What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Thank you so much...always great to come across someone else that is "awake"......good on ya.
YW, TY, the whole support and back-up team is down here. It is a matter of standing on the truth no matter how difficult things may look at the time. BTW, an expert told me our "land is sovereign" and added, "like the vatican". Everything has a time in its season.

You are more on "target" than you may realize because all roads do indeed lead to Rome.......
I know. I was informed some years back "pay day is coming", well its here but not all can see it.

Share what you know because even if some will not acknowledge it, it is validation for them. There are not many that are willing to stand up to the scrutiny and "dog-piling" that comes with speaking out. I have so many posters here that contact me and encourage me but they admit that they can't make the kind of arguments that I do and I am fine with that. Just the fact that they know something is really messed up but lack the ability to articulate it is fine with me. I have no problem nor any inhibitions of sharing what I have spent thousands of hours learning. The beautiful part about being educated and confident of what you know? You swat away the teeny, tiny daggers and arrows like you would a mosquito.
I do. I try not to argue generally with petty bs as it is their loss if they are unwilling to try to know or understand what the truth is when it is told to them and presented as it was shown to me. Truth will find them all in their time.

Agreed, but I have to try to help and warn them so they can prepare for the shit storm that is coming...and make no mistake about it...it IS coming.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Putin is a gangster who controls the Russian government and ensures his position with control of the media and by murder of those who oppose him. The old KGB operative runs a kleptocracy for the purpose of enriching himself and his cronies.
Putin made Russia great again. Something our worms don´t even try.
No; Putin made Russia a threat again.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Putin is a gangster who controls the Russian government and ensures his position with control of the media and by murder of those who oppose him. The old KGB operative runs a kleptocracy for the purpose of enriching himself and his cronies.
Putin made Russia great again. Something our worms don´t even try.
No; Putin made Russia a threat again.
No, our worms declared him a threat. Its probably only over when his flag flies on the Reichstag. Our puppets are rife with wrecking balls (Merkel: "completely rounded politics").
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.W

I actually enjoy being the one to point out that you are full of bullshit.

Americans win Bill of Rights cases every year- unlike Russians- who are at the mercy of the whims of Oligarchs who use thugs- and the courts- to enforce their rule.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.W

I actually enjoy being the one to point out that you are full of bullshit.

Americans win Bill of Rights cases every year- unlike Russians- who are at the mercy of the whims of Oligarchs who use thugs- and the courts- to enforce their rule.
Cool I get to be "the one to point out that you are full of bullshit". The courts here can be as corrupt as any when it comes to our own bullies and if they determine a "scorch earth policy" is the route they desire to take there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.W

I actually enjoy being the one to point out that you are full of bullshit.

Americans win Bill of Rights cases every year- unlike Russians- who are at the mercy of the whims of Oligarchs who use thugs- and the courts- to enforce their rule.

Really? "Indefinite detention
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
I am not as up on all of this as others here and Rod of course but I am the one making this response. From what I can see he has the potential to turn Russia into a country much like the US]

Well that is an amusing take on Putin.

Putin has no interest in Russia being a country like the U.S.- other than being as militarily strong.

He does not want a government that is responsive to its citizens.
Doesn't want anything like the U.S. Consitution including the Bill of Rights.
Nor 'free enterprise'- Russia is essentially a mafia economy- where might and money rule instead of the law and the courts.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this.....but the "Bill Of Rights" no longer apply to us and hasn't since at least 1868 when we became 14th amendment citizens.W

I actually enjoy being the one to point out that you are full of bullshit.

Americans win Bill of Rights cases every year- unlike Russians- who are at the mercy of the whims of Oligarchs who use thugs- and the courts- to enforce their rule.

Really? Are you familiar with the SCOTUS decision on March 28, 2014 that ruled by unanimous vote that the Bill of Rights is no longer made up of “Declaratory and Restrictive Clauses.” They are judicially now perceived as “privileges.”

Like I stated earlier and have said here MANY times that we don't have rights, we have privileges AND a “privilege” can be revoked for the slightest of legislative causes, but a “Right” is “forever inviolate” …and we no longer have that and it goes back to the Act of 1871 which created this corporate entity you refer to as "gubermint" and made worse with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March, 1933.

Game, set AND match.......
I am a private person, not a politician, so I can say what I think. I think that the reason for the conflict between Russia and the Western countries is Putin's determination to break the unipolar world, where America's primacy belongs. In 2007, President Putin announced this in his Munich speech. All subsequent events - Ukraine, Syria - were a consequence of this. Now Russia is trapped - it can not return the Crimea to Ukraine because of national and military interests. Consequently, economic sanctions against Russia will act. Hence, the Russian economy will be under constant pressure.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.
Putin has his hands full with Ukraine at the present moment.

Trump has his hands full with N.Korea.

China is a problem both for Putin and for Trump. They are the sleeping panda bear that nobody can trust.

That is not true bud.
China and Russia are embedded together both politically and economically. If you look at the UN agendas they always back each other against the west or US. Russia will NEVER be a close ally of US.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.

And we know that Putin had done this with what evidence? Are you saying that political opponents and dissidents are not murdered by the "Deep State" in this country? HOLY shit, they publicly murdered JFK, the alleged leader of the free world. How many people that have worked for this "gubermint" were either flat out murdered or "suicided"? How many have met death under very suspicious circumstances because they either knew too much or had something that "da gubermint" wanted? USA.INC has no moral high ground on which to stand AT all. I find it hilarious that anyone could point their gnarled little finger at some other country given the fact that THIS country is has been the hammer of the banking oligarchs that has used our military might to overthrow any leader of any country that has resources these banking oligarchs covet

You should read John Perkins book "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man", read "Major Jordan's Diary" by George Racey Jordan or "War Is A Racket" by former General Smedley Butler. The list of countries that USA.INC has raped, pillaged and plundered while using our young soldiers is beyond staggering as well as disgusting....so spare me your disdain about corruption when your beloved de-facto "gubermint" (that is owned by international bankers because it was bankrupted in 1933 and still is to this day) is BY FAR the biggest terroristic threat on the planet. It is the hammer and any country that has resources that this cabal of thieves covet that cannot fend for themselves are the "nails". What do you think Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan was all about? Why do you think Syria and Iran are now targets? Because they haven't allowed the IMF to come into their country. Wake the fuck up.....learn, read and absorb information and use some discernment. You are so fucking brainwashed that it's almost comical.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.

And we know that Putin had done this with what evidence? Are you saying that political opponents and dissidents are not murdered by the "Deep State" in this country? HOLY shit, they publicly murdered JFK, the alleged leader of the free world. How many people that have worked for this "gubermint" were either flat out murdered or "suicided"? How many have met death under very suspicious circumstances because they either knew too much or had something that "da gubermint" wanted? USA.INC has no moral high ground on which to stand AT all. I find it hilarious that anyone could point their gnarled little finger at some other country given the fact that THIS country is has been the hammer of the banking oligarchs that has used our military might to overthrow any leader of any country that has resources these banking oligarchs covet

You should read John Perkins book "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man", read "Major Jordan's Diary" by George Racey Jordan or "War Is A Racket" by former General Smedley Butler. The list of countries that USA.INC has raped, pillaged and plundered while using our young soldiers is beyond staggering as well as disgusting....so spare me your disdain about corruption when your beloved de-facto "gubermint" (that is owned by international bankers because it was bankrupted in 1933 and still is to this day) is BY FAR the biggest terroristic threat on the planet. It is the hammer and any country that has resources that this cabal of thieves covet that cannot fend for themselves are the "nails". What do you think Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan was all about? Why do you think Syria and Iran are now targets? Because they haven't allowed the IMF to come into their country. Wake the fuck up.....learn, read and absorb information and use some discernment. You are so fucking brainwashed that it's almost comical.

Reading your long rebuttal------ about 3 or 5 sentences only make sense. The rest are just pure garbage fucked up conspiracy theories. Like a comedy or something. This one of the reasons I don't want to DICK with you because you are just full of bullshit and a waste of my time.
I'm so sick of it that I don't even bother reading your whole post.
You don't pay your tax, anti government, no driver license, no insurance ------- probably poor. Sandy hook massacre was a hoax------ Who in the world can reason to a lunatic like you?

Consider your lucky tonight that I did not ignore your post.
Last edited:
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.
To be honest I don't know if there's some evidence he did orders to kill people but even if he did that well that's what governments do everywhere, unfortunately.
Politicians are not angels ;)
For what concerns what Russians think about him I read something about that and it seems many of them support him. :dunno:
Clearly you can even find Russians who are against him :)
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.

And we know that Putin had done this with what evidence? Are you saying that political opponents and dissidents are not murdered by the "Deep State" in this country? HOLY shit, they publicly murdered JFK, the alleged leader of the free world. How many people that have worked for this "gubermint" were either flat out murdered or "suicided"? How many have met death under very suspicious circumstances because they either knew too much or had something that "da gubermint" wanted? USA.INC has no moral high ground on which to stand AT all. I find it hilarious that anyone could point their gnarled little finger at some other country given the fact that THIS country is has been the hammer of the banking oligarchs that has used our military might to overthrow any leader of any country that has resources these banking oligarchs covet

You should read John Perkins book "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man", read "Major Jordan's Diary" by George Racey Jordan or "War Is A Racket" by former General Smedley Butler. The list of countries that USA.INC has raped, pillaged and plundered while using our young soldiers is beyond staggering as well as disgusting....so spare me your disdain about corruption when your beloved de-facto "gubermint" (that is owned by international bankers because it was bankrupted in 1933 and still is to this day) is BY FAR the biggest terroristic threat on the planet. It is the hammer and any country that has resources that this cabal of thieves covet that cannot fend for themselves are the "nails". What do you think Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan was all about? Why do you think Syria and Iran are now targets? Because they haven't allowed the IMF to come into their country. Wake the fuck up.....learn, read and absorb information and use some discernment. You are so fucking brainwashed that it's almost comical.

Reading your long rebuttal------ about 3 or 5 sentences only make sense. The rest are just pure garbage fucked up conspiracy theories. Like a comedy or something. This one of the reasons I don't want to DICK with you because you are just full of bullshit and a waste of my time.
I'm so sick of it that I don't even bother reading your whole post.
You don't pay your tax, anti government, no driver license, no insurance ------- probably poor. Sandy hook massacre was a hoax------ Who in the world can reason to a lunatic like you?

Consider your lucky tonight that I did not ignore your post.

Everything I posted is fact as sad as it may be. You don't have the faintest fucking clue about what is really going on because the programming runs just that deep. Please feel free to bypass my postings....none of your replies are fact based simply partisan bullshit. Have a great day.
Was that hockey game fake? I don't feel like wasting time watching any of it.

I'm sure it was more real than Trump's wrestling, but I meant if they let Putin score a few goals.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.
To be honest I don't know if there's some evidence he did orders to kill people but even if he did that well that's what governments do everywhere, unfortunately.
Politicians are not angels ;)
For what concerns what Russians think about him I read something about that and it seems many of them support him. :dunno:
Clearly you can even find Russians who are against him :)

Actually you don't need to look further. Most or all of his political opponents are murdered, corruptions at massive scale, the poll you read favoring Putin at 85% from Russian media controlled by Putin is worthless, Russian will get arrested from demonstrations, supports terrorism.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Mr. Putin seems to be a good statesman. I read that when Soviet Union collapsed Russians spent many years with poverty and a rampant crime.
Mr. Putin became Prime Minister in 1999 and then President of Russian Federation and after a few years Russia was a great Nation again.
Of course he's not perfect and as a politician he even did some bad things but if I were Russian I would be grateful to him :)

Yeah right. He murdered his political opponents and you cannot even demonstrate to express your opposition to his government. He is no more than a rubbish thug. Did you ask how the Russians felt about Putin? Corruption at massive scale that no one can stop him and his cronies.
To be honest I don't know if there's some evidence he did orders to kill people but even if he did that well that's what governments do everywhere, unfortunately.
Politicians are not angels ;)
For what concerns what Russians think about him I read something about that and it seems many of them support him. :dunno:
Clearly you can even find Russians who are against him :)
Only GHW Bush has a higher kill list than Putin.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.

Let me reverse the scenario.
What is there to like and love about Putin?

He has not done any kind of contribution to humanity. He has not shown anything to stop the corruption within his government, Russians are suffering, food prices continue to soar, massive brain drain, populations declining at alarming rate, neighboring countries are nervous from Putin in invasions etc etc etc.

On the side------- white slavery or human trafficking of Russian and Ukrainian women are very high commodities in Asian market but mostly Ukrainian women here in US.
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.

Let me reverse the scenario.
What is there to like and love about Putin?

He has not done any kind of contribution to humanity. He has not shown anything to stop the corruption within his government, Russians are suffering, food prices continue to soar, massive brain drain, populations declining at alarming rate, neighboring countries are nervous from Putin in invasions etc etc etc.

On the side------- white slavery or human trafficking of Russian and Ukrainian women are very high commodities in Asian market but mostly Ukrainian women here in US.

Listen the declarations of european nazi of any sorts, Baltic nazi, Ukrainian nazi and so on... and see, Russians in mass are still alive. "Sufferings", "corruption", "dictatorship" - it's a bla-bla-bla for teenagers. World society don't give to Russia any other variants except fight for survival with leader or without leader. So, what would your choice in my place?

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