What is your favorite Trump Quote

True Americans can’t take a president lying to our greatest ally. More importantly, he didn’t know our trade position with Canada and was not only speaking from his huge ass, he was lying through his teeth...The man is a misfit and you can't believe anything he says
True Americans can’t take a president lying to our greatest ally. More importantly, he didn’t know our trade position with Canada and was not only speaking from his huge ass, he was lying through his teeth...The man is a misfit and you can't believe anything he says

Trump has done a great job in his first year to repair 8 years of Obamas bullshit agenda , maybe you should quit watching cnn , move on, Insane Hillary lost.
Trump - “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal.”

Any cracks in investor confidence have a long history of costing American taxpayers a lot of money. In 1979, for example, “bookkeeping problems” temporarily delayed $120 million in interest payments. In the aftermath of the delay, investors pushed up interest rates on Treasuries costing taxpayers roughly $12 billion.

Trump - “What happens if that interest rate goes two, three, four points up? We don’t have a country. I mean, if you look at the numbers, they’re staggering.”
Trump pointed at Aras Agalarov and exclaimed: "Look who came to me! This is the richest man in Russia!" (Agalarov was not the richest man in Russia)

Trump was charming and solicitous of Aras. he asked him what kind of jet he owned. A Gulfstream 550. but he had a 650 on order. Trump answered: "if that was me, i would have said i was one of only 100 people in the world who has a Gulfstream 650 on order." it was a small Trumpian lesson in self-promotion. Trump, proud of himself, emphasized the point: "There is nobody in the world who is a better self-promoter than Trump"

Trump then went to a nightclub. the club's management had heard that Trump might be there that night and arranged plenty of Diet Coke for the teetotaling Trump. the owners had also discussed whether they should prepare a special performance for Trump, perhaps a dominatrix who would tie him up on stage or a little person tranny Trump impersonator, but they nixed the idea.

the group was ushered to the owner's box, where Emin Agalarov met with Alex Soros, George Soros' son. Emin invited to see him in Moscow. "You should know. I'm no fan of Putin" Soros shot back . he was a big admirer of mikhail khodorkovsky, he added (mikhail is the oligarch turned Putin critic then serving time in a Siberian prison) Emin laughed it off.
when US-Russia relations were deteriorating, Trump touted Putin as a wily and strong leader.

Letterman asked if Trump has ever done any deals with Russians. "i've done a lot of business with the russians. they're smart and they're tough." Letterman inquired if Trump had ever met Putin. "he's a tough guy. i met him once."
Trump pointed at Aras Agalarov and exclaimed: "Look who came to me! This is the richest man in Russia!" (Agalarov was not the richest man in Russia)

Trump was charming and solicitous of Aras. he asked him what kind of jet he owned. A Gulfstream 550. but he had a 650 on order. Trump answered: "if that was me, i would have said i was one of only 100 people in the world who has a Gulfstream 650 on order." it was a small Trumpian lesson in self-promotion. Trump, proud of himself, emphasized the point: "There is nobody in the world who is a better self-promoter than Trump"

Trump then went to a nightclub. the club's management had heard that Trump might be there that night and arranged plenty of Diet Coke for the teetotaling Trump. the owners had also discussed whether they should prepare a special performance for Trump, perhaps a dominatrix who would tie him up on stage or a little person tranny Trump impersonator, but they nixed the idea.

the group was ushered to the owner's box, where Emin Agalarov met with Alex Soros, George Soros' son. Emin invited to see him in Moscow. "You should know. I'm no fan of Putin" Soros shot back . he was a big admirer of mikhail khodorkovsky, he added (mikhail is the oligarch turned Putin critic then serving time in a Siberian prison) Emin laughed it off.
/----/ Yet another reason why...
I don't care.jpg
when US-Russia relations were deteriorating, Trump touted Putin as a wily and strong leader.

Letterman asked if Trump has ever done any deals with Russians. "i've done a lot of business with the russians. they're smart and they're tough." Letterman inquired if Trump had ever met Putin. "he's a tough guy. i met him once."
/----/ How exciting....
"ask me a question" Trump told the russian crowd.

they asked him about the greek crisis.

"interesting. have any of you ever seen the apprentice?" Trump spoke at length about it, repeatedly noting what a tremendous success it was. he said not a word about greece or debt. when he was done with his remarks, he received a standing ovation!
“Why is Trump spending so much time in front of the tv? It’s pathetic. He’s sitting watching tv, drinking covfefe, eating his chocolate cake. And he’s probably watching us right now, hi Donald. What are you doing, man? Grow up.” Scott Dworkin

my favorite quote about Trump!
... "There is nobody in the world who is a better self-promoter than Trump"

That is great stuff. Very funny.

And considering the results, arguably true.

Which ironically, weakens it, as an example of self promotion.

Mmmm, layers and layers....

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