What is your Political Leaning?

What is your Political Leaning?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Independent

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters
You don't believe a word of that.
I believe in all of this, and you reject all of it; you are not a patriot, you're not an honest citizen and you are an enemy of the people.

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Lol, there is the familiar subjective attitude that I remember so well! You are engaged in a subjective mission to prove your belief, and absolutely zero interest in discovering if there is any truth in what I am saying. This lack of interest in discovering the actual truth was one of the biggest hurdles that I had to overcome on my journey to becoming a righty.
I ask you for an example where you learned to be objective instead of subjective and you say I show absolutely zero interest in discovering if there is any truth in what you are saying? Really?

I think you talk a great game but there is nothing behind your talk. You may want to reappraise your progress to self-awareness, I think your train has left the track.
I ask you for an example where you learned to be objective instead of subjective and you say I show absolutely zero interest in discovering if there is any truth in what you are saying? Really?

I think you talk a great game but there is nothing behind your talk. You may want to reappraise your progress to self-awareness, I think your train has left the track.
I remember what it is like to see the world through the subjective eyes of a lefty. Our conversation here is limited to your subjective agenda, and your subjective agenda will keep us from ever having objective discussion. I completely understand, since I know from firsthand experience what it is like to be a lefty.
II completely understand, since I know from firsthand experience what it is like to be a lefty.
Sorry but I don't believe you. What I do believe is that you're lying, deluded, or think you are somehow playing me. You're not playing me. Bye.
Sorry but I don't believe you.
Lol, I sure believe this though. I know from firsthand experience that you are telling the truth here. Our conversation started out with me describing one of the most profound changes that made me a righty, which was being able to differentiate researching to support my BELIEFS from researching to discover the truth. Here you are, like clockwork, demonstrating how I am able to instantly spot lefties.
I believe in all of this, and you reject all of it; you are not a patriot, you're not an honest citizen and you are an enemy of the people.

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
You don't believe any of that. You certainly don't believe the United States was founded to "secure the Blessings of Liberty." You are against liberty. You're a fuckingg communist. You also don't believe the states are sovereign. No left winger believes that. Everything they do is in opposition to that principle. HR 1, where the federal government rewrites every state's election laws, is proof enough of that.
So which of your values changed to make you a Righty?
I lean American which means not democrat.
American means NO such thing! It DOES mean (due to a World War caused by right wing fascism that killed millions) anti fascist. It DOES mean, "Of the People, by the People and for the People", NOT Of the CORPORATIONS, by the WEALTHY and for the CAPITALISTS! It DOES mean Freedom, Independence, and a democratically elected Representative Republic by the People under Law. It does NOT mean suffering criminal voter repression through insane party serving district gerrymandering, inadequate access to voting places, absurdly restricted voting hours, means or locations or nazi-like "Where are your PAPERS?" to even be considered as a citizen!
Unlike your simplistic nonsense, the USA has been fought for, evolved and voted for to represent and SERVE all of its citizens...NOT just the right wing!
American means NO such thing! It DOES mean (due to a World War caused by right wing fascism that killed millions) anti fascist. It DOES mean, "Of the People, by the People and for the People", NOT Of the CORPORATIONS, by the WEALTHY and for the CAPITALISTS! It DOES mean Freedom, Independence, and a democratically elected Representative Republic by the People under Law. It does NOT mean suffering criminal voter repression through insane party serving district gerrymandering, inadequate access to voting places, absurdly restricted voting hours, means or locations or nazi-like "Where are your PAPERS?" to even be considered as a citizen!
Unlike your simplistic nonsense, the USA has been fought for, evolved and voted for to represent and SERVE all of its citizens...NOT just the right wing!
Today’s democrats endorse censorship, covid travel papers, ostracizing and vilification of political opponents, racial segregation, hatred for and extermination of American history, heritage and culture, gov control of virtually every sector, anti-capitalism and stifling of energy. Just to name a few very anti-American agendas.
No they're not...That's why we have a Federal Reserve that has a monopoly on the legal tender of the nation.

Do a search for Bernard Von NotHaus.

You're not 1/10th as bright as you think you are.

Thanks for confirming that you're a flaming idiot.

There are many currencies that are perfectly legal. Have you ever heard of 'Crypto Currencies'?

How about 'Bank Checks'?

The reason that NotHaus was convicted of counterfeiting is that his liberty dollars looked like U.S. currency and, per the Wikipedia article:

"people were told or led to believe that they were US currency".

You can print up and use whatever currency you'd like, but I can't look like U.S. currency, and you can't try to pass it off as U.S. currency.

Today’s democrats endorse censorship, covid travel papers, ostracizing and vilification of political opponents, racial segregation, hatred for and extermination of American history, heritage and culture, gov control of virtually every sector, anti-capitalism and stifling of energy. Just to name a few very anti-American agendas.
...as compared to what, right wing fascist naziism on the rise with COMPLETE disdain for the Constitution and its principles, the stacking of the US government with mindless radicals, the ethically and morally bereft constant striving toward one-sided MONEY/POWER/RULE for the insanely GREEDY, the pathological LIARS, the "party of business" butt-stuffing headed sycophants and the self serving progress hating incompetent criminals?! Anti CAPITALISM...you bet! Anti capitalism...not in the least! Cut the poo with the LYING deflect, spin, project BS. Yours is the brightly lit pile, necessitating the cleansing by the sun and Nature, as the kayrapp of fascist propaganda!
...as compared to what, right wing fascist naziism on the rise with COMPLETE disdain for the Constitution and its principles, the stacking of the US government with mindless radicals, the ethically and morally bereft constant striving toward one-sided MONEY/POWER/RULE for the insanely GREEDY, the pathological LIARS, the "party of business" butt-stuffing headed sycophants and the self serving progress hating incompetent criminals?! Anti CAPITALISM...you bet! Anti capitalism...not in the least! Cut the poo with the LYING deflect, spin, project BS. Yours is the brightly lit pile, necessitating the cleansing by the sun and Nature, as the kayrapp of fascist propaganda!
I listed specifics and you ranted. Try again, typical lefty.
My own viewpoint is my DNA defines me over all else.
Too bad. So sad. The nazis of germany in the 20th century were utterly convinced in the necessity for the purity of the Aryan "race" (a substitute for dna definition) as well. The results were disastrous for the world and most particularly for them. Be careful about how you pigeonhole yourself...reason over emotion.
Pretty much my whole life I've been conservative mostly, but I could still listen to liberals and democrats and at times I noted they did some good things. So maybe 70% conservative and 30% liberal.

But honestly the past 2 years have turned almost all the way against liberals. Now I am like 99% conservative. Democrats have done nothing the past 2 years except constantly shit on America and Americans. They need to do some very serious fence mending to get me to even consider their position and do a shit load of serious pro America shit again.

Honestly the current administration and all of its up and comers aren't worth a shit.
Pretty much my whole life I've been conservative mostly, but I could still listen to liberals and democrats and at times I noted they did some good things. So maybe 70% conservative and 30% liberal.

But honestly the past 2 years have turned almost all the way against liberals. Now I am like 99% conservative. Democrats have done nothing the past 2 years except constantly shit on America and Americans. They need to do some very serious fence mending to get me to even consider their position and do a shit load of serious pro America shit again.

Honestly the current administration and all of its up and comers aren't worth a shit.
News flash: democrats aren’t really liberals. They’re quasi-communists and marxists intent on destroying American history and culture, even if most of them don’t know it.

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