What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.

Let me reverse the scenario.
What is there to like and love about Putin?

He has not done any kind of contribution to humanity. He has not shown anything to stop the corruption within his government, Russians are suffering, food prices continue to soar, massive brain drain, populations declining at alarming rate, neighboring countries are nervous from Putin in invasions etc etc etc.

On the side------- white slavery or human trafficking of Russian and Ukrainian women are very high commodities in Asian market but mostly Ukrainian women here in US.
Putin kicked the US CIA out of west Ukraine.

That alone deserves the Order Of Lenin.

To be honest I don't know if there's some evidence he did orders to kill people but even if he did that well that's what governments do everywhere, unfortunately.
Politicians are not angels ;)
For what concerns what Russians think about him I read something about that and it seems many of them support him. :dunno:
Clearly you can even find Russians who are against him :)
He did. In Chechnya. It was orchestrated by the Politburo under Yeltsin though.

Putin got the credit. Made him a national hero.
Who scares you Rooskies more now?



Kim J.U.?

Not scares. Just killing. Look at most of our "european" neighbours more attentive...

And Putin, Trump and Kim JU are all just sitting in their towers from an elephant bones and don't disturb Rooskies anywhere...
If Trump of KJU would become our president and solve the Ukrainian and Baltic problem in style, Western media describing now - they would get more than 90% :)
Who scares you Rooskies more now?



Kim J.U.?

Not scares. Just killing. Look at most of our "european" neighbours more attentive...

And Putin, Trump and Kim JU are all just sitting in their towers from an elephant bones and don't disturb Rooskies anywhere...
If Trump of KJU would become our president and solve the Ukrainian and Baltic problem in style, Western media describing now - they would get more than 90% :)
Well Putin is definitely the smartest of those 3.

I'm surprised that Putin needs to feed his ego with fake hockey games.

I would think riding his horse would be relaxing enough.

He as become an equestrian aristocrat. Pretty good for a poor boy raised in a one room apartment with his parents.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.

The US spent 5 billion dollars promoting "democracy" in Ukraine. Straight from Victoria Nuland's lips to your ears. She made it quite clear that Yanukovych had but one move to make to bring peace to his country. And that was acceptance of the Association Agreement with the EU. That is US diplomacy in action! Take the deal or you're done! The US has a long history of such events sold as "promoting democracy" that we can rehash if you wish.

You gotta love the Chevron sponsorship of the event. Very telling.

There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.

The US spent 5 billion dollars promoting "democracy" in Ukraine. Straight from Victoria Nuland's lips to your ears. She made it quite clear that Yanukovych had but one move to make to bring peace to his country. And that was acceptance of the Association Agreement with the EU. That is US diplomacy in action! Take the deal or you're done! The US has a long history of such events sold as "promoting democracy" that we can rehash if you wish.

You gotta love the Chevron sponsorship of the event. Very telling.

There is nothing in that speech that can be construed as 5 billion dollars being used to promote the Maiden protest or coup. The only 5 billion mentioned refers to over a decade of financial assistance to Ukraine, dating back to 1991.
The video is worth watching to anyone confused about what the protest was about and why the streets of Kyiv were full of protesters making their voices heard about Yanukovich betraying the people by backing away from the agreement with the EU and making a surprising and secret deal with Russia instead, which by the way, came with a 15 billion dollar deal to support Yanukovich and the oligarchs under his control and with Russian alliances.
Are you a member of the St. Petersburg troll army?
Very different and both (Putin & Trump) fascinating men in their own right.
Yes, VERY different men.
Trump is very spontaneous with his lies & uses mediums like Twitter, while Putin is very careful with his lies and is more consistent.
BOTH men are very nationalistic, and pretend they are religious for their political sake.
BOTH men are sexist pigs.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.

The US spent 5 billion dollars promoting "democracy" in Ukraine. Straight from Victoria Nuland's lips to your ears. She made it quite clear that Yanukovych had but one move to make to bring peace to his country. And that was acceptance of the Association Agreement with the EU. That is US diplomacy in action! Take the deal or you're done! The US has a long history of such events sold as "promoting democracy" that we can rehash if you wish.

You gotta love the Chevron sponsorship of the event. Very telling.

This is actually a great example of how Russia floods the internet with fake news.
Listen the declarations of european nazi of any sorts, Baltic nazi, Ukrainian nazi and so on...
You forgot to include Russian nazi, the ones who support Putin for his extreme nationalism.
Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.

The US spent 5 billion dollars promoting "democracy" in Ukraine. Straight from Victoria Nuland's lips to your ears. She made it quite clear that Yanukovych had but one move to make to bring peace to his country. And that was acceptance of the Association Agreement with the EU. That is US diplomacy in action! Take the deal or you're done! The US has a long history of such events sold as "promoting democracy" that we can rehash if you wish.

You gotta love the Chevron sponsorship of the event. Very telling.

This is actually a great example of how Russia floods the internet with fake news.

You're saying it just because you cannot say something else. You also know, this news are not fake :)
Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.

The US spent 5 billion dollars promoting "democracy" in Ukraine. Straight from Victoria Nuland's lips to your ears. She made it quite clear that Yanukovych had but one move to make to bring peace to his country. And that was acceptance of the Association Agreement with the EU. That is US diplomacy in action! Take the deal or you're done! The US has a long history of such events sold as "promoting democracy" that we can rehash if you wish.

You gotta love the Chevron sponsorship of the event. Very telling.

There is nothing in that speech that can be construed as 5 billion dollars being used to promote the Maiden protest or coup. The only 5 billion mentioned refers to over a decade of financial assistance to Ukraine, dating back to 1991.
The video is worth watching to anyone confused about what the protest was about and why the streets of Kyiv were full of protesters making their voices heard about Yanukovich betraying the people by backing away from the agreement with the EU and making a surprising and secret deal with Russia instead, which by the way, came with a 15 billion dollar deal to support Yanukovich and the oligarchs under his control and with Russian alliances.
Are you a member of the St. Petersburg troll army?

If the Ukraine regularily taking all this money - where they are? Does it mean, Ukraine is extra-corruptioned state, not able to use any money for people life building?
Russian nazi, if they exist, don't burn people alive, like in Odessa...
They often behead and torture their victims. I refuse to post links, but they can be found.

Because you don't have any true links. It's not your problem, you're just fully brainwashed by western media, my condolences...
Because you don't have the mental or physical capacity to use a search engine, I cannot help you.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.

The US spent 5 billion dollars promoting "democracy" in Ukraine. Straight from Victoria Nuland's lips to your ears. She made it quite clear that Yanukovych had but one move to make to bring peace to his country. And that was acceptance of the Association Agreement with the EU. That is US diplomacy in action! Take the deal or you're done! The US has a long history of such events sold as "promoting democracy" that we can rehash if you wish.

You gotta love the Chevron sponsorship of the event. Very telling.

There is nothing in that speech that can be construed as 5 billion dollars being used to promote the Maiden protest or coup. The only 5 billion mentioned refers to over a decade of financial assistance to Ukraine, dating back to 1991.
The video is worth watching to anyone confused about what the protest was about and why the streets of Kyiv were full of protesters making their voices heard about Yanukovich betraying the people by backing away from the agreement with the EU and making a surprising and secret deal with Russia instead, which by the way, came with a 15 billion dollar deal to support Yanukovich and the oligarchs under his control and with Russian alliances.
Are you a member of the St. Petersburg troll army?

If the Ukraine regularily taking all this money - where they are? Does it mean, Ukraine is extra-corruptioned state, not able to use any money for people life building?

No more or less corrupt than other former Soviet states or Russia itself.
Do you want data about how funds were spent since 1991? The allegation in the post I responded to was attempting to make it appear that the US spent 5 billion dollars to orchestrate the coup in Ukraine in 2014. It was a fake news story that flooded the internet. Anyone who views the posted video will quickly realize it was and is fake news.

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