What Is Wrong With America ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.
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What is wrong with America?

Too many whiny pessimists who constantly look for what is wrong instead of showing some balls and offering solutions.
It's not that Obama is acting as president.

It's not that Democrats are running the senate.

It's simply that enough people are dependent or mindless enough to have elected them. The first two have potentially easy solutions.

The third? Not so much.

As an Independent, I would not have voted for these Democrats on the basis of quite a few issues (immigration, affirmative action, Islamization, death penalty, etc), but I have grievances against Republicans too >> Taxation of the rich, minimum wage, business regulation, workers' rights, etc.
What is wrong with America?

Too many whiny pessimists who constantly look for what is wrong instead of showing some balls and offering solutions.

And YOUR solutions would be..........?
Allow me to offer one solution. How about having the Presidency, Congress, Court judges, and Agency officials not be paid (Anything). Have all the jobs done on a volunteer basis, and stop all money input in elections. And all one term only (eliminating the drive to be re-elected)
Allow me to offer one solution. How about having the Presidency, Congress, Court judges, and Agency officials not be paid (Anything). Have all the jobs done on a volunteer basis, and stop all money input in elections. And all one term only (eliminating the drive to be re-elected)

Nobel thoughts but likely not very helpful in combating the symptoms of megalomania.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

What is wrong with America? Nothing an election won't cure.
The recovery that never was!

In the new normal, you've got to be blowing the king or milking the serfs. Anyone in the middle just gets crushed.
I think the problem is that we have Liar for a President. Here's a quote from another place:

"Obama says an independent economist says unemployment stimulates the economy, so putting people on unemployment creates jobs. Yes, Obama said putting people on unemployment creates jobs. So, according to his logic, the more people that enroll for unemployment, the more jobs there will be. So the ones of you that went to work this morning are hurting the jobs market, you should immediately ask to be laid off so you can go create some jobs. Every democrat knows this is true, Obama said it was."

The President and that turd Jay Carney will lie with a completely straight face, and count on the media, and the capacity of their voters to believe anything as long as they keep the free stuff coming.

The country is in a lot of trouble...for the next three years. These Chicago people will say and do anything they want.
Turn off the news, log off the internet, and stop reading the papers and you'll find there's nothing wrong with America.
Two things: far right wing nut reactionaries and far left liberals
What Is Wrong With America ? .

In the 1890's it was taken over by fascists and socialists.

Politicians decided that they knew better than the marketplace what was better for Americans. Politicians found out that manipulating certain factions they could gain power and prestige.

Many Americans decided that they like freebies more than working.


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