he posited are evidence that he is a racist.
Diversion alert!!!
Cant express his point without wild conjecture so he resorts to diversions. Priceless.

Ignorance alert!

Has his ignorance exposed, so flails widely in an attempt to distract.

Wry Catcher is an ignoramus. You are absolutely a racist. You seek to hold melanin responsible for the results of cognitive decisions. It is the collectivist mindset, that group membership instead of effort or intellect are responsible for your position in life.

"the lady (^^^) doth protest too much". And, as Wil might write, an ad hominem is no rebuttal.

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