What it costs Texans for illegal immigrants...

All those illegal immigrants living and working in Texas, how much taxes do they pay to the state of Texas?

Looks like Texas is coming out ahead.
More fuzzy leftist math. The cost to support illegals for Texas is well over a billion a year. The most illegals will pay to the state of Texas is a minuscule sales tax. Illegals are a drain on the Texas economy, they crowd our schools and hospitals. They are a danger to the public due to crime, overcrowded living arrangements, and the diseases they bring with them. They are useful as guest and temporary farm workers and that is all. They have already destroyed the wage and benefit programs that our trade workers enjoyed before the invasion. Shut down the GD border now!
You have heard of sales taxes...rent, fees, etc... right?

How many illegals do you think are in Texas?
It's the property tax rate that will get you in TEXAS-ILLEGALS lower property values so they pay almost nothing and live 20, 30, 40 people to a small house while people who take care of their houses and pay all sorts of other taxes and are legal get stuck paying for all this nonsense. On top of this, the sleazy illegals go for everything FREE---so they steal, they get free meals at school, get welfare and still show up at the food banks intended to help senior legal citizens and other legal people.
It's the property tax rate that will get you in TEXAS-ILLEGALS lower property values so they pay almost nothing and live 20, 30, 40 people to a small house while people who take care of their houses and pay all sorts of other taxes and are legal get stuck paying for all this nonsense. On top of this, the sleazy illegals go for everything FREE---so they steal, they get free meals at school, get welfare and still show up at the food banks intended to help senior legal citizens and other legal people.
I forgot to add this. Illegals from Mexico send billions back to Mexico, taking that cash out of our economy every year. Close the GD border now.
I forgot to add this. Illegals from Mexico send billions back to Mexico, taking that cash out of our economy every year. Close the GD border now.
First you people bitch about the government flooding the economy with cash and driving up inflation and now you’re bitching about the illegals taking the money out.

Make up your mind!
Those illegals built all your houses & infrastructure. They clean your stores, hotels, rest homes & houses. They mow your grass & do your landscaping.
Well stop hiring them lowering our wages. Let Americans work
It matches your IQ level in that case.

This is just another "I hate brown people and feel threatened by them" thread from a right wing loon who knows he's posting bullshit.

In what way would I feel threatened by them?
Threatened because drinking and driving is their national pastime?
Threatened because they're frequently violent?
Well stop hiring them lowering our wages. Let Americans work

Maybe you missed my post.
In a lot of cases a legal immigrant will hire the illegals and pay them under the table.
Here in Texas mexicans have taken over the blue collar jobs. Back in the day it was blacks doing concrete work...not anymore.
Same for construction,you never see a white guy or a black guy framing a house,painting a house or anything else that pertains to construction work.
When I was a kid there weren't thousands of mexican yard crews. We mowed the grass at 20 bucks a pop and you still pay 20 bucks because the market is inundated with illegals.
It matches your IQ level in that case.

This is just another "I hate brown people and feel threatened by them" thread from a right wing loon who knows he's posting bullshit.
A) how do you know I'm not a "brown" person? Once again presumption is the sign of ignorance!
B) I am posting data that comes from the state of Texas... directly what Texans are paying for when Biden encouraged illegals to:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Talk about truly a stupid and ignorant man! Encouraging breaking the law!
Maybe you missed my post.
In a lot of cases a legal immigrant will hire the illegals and pay them under the table.
Here in Texas mexicans have taken over the blue collar jobs. Back in the day it was blacks doing concrete work...not anymore.
Same for construction,you never see a white guy or a black guy framing a house,painting a house or anything else that pertains to construction work.
When I was a kid there weren't thousands of mexican yard crews. We mowed the grass at 20 bucks a pop and you still pay 20 bucks because the market is inundated with illegals.
Where is your proof? Totally a subjective and personal observation. I provided a link and proof. So again.. where
is your proof??? I've heard this supposedly rumor but again... found it totally unbelievable in the past...TODAY after Biden encouraged illegal crossings...? Not surprised if that were true so prove it ok???
You have heard of sales taxes...rent, fees, etc... right?

How many illegals do you think are in Texas?
Are you that stupid and lazy?

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Oh from the same site that tells us how many illegals in Texas... here are the various jobs they hold!
1/3 construction... 10% food/services... between those two industries... 40%
GEEZ I am so marvelous at using the Internet... too bad most of you that ask dumb ass questions don't know how to do a search!!
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Those illegals built all your houses & infrastructure. They clean your stores, hotels, rest homes & houses. They mow your grass & do your landscaping.
Then it's time to stop exploiting cheap immigrant labor and start paying Americans enough to take-on those jobs...

Regaining control over our southern border and restoring national sovereignty with respect to immigration would be well worth the added cost...

And we'll never know for sure until we try...

Time to try...

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