What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
You're being fed some bad propaganda Esther. Yes - Russia had a lot of corruption after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. The problem is, Putin centralized and consolidated that corruption under his control once he came into power. It's worse than ever because unlike the crime lords who could be stopped - Putin has unlimited power over Russia. There is no one who can stop him or put him in prison. He has murdered hundreds of people in Russia and across the world.
Putin inherited a country devastated by central
planning, socialism and corruption (all things the American left strives for). He also has a very significant Muslim problem. Much worse than ours or Europe. It was a tough situation and a tough leader was necessary.

I think he is one of the most slandered leaders in the world. I keep hearing about what a threat he is to the US, but he is more like a belligerent dissenter. A weak Russia is a threat, because we don't want any of their nukes to go missing.

We don't worry about Russia attacking us or selling nukes to Islamist. Hell he is fighting Islamist. Obama and yes Trump are wrong about Syria and Putin is right. Assad must win otherwise Sunni jihadist take over.

Putin is not a good man or our friend, but he is definitely not our enemy!
^^^This announcement paid for by Russian Television!
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US and possibly keep stability in his neighborhood in the world. I do think he needs to keep a short leash on his muslim guard 'dog'.

He seems to love his dogs. He can't be all bad. Dog lovers are generally decent at heart.
Put'n puppies.jpg
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

That's cool...we can agree to disagree. What I do know is that George Soros had sponsored some NGOs and we have DCleaks that had hacked into his "Open Society Foundation" and released this.
Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master | Zero Hedge

As far as the Ukrainians wanting the prosperity of what they believe comes with being in the E.U? How prosperous can these countries be when they are up to their necks in debt to the IMF that extends them credit in exchange for what few resources they haven't already leveraged? What is happening there is the same thing that is happening here......debt that will be left to our children and then their children by mortgaging the future for today. The bankers run it all...if there is one thing I have learned is that once a central bank (owned by a few powerful families) are able to takeover the creation of fiat currency, you can kiss prosperity "good-bye". Putin actually offered the Ukraine a better financial deal but of course the E.U got their puppet in there just like they always do. I have seen this same disgusting scenario played out since 9/11 and I have read about the overthrow of non-cooperative leaders that happened before I was born and after I was born but not aware like I am today. We are seeing this played out in Syria.
There are book smarts, which you claim to have an abundance of, and in fact, is confirmed by your posts, but there are also street smarts. To have street smarts on this subject you would have to experience the "streets" of the former USSR states of Eastern Europe. If you traveled to those places you would instantly see the difference in the living standards, opportunities and economic benefits of the EU associated countries and places like Ukraine and Belarus.
The masses of citizens in places like Ukraine are not very concerned about global politics, how the big banks and big business operate or even the national politics unless those politics have a direct and understandable influence on them. Very much like US citizens, they concern themselves with everyday life. Like life in America, people want what their neighbors have. They want decent food, shelter, gadgets and material things that give them a sense of happiness and success. Russia does not always offer those things to the masses. Ukrainians know it would take a very long time to meet the standards realized by their neighbors if they aligned with Russia. That is not to say there is not good living and success in Russia, there is, but we are talking about the masses.
It would be nice if you could supplement your education with some travel to some of these places. Prices are great right now for travel to Eastern Europe.

I definitely listen to what you have to say and you are more knowledgeable on certain aspects of the situation than I am but what I can say (and with a great deal of confidence) is that once you allow these parasitic international bankers into your country? Their "loans" (which is nothing but an extension of credit) become a hammer that they can weld any time that they want. They want collateral in the form of resources and since the Ukraine has such rich farm land, Monsanto is itching to get their hands on it. They insist on austerity measures that hurt the poorest. Where the real scam comes in is when they insist that the contractors to be used for infrastructure be given to multi-national corporations that they own. "Easy credit terms" is the biggest hook ever because there is always the fine print to read. Have you ever read John Perkin's book "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man"? That was an eye opener for me and it was hard for me to really believe but I'll be damned if after I did the research going all the way back to the Dulles Brothers and the United Fruit Company and the coup that happened in Guatemala in 1954 and how they successfully put the Shah of Iran into power when PM Mossadegh was kicked out of power for nationalizing the oil of his country was I convinced that the guy was totally legit. The list is long and the coup in Chile organized by Henry Kissinger was the bloodiest and most disgusting display of the CIA's long arm. So, I guess it all comes down to picking your own poison? Great post and great information as always, Camp.
I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda .


And of course you know 'our real history'.....

Putin is just a fun loving guy who knits sweaters for hairless puppies.....

I never said that Putin was some kind of saint but he is a nationalist and he did kick out the international bankers and nationalized the bank.
Well that is a good Communist move- first thing, nationalize the bank- and have it controlled by the government.

Actually, the coining of money was to be done by the government per the Constitution. Article 1 Section 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"

Do you know what "money" actually is? "Money" has an intrinsic value meaning that the paper receipt can be exchanged for something like silver or gold. What WE have since the international bankers were allowed to take control of the monetary system in 1913 is a debt based, fiat currency system of debt notes that creates perpetual debt. I could write for a few hours non-stop about the parasites and their tactics that have driven this country and every country with a central bank into bankruptcy and then re-organize under another name but I doubt that you would be able to grasp the magnitude of the situation. The greatest theft of all time was the gold confiscation of the people by FDR under the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC where people had to turn in their gold (real money) for pieces of paper we refer to as "Federal Reserve Notes". The term "dollar" is actually a unit of measurement....so many grains of gold or so many grains of silver. So what you are saying is that since Putin kicked out the Rothschild bank that they are returning to (snicker) "communism"???? How fucking hilarious is that? One of the ten planks of the communist manifesto is to install a central bank. It is rather chilling to me to see how many of those goals have either been fulfilled or on the verge of coming to fruition in this country because that is the ultimate goal of the banking elites....a communist, technocratic, feudalism system with only two classes...the poor and the elites. You have a lot to learn, my friend.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.
I am glad you find it amusing. I prefer a rod of correction verses a rod of destruction whenever possible. Apparently many people do not realize that there is a difference between the two.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

You really did not know that the 5 billion dollars spent on the coup did not pay demonstrators and that U.S. operatives organized the coup?

The recording does not back up your claim of billion of dollars or any amount being spent on paying for demonstrators or U.S. operatives organizing the coup. That claim is nothing more than Russian propaganda. You are distorting and misrepresenting the recording the same way the Russian's did.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
YW, TY, the whole support and back-up team is down here. It is a matter of standing on the truth no matter how difficult things may look at the time. Everything has a time in its season.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
YW, TY, the whole support and back-up team is down here. It is a matter of standing on the truth no matter how difficult things may look at the time. BTW, an expert told me our "land is sovereign" and added, "like the vatican". Everything has a time in its season.

You are more on "target" than you may realize because all roads do indeed lead to Rome.......
Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
YW, TY, the whole support and back-up team is down here. It is a matter of standing on the truth no matter how difficult things may look at the time. BTW, an expert told me our "land is sovereign" and added, "like the vatican". Everything has a time in its season.

You are more on "target" than you may realize because all roads do indeed lead to Rome.......
I know. I was informed some years back "pay day is coming", well its here but not all can see it.
"Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights".
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.We have had no allodial rights to property since 1933 when ALL our property and sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt after USA.INC was taken into receivership due to the orchestrated collapse of Wall Street in 1929 and the debts that were incurred thereafter. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages. We operate under "statutory law" or as it is known as "admiralty law" also known as the Uniform Commercial Code...or as I refer to it the "Universal Commercial Code" because any country with a central bank is under admiralty law and the sureties (the people) are indentured debt slaves. Questions?
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
YW, TY, the whole support and back-up team is down here. It is a matter of standing on the truth no matter how difficult things may look at the time. BTW, an expert told me our "land is sovereign" and added, "like the vatican". Everything has a time in its season.

You are more on "target" than you may realize because all roads do indeed lead to Rome.......
I know. I was informed some years back "pay day is coming", well its here but not all can see it.

Share what you know because even if some will not acknowledge it, it is validation for them. There are not many that are willing to stand up to the scrutiny and "dog-piling" that comes with speaking out. I have so many posters here that contact me and encourage me but they admit that they can't make the kind of arguments that I do and I am fine with that. Just the fact that they know something is really messed up but lack the ability to articulate it is fine with me. I have no problem nor any inhibitions of sharing what I have spent thousands of hours learning. The beautiful part about being educated and confident of what you know? You swat away the teeny, tiny daggers and arrows like you would a mosquito.
I doubt that will sink in for them Dale but a very good detailed explanation, thank you. Truth is hard for people to accept sometimes. 'On earth as it is in heaven'. They don't actually own the garden spot where they till the ground (their minds and bodies) until they stop descending (cross over the Jordan). They have merely been given an illusion of ownership. Try to tell that to the so called experts that believe they have it all figured out and they would call you a heretic.

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
YW, TY, the whole support and back-up team is down here. It is a matter of standing on the truth no matter how difficult things may look at the time. BTW, an expert told me our "land is sovereign" and added, "like the vatican". Everything has a time in its season.

You are more on "target" than you may realize because all roads do indeed lead to Rome.......
I know. I was informed some years back "pay day is coming", well its here but not all can see it.

Share what you know because even if some will not acknowledge it, it is validation for them. There are not many that are willing to stand up to the scrutiny and "dog-piling" that comes with speaking out. I have so many posters here that contact me and encourage me but they admit that they can't make the kind of arguments that I do and I am fine with that. Just the fact that they know something is really messed up but lack the ability to articulate it is fine with me. I have no problem nor any inhibitions of sharing what I have spent thousands of hours learning. The beautiful part about being educated and confident of what you know? You swat away the teeny, tiny daggers and arrows like you would a mosquito.
I do. I try not to argue generally with petty bs as it is their loss if they are unwilling to try to know or understand what the truth is when it is told to them and presented as it was shown to me. Truth will find them all in their time.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.

I'm not a fan of his domestic policies. Or his corruption based aristocracy. BUT -- he does provide a useful criticism of US foreign policy. And Lord knows -- we deserve some criticism on that. He's likely to save us from ourselves in pushing back some of the mistakes we would otherwise blunder into.. Like a complicated Syria intervention. Or being CONSISTENT on terrorism issues. After all, he knows Afghan and Chechnya. And is generally on the same page as far as Islamic militants. But Putin understands that a STABLE Mid-East -- is a Mid East RUN by ruthless dictators. Not by fairies and unicorns.

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