What is your Political Leaning?

What is your Political Leaning?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Independent

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
none of those numbers really matter.

What really matters is do you lean libertarian or authoritarian?
none of those numbers really matter.

What really matters is do you lean libertarian or authoritarian?

I disagree that Libertarian and Authoritarian are polar opposites.
I think we likely agree that Libertarian is non-coercive, and that is a good thing when possible.
But what is wrong about Authoritarian government is not that it is coercive, but that its coercive authority is arbitrary and self created, NOT based on the defense of inherent rights of individuals.
Coercive authority based on the defense of inherent individual rights is essential.
And the failure of Libertarians to protect the rights of individuals from things like corporate abuse, dooms Libertarianism.

Examples of how corporations can turn us into economic slaves are abundant.
Health insurance is an example, where these corporations have prevented access to necessary services unless you prepay over 10 times what the services are actually worth.
It is also obvious that corporations with a monopoly on capital can also do things like create a monopoly on housing, turning people essentially into feudal serfs to their landlords.

The dichotomy is more like Libertarian vs Protectionist.
It is more about having to deal with bureaucracy and power alone, or with collective bargaining.

And the reality is that I think all those purporting to support Libertarianism, actually support corporate authoritarianism, and are just hiding behind a fake label.
Individuals can not fight fairly against the huge power of corporations, so we need collective mechanisms to level the playing field. And that is not authoritarian, but simply the right thing to do, in order to balance the inherent authoritarian concentration of power that corporations have, due to their monopoly on wealth.
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
About half of Americans are either registered as Republican or Democrat.

Over 40 percent are registered as Independent.

Independents make up the biggest demographic.
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
I'm a member of the stay out of my life and don't tell me what to do party.
My remark was written in english. Comprehension requires reference to the comment it is addressing, intelligence and education.

No, your remark was written in gibberish. Most bots do that.
No, your remark was written in gibberish. Most bots do that.
My comment was written from the context of the comment it was referring to. There is no gibberish nor bot involved. I am not here to teach you comprehension skills in this maze called the US Message Board, nor am I inclined to try and explain my meanings to any dumbass that can't figure it out. I will not respond to you again or even read any future postings by you so feel free to be as snarky and as obnoxious as you like with no worries about repercussions. You may be self satisfied that you have won through sheer dumbass tenacity and then ask yourself, what have I really accomplished here other than divisive anger. Adios.
My comment was written from the context of the comment it was referring to. There is no gibberish nor bot involved. I am not here to teach you comprehension skills in this maze called the US Message Board, nor am I inclined to try and explain my meanings to any dumbass that can't figure it out. I will not respond to you again or even read any future postings by you so feel free to be as snarky and as obnoxious as you like with no worries about repercussions. You may be self satisfied that you have won through sheer dumbass tenacity and then ask yourself, what have I really accomplished here other than divisive anger. Adios.
see ya!.....have a nice trip....

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