What kind of future do you hope for?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What kind of future do you hope for?

Me::: One thing is sort of like star trek...Molecule assemblers have ended the need to work for food and for objective wealth. One can spend their live bettering themselves, spending time with the children or exploring the universe. We're a society that gets along with other people and possibly alien life forms! ;) We don't use religion to judge other people but evidence based thought.

This is the future I wish for! One in which one is free from the pains that we suffer from today and one that people can accept the differences within our species.

One difference from star trek is whether then do away with wealth and money...I'd like that the basics be a given in life but think the opportunity of personal advancement should remain.
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A future governed by "the law of the jungle", and regulated by survival of the fittest. A future where the weak, and impotent, are subjugated beneath the boot heel of the the capable, and strong. A future where the best of us have the greatest opportunity.
I have said again and again the Left watches entirely too much Star Trek.

We need to get them away from the Disney stuff too. Next thing you know, they'll think animals are equal to humans.

Oh ...
What kind of future do you hope for?

Me::: One thing is sort of like star trek...Molecule assemblers have ended the need to work for food and for objective wealth. One can spend their live bettering themselves, spending time with the children or exploring the universe. We're a society that gets along with other people and possibly alien life forms! ;) We don't use religion to judge other people but evidence based thought.

This is the future I wish for! One in which one is free from the pains that we suffer from today and one that people can accept the differences within our species.

One difference from star trek is whether then do away with wealth and money...I'd like that the basics be a given in life but think the opportunity of personal advancement should remain.

One without your racist ass anywhere in it.
What kind of future do you hope for?

Me::: One thing is sort of like star trek...Molecule assemblers have ended the need to work for food and for objective wealth. One can spend their live bettering themselves, spending time with the children or exploring the universe. We're a society that gets along with other people and possibly alien life forms! ;) We don't use religion to judge other people but evidence based thought.

This is the future I wish for! One in which one is free from the pains that we suffer from today and one that people can accept the differences within our species.

One difference from star trek is whether then do away with wealth and money...I'd like that the basics be a given in life but think the opportunity of personal advancement should remain.

I dream of a future where violence is "off the table" as a means of resolving day-to-day conflict.
One thing is sort of like star trek...Molecule assemblers have ended the need to work for food and for objective wealth.

You obviously don't watch a lot of 'Star Trek'. The 'Star Trek' universe is a tiered society where only StarFleet members live with the high tech replicators and cashless society. The plebeians of the Galaxy still have to scramble for cash and trade just like we do. The 'Star Trek' universe has war, disease, famine, greed, and racism ... and they don't interfere with any of it because of their 'Prime Directive'.
The best thing about 'Star Trek' is apparently sexual harassment laws become archaic and overt sexism will be all OK in the future.


I dream about the happy ending in Shikasta. Send us that beam, Canopians!
None. I've got about 30 years left, maximum, and then I'm gone, so why would I care?
What kind of future do you hope for?

Me::: One thing is sort of like star trek...Molecule assemblers have ended the need to work for food and for objective wealth. One can spend their live bettering themselves, spending time with the children or exploring the universe. We're a society that gets along with other people and possibly alien life forms! ;) We don't use religion to judge other people but evidence based thought.

This is the future I wish for! One in which one is free from the pains that we suffer from today and one that people can accept the differences within our species.

One difference from star trek is whether then do away with wealth and money...I'd like that the basics be a given in life but think the opportunity of personal advancement should remain.

I am emotionally committed to a prosperous and free future, much like Star Trek.

THis is impossible if the agenda of the Left, that you support is implemented.

Your scenario will result in an economy like Little House on the Prairie and the society of Dark Angel.

Also, the basics being a given is a weak expectation of a post work economy.
A world in which in every delivery room the newborn are issued a participation trophy.

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