What is your background/interest in the Middle East?

Dipshit, how many times do we need to tell you, there were no Palestinian Arab Muslims until 1960's. .

This really is very, very funny.

Roudy - have you ever tried telling this to someone from Israel?

Did you notice they fell about laughing?

Of sourse this is a mistake. The saying that there were no Palestinians till 1960 is rediculous.

As the defenision goes today, I'd say there are no Palestinians up to 2012.

Not how people define them, that is:eusa_whistle:
Dipshit, how many times do we need to tell you, there were no Palestinian Arab Muslims until 1960's. .

This really is very, very funny.

Roudy - have you ever tried telling this to someone from Israel?

Did you notice they fell about laughing?

Of sourse this is a mistake. The saying that there were no Palestinians till 1960 is rediculous.

As the defenision goes today, I'd say there are no Palestinians up to 2012.

Not how people define them, that is:eusa_whistle:

What people?

What definition?
This really is very, very funny.

Roudy - have you ever tried telling this to someone from Israel?

Did you notice they fell about laughing?

Of sourse this is a mistake. The saying that there were no Palestinians till 1960 is rediculous.

As the defenision goes today, I'd say there are no Palestinians up to 2012.

Not how people define them, that is:eusa_whistle:

What people?

What definition?

The defenision which says that the Palestinians are the Arabs of the conflict. That defenision is wrong.

Palestinians are the people who lived on the land of Israel pre-until-1948.

The Israeli Jews who have sat here until 1948, and their children and grandchildren are also "Palestinians" if accepting the "Palestinian problem".

Although most Israelis don't recognize a state called Palestine, so...
Of sourse this is a mistake. The saying that there were no Palestinians till 1960 is rediculous.

As the defenision goes today, I'd say there are no Palestinians up to 2012.

Not how people define them, that is:eusa_whistle:

What people?

What definition?

The defenision which says that the Palestinians are the Arabs of the conflict. That defenision is wrong.

Palestinians are the people who lived on the land of Israel pre-until-1948.

The Israeli Jews who have sat here until 1948, and their children and grandchildren are also "Palestinians" if accepting the "Palestinian problem".

Although most Israelis don't recognize a state called Palestine, so...

Yes, that could be confusing. Many Israeli Jews have Palestine on their birth certificate. Also many "Israeli Arabs" have Palestine on their birth certificate. It seems strange that Palestinians are classified as Arabs by Israel. It must be a political thing.

Palestinians (according to the Palestinians) are the normal residents inside the borders that were defined in 1922 and their offspring. This includes Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

It really gets confusing when you realize that all of Israel is inside Palestine's borders and has no borders of its own. So, everyone born in Israel was born in Palestine. Every Palestinian born in Palestine must have an Israeli ID card.

Identity is a very confusing thing in that neck of the woods.
Another " There was never a place called Palestine" debate?


Facts are persistent things that cannot change no matter how inconvenient they are.

Except for here, of course, where some of us imagine that facts are subject to the whims of partisans.
What people?

What definition?

The defenision which says that the Palestinians are the Arabs of the conflict. That defenision is wrong.

Palestinians are the people who lived on the land of Israel pre-until-1948.

The Israeli Jews who have sat here until 1948, and their children and grandchildren are also "Palestinians" if accepting the "Palestinian problem".

Although most Israelis don't recognize a state called Palestine, so...

Yes, that could be confusing. Many Israeli Jews have Palestine on their birth certificate. Also many "Israeli Arabs" have Palestine on their birth certificate. It seems strange that Palestinians are classified as Arabs by Israel. It must be a political thing.

Palestinians (according to the Palestinians) are the normal residents inside the borders that were defined in 1922 and their offspring. This includes Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

It really gets confusing when you realize that all of Israel is inside Palestine's borders and has no borders of its own. So, everyone born in Israel was born in Palestine. Every Palestinian born in Palestine must have an Israeli ID card.

Identity is a very confusing thing in that neck of the woods.

Of course it must be a political thing. duh:eusa_eh:

Who gain from war besides leaders?:eusa_whistle: You tell me.

It's the other way around, bud. Palestine is inside Israel boarders, since the last century's recognition of Israel, includes parts of Jordan and Egypt. "Eretz Israel Hashleima". google it.
Another " There was never a place called Palestine" debate?


Facts are persistent things that cannot change no matter how inconvenient they are.

Except for here, of course, where some of us imagine that facts are subject to the whims of partisans.

It is interesting to note that in the 1949 armistice agreements the place was still called Palestine. There was no place called Israel. All the borders were Palestinian. There were no borders mentioned for an Israel.

The defenision which says that the Palestinians are the Arabs of the conflict. That defenision is wrong.

Palestinians are the people who lived on the land of Israel pre-until-1948.

The Israeli Jews who have sat here until 1948, and their children and grandchildren are also "Palestinians" if accepting the "Palestinian problem".

Although most Israelis don't recognize a state called Palestine, so...

Yes, that could be confusing. Many Israeli Jews have Palestine on their birth certificate. Also many "Israeli Arabs" have Palestine on their birth certificate. It seems strange that Palestinians are classified as Arabs by Israel. It must be a political thing.

Palestinians (according to the Palestinians) are the normal residents inside the borders that were defined in 1922 and their offspring. This includes Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

It really gets confusing when you realize that all of Israel is inside Palestine's borders and has no borders of its own. So, everyone born in Israel was born in Palestine. Every Palestinian born in Palestine must have an Israeli ID card.

Identity is a very confusing thing in that neck of the woods.

Of course it must be a political thing. duh:eusa_eh:

Who gain from war besides leaders?:eusa_whistle: You tell me.

It's the other way around, bud. Palestine is inside Israel boarders, since the last century's recognition of Israel, includes parts of Jordan and Egypt. "Eretz Israel Hashleima". google it.

Eretz Israel was a Zionist pipe dream. There never was such a place. See above.
Yes, that could be confusing. Many Israeli Jews have Palestine on their birth certificate. Also many "Israeli Arabs" have Palestine on their birth certificate. It seems strange that Palestinians are classified as Arabs by Israel. It must be a political thing.

Palestinians (according to the Palestinians) are the normal residents inside the borders that were defined in 1922 and their offspring. This includes Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

It really gets confusing when you realize that all of Israel is inside Palestine's borders and has no borders of its own. So, everyone born in Israel was born in Palestine. Every Palestinian born in Palestine must have an Israeli ID card.

Identity is a very confusing thing in that neck of the woods.

Of course it must be a political thing. duh:eusa_eh:

Who gain from war besides leaders?:eusa_whistle: You tell me.

It's the other way around, bud. Palestine is inside Israel boarders, since the last century's recognition of Israel, includes parts of Jordan and Egypt. "Eretz Israel Hashleima". google it.

Eretz Israel was a Zionist pipe dream. There never was such a place. See above.

There surely is now. And there will be always.

sometimes dreams come true. Isn't that a beautiful world?:eusa_whistle:
Of course it must be a political thing. duh:eusa_eh:

Who gain from war besides leaders?:eusa_whistle: You tell me.

It's the other way around, bud. Palestine is inside Israel boarders, since the last century's recognition of Israel, includes parts of Jordan and Egypt. "Eretz Israel Hashleima". google it.

Eretz Israel was a Zionist pipe dream. There never was such a place. See above.

There surely is now. And there will be always.

sometimes dreams come true. Isn't that a beautiful world?:eusa_whistle:

The fact is, though, that Israel still has no borders and Palestine's borders have not changed since 1922.
Another " There was never a place called Palestine" debate?


Facts are persistent things that cannot change no matter how inconvenient they are.

Except for here, of course, where some of us imagine that facts are subject to the whims of partisans.

Indeed, and well put.

The funny thing is, not even the people who post this stuff actually believe it. It's just theatre.
Eretz Israel was a Zionist pipe dream. There never was such a place. See above.

There surely is now. And there will be always.

sometimes dreams come true. Isn't that a beautiful world?:eusa_whistle:

The fact is, though, that Israel still has no borders and Palestine's borders have not changed since 1922.

Yes they have. Look at the map. most of Israel (well, that's not exactly true, but lets pretend) is Jewish.
There surely is now. And there will be always.

sometimes dreams come true. Isn't that a beautiful world?:eusa_whistle:

The fact is, though, that Israel still has no borders and Palestine's borders have not changed since 1922.

Yes they have. Look at the map. most of Israel (well, that's not exactly true, but lets pretend) is Jewish.

There are no maps of Israel inside its real borders. Every map of Israel uses the 1949 armistice lines. The 1949 armistice agreements specifically state that those are not to be borders.

Israel sits inside Palestine's borders. Don't they teach you that in school.
The fact is, though, that Israel still has no borders and Palestine's borders have not changed since 1922.

Yes they have. Look at the map. most of Israel (well, that's not exactly true, but lets pretend) is Jewish.

There are no maps of Israel inside its real borders. Every map of Israel uses the 1949 armistice lines. The 1949 armistice agreements specifically state that those are not to be borders.

Israel sits inside Palestine's borders. Don't they teach you that in school.

They don't teach us Palestinian lies in schools. They teach us history and facts.:eusa_angel:
That probably explains why you became a fundamentalist Muslim from a fundamentalist Christian.

If I would have been in a psychology course, i could have learned your case for daaaays.
The transition from Christian to Muslim was very easy.

I see people do it just about every day at our Mosque.

In fact, I personally know several Jewish people who have converted to Islam. :cool:
Yes they have. Look at the map. most of Israel (well, that's not exactly true, but lets pretend) is Jewish.

There are no maps of Israel inside its real borders. Every map of Israel uses the 1949 armistice lines. The 1949 armistice agreements specifically state that those are not to be borders.

Israel sits inside Palestine's borders. Don't they teach you that in school.

They don't teach us Palestinian lies in schools. They teach us history and facts.:eusa_angel:

2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary,...

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

Why do all maps use those lines instead of Israel's real borders?
That probably explains why you became a fundamentalist Muslim from a fundamentalist Christian.

If I would have been in a psychology course, i could have learned your case for daaaays.
The transition from Christian to Muslim was very easy.

I see people do it just about every day at our Mosque.

In fact, I personally know several Jewish people who have converted to Islam. :cool:

You need a psychiatrist, pedophile worshipper.

Arab-American Psychiatrist And Human Rights Activist Dr. Wafa Sultan, Among "Time Magazine's 100 Men and Women Whose Power, Talent or Moral Example Is Transforming Our World"


Islime Is A Mental Disorder
When I examined the Koran, the hadiths and the Islamic books under my microscope, I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible--IMPOSSIBLE-- for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.

Do you remember the way that Muhammad killed Asma bint Marwan? His followers tore her body apart limb from limb while she was breastfeeding her child. When they returned to him shouting, "Allah Akbar," he said: "Two goats would lock horns over her." As you know, goats lock horns over the most inconsequential thing. For Muhammad, however, the killing of a woman while breastfeeding was too trivial an incident for goats to lock horns over. Is this a prophet of God?

The language of Islam is a negative, dead language, replete with violence, anger, hatred and racism. Man is a product of his language, the outcome of the negative and positive language to which he is exposed in his lifetime. If his life is dominated by negative language, he will emerge as a negative, reckless and non-productive person who rejects everything. This is why the negative language of Islam has failed. It has failed to produce people with a positive outlook. It has produced negative people. If we take a look at Islamic societies, we see what that negative man [Muhammad] did.

Islam is a political doctrine which imposes itself by force. Any doctrine whatsoever that calls to kill those who do not believe in it is not a religion. It is a totalitarian doctrine that imposes itself by force.

Read about the life of Muhammad. What do you find there? Nothing but his raids and and his wives. I shudder when I hear the hadith: A woman's paradise is under her husband's foot. The Islamc teachings have become dreadful in the skulls of the Muslims. I see no alternative butr to open these skulls and to clean the life-threatening cancerous cells in these brains.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g4cMjpiBpA]Islam & Mental Illness (Arabic with Subs.) - YouTube[/ame]
That probably explains why you became a fundamentalist Muslim from a fundamentalist Christian.

If I would have been in a psychology course, i could have learned your case for daaaays.
The transition from Christian to Muslim was very easy.

I see people do it just about every day at our Mosque.

In fact, I personally know several Jewish people who have converted to Islam. :cool:

Yeah sure you see people convert to Islam everyday. Maybe in your dreams. Is that before or after they go to prison?
Ignorance and illiteracy go hand in hand. Case in point, dipshit Saigon. Read the rest of what I said. You promote neo Nazi / Islamist propoganda and you expect people not to call you illiterate?

The word is "neo-Nazi".

The word is "propaganda".

(and when I have stopped crying with laughter, I'll be back)

btw. I do not promote any agenda, and if I did, it wouldn't be Islamist. I used to live in Israel, remember?

Damned if this is the funniest thing I've ever seen posted on this forum!
  • Thanks
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Ignorance and illiteracy go hand in hand. Case in point, dipshit Saigon. Read the rest of what I said. You promote neo Nazi / Islamist propoganda and you expect people not to call you illiterate?

The word is "neo-Nazi".

The word is "propaganda".

(and when I have stopped crying with laughter, I'll be back)

btw. I do not promote any agenda, and if I did, it wouldn't be Islamist. I used to live in Israel, remember?

Damned if this is the funniest thing I've ever seen posted on this forum!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kz7YUdy-Cg]Ace Ventura - Loser - YouTube[/ame]

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