What is your Political Leaning?

What is your Political Leaning?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Independent

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters
Classic righty mindset: binary ideology. Everyone is either a Righty or a Lefty, there are no gradations. Your world is black and white and everyone in it is Righty or Left, good or evil, friend or enemy, Christian or atheist. A simple, one might say, child-like view of the world.
I totally agree that what you posted is EXACTLY how somebody who has never been a righty sees righties. I remember what it was like to see the world through the eyes of a lefty.
I totally agree that what you posted is EXACTLY how somebody who has never been a righty sees righties. I remember what it was like to see the world through the eyes of a lefty.
So which of your values changed to make you a Righty?
These days I fancy myself as a hardcore white nationalist extremist.
Leftist Democrats have forged my new “leaning”…I’m guessing they‘ve had the same effect on many others.
Gee; to be a "white Nationalist extremist" you can be black BUT judge by the content of character.

How did that happen????

About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
Lefty?! Righty?! What? Are you ALL self centered, ignorant prepubescents? How about AMERICAN?! How about what's good for the advancement, security and betterment of this NATION'S CITIZENS?! When do we finally drop the GREED and the EGOS and go after the REAL enemies of this country, the CAPITALISTS and the BANKSTERS and the FASCIST to the core CORPORATIONS?! When do we revert back to capitalism and independent businesses who created jobs, SUPPORTED their communities, counties, states and country? When do we go back to REAL work, CREATING a better life and a UNITED States that DOESN'T want slaves, ignorance, stupidity, bullies, bigotry or hate?! WHEN?! In the meantime just please shut the hell up and let this once wonderful place find itself again!
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
I lean libertarian but am a registered Republican.

I have found this test to be accurate as I had a number of co-workers take it and the results matched their political leanings.

Lefty?! Righty?! What? Are you ALL self centered, ignorant prepubescents? How about AMERICAN?! How about what's good for the advancement, security and betterment of this NATION'S CITIZENS?! When do we finally drop the GREED and the EGOS and go after the REAL enemies of this country, the CAPITALISTS and the BANKSTERS and the FASCIST to the core CORPORATIONS?! When do we revert back to capitalism and independent businesses who created jobs, SUPPORTED their communities, counties, states and country? When do we go back to REAL work, CREATING a better life and a UNITED States that DOESN'T want slaves, ignorance, stupidity, bullies, bigotry or hate?! WHEN?! In the meantime just please shut the hell up and let this once wonderful place find itself again!
It’s too late… We are a nation too different, we have lost our identity. Embrace and enjoy the divide, learn to hate and hope to one day fight… The America that was is never coming back.
So which of your values changed to make you a Righty?
Many, but the most profound change was mastering the ability to differentiate searching for things that substantiated my beliefs from searching for the truth. Lots of lefties think they can do this, but the belief that they can actually do it is processed in a lefty mind that only thinks lefty thoughts. Remember that 5 year olds think they are as smart as we are, but they really aren't. I don't expect you to remember this for more than 30 seconds, but I'll repeat this one item. The ability to differentiate searching for what what I believe in from searching for the truth.
Many, but the most profound change was mastering the ability to differentiate searching for things that substantiated my beliefs from searching for the truth. Lots of lefties think they can do this, but the belief that they can actually do it is processed in a lefty mind that only thinks lefty thoughts. Remember that 5 year olds think they are as smart as we are, but they really aren't. I don't expect you to remember this for more than 30 seconds, but I'll repeat this one item. The ability to differentiate searching for what what I believe in from searching for the truth.
So as a lefty you mastered the ability to differentiate searching for things that substantiated my beliefs from searching for the truth? And you think you're the only lefty to ever do that? So it was arrogance and ego that turned you into a righty. Color me unsurprised.
So as a lefty you mastered the ability to differentiate searching for things that substantiated my beliefs from searching for the truth? And you think you're the only lefty to ever do that? So it was arrogance and ego that turned you into a righty. Color me unsurprised.
I totally get it! I was once a lefty like you, so I remember from firsthand experience what the world looks like through the eyes of a lefty. I know EXACTLY how meaningless and worthless such a stupid thing like being able to differentiate searching for what I believe in from searching for the truth sounds. Who needs that shit, right? What difference does it make if we don't want to objectively search for the truth, when it is so easy to just listen to CNN and believe in anything that says "fact check?" Subjectively searching for what tickles our bias is so much nicer. I remember how the world looks through the eyes of a lefty.
I totally get it! I was once a lefty like you, so I remember from firsthand experience what the world looks like through the eyes of a lefty. I know EXACTLY how meaningless and worthless such a stupid thing like being able to differentiate searching for what I believe in from searching for the truth sounds. Who needs that shit, right? What difference does it make if we don't want to objectively search for the truth, when it is so easy to just listen to CNN and believe in anything that says "fact check?" Subjectively searching for what tickles our bias is so much nicer. I remember how the world looks through the eyes of a lefty.
You should be lecturing your fellow rightys too. How many recounts and court cases have we endured since the last election? Was it a search for truth or attempts to find what they believed?
You should be lecturing your fellow rightys too. How many recounts and court cases have we endured since the last election? Was it a search for truth or attempts to find what they believed?
Lol. I remember thinking like this! Back when I was limited to searching for information to support my beliefs instead of searching for the actual truth, I can remember when the babble coming from righties sounded like boring lectures. When I was a lefty, I had never been a righty, so I had absolutely no idea what it was like to be a righty, since I had never been one at that point. Learning to be objective instead of subjective took me years to accomplish, but it changed everything...
Lol. I remember thinking like this! Back when I was limited to searching for information to support my beliefs instead of searching for the actual truth, I can remember when the babble coming from righties sounded like boring lectures. When I was a lefty, I had never been a righty, so I had absolutely no idea what it was like to be a righty, since I had never been one at that point. Learning to be objective instead of subjective took me years to accomplish, but it changed everything...
Must a great view from that lofty perch. Please give me an example where you learned to be objective instead of subjective, if you would.
Must a great view from that lofty perch. Please give me an example where you learned to be objective instead of subjective, if you would.
Lol, there is the familiar subjective attitude that I remember so well! You are engaged in a subjective mission to prove your belief, and absolutely zero interest in discovering if there is any truth in what I am saying. This lack of interest in discovering the actual truth was one of the biggest hurdles that I had to overcome on my journey to becoming a righty.

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