What is worse, death or being called a racist?

As opposed to pretending that policies considering race have always been around and have continued favoring whites?
There are no policies that favor whites due to their race, but there continue to be policies that favor blacks due to THEIR race.
As opposed to constantly complaining about "too many Black people" everywhere you go?
Stop lying about what I said. I complained about the disproportionate percentage of blacks in advertising, which is the result of anti-white discrimination. Why should 13% of the population get 60% or more of the advertising jobs?

You, OTOH, need to stop supporting policies and practices that discriminate by race.
It would be much worse being called a Neo-GOP and/or a Trumpybear supporter.....
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being called a racist these days is the same as calling them poopy pants,,

childish with no meaning,,

Until it gets you fired, ostracized from your friends and neighbors, and ruins you socially and financially.

There are many levels of death.
being called a racist these days is the same as calling them poopy pants,,

childish with no meaning,,

Yeah pretty much. When every single little thing is racist it ceases to hold any meaning. That word is so overused it doesn't matter who uses it, it means absolutely nothing at all.

But I also realize I am racist. I don't like blacks as a whole, individually I know quite a few I like that I work with. But blacks as a group? I don't like them one bit. I didn't used to be that way but after all that BLM nonsense, everyone telling me I have to think this or say that or do this when it comes to blacks I started to dislike them. So yeah I'm racist, and blacks and democrats and progressives made me racist.

Death? I'm not too bothered by that because it's inevitable and when I'm dead none of this will have ever mattered. One day I'm going to die and all that will be left is a sack of meat and bone.
Here we have a bunch of white racists trying to tell themselves that being called a racist means nothing.

Next thing that will happen is that alcoholics will allow alcohol at AA meetings.
The globalists will fly drones with biological/chemical weapons over peasant areas to reduce the population.
There are no policies that favor whites due to their race, but there continue to be policies that favor blacks due to THEIR race.
There have been 247 years of policies favoring whites. There are zero policies that only favor blacks.
There have been 247 years of policies favoring whites. There are zero policies that only favor blacks.
Policies favor blacks in college admissions, jobs, and promotions. Why do you think idiots like the Press Secretary and the VP got their jobs?
Civil Rights Act comes to mind...by the way.... demo quacks opposed it
Also, IM2Whiney acts as if we whites have personally enjoyed 240 years or privilege. My family didn’t arrive here until the beginning of the 20th century, arriving penniless and uneducated.

Blacks alive today who are in their 60s or younger never had to compete fairly to get into prestigious colleges or grad programs. They’ve been given an unfair advantage in hiring and promotions as well.
Civil Rights Act comes to mind...by the way.... demo quacks opposed it
Civil Rights didn't favor blacks. That's stupid to even say. Civil Rights gave people who weren't white the same civil rights whites already had. Southern Democrats opposed it, more democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act than Republicans and Republicans then nominated a Presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act-Goldwater.

As it pertains to the Civil Rights Act, 153 democrats and 139 republicans voted in favor of the legislation in the house.20 In the senate, forty-six democrats and twenty-seven republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act.

HR. 7152, Senate vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Jun 19, 1964 HR. 7152. PASSAGE. -- Senate Vote #409 -- Jun 19, 1964

H.R. 7152. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Adoption of a resolution (h. Res. 789) providing for house approval of the bill as amended by the Senate, Jul 2, 1964 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/88- 1964/h182.

The south is Republican today.
Yeah pretty much. When every single little thing is racist it ceases to hold any meaning. That word is so overused it doesn't matter who uses it, it means absolutely nothing at all.

But I also realize I am racist. I don't like blacks as a whole, individually I know quite a few I like that I work with. But blacks as a group? I don't like them one bit. I didn't used to be that way but after all that BLM nonsense, everyone telling me I have to think this or say that or do this when it comes to blacks I started to dislike them. So yeah I'm racist, and blacks and democrats and progressives made me racist.

Death? I'm not too bothered by that because it's inevitable and when I'm dead none of this will have ever mattered. One day I'm going to die and all that will be left is a sack of meat and bone.
Every little thing is not racist. The only people who overuse it are the whites who practice racism. What BLM nonsense? Thee race baited bullshit you got shown on Fox? You were a racist long before that. So I guess you understand why there are blacks who hate whites. Because everything you have said has not been done. But whites have done that to us and more.
1. Young people should seriously think about refraining from commenting about controversial topics on social media.

2. If one's views are considered "racist," that is a living death when it comes to employment opportunities.

3. By the end of this century, most Americans will be people of color.

4. So discretion is truly the better part of valor.
There are no policies that favor whites due to their race, but there continue to be policies that favor blacks due to THEIR race.
This racist palooka is such a raging dunce she doesn't understand that it is unconstitutional to have laws that favor any race in this country.


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