What is your favorite Trump Quote

"Once you went inland, it looked like a bomb hit Puerto Rico. It looked like a war zone."
“I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”
"the whole system is corrupt! i know the system better than anybody else in the history of the world. it's a system. it's not good. it's not good" - Eloquent Donald on the campaign trail, 2016
"How could Jeff Flake, who is setting record low polling numbers in Arizona and was therefore humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight (and who doesn’t have a clue), think about running for office, even a lower one, again? Let’s face it, he’s a Flake!"
"my formula for giving a speech is simple:

start low, go slow, rise high, strike fire, and sit down!"
"All Russian oligarchs are fiendishly ingenious, fiendishly strong, malicious, and greedy, tough customers to deal with

these oligarchs are completely ruthless. but you know who is more ruthless? Vladimir Putin!" - Trump in 2018
I notice about a year and a half ago that whenever Trump starts a sentence with "Believe me..." he is getting ready to say something that he flat out made up, and has no source in the reality.
"my eyes grow misty at the though of Barron having to go through life as a gemstone scuffed by ignorant feet"
"you know, it doesn't do for someone of your magnificent girth to agitate himself" - General John Kelly to President Trump
"it's complicated with Ivanka. i cant refuse her an offer. you never say no. you say yes, but maybe not right now!"
"we have enough wealth in the world to solve poverty. we have enough food, we have enough water, we have enough everything..........except love"
""We make this job way too complicated. It’s pretty darn simple. What did you tell the American people when you ran for office? What did you tell them you were going to do? You got elected. You formed a contract with your voters. Go do that."
"We’re both outsiders to politics, can you believe it?” Trump says to Italian PM Giuseppe Conte. “We’re both determined to protect the rights and needs and dreams of our citizens, and we will do that”

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