What Leftism Does to People

In your opinion, which statement most closely reflects the truth?

  • Leftism is America’s best hope.

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • Unchecked Leftism will destroy the America we know.

    Votes: 66 72.5%
  • Neither and I will explain in my post

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
I know this will sound insulting but it is true. You can spot a Left/Democrat very easily. They're the ones always screeching about how it's somebody else's fault they're losers. This is a uniquely Left/Democrat trait. They really do feel they deserve those freebies. What they don't know or care about though is that nothing is free. Someone has to pay for their freebies. They're not entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. Unfortunately the Democrats have worked very hard for many years to foster this sad mentality.
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I'm just wondering how many people here who support Liberalism have actually had to live in the world created by big government programs that have destroyed people and made victims out of them. Otherwise good people who have fallen into the cycle of dependency, living on government handouts and been brainwashed into thinking they are owed something simply because they were born. This is how the left gains their power. I've lived it, look at Detroit and you'll see the result.. It isn’t pretty.

And Klavan took the entitlement mentality that he said comes from leftists and focused on the antisocial, destructive behavior of those hooked on entitlements when anybody proposes to scale them back or take them away.

I think conservatives aren't really thinking about how something doesn't come from nothing. Every government program that gives something to somebody has to take it away from somebody else in order to give it. I think leftists maybe aren't so 'awful' that they would literally take food out of my mouth or my rent money in order to receive their entitlement. But they seem unaware that it is you, me, and other wage earners who are providing it for them.

It is like the government magically is a golden goose of unexhaustible benefits. And because they see it as a dutiful government providing it, they don't feel the least bit beholden to those who actually did provide it from their own labor and resources. But when government runs out of other people's money and presumes to cut back on or end an entitlement, there is instant blame and rage and accusations of selfishness and heartlessness.

And generally you see the rage and riots and civil disobedience that Klavan points to in the Occupy groups, in Greece and Spain and anywhere that the government tries to get a handle on runaway entitlements that threaten to bankrupt nations.

It's always the liberal elitists who think they know best as to how the poor can be helped. Most have no concept of how things are when one is sucked into living on these government programs. They suck the life out of people. All the while creating a bureaucracy with lots of bureaucrats and depts that are a waste of money and fail in their stated goals, but the libs keep trying, more money, and more programs more..more...more:cuckoo:
I know this will sound insulting but it is true. You can spot a Left/Democrat very easily. They're the ones always screeching about how it's somebody else's fault they're losers. This is a uniquely Left/Democrat trait. They really do feel they deserve those freebies. What they don't know or care about though is that nothing is free. Someone has to pay for their freebies. They're not entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. Unfortunately the Democrats have worked very hard for many years to foster this sad mentality.

It's always the liberal elitists who think they know best as to how the poor can be helped. Most have no concept of how things are when one is sucked into living on these government programs. They suck the life out of people. All the while creating a bureaucracy with lots of bureaucrats and depts that are a waste of money and fail in their stated goals, but the libs keep trying, more money, and more programs more..more...more
…and this is what conservatism does to people – both sad and troubling.
I'm just wondering how many people here who support Liberalism have actually had to live in the world created by big government programs that have destroyed people and made victims out of them. Otherwise good people who have fallen into the cycle of dependency, living on government handouts and been brainwashed into thinking they are owed something simply because they were born. This is how the left gains their power. I've lived it, look at Detroit and you'll see the result.. It isn’t pretty.

And Klavan took the entitlement mentality that he said comes from leftists and focused on the antisocial, destructive behavior of those hooked on entitlements when anybody proposes to scale them back or take them away.

I think conservatives aren't really thinking about how something doesn't come from nothing. Every government program that gives something to somebody has to take it away from somebody else in order to give it. I think leftists maybe aren't so 'awful' that they would literally take food out of my mouth or my rent money in order to receive their entitlement. But they seem unaware that it is you, me, and other wage earners who are providing it for them.

It is like the government magically is a golden goose of unexhaustible benefits. And because they see it as a dutiful government providing it, they don't feel the least bit beholden to those who actually did provide it from their own labor and resources. But when government runs out of other people's money and presumes to cut back on or end an entitlement, there is instant blame and rage and accusations of selfishness and heartlessness.

And generally you see the rage and riots and civil disobedience that Klavan points to in the Occupy groups, in Greece and Spain and anywhere that the government tries to get a handle on runaway entitlements that threaten to bankrupt nations.

It's always the liberal elitists who think they know best as to how the poor can be helped. Most have no concept of how things are when one is sucked into living on these government programs. They suck the life out of people. All the while creating a bureaucracy with lots of bureaucrats and depts that are a waste of money and fail in their stated goals, but the libs keep trying, more money, and more programs more..more...more:cuckoo:

The party of "More".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep1Bq5XZCVU]SK-MODE: MUSIC VIDEO ... MAKE MO MONEY - YouTube[/ame]

^ These guys know how to make more money.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIkksi344cM]Free Obama Money - YouTube[/ame]

Obama doesn't know how to make money, just give it away...
I know this will sound insulting but it is true. You can spot a Left/Democrat very easily. They're the ones always screeching about how it's somebody else's fault they're losers. This is a uniquely Left/Democrat trait. They really do feel they deserve those freebies. What they don't know or care about though is that nothing is free. Someone has to pay for their freebies. They're not entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. Unfortunately the Democrats have worked very hard for many years to foster this sad mentality.

It's always the liberal elitists who think they know best as to how the poor can be helped. Most have no concept of how things are when one is sucked into living on these government programs. They suck the life out of people. All the while creating a bureaucracy with lots of bureaucrats and depts that are a waste of money and fail in their stated goals, but the libs keep trying, more money, and more programs more..more...more
…and this is what conservatism does to people – both sad and troubling.

Perhaps to some leftists as yourself. Conservatives are sad and troubled because of the truth of it, not because somebody speaks it.
Gee nobody likes us is probably why between 12 and 20 million people have sneaked into the country illegally and why we get hundreds of thousands more legal immigration requests than any other country.

Lord help us if anybody actually liked us.

I understand it's very hard to like someone you're eaten up with envy over.

I'd just like an answer....

Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!
I love when conservatives try to insult the other side in threads like this. Says a lot more than any insult they could hurl.
I'd just like an answer....

Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

she projects a lot.

i am with you, though. there isn't anything they have that i would want. and there isn't anything any of them have that i couldn't get if i wanted it. (assuming i don't already have it).

the really funny bit of projection is them whining that we don't "like them" when they're the ones spewing all over this nonsense thread..

it's really funny.
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I'd just like an answer....

Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

For the record, they were referring to Americans. Are you saying you don't want to be an American (democrat or republican or other)?
Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

she projects a lot.

i am with you, though. there isn't anything they have that i would want. and there isn't anything any of them have that i couldn't get if i wanted it. (assuming i don't already have it).

Please, keep up, they were talking about "Americans" (not political parties). Are you too, saying that you do not want to be an American?
Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

For the record, they were referring to Americans. Are you saying you don't want to be an American (democrat or republican or other)?

she IS an american, nutter.

and for the record, i think you'll find if you ask most of the non-americans on this board, they think we have a pretty stupid political system... at least as it's practiced now.
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Just to set the record straight....there is not a Republican that stands on this God given Earth, that I want to "BE" like......no envy exists towards any of you on my part! :thup:

come to think of it, there isn't a Democrat that stands on this god given earth, that I want to "be" like either
, or am envious of....I am content with being me, thank you very much!

she projects a lot.

i am with you, though. there isn't anything they have that i would want. and there isn't anything any of them have that i couldn't get if i wanted it. (assuming i don't already have it).

Please, keep up, they were talking about "Americans" (not political parties). Are you too, saying that you do not want to be an American?

no. they weren't.

kindly read with comprehension. care is an american and was very specifically referring to democrats and republicans... which IS the point of this nonsense thread.

i think it's perhaps *you* who should try to keep up.

now go read the part in bold like a good little boy.
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Constitutional Conservatism is the only hope for our nation. Haven't the Socialists/Progressives and Neocons done enough damage? Become a Paulitician right now. Together we can bring real change.
Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.
actually, US americans with attitudes like logical4u and co are not liked because the furriners want to get into his or her american pants.

yep. that's the ticket.
Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.


I think we should see who voted, you stupid Nazi twit. I for one didn't.
Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.


I think we should see who voted, you stupid Nazi twit. I for one didn't.

i support your abrasive putdown of that dishonest self-righteous phony.
Care and Jillian, you know I adore you both. But look at the poll. Eighty two responses now with an overwhelming majority opposing leftism as a viable ideology for freedom loving people. There are a number of members for whom I have considerable affection and who I admire and respect who cannot or will not embrace conservatism. But so far all the opposition here has been in complaints that the thread exists and/or personal insults and/or some attempt at deflection from Klavan's thesis.

But not one who identifies himself or herself as left of center has offered any kind of rebuttal to show why the thesis is wrong.

I think that fact in inself, considering the widespread interest in the thread, should be instructive. It obviously is a subject of interest to many and I think it deserves a fair hearing.

you think a "poll" on a board that is heavily weighted with rightwingers is relevant?

please, hon. the thread is nonsense. no offense and nothing personal. cause we like you, too.
I'm waiting for any of these leftist liberals to point to their model. Were has it worked? were is it working? As most of Europe is reeling from all the big government programs and we are on the brink of the same fate were is it working?

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