What is your Political Leaning?

What is your Political Leaning?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Independent

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
Where on Earth did you get those stats?

This is why we can't trust polls to see how people lean. Lefties never just come out and tell you what they are. It's always a combination of what the lefties really are, combined with something from the right to make their political position sound better.
What makes you think you know me better than I know myself? (Not that the Right has been known for its honesty of late.)
What makes you think you know me better than I know myself? (Not that the Right has been known for its honesty of late.)
We were ALL born as little lefties who screamed for that tit or bottle for our survival, which means that all lefties and all righties were lefties at one point. Righties learn judeo Christian and western values that lefties don't but we still remember what it is like to be a lefty. You guys have never actually been righties, so you have no idea what it is like to be a righty. We can see you, but you can't see us. My inner commie is alive and well, but the civilized me is in charge. I recognize that you are a lefty, regardless of whatc you claim to be.
Most of us vote party, it easy you don't have to do any work. Would guess we all lean right or left. I liked to think be for all this hate became popular that we took a careful look at the job people running did be for casting our vote. And crossed the isle when needed. Guess I have been wrong, or we wouldn't keep voting in the same old useless ass hats from both party's or new useless loud screamers. Its all an ugly mess that's the only thing that's certain
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
Where in hell did you come up with those numbers?
We were ALL born as little lefties who screamed for that tit or bottle for our survival, which means that all lefties and all righties were lefties at one point. Righties learn judeo Christian and western values that lefties don't but we still remember what it is like to be a lefty. You guys have never actually been righties, so you have no idea what it is like to be a righty. We can see you, but you can't see us. My inner commie is alive and well, but the civilized me is in charge. I recognize that you are a lefty, regardless of whatc you claim to be.
Wow! I thought only God could look into my soul and here you are on USMB. Who'd have thunk it?

Well you're wrong about me having no idea what it is like to be a righty. It means:
  • Choosing justice over empathy (it's OK if kids suffer when their parents fail, not my problem)
  • May not believe in evolution but definitely believe in survival of the fittest (I got mine, go get your own)
  • Believe in democracy so long as my vote counts more than others do
  • The other side will do anything to win so my side should do it to them first
  • Only an idiot, criminal, subversive, atheist, or illegal alien would ever vote Democratic
How am I doing?
Most of us vote party, it easy you don't have to do any work. Would guess we all lean right or left. I liked to think be for all this hate became popular that we took a careful look at the job people running did be for casting our vote. And crossed the isle when needed. Guess I have been wrong, or we wouldn't keep voting in the same old useless ass hats from both party's or new useless loud screamers. Its all an ugly mess that's the only thing that's certain
Our political "system" distorts everything, because it incentivizes destructive, binary, tribal behavior.

And that's our own fault, of course, since we don't care enough to change it.

Our political "system" distorts everything, because it incentivizes destructive, binary, tribal behavior.

And that's our own fault, of course, since we don't care enough to change it.

Having a high tax state automatically gives credence to what we see today. Middlemen galore with a Fiat Tax system greasing the rails for a higher and higher percentage of the population. Governments use a currency to use for trade. The fiat currency is taking more and more of a cut in "barter". Our system is based on this now. The real suckers are those in the service economy just treading water while the prices of living keep rising faster than their wages and the taxes enacted keep taking more of the same.
Wow! I thought only God could look into my soul and here you are on USMB. Who'd have thunk it?

Well you're wrong about me having no idea what it is like to be a righty. It means:
  • Choosing justice over empathy (it's OK if kids suffer when their parents fail, not my problem)
  • May not believe in evolution but definitely believe in survival of the fittest (I got mine, go get your own)
  • Believe in democracy so long as my vote counts more than others do
  • The other side will do anything to win so my side should do it to them first
  • Only an idiot, criminal, subversive, atheist, or illegal alien would ever vote Democratic
How am I doing?
I was once a lefty too, remember? I understand why you think you are something besides the lefty that you are. The part that you will never be able to understand is that there is something that you cannot perceive. Your perception of what a righty is, is through the eyes of a lefty. You cannot know what it is like to be a righty without ever having been one, anymore than a man can know what it is like to be a woman.
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
I'm all about Marx. Graucho
I was once a lefty too, remember? I understand why you think you are something besides the lefty that you are. The part that you will never be able to understand is that there is something that you cannot perceive. Your perception of what a righty is, is through the eyes of a lefty. You cannot know what it is like to be a righty without ever having been one, anymore than a man can know what it is like to be a woman.
Strong words from someone who spent their youth being completely wrong about everything, as you claim. Of course now you claim you're right about everything? Hardly the person to take advice from.
Strong words from someone who spent their youth being completely wrong about everything, as you claim. Of course now you claim you're right about everything? Hardly the person to take advice from.
Classic lefty post. This innate engineering of multiple conversations we never had is one of the many ways I can see that you are a lefty. You can't see it, but it is obvious to righties. Kinda like when a 5 year old tells you he saw a monster under his bed. He does not realize that adults know better, and he goes about his 5 year old life. When he grows up, he will get it. If you ever become a righty, you will get it.
Classic lefty post. This innate engineering of multiple conversations we never had is one of the many ways I can see that you are a lefty. You can't see it, but it is obvious to righties. Kinda like when a 5 year old tells you he saw a monster under his bed. He does not realize that adults know better, and he goes about his 5 year old life. When he grows up, he will get it. If you ever become a righty, you will get it.
Classic righty mindset: binary ideology. Everyone is either a Righty or a Lefty, there are no gradations. Your world is black and white and everyone in it is Righty or Left, good or evil, friend or enemy, Christian or atheist. A simple, one might say, child-like view of the world.
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
These days I fancy myself as a hardcore white nationalist extremist.
Leftist Democrats have forged my new “leaning”…I’m guessing they‘ve had the same effect on many others.
Forced to be far left since the democrats are all wealthy elite fascists.
If the democrats were not wealthy elite fascists, there would not have been any US wars, there would not have been mandatory private health insurance, no War on Drugs, no federal gun control, no mandatory sentences, no asset forfeiture, etc.

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