What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.
Russia's Ronald Reagan

Vladimir Putin is the greatest Russian since Peter the Great, who was also a little rough along the edges. He's a strong masculine leader at a time when most of the rest of the world is led by soft, spoiled girlyman weaklings. America needs to be allies with this guy and the reinvigorated Russian people. But the worthless, soft, and spoiled Republican cowards, who never had to fight during the Cold War because their fathers' money bought them their way out of it, want to restart the Cold War because they made a lot of money off it without any risk to themselves.

Trump seems to have been taken prisoner by those Romney Republicans. He should do to them what Putin did to the thieving Russian billionaires.


It's amazing watching the fascists come out of their shell.

No longer is "individuality" the watchword of the right - now it's all about "strong, powerful masculine leaders".
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.

Putin inherited a country devastated by central
planning, socialism and corruption (all things the American left strives for). He also has a very significant Muslim problem. Much worse than ours or Europe. It was a tough situation and a tough leader was necessary.

I think he is one of the most slandered leaders in the world. I keep hearing about what a threat he is to the US, but he is more like a belligerent dissenter. A weak Russia is a threat, because we don't want any of their nukes to go missing.

We don't worry about Russia attacking us or selling nukes to Islamist. Hell he is fighting Islamist. Obama and yes Trump are wrong about Syria and Putin is right. Assad must win otherwise Sunni jihadist take over.

Putin is not a good man or our friend, but he is definitely not our enemy!

Not our enemy?

You make some good points about nukes- and a 'weak Russia'- but Putin is certainly working to destablize the west- busy trying to interfere in elections all so that Western countries are more in turmoil and less able to counter Russia's ambitions.

. Russia had NOTHING to do with influencing the election and until you can show me any proof that they hacked into the voter machines like the DHS tried to do in three different states, I will maintain my stance.

LOL- Russia tried to influence this election- and has tried to influence others.

You will maintain your stance on Russia even if you saw Putin himself stuffing the ballot box, because that is how deep your denial about Russia goes.

In what way did they do that? Can you give specific examples? Do you think Barrypuppet going over to France to endorse Macron was "influencing the election"? How about all the foreign money given to the Hildebeast by the Saudis and George Soros and his NGOs? Was that foreign influence?
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.

I will respectfully disagree with you....the lamestream media totally misrepresented what happened in the Ukraine and how Crimea aligned themselves with Russia instead of sticking with the globalist E.U and George Soros (that were behind the coup d'etat of the Ukraine) .I knew which factions were behind it fairly soon and I predicted that a E.U friendly puppet would be installed and that the IMF would step in and extend "credit" to Ukraine in exchange for the mineral and land rights as collateral..... just like these globalist bankers do to every country that falls by way of a craftily financed coup...and that is exactly what happened.

Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U because once you become a part of the E.U, you give up sovereignty of your country, the leaders become just figureheads because the "leaders" are a bunch of banker selected bureaucrats that dictate policy from their palatial accommodations in Brussels, Belgium. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and the Soros led E.U were denied it....so they ran to the Barrypuppet clutching their buttcheeks begging that USA.INC do something about it.....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit. How I see it? Russia has kicked out the central bankers and have nationalized their banks so that they print interest free currency which is why they have been able to withstand the purposely orchestrated drop in the price of oil....this is all being done to bring Russia down because it's main revenue source is oil. The globalists are also pissed that Russia has aligned itself with Syria and the fact that Russia has been kicking the ever loving shit out of the CIA funded mercenaries we know as "ISIS" that were there to wage a proxy war. I know a great deal about this and I see how the wool has been pulled over the eyes of people. I could write another ten pages but I think you get the gist of what I am saying. Russia hacked nothing and they have shown remarkable restraint in hopes that cooler heads prevail. You want mutually assured destruction? Keep poking at the bear...the elites don't give a shit....they have underground bunkers to run too.

As far as one poster claiming that Putin eliminates his opponents and is a thug? Let me tell ya somethin' Putin is a mere piker compared to what USA.INC has done and continues to this day. America has no high moral ground on which to stand.


Umm, yeah we do.

But continue your worship of an autocratic despot. It makes everything you post even more hilarious in that context.

I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda taught to you by the "public fools system". I am not sure who said this but I have found it to be rather accurate..."History is nothing but agreed upon lies" and history is written by the victors.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.

Putin inherited a country devastated by central
planning, socialism and corruption (all things the American left strives for). He also has a very significant Muslim problem. Much worse than ours or Europe. It was a tough situation and a tough leader was necessary.

I think he is one of the most slandered leaders in the world. I keep hearing about what a threat he is to the US, but he is more like a belligerent dissenter. A weak Russia is a threat, because we don't want any of their nukes to go missing.

We don't worry about Russia attacking us or selling nukes to Islamist. Hell he is fighting Islamist. Obama and yes Trump are wrong about Syria and Putin is right. Assad must win otherwise Sunni jihadist take over.

Putin is not a good man or our friend, but he is definitely not our enemy!

Not our enemy?

You make some good points about nukes- and a 'weak Russia'- but Putin is certainly working to destablize the west- busy trying to interfere in elections all so that Western countries are more in turmoil and less able to counter Russia's ambitions.

. Russia had NOTHING to do with influencing the election and until you can show me any proof that they hacked into the voter machines like the DHS tried to do in three different states, I will maintain my stance.

LOL- Russia tried to influence this election- and has tried to influence others.

You will maintain your stance on Russia even if you saw Putin himself stuffing the ballot box, because that is how deep your denial about Russia goes.

In what way did they do that? Can you give specific examples?

Feel free to use Google

Type: Russia CIA FBI elections

The CIA and FBI have both testified as to Russia's attempts to hack our and other elections.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.

Putin inherited a country devastated by central
planning, socialism and corruption (all things the American left strives for). He also has a very significant Muslim problem. Much worse than ours or Europe. It was a tough situation and a tough leader was necessary.

I think he is one of the most slandered leaders in the world. I keep hearing about what a threat he is to the US, but he is more like a belligerent dissenter. A weak Russia is a threat, because we don't want any of their nukes to go missing.

We don't worry about Russia attacking us or selling nukes to Islamist. Hell he is fighting Islamist. Obama and yes Trump are wrong about Syria and Putin is right. Assad must win otherwise Sunni jihadist take over.

Putin is not a good man or our friend, but he is definitely not our enemy!

Not our enemy?

You make some good points about nukes- and a 'weak Russia'- but Putin is certainly working to destablize the west- busy trying to interfere in elections all so that Western countries are more in turmoil and less able to counter Russia's ambitions.

. Russia had NOTHING to do with influencing the election and until you can show me any proof that they hacked into the voter machines like the DHS tried to do in three different states, I will maintain my stance.

LOL- Russia tried to influence this election- and has tried to influence others.

You will maintain your stance on Russia even if you saw Putin himself stuffing the ballot box, because that is how deep your denial about Russia goes.

In what way did they do that? Can you give specific examples? Do you think Barrypuppet going over to France to endorse Macron was "influencing the election"? How about all the foreign money given to the Hildebeast by the Saudis and George Soros and his NGOs? Was that foreign influence?
There are all kinds of ways to influence foreign elections or for foreigners to influence our elections. Some a legal and some are not. The Russians are being investigated for the illegal methods and the trump staff and friends for the illegal methods as well.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.

I will respectfully disagree with you....the lamestream media totally misrepresented what happened in the Ukraine and how Crimea aligned themselves with Russia instead of sticking with the globalist E.U and George Soros (that were behind the coup d'etat of the Ukraine) .I knew which factions were behind it fairly soon and I predicted that a E.U friendly puppet would be installed and that the IMF would step in and extend "credit" to Ukraine in exchange for the mineral and land rights as collateral..... just like these globalist bankers do to every country that falls by way of a craftily financed coup...and that is exactly what happened.

Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U because once you become a part of the E.U, you give up sovereignty of your country, the leaders become just figureheads because the "leaders" are a bunch of banker selected bureaucrats that dictate policy from their palatial accommodations in Brussels, Belgium. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and the Soros led E.U were denied it....so they ran to the Barrypuppet clutching their buttcheeks begging that USA.INC do something about it.....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit. How I see it? Russia has kicked out the central bankers and have nationalized their banks so that they print interest free currency which is why they have been able to withstand the purposely orchestrated drop in the price of oil....this is all being done to bring Russia down because it's main revenue source is oil. The globalists are also pissed that Russia has aligned itself with Syria and the fact that Russia has been kicking the ever loving shit out of the CIA funded mercenaries we know as "ISIS" that were there to wage a proxy war. I know a great deal about this and I see how the wool has been pulled over the eyes of people. I could write another ten pages but I think you get the gist of what I am saying. Russia hacked nothing and they have shown remarkable restraint in hopes that cooler heads prevail. You want mutually assured destruction? Keep poking at the bear...the elites don't give a shit....they have underground bunkers to run too.

As far as one poster claiming that Putin eliminates his opponents and is a thug? Let me tell ya somethin' Putin is a mere piker compared to what USA.INC has done and continues to this day. America has no high moral ground on which to stand.


Umm, yeah we do.

But continue your worship of an autocratic despot. It makes everything you post even more hilarious in that context.

I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda .


And of course you know 'our real history'.....

Putin is just a fun loving guy who knits sweaters for hairless puppies.....
I am surprised, dismayed and disappointed that so many Americans are so infatuated with the snake charmer Putin. For the past 72 years I have regretted the fact that Eisenhower forbade Patton from liberating Berlin and continuing on to Moscow to arrest Stalin and crush the Red Army. Reading about Patton and his reasoning would cause doubt in many people's attitude about Putin and Russia. Here's a little sample.

So yes Putin is a snake charmer- and yes it is amazing how so many on the right have a crush on him.

And Stalin was a mass murderer and empire builder.

But the idea that Patton could simply drive across Europe and arrest Stalin is frankly laughable.

While America did have the stronger air power- Russia had everything else- more troops, more veteran troops, more artillery, more- and better tanks- a shorter supply line- and a people who would not dare object to the war.

Americans had no interest in a war with the Soviets- they were our allies up until they weren't.

And guess what- in the end, Eisenhower was correct. The Soviet Union collapsed- without millions of American lives being wasted to do so.

But you are correct- there is more to connect Putin with Stalin than with anything else.
An intelligent enemy like Putin is predictable.

An unintelligent enemy like Kim J.U. is unpredictable and a hazard to the Earth and the world living on it.

A complete idiot like Trump is also unpredictable.

Ergo Kim J.U. and Trump are in a quandary with each other.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

That's cool...we can agree to disagree. What I do know is that George Soros had sponsored some NGOs and we have DCleaks that had hacked into his "Open Society Foundation" and released this.
Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master | Zero Hedge

As far as the Ukrainians wanting the prosperity of what they believe comes with being in the E.U? How prosperous can these countries be when they are up to their necks in debt to the IMF that extends them credit in exchange for what few resources they haven't already leveraged? What is happening there is the same thing that is happening here......debt that will be left to our children and then their children by mortgaging the future for today. The bankers run it all...if there is one thing I have learned is that once a central bank (owned by a few powerful families) are able to takeover the creation of fiat currency, you can kiss prosperity "good-bye". Putin actually offered the Ukraine a better financial deal but of course the E.U got their puppet in there just like they always do. I have seen this same disgusting scenario played out since 9/11 and I have read about the overthrow of non-cooperative leaders that happened before I was born and after I was born but not aware like I am today. We are seeing this played out in Syria.
Putin is a former KGB street thug who dreams of bygone days and wants to reincarnate the USSR/CCCP. He is more dangerous than a Cottonmouth.
....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit.
There is plenty of misinformation in your post. I picked this one sentence to display how inaccurate at least one factoid you present is. The article I am using as a link is from the Russian government-controlled news organization RT. They put a big self-serving spin on why the Russian troops invaded Crimea, but the admission from Putin that Russian troops had indeed invaded Crimea is plain and confirmed by Putin himself, whatever the spin may be. Armed Russian troops were sent to Crimea before the election, which by the way, was not held under international monitoring and is still not recognized as a legitimate election by the international community, including the U.N.


Russian soldiers in Crimea to prevent what the globalists did in the Ukraine would be appropriate IMHO but thanks for the link.
I can not get on board with your opinion that the globalists were responsible for the so-called coup in Kyiv. The globalists did not have the power or influence to put hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians onto the streets of the capital every day and night for months protesting the betrayal of Victor Yanukovych and his government. The Ukrainian people wanted the prosperity they saw in their neighbors to the west, north and south, the East European countries, not to the east, Russia. They were waiting with the hope of joining the EU and when Yanukovych changed course and aligned with Russia it set the protest in motion. That is what caused the so-called coup, not some conspiracy theory about world bankers.

That's cool...we can agree to disagree. What I do know is that George Soros had sponsored some NGOs and we have DCleaks that had hacked into his "Open Society Foundation" and released this.
Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master | Zero Hedge

As far as the Ukrainians wanting the prosperity of what they believe comes with being in the E.U? How prosperous can these countries be when they are up to their necks in debt to the IMF that extends them credit in exchange for what few resources they haven't already leveraged? What is happening there is the same thing that is happening here......debt that will be left to our children and then their children by mortgaging the future for today. The bankers run it all...if there is one thing I have learned is that once a central bank (owned by a few powerful families) are able to takeover the creation of fiat currency, you can kiss prosperity "good-bye". Putin actually offered the Ukraine a better financial deal but of course the E.U got their puppet in there just like they always do. I have seen this same disgusting scenario played out since 9/11 and I have read about the overthrow of non-cooperative leaders that happened before I was born and after I was born but not aware like I am today. We are seeing this played out in Syria.
There are book smarts, which you claim to have an abundance of, and in fact, is confirmed by your posts, but there are also street smarts. To have street smarts on this subject you would have to experience the "streets" of the former USSR states of Eastern Europe. If you traveled to those places you would instantly see the difference in the living standards, opportunities and economic benefits of the EU associated countries and places like Ukraine and Belarus.
The masses of citizens in places like Ukraine are not very concerned about global politics, how the big banks and big business operate or even the national politics unless those politics have a direct and understandable influence on them. Very much like US citizens, they concern themselves with everyday life. Like life in America, people want what their neighbors have. They want decent food, shelter, gadgets and material things that give them a sense of happiness and success. Russia does not always offer those things to the masses. Ukrainians know it would take a very long time to meet the standards realized by their neighbors if they aligned with Russia. That is not to say there is not good living and success in Russia, there is, but we are talking about the masses.
It would be nice if you could supplement your education with some travel to some of these places. Prices are great right now for travel to Eastern Europe.
I will respectfully disagree with you....the lamestream media totally misrepresented what happened in the Ukraine and how Crimea aligned themselves with Russia instead of sticking with the globalist E.U and George Soros (that were behind the coup d'etat of the Ukraine) .I knew which factions were behind it fairly soon and I predicted that a E.U friendly puppet would be installed and that the IMF would step in and extend "credit" to Ukraine in exchange for the mineral and land rights as collateral..... just like these globalist bankers do to every country that falls by way of a craftily financed coup...and that is exactly what happened.

Crimea was part of the Ukraine but heavily populated by Russians that wanted no part of the E.U because once you become a part of the E.U, you give up sovereignty of your country, the leaders become just figureheads because the "leaders" are a bunch of banker selected bureaucrats that dictate policy from their palatial accommodations in Brussels, Belgium. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and the Soros led E.U were denied it....so they ran to the Barrypuppet clutching their buttcheeks begging that USA.INC do something about it.....no worries there, our lamestream media claimed that Russia had invaded the Ukraine which was a total load of bullshit. How I see it? Russia has kicked out the central bankers and have nationalized their banks so that they print interest free currency which is why they have been able to withstand the purposely orchestrated drop in the price of oil....this is all being done to bring Russia down because it's main revenue source is oil. The globalists are also pissed that Russia has aligned itself with Syria and the fact that Russia has been kicking the ever loving shit out of the CIA funded mercenaries we know as "ISIS" that were there to wage a proxy war. I know a great deal about this and I see how the wool has been pulled over the eyes of people. I could write another ten pages but I think you get the gist of what I am saying. Russia hacked nothing and they have shown remarkable restraint in hopes that cooler heads prevail. You want mutually assured destruction? Keep poking at the bear...the elites don't give a shit....they have underground bunkers to run too.

As far as one poster claiming that Putin eliminates his opponents and is a thug? Let me tell ya somethin' Putin is a mere piker compared to what USA.INC has done and continues to this day. America has no high moral ground on which to stand.


Umm, yeah we do.

But continue your worship of an autocratic despot. It makes everything you post even more hilarious in that context.

I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda .


And of course you know 'our real history'.....

Putin is just a fun loving guy who knits sweaters for hairless puppies.....

I never said that Putin was some kind of saint but he is a nationalist and he did kick out the international bankers and nationalized the bank (which EVERY country should do). He is actually encouraging his people to have children and is giving them land for doing so. He was sharing income from natural resources among all Russians when oil and gas prices were high. The Russian economy was doing quite well and there was little incentive to invest into the production of goods because they could simply have them imported. Now, the situation has changed and I sincerely hope that people have finally figured out that this "peak oil" bullshit was just a way to gouge people because oil is an abiotic fluid and the second most prevalent fluid on earth. The crash of the oil market is being used to crush Russia because they are not "playing ball". Artificial scarcity equals massive profits for the banking oligarchs that own them but they will allow you some cheap gas for awhile until they can crush Russia. Putin is also working to minimize import and maximize local production. The people of Russia and China have been the victims of the biggest genocide crime that makes the Holocaust seem small time by comparison because communism was financed by the banking oligarchs and propped up by them. It's a historical fact but you have to do the reading and research for yourself. I did and I came to my conclusions. Leaders like Reagan that I use to hold in such high esteem wasn't what I though he was while Carter, someone I thought was a joke was actually a very good man and wanted to change things and he did do some very good things like the FOIA. He wasn't the pawn that the Rockefellers that he would be so there would be no second term for him. Bush and the CIA did definitely make a deal with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election....no doubt in my mind about that.

Umm, yeah we do.

But continue your worship of an autocratic despot. It makes everything you post even more hilarious in that context.

I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda .


And of course you know 'our real history'.....

Putin is just a fun loving guy who knits sweaters for hairless puppies.....

I never said that Putin was some kind of saint but he is a nationalist and he did kick out the international bankers and nationalized the bank.
Well that is a good Communist move- first thing, nationalize the bank- and have it controlled by the government.

Umm, yeah we do.

But continue your worship of an autocratic despot. It makes everything you post even more hilarious in that context.

I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda .


And of course you know 'our real history'.....

Putin is just a fun loving guy who knits sweaters for hairless puppies.....

. He was sharing income from natural resources among all Russians when oil and gas prices were high. t.


Putin has centralized the income from natural resources for the benefit of the oligarchs- including himself.

Umm, yeah we do.

But continue your worship of an autocratic despot. It makes everything you post even more hilarious in that context.

I don't "worship" any politician or leader. I simply say it like it is.


No, you "say it" just like Putin has commanded.

That's my favorite thing about you conspiracy cranks - you believe anything at all, as long as you're one of the only ones who does. It's psychological.

So now, watching conspiritards parrot the "official" Russian propaganda script can't help but make me chuckle.

The problem you have is that you know nothing of our real history but rather the propaganda .


And of course you know 'our real history'.....

Putin is just a fun loving guy who knits sweaters for hairless puppies.....

The people of Russia and China have been the victims of the biggest genocide crime that makes the Holocaust seem small time by comparison because communism was financed by the banking oligarchs and propped up by them. It's a historical fact but you have to do the reading and research for yourselft.

I have a thousand times more respect for Putin than I ever did the Barrypuppet....that's for damn sure.
But that's not saying much. Both believed they were entitled to unlimited power. Sadly, Vladimir Putin was more forthcoming about it than Barca Insane Obama.

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