What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People?

What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People

  • Total voters
There is no way in hell you read the articles and census statistics you posted. If you did then you just got caught in blatant dishonesty

1) A lawsuit brought this county down. NWCN.com Washington - Oregon - Idaho

2) A lawsuit brought this small town down. Below from your own link.

3) San Bernardino is only 19.0% NON-HISPANIC White. Under half that of the combined 41.6% underperforming Hispanic and black cultures. Only two out of the six city council members are white. The others are three Hispanics and one black. City of San Bernardino - City Council


??? What does that have to do with filing bankruptcy? The 2 white people should have been smart enough to save them from bad decisions right? White is white. Thats why it says white. You dont get to claim white when it fits your argument then turn around and try to disown them when its bad news. :lol:

You don't know how a city council works do you? In any case, you reply is fine by me. Indeed, you ignored everything else I posted and responded where you thought you could make the best argument, as weak as it may have been. And you know that I don't make the skin color argument, but a cultural one. Is this all you got?

Thats all I need to make my point which was white people fail all the time in city government. Other posters clutching desperately at Detroit as an example of Black people failing is weak as usual. Especially when an industry of that size goes down and all the jobs move away. You have no choice but to be fine with my reply because you have nothing you can do about it but be fine with it..
??? What does that have to do with filing bankruptcy? The 2 white people should have been smart enough to save them from bad decisions right? White is white. Thats why it says white. You dont get to claim white when it fits your argument then turn around and try to disown them when its bad news. :lol:

You don't know how a city council works do you? In any case, you reply is fine by me. Indeed, you ignored everything else I posted and responded where you thought you could make the best argument, as weak as it may have been. And you know that I don't make the skin color argument, but a cultural one. Is this all you got?

Thats all I need to make my point which was white people fail all the time in city government. Other posters clutching desperately at Detroit as an example of Black people failing is weak as usual. Especially when an industry of that size goes down and all the jobs move away. You have no choice but to be fine with my reply because you have nothing you can do about it but be fine with it..

Lawsuits that force a city, small town, or county into bankruptcy is hardly running it into the ground after years of corruptions and degradation. Bankruptcy due to multimillion dollar legal challenges and court fees for simple matters is much different than Detroit, the Arsenal of Democracy, the motor city, home of Motown, and formally one of the largest cities in the US, being turned into the laughing stock of the entire nation. You will never see the following in the city councils you cited.

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You don't know how a city council works do you? In any case, you reply is fine by me. Indeed, you ignored everything else I posted and responded where you thought you could make the best argument, as weak as it may have been. And you know that I don't make the skin color argument, but a cultural one. Is this all you got?

Thats all I need to make my point which was white people fail all the time in city government. Other posters clutching desperately at Detroit as an example of Black people failing is weak as usual. Especially when an industry of that size goes down and all the jobs move away. You have no choice but to be fine with my reply because you have nothing you can do about it but be fine with it..

Lawsuits that force a city, small town, or county into bankruptcy is hardly running it into the ground after years of corruptions and degradation. Bankruptcy due to multimillion dollar legal challenges and court fees for simple matters is much different than Detroit, the Arsenal of Democracy, the motor city, home of Motown, and formally one of the largest cities in the US, being turned into the laughing stock of the entire nation. You will never see the following in the city councils you cited.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOSNI7l0bQ]Detroit City Council hearing adjourned amid shouting match - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LieX2-4e6vI]Detroit: City Council Chimpout Episode 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Lawsuits are only a problem if you mismanage things and leave yourself open. Lawsuits are brought about by corruption and degradation. Facts are that white people are at least as corrupt and fail city government all the time. Atlanta is majority Black people and they are not in financial trouble.
Thats all I need to make my point which was white people fail all the time in city government. Other posters clutching desperately at Detroit as an example of Black people failing is weak as usual. Especially when an industry of that size goes down and all the jobs move away. You have no choice but to be fine with my reply because you have nothing you can do about it but be fine with it..

Lawsuits that force a city, small town, or county into bankruptcy is hardly running it into the ground after years of corruptions and degradation. Bankruptcy due to multimillion dollar legal challenges and court fees for simple matters is much different than Detroit, the Arsenal of Democracy, the motor city, home of Motown, and formally one of the largest cities in the US, being turned into the laughing stock of the entire nation. You will never see the following in the city councils you cited.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOSNI7l0bQ]Detroit City Council hearing adjourned amid shouting match - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LieX2-4e6vI]Detroit: City Council Chimpout Episode 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Lawsuits are only a problem if you mismanage things and leave yourself open. Lawsuits are brought about by corruption and degradation. Facts are that white people are at least as corrupt and fail city government all the time. Atlanta is majority Black people and they are not in financial trouble.

The website you cited admits that they have no problem managing the every day functions of the city. It was the law suit that brought them down. Detroit cannot boast the same excuse. Black governance brought Detroit down.

There is no doubt that there are corrupt white politicians. however, once they're caught they are less likely to get re-elected. I have already provided examples of corruption and deviance from Marion Barry, to William Jefferson, to Sharp James, Kwame Kilpatrick, Charlie Rangel, and perhaps the most corrupt Mayor in the past 100 years of US history, Coleman Young. They all were re-elected amid scandal, corruption, and deviance. This is common place among majority black municipalities/districts.
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Lawsuits that force a city, small town, or county into bankruptcy is hardly running it into the ground after years of corruptions and degradation. Bankruptcy due to multimillion dollar legal challenges and court fees for simple matters is much different than Detroit, the Arsenal of Democracy, the motor city, home of Motown, and formally one of the largest cities in the US, being turned into the laughing stock of the entire nation. You will never see the following in the city councils you cited.

Detroit City Council hearing adjourned amid shouting match - YouTube
Detroit: City Council Chimpout Episode 2 - YouTube

Lawsuits are only a problem if you mismanage things and leave yourself open. Lawsuits are brought about by corruption and degradation. Facts are that white people are at least as corrupt and fail city government all the time. Atlanta is majority Black people and they are not in financial trouble.

The website you cited admits that they have no problem managing the every day functions of the city. It was the law suit that brought them down. Detroit cannot boast the same excuse. Black governance brought Detroit down.

There is no doubt that there are corrupt white politicians. however, once they're caught they are less likely to get re-elected. I have already provided examples of corruption and deviance from Marion Barry, to William Jefferson, to Sharp James, Kwame Kilpatrick, Charlie Rangel, and perhaps the most corrupt Mayor in the past 100 years of US history, Coleman Young. They all were re-elected amid scandal, corruption, and deviance. This is common place among majority black municipalities/districts.

You still miss the fact that loss of jobs brought Detroit down. Black governance had nothing to do with it. Lots of cities have corrupt politicians that get reelected. Economics 101 says you are wrong.

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Lawsuits are only a problem if you mismanage things and leave yourself open. Lawsuits are brought about by corruption and degradation. Facts are that white people are at least as corrupt and fail city government all the time. Atlanta is majority Black people and they are not in financial trouble.

The website you cited admits that they have no problem managing the every day functions of the city. It was the law suit that brought them down. Detroit cannot boast the same excuse. Black governance brought Detroit down.

There is no doubt that there are corrupt white politicians. however, once they're caught they are less likely to get re-elected. I have already provided examples of corruption and deviance from Marion Barry, to William Jefferson, to Sharp James, Kwame Kilpatrick, Charlie Rangel, and perhaps the most corrupt Mayor in the past 100 years of US history, Coleman Young. They all were re-elected amid scandal, corruption, and deviance. This is common place among majority black municipalities/districts.

You still miss the fact that loss of jobs brought Detroit down. Black governance had nothing to do with it. Lots of cities have corrupt politicians that get reelected. Economics 101 says you are wrong.

No doubt that the economic down turn had a lot to do with it. The white tax base had left long ago. Furthermore, any smart black person who could afford to get out of Detroit also left and took his taxes with him as he smartly fled to the white suburbs. No smart business owner wants to set up shop in a crime ridden black neighborhood. Taxes were so bad in Detroit that you couldn't fart without a city permit. City council members regularly awarded contracts to blacks over whites based on race over merit and many have been arrested for racketeering, bribery, and corruption. Indeed, the Detroit deficit was bad loooooong before the economic downturn. If Detroit had a solid white middleclass population base they could have weathered the economic downturn quite well. Blacks, however, chased all the white people out long ago and the op goes in to detail of how it happened. The problem with Detroit was not the recession but the fact that no one wants to live or do business in Detroit! Both blacks and whites run from the ghetto black city as soon as they have enough money to exit! All of this is in the op that you obviously didn't read. http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/theruinofcities/hwrdet4a.htm

The reason Detroit lost jobs over the years was because no one wanted to do business in a crime ridden black neighborhood in a city ran by communist member black power advocates such as Colman Young who practically told whites to get the hell out. (Cited in the OP)
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Lawsuits are only a problem if you mismanage things and leave yourself open. Lawsuits are brought about by corruption and degradation. Facts are that white people are at least as corrupt and fail city government all the time. Atlanta is majority Black people and they are not in financial trouble.

The website you cited admits that they have no problem managing the every day functions of the city. It was the law suit that brought them down. Detroit cannot boast the same excuse. Black governance brought Detroit down.

There is no doubt that there are corrupt white politicians. however, once they're caught they are less likely to get re-elected. I have already provided examples of corruption and deviance from Marion Barry, to William Jefferson, to Sharp James, Kwame Kilpatrick, Charlie Rangel, and perhaps the most corrupt Mayor in the past 100 years of US history, Coleman Young. They all were re-elected amid scandal, corruption, and deviance. This is common place among majority black municipalities/districts.


In every single city in that list the white population is outnumbered by the combined black and Hispanic populations. They are places where the two largest minorities have the most political power, and thus, politicians must pander to unruly voters so as to gain a seat in office. Any politician willing to pander by race to get votes is willing to allow corruption to enter the system. They have no principles. Minorities don't vote for principles they vote for "what can you do for me and my people?"

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February 1, 2014 4:00 AM

Progressivism Kills
Detroit is not healthy for children and other living things.
By Kevin D. Williamson

There are many horrific stories to be told about the implosion of Detroit, once the nation’s most prosperous city, today its poorest. There is the story of its corrupt public institutions, its feckless leaders, its poisonous racial politics, its practically nonexistent economy, the riots that have led to its thrice being occupied by federal troops. The most horrific story may be that of the death of its children.

Detroit has the highest child-mortality rate of any American city, exceeding that of many parts of what we used to call the Third World. The rate of death before the age of 18 in Detroit is nearly three times New York City’s, and its infant-mortality rate exceeds that of Botswana. The main cause of premature death among the children of Detroit is premature birth — the second is murder. While the city’s murder rate among adults is nothing to be proud of, more horrifying is the fact that between 30 and 40 children are murdered in Detroit in a typical year. Some of those children are nine-month-olds killed by rifle fire in their beds; some are budding criminals in their late teens — and each of those situations offers its own unique horrors. So dangerous is the city that children are being armed by their parents, which has predictable consequences. “I work in the Wayne County Juvenile Court, and these children are obtaining guns from adults,” children’s-law attorney Lynda White told the Detroit News, which has been conducting an in-depth investigation of how Detroit’s children are dying. “They’re obtaining guns illegally from people who are supposed to be responsible and people who are supposed to protect them. And if that person who has a huge influence in your life is giving you a gun, some of them tend to think it’s okay to carry it. And they’re being told, ‘You need this for your protection, you live in Detroit.’”

Detroit represents nothing less than progressivism in its final stage of decadence: Worried that unionized public-sector workers are looting your city? Detroit is already bankrupt, unable to provide basic services expected of it — half the streetlights don’t work, transit has been reduced, neighborhoods go unpatrolled. Worried that public-sector unions are ruining your schools? Detroit’s were ruined a generation or more ago, the results of which are everywhere to be seen in the city. Worried that Obamacare is going to ruin our health-care markets? General-practice physicians are hard to find in Detroit, and those willing to accept Medicaid — which covers a great swath of Detroit’s population — are rarer still. Worried about the permissive culture? Four out of five of Detroit’s children are born out of wedlock. Worried that government is making it difficult for businesses to thrive? Many people in Detroit have to travel miles to find a grocery store. This is the endgame of welfare economics: What good is Medicaid if there are no doctors? What good are food stamps where there is no food? What good are “free” schools if you’re so afraid to send your children there that you feel it prudent to arm them first?

Detroit is what Democrats do. The last Republican elected mayor of Detroit took office during the Eisenhower administration. The decay of Detroit is not the inevitable outcome of the decline of the automotive industry: The automotive industry is thriving in the United States — but not in Detroit. It isn’t white flight: The black middle class has left Detroit as fast as it can. The model of Detroit politics is startlingly familiar in its fundamentals, distinguished only by its degree of advancement: Advance the interests of public-sector unions and politically connected business cronies, expand the relative size of the public sector remorselessly — and when opposed, cry “Racism!” When people vote with their feet, cry “Racism!” When the budget just won’t balance, cry “Racism!” Never mind that the current mayor of Detroit is the first non–African American to hold that job since the 1970s, or that, as one Detroit News columnist put it, “black nationalism . . . is now the dominant ideology of the [city] council” — somewhere, there must be a somebody else to blame, preferably: aged, portly, white, male, and Republican. No less a fool than Ed Schultz blamed the straits of this exemplar of Democratic single-party rule on “a lot of Republican policies.” Melissa Harris-Perry, “America’s leading public intellectual,” blames Detroit’s problems on its conservatism and small government, oblivious to the fact that Detroit maintains twice as many city employees per resident as do larger cities such as Fort Worth and Indianapolis, and three times as many as liberal San Jose.

The result of all that municipal “investment”? For children newborn through age 18, Detroit sees 120 deaths per 100,000 each year — a rate 26 percent higher than second-place child-killer Philadelphia. That’s nearly two and a half times the rate in Los Angeles, which isn’t exactly a leafy suburban paradise. Every time our progressive friends come to us with another idea for transferring wealth from the productive economy to them and their friends, they scold us: “Think of the children!” But those who resist their efforts to do to the country at large what they have done to Detroit are thinking of the children.

There used to be a popular bumper sticker reading, “War Is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things.” War is hell, Detroit merely hellish. The difference is, we don’t send children off to war.

— Kevin D. Williamson is roving reporter for National Review.
Progressivism Kills | National Review Online
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February 1, 2014 4:00 AM

Progressivism Kills
Detroit is not healthy for children and other living things.
By Kevin D. Williamson

There are many horrific stories to be told about the implosion of Detroit, once the nation’s most prosperous city, today its poorest. There is the story of its corrupt public institutions, its feckless leaders, its poisonous racial politics, its practically nonexistent economy, the riots that have led to its thrice being occupied by federal troops. The most horrific story may be that of the death of its children.

Detroit has the highest child-mortality rate of any American city, exceeding that of many parts of what we used to call the Third World. The rate of death before the age of 18 in Detroit is nearly three times New York City’s, and its infant-mortality rate exceeds that of Botswana. The main cause of premature death among the children of Detroit is premature birth — the second is murder. While the city’s murder rate among adults is nothing to be proud of, more horrifying is the fact that between 30 and 40 children are murdered in Detroit in a typical year. Some of those children are nine-month-olds killed by rifle fire in their beds; some are budding criminals in their late teens — and each of those situations offers its own unique horrors. So dangerous is the city that children are being armed by their parents, which has predictable consequences. “I work in the Wayne County Juvenile Court, and these children are obtaining guns from adults,” children’s-law attorney Lynda White told the Detroit News, which has been conducting an in-depth investigation of how Detroit’s children are dying. “They’re obtaining guns illegally from people who are supposed to be responsible and people who are supposed to protect them. And if that person who has a huge influence in your life is giving you a gun, some of them tend to think it’s okay to carry it. And they’re being told, ‘You need this for your protection, you live in Detroit.’”

Detroit represents nothing less than progressivism in its final stage of decadence: Worried that unionized public-sector workers are looting your city? Detroit is already bankrupt, unable to provide basic services expected of it — half the streetlights don’t work, transit has been reduced, neighborhoods go unpatrolled. Worried that public-sector unions are ruining your schools? Detroit’s were ruined a generation or more ago, the results of which are everywhere to be seen in the city. Worried that Obamacare is going to ruin our health-care markets? General-practice physicians are hard to find in Detroit, and those willing to accept Medicaid — which covers a great swath of Detroit’s population — are rarer still. Worried about the permissive culture? Four out of five of Detroit’s children are born out of wedlock. Worried that government is making it difficult for businesses to thrive? Many people in Detroit have to travel miles to find a grocery store. This is the endgame of welfare economics: What good is Medicaid if there are no doctors? What good are food stamps where there is no food? What good are “free” schools if you’re so afraid to send your children there that you feel it prudent to arm them first?

Detroit is what Democrats do. The last Republican elected mayor of Detroit took office during the Eisenhower administration. The decay of Detroit is not the inevitable outcome of the decline of the automotive industry: The automotive industry is thriving in the United States — but not in Detroit. It isn’t white flight: The black middle class has left Detroit as fast as it can. The model of Detroit politics is startlingly familiar in its fundamentals, distinguished only by its degree of advancement: Advance the interests of public-sector unions and politically connected business cronies, expand the relative size of the public sector remorselessly — and when opposed, cry “Racism!” When people vote with their feet, cry “Racism!” When the budget just won’t balance, cry “Racism!” Never mind that the current mayor of Detroit is the first non–African American to hold that job since the 1970s, or that, as one Detroit News columnist put it, “black nationalism . . . is now the dominant ideology of the [city] council” — somewhere, there must be a somebody else to blame, preferably: aged, portly, white, male, and Republican. No less a fool than Ed Schultz blamed the straits of this exemplar of Democratic single-party rule on “a lot of Republican policies.” Melissa Harris-Perry, “America’s leading public intellectual,” blames Detroit’s problems on its conservatism and small government, oblivious to the fact that Detroit maintains twice as many city employees per resident as do larger cities such as Fort Worth and Indianapolis, and three times as many as liberal San Jose.

The result of all that municipal “investment”? For children newborn through age 18, Detroit sees 120 deaths per 100,000 each year — a rate 26 percent higher than second-place child-killer Philadelphia. That’s nearly two and a half times the rate in Los Angeles, which isn’t exactly a leafy suburban paradise. Every time our progressive friends come to us with another idea for transferring wealth from the productive economy to them and their friends, they scold us: “Think of the children!” But those who resist their efforts to do to the country at large what they have done to Detroit are thinking of the children.

There used to be a popular bumper sticker reading, “War Is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things.” War is hell, Detroit merely hellish. The difference is, we don’t send children off to war.

— Kevin D. Williamson is roving reporter for National Review.
Progressivism Kills | National Review Online

Detroit is run by black democrats voted for by blacks. The early history of black run Detroit represents and experiment in "black power," of which, both the City council and Mayor Coleman Young did not shy away from informing the public. The moment Detroit erupted in racial violence over a raid of an unlicensed black bar was the moment Detroit was abandoned by white taxpaying voters. instead of attempting to stop the white flight mayor Coleman Young pandered to the black community by essentially telling white people to leave. The blacks in Detroit loved him for it and Ebony magazine thought Detroit was going to be a black paradise. There are many progressive cities with majority white populations that do just fine, although, I will admit that they are failures in the long run. When you combine progressivism with black power, however, you have a recipe for disaster.
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When you can't accept that you done something wrong...Are you really a logical human being?

Voting skin color and racial politics, whether you are white or black, over substance is indeed illogical behavior. The problem is that logical behavior among the black electorate is lacking much more than that of the white electorate who is more diverse in their views. Any politician that panders to race so as to get elected will sell out his city in a heartbeat. The problem is that they never learn and logic never emerges from black voting patterns. They will vote the same way no matter how much injustice it has served them so as long as they have someone who will pander to their skin color.
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There are no conservatives in Detroit. How exactly are conservatives to blame for Detroit's financial woes? Indeed, the city has been run by Democrats for the past 60-70 years. Are you really this dense? Do you really believe this nonsense? Are you so biased that you cant see the obvious? In your mind can progressives do any wrong? No one can be as stupid as I hope your pretending to be and no one can blame Detroit on conservatives.

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There are no conservatives in Detroit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcjIestFVOc]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon).wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Again...Detroit has to follow State and Federal laws and Republicans have been holding funds from Detroit, Republicans destroyed Detroit manufacturing base and Republicans passed laws that let the rich use the city resources without paying taxes.

There are no conservatives in Detroit.

Again...Detroit has to follow State and Federal laws and Republicans have been holding funds from Detroit, Republicans destroyed Detroit manufacturing base and Republicans passed laws that let the rich use the city resources without paying taxes.

Nope, this destroyed Detroit. White people and middle class black people running from black liberal dysfunction and taking the tax base with them. YOU CAN CITE NO state policy that can do as much damage as this.


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There are no conservatives in Detroit.

Again...Detroit has to follow State and Federal laws and Republicans have been holding funds from Detroit, Republicans destroyed Detroit manufacturing base and Republicans passed laws that let the rich use the city resources without paying taxes.

Nope, this destroyed Detroit. White people and middle class black people running from black liberal dysfunction and taking the tax base with them. YOU CAN CITE NO state policy that can do as much damage as this.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOSNI7l0bQ]Detroit City Council hearing adjourned amid shouting match - YouTube[/ame]

Yes white flight started during the civil rights era but that happened in many cities but that is not when Detroit's financial problems started. The real goal of Republicans is the privatization of public utilities and the theft fire sale of American tax payers property to corporations.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BX07PonYrc]The Detroit Bankruptcy: Wallace Turbeville on All In with Chris Hayes - YouTube[/ame]
The website you cited admits that they have no problem managing the every day functions of the city. It was the law suit that brought them down. Detroit cannot boast the same excuse. Black governance brought Detroit down.

There is no doubt that there are corrupt white politicians. however, once they're caught they are less likely to get re-elected. I have already provided examples of corruption and deviance from Marion Barry, to William Jefferson, to Sharp James, Kwame Kilpatrick, Charlie Rangel, and perhaps the most corrupt Mayor in the past 100 years of US history, Coleman Young. They all were re-elected amid scandal, corruption, and deviance. This is common place among majority black municipalities/districts.

You still miss the fact that loss of jobs brought Detroit down. Black governance had nothing to do with it. Lots of cities have corrupt politicians that get reelected. Economics 101 says you are wrong.

No doubt that the economic down turn had a lot to do with it. The white tax base had left long ago. Furthermore, any smart black person who could afford to get out of Detroit also left and took his taxes with him as he smartly fled to the white suburbs. No smart business owner wants to set up shop in a crime ridden black neighborhood. Taxes were so bad in Detroit that you couldn't fart without a city permit. City council members regularly awarded contracts to blacks over whites based on race over merit and many have been arrested for racketeering, bribery, and corruption. Indeed, the Detroit deficit was bad loooooong before the economic downturn. If Detroit had a solid white middleclass population base they could have weathered the economic downturn quite well. Blacks, however, chased all the white people out long ago and the op goes in to detail of how it happened. The problem with Detroit was not the recession but the fact that no one wants to live or do business in Detroit! Both blacks and whites run from the ghetto black city as soon as they have enough money to exit! All of this is in the op that you obviously didn't read. The Ruins of Detroit

The reason Detroit lost jobs over the years was because no one wanted to do business in a crime ridden black neighborhood in a city ran by communist member black power advocates such as Colman Young who practically told whites to get the hell out. (Cited in the OP)

You're not making sense. First you say it was corruption and bad voting now you agree it was economics? Are you shifting you stance again to fit your argument? :lol:

Detroit loss jobs because of the republican caused downturn. What business was going to come in and pick up the slack by the massive void left with the demise of the manufacturing and auto industry? All the rust belt cities were heavily industrialized. We live in the information age now.

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