What Is Up With Willfully Ignorant White People?

1. First paragraph is a Straw Man;

2. Second paragraph is a classic, accuse others of what the speaker is;

3. Skin color is important, especially to uncensored; otherwise s/he wouldn't be so emotionally attached to the issue;

4. The use of "collectivists" in the final paragraph is absurd, one more example of an emotion laden post using pejoratives in place of any substance or evidence.

The problem with having an intelligent discussion with a leftist, is finding a leftist who has intelligence. Obviously you don't fit the bill.

Let's start with the first line of your stupidity. It's clear that you've heard the term "straw man" somewhere; it is equally clear you have no idea at all what the phrase means,

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. Person A has position X.
  2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
  3. Person B attacks position Y.
  4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.}
Fallacy Straw Man

So let's introduce you to a new term, "malapropism."

LOL, uncensored wrote this:

"You, Asslips, Shitspeedos, and a few others around here are racists. You attribute everything to skin color. If a white man makes more money - it's because he's white, not because he worked harder or was smarter. If a black kid is arrested by the police, it's because he is black, not because he was breaking into houses and stores."

I leave it to others to decide the issue.

There is no evidence to support his first sentence.
There is no evidence to support his second sentence.
There is no evidence to support his third sentence.
There is no evidence to support his final sentence.

He offers a conclusion based on no evidence whatsoever; in fact the only conclusion to be drawn from his post is that the opinions he posited are evidence that he is a racist.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Oh and sparky, even if your claims were anything but retarded, it would not constitute a "straw man fallacy."

Crawl off and lick your wounds.
1. First paragraph is a Straw Man;

2. Second paragraph is a classic, accuse others of what the speaker is;

3. Skin color is important, especially to uncensored; otherwise s/he wouldn't be so emotionally attached to the issue;

4. The use of "collectivists" in the final paragraph is absurd, one more example of an emotion laden post using pejoratives in place of any substance or evidence.

The problem with having an intelligent discussion with a leftist, is finding a leftist who has intelligence. Obviously you don't fit the bill.

Let's start with the first line of your stupidity. It's clear that you've heard the term "straw man" somewhere; it is equally clear you have no idea at all what the phrase means,

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

  1. Person A has position X.
  2. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
  3. Person B attacks position Y.
  4. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.}
Fallacy Straw Man

So let's introduce you to a new term, "malapropism."

LOL, uncensored wrote this:

"You, Asslips, Shitspeedos, and a few others around here are racists. You attribute everything to skin color. If a white man makes more money - it's because he's white, not because he worked harder or was smarter. If a black kid is arrested by the police, it's because he is black, not because he was breaking into houses and stores."

I leave it to others to decide the issue.

There is no evidence to support his first sentence.
There is no evidence to support his second sentence.
There is no evidence to support his third sentence.
There is no evidence to support his final sentence.

He offers a conclusion based on no evidence whatsoever; in fact the only conclusion to be drawn from his post is that the opinions he posited are evidence that he is a racist.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Oh and sparky, even if your claims were anything but retarded, it would not constitute a "straw man fallacy."

Crawl off and lick your wounds.
More strawmen. What fertilizer do you use to grow them? They are so magnificent.
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.

To determine its trash without any knowledge is willfull ignorance. It would be the same if I never read Moby Dick but said it was a terrible book.

PS. You determined Moby Dick to be "more interesting" based on ignorance
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.

To determine its trash without any knowledge is willfull ignorance. It would be the same if I never read Moby Dick but said it was a terrible book

Anything about an inferior subject matter is trash.
For instance, two-thirds of Blacks think that African Americans make less money than Whites, a view in line with official statistics. But just 37 percent of Whites believe that Blacks make less money than Whites, and a narrow majority think Black and White’ incomes are about the same. Also, although many objective health measures suggest Blacks are in worse overall health than Whites, a majority of Whites think Blacks and Whites are equally healthy.

The problem with having liberals analyze situations is that they don't want to seek understanding, they instead prefer to use information to confirm their bias.

The question here is WHY is there a disparity in viewpoints between blacks and whites. The liberal prefers the position "whites are racist" while the normal person points to whites looking at individual trees in a forest compared to blacks looking at the whole of the forest.

This is what whites see:


Whites see equally "qualified" blacks earning the same as whites. Blacks though see a lot of their people in poverty. Racial wage discrimination ended back in the early 70s. There has been no racial wage disparity when comparing a black person against an equally matched white person for over 40 years now.

So it is no surprise that just 16 percent of Whites believe that there is “a lot” of discrimination in America today, a view held by 56 percent of Blacks. What may be surprising is that the polls found that White perceptions of anti-Black bias have diminished to the point where they are more now likely to think anti-White discrimination is a bigger problem than bias against Blacks.

It is a bigger problem. Whites focus on actual legislatively mandated discrimination against whites. That's real, that's observable. Blacks focus on unequal outcomes and then blame those unequal outcomes on discrimination. That discrimination can't be measured, it can't be seen, and it doesn't exist. Blacks are claiming something which doesn't exist.
I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.

To determine its trash without any knowledge is willfull ignorance. It would be the same if I never read Moby Dick but said it was a terrible book

Anything about an inferior subject matter is trash.

Willfully ignorant
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.
Hence the ignorance. Its about a white guy. Why were you reading Moby Dick? Were you compensating?
I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.

To determine its trash without any knowledge is willfull ignorance. It would be the same if I never read Moby Dick but said it was a terrible book

Anything about an inferior subject matter is trash.
You shouldnt call white people trash unless they reside in trailer parks like you.
The question here is WHY is there a disparity in viewpoints between blacks and whites. The liberal prefers the position "whites are racist" while the normal person points to whites looking at individual trees in a forest compared to blacks looking at the whole of the forest.

Heres the problem with that. Not once did I say whites dont understand because they are racist. In fact ANYTHING I SAY about race is turned around into whites feeling attacked or hearing something that wasnt ever said by anyone.

I said they dont see it because they believe (like all other people) that the way it is for them is the way it is for everyone. For example: I heard a story once about JFK (I think) where he had no idea about the Great Depression until he attended college. NOT because he was a Poor hater but because he thought that his life was very much like others and didnt find out until someone told him about it
I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.

To determine its trash without any knowledge is willfull ignorance. It would be the same if I never read Moby Dick but said it was a terrible book

Anything about an inferior subject matter is trash.

I read "Black Like Me," and it was not required. :dunno:

It was an interesting book, but I questioned the validity of the whole thing.

First off, even with make up, Griffin was clearly white;

So we start with the premise that whites and blacks alike were too fucking stupid to recognize a white man in blackface. Gene Wilder was more convincing in Silver Streak.

As a morality tale on the evils of racism, it filled an important niche, but it is contrived and heavy handed. I rarely found the narrative to be authentic.
For instance, two-thirds of Blacks think that African Americans make less money than Whites, a view in line with official statistics. But just 37 percent of Whites believe that Blacks make less money than Whites, and a narrow majority think Black and White’ incomes are about the same. Also, although many objective health measures suggest Blacks are in worse overall health than Whites, a majority of Whites think Blacks and Whites are equally healthy.

The problem with having liberals analyze situations is that they don't want to seek understanding, they instead prefer to use information to confirm their bias.

The question here is WHY is there a disparity in viewpoints between blacks and whites. The liberal prefers the position "whites are racist" while the normal person points to whites looking at individual trees in a forest compared to blacks looking at the whole of the forest.

This is what whites see:


Whites see equally "qualified" blacks earning the same as whites. Blacks though see a lot of their people in poverty. Racial wage discrimination ended back in the early 70s. There has been no racial wage disparity when comparing a black person against an equally matched white person for over 40 years now.

So it is no surprise that just 16 percent of Whites believe that there is “a lot” of discrimination in America today, a view held by 56 percent of Blacks. What may be surprising is that the polls found that White perceptions of anti-Black bias have diminished to the point where they are more now likely to think anti-White discrimination is a bigger problem than bias against Blacks.

It is a bigger problem. Whites focus on actual legislatively mandated discrimination against whites. That's real, that's observable. Blacks focus on unequal outcomes and then blame those unequal outcomes on discrimination. That discrimination can't be measured, it can't be seen, and it doesn't exist. Blacks are claiming something which doesn't exist.

As usual with your long winded boring posts and charts you always talk too much and wind up looking like a long winded moron. Basically what you are saying is that people with the same educational level get the same pay which I could argue about but not really necessary. The point you are missing is that the vast number of Black individuals have to go above and beyond what their white counterparts have to overcome just to get a foot into college. After that they have to actually get offered a job. How many Black Americans that are descended from slaves account for those that have masters and doctorates vs whites? How many of those whites that have masters and doctorates come from families with privileged backgrounds.?
Blacks just naturally think their problems are the white's problems. Whites don't try to saddle the Blacks with their problems. The Rasmussen Poll shows Blacks to be the most racist of all ethnic groups. They cling to their "victim" status like it was a life preserver because that allows them excuse for their failures in society.

I wonder how many of the closeted racists attended high school in the South, and if they were required to read, Black Like Me; assigned reading in my 12th grade English Lit course. The book and the discussion of the book provided a vicarious experience and an understanding of the phrase to walk in the shoes of others.

I attended an all-white school in the south and we would never read such trash.

Willfull ignorance

No. Just no interest. I'm not Black, therefore it holds no interest for me. I read Moby Dick. More interesting.
Hence the ignorance. Its about a white guy. Why were you reading Moby Dick? Were you compensating?

Because I appreciate good literature.

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