What it costs Texans for illegal immigrants...

Then it's time to stop exploiting cheap immigrant labor and start paying Americans enough to take-on those jobs...

Regaining control over our southern border and restoring national sovereignty with respect to immigration would be well worth the added cost...

And we'll never know for sure until we try...

Time to try...
AGAIN... why are people like you so stupid???
FACTS: How many people work at minimum wage?
GEEZ "Kondor3"... ever look that up on the internet? HERE! DUMMY!!!
From this web site: Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2020 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Among those paid by the hour,
247,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 865,000 workers had wages below the federal minimum
DUMMY what is that...? Add 247,000 to 865,000 you get 1,112,000.
NOW dummy HOW many people work an hourly wage in the USA???
In 2020, 73.3 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 55.5 percent of all wage and salary workers.
AGAIN simple math: how many at minimum or lower???? Dummy!
work at minimum wage or lower!!Do you comprehend
what stupid ignorant people like you that make these totally unsubstantiated statements look like? LAZY!
Where is your proof? Totally a subjective and personal observation. I provided a link and proof. So again.. where
is your proof??? I've heard this supposedly rumor but again... found it totally unbelievable in the past...TODAY after Biden encouraged illegal crossings...? Not surprised if that were true so prove it ok???

Uh...I live in Texas and it's not a big secret.
If you dont live in a border state you have no idea whats happening.
For example...went to visit my Aunt and Uncle in Missouri and there wasnt a single mexican working in any of the businesses...not a one!!!
States like Missouri are insulated because they are far enough away from the border and of course mexican like to work in border States so they can drive home when the mood strikes them.
Then it's time to stop exploiting cheap immigrant labor and start paying Americans enough to take-on those jobs...

Regaining control over our southern border and restoring national sovereignty with respect to immigration would be well worth the added cost...

And we'll never know for sure until we try...

Time to try...
We don't have many illegals here in Missouri, but Texans will never give up their cheap labor immigrants.
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First you people bitch about the government flooding the economy with cash and driving up inflation and now you’re bitching about the illegals taking the money out.

Make up your mind!
Someone obviously flunked common sense 101. Bitching about the jerk, liberal government flooding the economy with cash, especially during a period of inflation, is 100% legitimate. Complaining about the illegals removing billions each year, which is harmful to the economy is also 100% legitimate.
Uh...I live in Texas and it's not a big secret.
If you dont live in a border state you have no idea whats happening.
For example...went to visit my Aunt and Uncle in Missouri and there wasnt a single mexican working in any of the businesses...not a one!!!
States like Missouri are insulated because they are far enough away from the border and of course mexican like to work in border States so they can drive home when the mood strikes them.
Again with the personal anecdotes! I also live in Texas have for 40 year!
But I want to see your proof of your subjective statements. Prove to me how much money the state of Texas makes
from illegal immigrants! Remember this is the number from this site:
So given that the number is understated by say 50% that still is only 2,400,000 illegals.
So prove to me how many illegals work at mowing lawns, etc... jobs that the 0.001523% of the American population
that work at minimum or below minimum wage from this source don't do.

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A) how do you know I'm not a "brown" person? Once again presumption is the sign of ignorance!
B) I am posting data that comes from the state of Texas... directly what Texans are paying for when Biden encouraged illegals to:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Talk about truly a stupid and ignorant man! Encouraging breaking the law!

You’re posting some of the data that supports your paranoia. Same shit different day
Are you that stupid and lazy?

View attachment 594360
How many illegals do you think live in Texas?
AGAIN... why are people like you so stupid???
FACTS: How many people work at minimum wage?
GEEZ "Kondor3"... ever look that up on the internet? HERE! DUMMY!!!
From this web site: Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2020 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Among those paid by the hour,
247,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 865,000 workers had wages below the federal minimum
DUMMY what is that...? Add 247,000 to 865,000 you get 1,112,000.
NOW dummy HOW many people work an hourly wage in the USA???
In 2020, 73.3 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 55.5 percent of all wage and salary workers.
AGAIN simple math: how many at minimum or lower???? Dummy!
work at minimum wage or lower!!Do you comprehend
what stupid ignorant people like you that make these totally unsubstantiated statements look like? LAZY!
Yep. We've all heard the arguments from you Illegal Beaner Lovers a thousand times. Doesn't make a damned bit of difference. Back they go.

And to the Devil with the consequences.
Notice those costs didn't include incarceration.
This has already been studied, illegals are a NET LOSS to America but Dems go right on lying. Their other favorite lie about illegals is that they commit less crimes, also FALSE. We really need to start putting Democrats in prison
This has already been studied, illegals are a NET LOSS to America but Dems go right on lying. Their other favorite lie about illegals is that they commit less crimes, also FALSE. We really need to start putting Democrats in prison
I consider democrats poisonous insects.
Someone tell this moron there are payroll taxes in every state if receiving a check from an employer. Not cash payments of course.

Hey debbie.... I live in Texas. I do not have a state income tax here in Texas.
The Texas Constitution forbids personal income taxes. Instead of collecting income taxes, Texas relies on high sales and use taxes.
FACTS... not guesses...
All those illegal immigrants living and working in Texas, how much taxes do they pay to the state of Texas?

Looks like Texas is coming out ahead.
They pay no more than a native born American. However, they consume a lot more government services. There's no net gain for native Texans, moron.
The lengths libs will go to in order to justify illegals being here is just laughable.
The excuses they will make.
The attempts to deflect and avoid the topic.

Not a single point that has been made in this thread makes it ACCEPTABLE for illegals to cross our border. And THAT is the topic. The topic the left continues to skew, avoid, and tap dance around.
Those illegals built all your houses & infrastructure. They clean your stores, hotels, rest homes & houses. They mow your grass & do your landscaping.
Native born Americans formerly did all these jobs and only stopped immigrants are willing to work for lower wages. Immigrants take American jobs and drive the wages of native Americans down.
1/3 of illegals file tax returns...to scam us on the child tax credit refunds they are not even legally entitled to claim. These illegals are raking in BILLIONS in refunds, often claiming kids who are not their own, claiming kids that live in other countries, claiming up to 18+ kids to get a refund check for up to $20,000.
They also get the EIT.

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