What is your Political Leaning?

What is your Political Leaning?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Independent

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.
your three choices dont make sense,,

yes lib and cons are political leanings but independent is party affiliation or lack of,, not a political POV,,

and you dont have mine which is a rational anarchist,,
About 45% of Americans lean Conservative. That ranges from UltraConservatives to Moderate Conservatives.

About 50% of Americans lean Liberal. That ranges from Strong Progressives to Moderate Liberals.

About 5% of Americans are Independent. This group is subdivided into many subgroups. Many of these groups are in conflict with each other.

Can you provide some context / source for these figures, please?
Can you provide some context / source for these figures, please?
I am sorry, these figures are based on general election results and polls. I have no specific study.

About 50% Liberal or lean Liberal, 45% Conservative or lean Conservative, 5% other.
I am sorry, these figures are based on general election results and polls. I have no specific study.

About 50% Liberal or lean Liberal, 45% Conservative or lean Conservative, 5% other.

Since it's on Page 4 already I'll leave it open, but generally when making claims like this, please supply a source so others can validate your figures are accurate. Thanks
"Independent" is a negation....It says that you're not something, not what you favor.

It's the ultimate political cop out.
Spot on. Lefties claim to be something besides the commies that they are because it is shameful to be identified as a lefty. They claim to be independent, republican, libertarian, moderate, or anything but what they really are. You have to talk to people to find out the truth, and it usually doesn't takeoff to find out.

Actually, registered Independents make up 40 percent, while Democrats and Republicans make up about 25 - 30 percent each.

Most Independents lean in either direction.
If you really want the government out of your wallet, then you shouldn't let the government into your wallet.

Just refuse to accept or offer U.S. government currency. If you do, then you're the one to blame for letting the government into your wallet.

This is why I just call you stupid, dumb ass
Where is the choice for Libertarians???

I vote Republican, but I'm basically Libertarian.
I think whatever political leanings it is good to be aware of left, center and right planks. Somehow there is a demonization of every wing there is. And with that in our nation we continue to move leftward.
I consider myself Center-Left: progressive on social issues, moderate on economic ones.
This is why we can't trust polls to see how people lean. Lefties never just come out and tell you what they are. It's always a combination of what the lefties really are, combined with something from the right to make their political position sound better.
I think whatever political leanings it is good to be aware of left, center and right planks. Somehow there is a demonization of every wing there is. And with that in our nation we continue to move leftward.
Agreed, there is an inexorable slide leftward that I have also noticed.
On a number line from left to right, the left most position is liberal/commie/USMB style lefty, and the right most position is Evmetro.

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