What is wrong with being gay exactly?

Muslims ask the same question about screwing goats.

Ah, Syria, where the men are men and the goats are scared...

A goat isn't a consenting adult. I oppose dog fighting too

Neither is a child... and why is that? Because the law says so.

So now, all we're waiting on is the law to change to provide for EQUAL PROTECTION for the bestiality and pedophile cults.


Now, please Kaz... explain to the board, how you'll defend the culture from the EQUAL PROTECTION OFFENSE by the Polygamist, Pedophile and The People Who Love their Animals Too Much?

Where is the popular support for legalizing pedophile sex?

Sweet mother you're a waste of skin. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Start HERE: International Journal of Cyber Criminology-robertetaljan2009

I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.

Well you're a classic example of such Gilligan, as an unapologetic Advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

But I can prove that by simply asking you to provide for the board's consideration, your contest of pedophilia... which means I'm asking you to tell the board why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

Where you deflect from that challenge one iota, your concession will be noted and accepted.
Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.

If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

Sure- I have the right in the United States to own a gun.

That doesn't mean I can automatically own a .50 Browning machine gun. Nor does it mean that I cannot have that right taken away if I commit a felony.

In order to restrict a right- the State(Federal or State) must be able to provide a compelling State/Public interest in denying that right.

And "just because we think its icky" has proven to be a failing argument.

But it should, and we are working to get that right re-established. It actually says in the constitution that we have that right, It doesn't say that about marriage. You fail. Want to try again?

You asked: Are all rights unrestricted

And I answered correctly- rights are restricted all of the time- you do not have an absolute right to own a gun- States can and do remove that right from convicted felons.

You also have the right to free speech- but that doesn't mean you can yell 'Fire' in a crowded movie theater. I can go on.

You just didn't like it when I pointed out reality to you.
That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.

If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

Easily. Freedom of the press doesn't protect a right to publish child pornography.
I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.

Well you're a classic example of such Gilligan, as an unapologetic Advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

But I can prove that by simply asking you to provide for the board's consideration, your contest of pedophilia... which means I'm asking you to tell the board why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

Where you deflect from that challenge one iota, your concession will be noted and accepted.

EDIT: Anytime Gilligan.
Ah, Syria, where the men are men and the goats are scared...

A goat isn't a consenting adult. I oppose dog fighting too

Neither is a child... and why is that? Because the law says so.

So now, all we're waiting on is the law to change to provide for EQUAL PROTECTION for the bestiality and pedophile cults.


Now, please Kaz... explain to the board, how you'll defend the culture from the EQUAL PROTECTION OFFENSE by the Polygamist, Pedophile and The People Who Love their Animals Too Much?

Where is the popular support for legalizing pedophile sex?

Sweet mother you're a waste of skin. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Start HERE: International Journal of Cyber Criminology-robertetaljan2009

I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.

Well you're a classic example of such Gilligan, as an unapologetic Advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

But I can prove that by simply asking you to provide for the board's consideration, your contest of pedophilia... which means I'm asking you to tell the board why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

Where you deflect from that challenge one iota, your concession will be noted and accepted.

For the same reason we don't allow the publication of child pornography to be protected by the first Amendment.
Nothing as long as you don't mind AIDS.

What an amazingly ignorant statement.

Looking just at the gay population in the United States- and presuming that the gay population is equally split between gay men and gay women- approximately 18% of gay men are infected with HIV- so that means 82% are not.

And given that HIV is entirely preventable, any gay man who wants to can avoid contracting HIV.

And then of course- gay women, unless they are intravenous drug users, have almost no likelihood of contracting HIV.

A heterosexual woman is more likely to contract HIV than a lesbian.
Lol, 18%? One in five faggots is pozzed. I didn't even think it was that high. Thank you for further exposing their depravity. Keep on fighting the good fight against the poz.

I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
Lie? You confirmed my point. Thanks for the talking point about how 1 in 5 faggots have HIV. I can point to this out when showing how depraved their lifestyle is to others on the fence about the issue.
Ah, Syria, where the men are men and the goats are scared...

A goat isn't a consenting adult. I oppose dog fighting too

Neither is a child... and why is that? Because the law says so.

So now, all we're waiting on is the law to change to provide for EQUAL PROTECTION for the bestiality and pedophile cults.


Now, please Kaz... explain to the board, how you'll defend the culture from the EQUAL PROTECTION OFFENSE by the Polygamist, Pedophile and The People Who Love their Animals Too Much?

Where is the popular support for legalizing pedophile sex?

Sweet mother you're a waste of skin. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Start HERE: International Journal of Cyber Criminology-robertetaljan2009

I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.
why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW..

All Americans have the right to equal protection under the law.

That doesn't mean that murderers have the right to murder, or child molesters have the right to molest children- but both have equal rights to a fair trial.
Nothing as long as you don't mind AIDS.

What an amazingly ignorant statement.

Looking just at the gay population in the United States- and presuming that the gay population is equally split between gay men and gay women- approximately 18% of gay men are infected with HIV- so that means 82% are not.

And given that HIV is entirely preventable, any gay man who wants to can avoid contracting HIV.

And then of course- gay women, unless they are intravenous drug users, have almost no likelihood of contracting HIV.

A heterosexual woman is more likely to contract HIV than a lesbian.
Lol, 18%? One in five faggots is pozzed. I didn't even think it was that high. Thank you for further exposing their depravity. Keep on fighting the good fight against the poz.

I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
Lie? You confirmed my point. Thanks for the talking point about how 1 in 5 faggots have HIV. I can point to this out when showing how depraved their lifestyle is to others on the fence about the issue.

Once again- I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
I'm already married, how could the ruling affect me? As I said, the SCOTUS did not rule that marriage was a right. Educate yourself.

Sound advice you should take yourself. The SCOTUS has ruled eight different times that marriage is a right. Whether that right extends to gays in states that prohibit gay marriage is what the court will answer come June.

No dumbass it hasn't. It merely ruled that no government agency can prevent gays from getting married. Period. Unless you think you can prove otherwise.

I am not saying the courts have ruled gay marriage is a right you dunce. I am saying that marriage is in fact a right. The courts will decide whether that right extends to gays in June. This isn't that hard to understand.

Yeah you said it liar, you want to back down now that's fine.

I did no such thing. Show me where I have stated that gay marriage was ruled as a right. I have said marriage is a right and whether gay marriage is a right is what the court will decide. You're being obtuse so you can assign me an argument that I've never made.

you want to play games? Ok, the SCOTUS has not ruled that marriage is a right, gay or straight.
Neither is a child... and why is that? Because the law says so.

So now, all we're waiting on is the law to change to provide for EQUAL PROTECTION for the bestiality and pedophile cults.


Now, please Kaz... explain to the board, how you'll defend the culture from the EQUAL PROTECTION OFFENSE by the Polygamist, Pedophile and The People Who Love their Animals Too Much?

Where is the popular support for legalizing pedophile sex?

Sweet mother you're a waste of skin. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Start HERE: International Journal of Cyber Criminology-robertetaljan2009

I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.

Well you're a classic example of such Gilligan, as an unapologetic Advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

But I can prove that by simply asking you to provide for the board's consideration, your contest of pedophilia... which means I'm asking you to tell the board why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

Where you deflect from that challenge one iota, your concession will be noted and accepted.

For the same reason we don't allow the publication of child pornography to be protected by the first Amendment.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.




Reader: Once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to speak.
That argument isn't playing so well in the courts. You are free to have any opinion you wish concerning marriage being a right or not but the courts have stated that marriage is in fact a right. Your opinion vs. the opinion of the Supreme Court? Yeah, I am going to have to side with the courts on this one instead of some random person on the internet.

Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.

If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

All of them. Can anyone anytime get a gun? Is gun ownership a right?
Neither is a child... and why is that? Because the law says so.

So now, all we're waiting on is the law to change to provide for EQUAL PROTECTION for the bestiality and pedophile cults.


Now, please Kaz... explain to the board, how you'll defend the culture from the EQUAL PROTECTION OFFENSE by the Polygamist, Pedophile and The People Who Love their Animals Too Much?

Where is the popular support for legalizing pedophile sex?

Sweet mother you're a waste of skin. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Start HERE: International Journal of Cyber Criminology-robertetaljan2009

I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.

Well you're a classic example of such Gilligan, as an unapologetic Advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

But I can prove that by simply asking you to provide for the board's consideration, your contest of pedophilia... which means I'm asking you to tell the board why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

Where you deflect from that challenge one iota, your concession will be noted and accepted.

For the same reason we don't allow the publication of child pornography to be protected by the first Amendment.
So you can discriminate against a pedophile? What if they aren't abusing a child? They just have the orientation but don't act on it? Should you have the right to discriminate against someone who is open about their orientation but doesn't act on it?
Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.

If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

All of them. Can anyone anytime get a gun? Is gun ownership a right?

Yet another Relativist who is simply not capable of understanding what a right is and from where such come.

LOL! Classic...
If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

Sure- I have the right in the United States to own a gun.

That doesn't mean I can automatically own a .50 Browning machine gun. Nor does it mean that I cannot have that right taken away if I commit a felony.

In order to restrict a right- the State(Federal or State) must be able to provide a compelling State/Public interest in denying that right.

And "just because we think its icky" has proven to be a failing argument.

But it should, and we are working to get that right re-established. It actually says in the constitution that we have that right, It doesn't say that about marriage. You fail. Want to try again?

You asked: Are all rights unrestricted

And I answered correctly- rights are restricted all of the time- you do not have an absolute right to own a gun- States can and do remove that right from convicted felons.

You also have the right to free speech- but that doesn't mean you can yell 'Fire' in a crowded movie theater. I can go on.

You just didn't like it when I pointed out reality to you.

I asked no such thing. You asked and I answered.

I do have those rights. They are restricted by a tyrannical government against its own constitution, it's still a right. I have every right to yell fire anywhere I want to. I have to accept the consequences of my actions as I do for any right.

You failed. Admit it and move on. If I had a right to be married, I should be able to receive that right whenever I wanted it. I do not have that right.
Where is the popular support for legalizing pedophile sex?

Sweet mother you're a waste of skin. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Start HERE: International Journal of Cyber Criminology-robertetaljan2009

I want to hear you tell me in your own words where the popular support for legalizing pedophilia is.

Well you're a classic example of such Gilligan, as an unapologetic Advocate for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

But I can prove that by simply asking you to provide for the board's consideration, your contest of pedophilia... which means I'm asking you to tell the board why Pedophiles should NOT be provided EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.

Where you deflect from that challenge one iota, your concession will be noted and accepted.

For the same reason we don't allow the publication of child pornography to be protected by the first Amendment.
So you can discriminate against a pedophile? What if they aren't abusing a child? They just have the orientation but don't act on it? Should you have the right to discriminate against someone who is open about their orientation but doesn't act on it?

LOL! It doesn't possess the means to understand that it's a proponent of pedophilia... and you think it has some chance of having any idea of what ya just asked it?

ROFL! Dam' that's cruel!
Nothing as long as you don't mind AIDS.

What an amazingly ignorant statement.

Looking just at the gay population in the United States- and presuming that the gay population is equally split between gay men and gay women- approximately 18% of gay men are infected with HIV- so that means 82% are not.

And given that HIV is entirely preventable, any gay man who wants to can avoid contracting HIV.

And then of course- gay women, unless they are intravenous drug users, have almost no likelihood of contracting HIV.

A heterosexual woman is more likely to contract HIV than a lesbian.
Lol, 18%? One in five faggots is pozzed. I didn't even think it was that high. Thank you for further exposing their depravity. Keep on fighting the good fight against the poz.

I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
Lie? You confirmed my point. Thanks for the talking point about how 1 in 5 faggots have HIV. I can point to this out when showing how depraved their lifestyle is to others on the fence about the issue.

Once again- I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
Lol you are short circuiting. You have broken down like a faggot ' s immune system. But retroviral drugs won't help you :lol:
Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.

If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

Easily. Freedom of the press doesn't protect a right to publish child pornography.

But you can, and then you have to accept the consequences of your actions just like you have to with any right. I could publish child porn tomorrow if I wanted to. I can't just up and get married tomorrow can I?
What an amazingly ignorant statement.

Looking just at the gay population in the United States- and presuming that the gay population is equally split between gay men and gay women- approximately 18% of gay men are infected with HIV- so that means 82% are not.

And given that HIV is entirely preventable, any gay man who wants to can avoid contracting HIV.

And then of course- gay women, unless they are intravenous drug users, have almost no likelihood of contracting HIV.

A heterosexual woman is more likely to contract HIV than a lesbian.
Lol, 18%? One in five faggots is pozzed. I didn't even think it was that high. Thank you for further exposing their depravity. Keep on fighting the good fight against the poz.

I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
Lie? You confirmed my point. Thanks for the talking point about how 1 in 5 faggots have HIV. I can point to this out when showing how depraved their lifestyle is to others on the fence about the issue.

Once again- I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot you are.

You are welcome.
Lol you are short circuiting. You have broken down like a faggot ' s immune system. But retroviral drugs won't help you :lol:

I realize in retrospective that I wasn't quite being accurate

I enjoy pointing out what a lying idiot bigot you are.

Though you do a fair job of displaying that all on your own.
Wrong, the SCOTUS determined that it was wrong to ban gay marriage, they did not say it was a right. It is not.

Actually the Supreme Court is considering that issue- it has not ruled on the constitutionality of 'gay marriage bans'

However the Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that marriage is a right.

If it was a right then people could just demand to get married when they wanted to.

All rights are unrestricted?

Yes, can you name one that isn't?

All of them. Can anyone anytime get a gun? Is gun ownership a right?

Yes it is.
Many righties don't care, I'm not saying this is all of them. And I don't care about giving gays perks straights don't get. But there are a lot of comments personally about gays in those discussions I don't understand. So my question is this:

If two people:

- are gay
- are both consenting adults
- aren't in any other way harming anyone

Why do you care? Why would God care? There is no victim, why should they be unhappily with someone of the opposite sex instead of happily with someone who loves them and wants to be with them?

Makes no sense to me. Particularly explain why God would be against that. He made them that way, was he just screwing with them?

God made bacon too but forbade that. Trouble with that particular arguement. :)
He also made poisonous mushrooms and rattlesnakes.

And ticks, fleas and cockroaches.

No, I don't mean the radical, fundie RW kind.

Really, I can't think of even one reason why people should be so invested in harming gays. Live and let live, MYOB and all that.

So you have no problem with NAMBLA????

Irrelevant to the discussion, which is referring specifically to gay sex between consenting adults

But see Gay sex was considered earlier to be just as deviant as anyone that belong to NAMBLA. With the continual eroding of civilized behavior
you should have no problem with a pedofiliac's behavior which in some cases is the extension of gay acceptance.

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