What Leftism Does to People

In your opinion, which statement most closely reflects the truth?

  • Leftism is America’s best hope.

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • Unchecked Leftism will destroy the America we know.

    Votes: 66 72.5%
  • Neither and I will explain in my post

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
Anywhere else in the world, Dems would be seen as centrist and moderate at most. Pubs are seen as off the wall.

Maybe that is why the USA is like no where else in the world! Thank you very much

your attitude is why the USA is liked nowhere else in the world! Thank you very much

Question: (by all means try to give a thoughtful, honest answer) Why are so many people trying to come to this country legally, illegally, or even temporarily if it "is liked nowhere else in the world"? Are the people coming her from "off-planet"?
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison in the modern world. Reaganism is a farce...

AND THE DUPES BLAME OBAMA- who's been filbustered since 2/4/2010. Jobs jobs jobs my azz...change the channel, brainwashed dupes...You are being duped by the best lying con men in the world, bought off by Murdoch and Rev. Moon, your heroes...
It WAS the beacon of the world...now it's only NOW coming back from being hated and laughed at under Boooosh. And thanks for the SECOND Pub great Depression. Voodoo and the Pub BS propaganda machine are a disgrace, and it's now obvious but to total dittoheads...

17 minutes till the debate- illustration of the bankruptcy of the Limbaugh Party...LOL

So how do you feel about Obama and Sarkozy basing Netinyahu on an open mike? Do you think anyone is laughing at us? How do you feel about Putin out manuvering Obama on the nukes treaty (so Russia has the upper hand)? Do you think the Middle Eastern leaders respect Obama, and are less likely to cause trouble in the region (or here)? What was this great man (Obama) doing while he had the senate and the House (was it .... increasing taxes thru the new obamacare), where he ensured there will be no middle class, just the oppressed and the elite ruling class (includes education employees)? Oh, please explain how we are better off under this dictator wannabe.
good lord, are you full of it!!! What did you do, visit all of those places and take a survey?? This entire post is just a hate speech disguised as something else. Listen to your friends. I think they know what they're talking about.

Lastly, based on what i've observed about conservatives, they are not as benevolent as you seem to think.

would you care to list where conservatives are deficating on police cars, vandalizing businesses and property, squatting on other people's property, demanding free supplies from businesses (or trashing a business when one says i have given you all that is possible without hurting the business), throwing rocks/stones at police that are trying to enforce the law, intimidating customers trying to get to businesses or employees trying to go to work, etc?

conservatives are doing all of those things??? Well, i'm not surprised. I would like to see a reference before i respond. Were you there??? I hope you didn't join in. :)

dodge ....
I'm just wondering how many people here who support Liberalism have actually had to live in the world created by big government programs that have destroyed people and made victims out of them. Otherwise good people who have fallen into the cycle of dependency, living on government handouts and been brainwashed into thinking they are owed something simply because they were born. This is how the left gains their power. I've lived it, look at Detroit and you'll see the result.. It isn’t pretty.

I am sorry for your loss (Detroit). After decades of spending other people's money, the city was asked to foot their own bill, and collapsed under their obligations. A sad testament to how dems/libs/lefties/homosexual activists/islamic extremists/socialists/communists/greenies actualy work and the result.
Maybe that is why the USA is like no where else in the world! Thank you very much

your attitude is why the USA is liked nowhere else in the world! Thank you very much

Question: (by all means try to give a thoughtful, honest answer) Why are so many people trying to come to this country legally, illegally, or even temporarily if it "is liked nowhere else in the world"? Are the people coming her from "off-planet"?

I understand it's very hard to like someone you're eaten up with envy over.
Gee nobody likes us is probably why between 12 and 20 million people have sneaked into the country illegally and why we get hundreds of thousands more legal immigration requests than any other country.

Lord help us if anybody actually liked us.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison in the modern world. Reaganism is a farce...

AND THE DUPES BLAME OBAMA- who's been filbustered since 2/4/2010. Jobs jobs jobs my azz...change the channel, brainwashed dupes...You are being duped by the best lying con men in the world, bought off by Murdoch and Rev. Moon, your heroes...
It WAS the beacon of the world...now it's only NOW coming back from being hated and laughed at under Boooosh. And thanks for the SECOND Pub great Depression. Voodoo and the Pub BS propaganda machine are a disgrace, and it's now obvious but to total dittoheads...

17 minutes till the debate- illustration of the bankruptcy of the Limbaugh Party...LOL

So how do you feel about Obama and Sarkozy basing Netinyahu on an open mike? Do you think anyone is laughing at us? How do you feel about Putin out manuvering Obama on the nukes treaty (so Russia has the upper hand)? Do you think the Middle Eastern leaders respect Obama, and are less likely to cause trouble in the region (or here)? What was this great man (Obama) doing while he had the senate and the House (was it .... increasing taxes thru the new obamacare), where he ensured there will be no middle class, just the oppressed and the elite ruling class (includes education employees)? Oh, please explain how we are better off under this dictator wannabe.

your attitude is why the USA is liked nowhere else in the world! Thank you very much

Question: (by all means try to give a thoughtful, honest answer) Why are so many people trying to come to this country legally, illegally, or even temporarily if it "is liked nowhere else in the world"? Are the people coming here from "off-planet"?

I understand it's very hard to like someone you're eaten up with envy over.

I'd just like an answer....
Gee nobody likes us is probably why between 12 and 20 million people have sneaked into the country illegally and why we get hundreds of thousands more legal immigration requests than any other country.

Lord help us if anybody actually liked us.

So how do you feel about Obama and Sarkozy basing Netinyahu on an open mike? Do you think anyone is laughing at us? How do you feel about Putin out manuvering Obama on the nukes treaty (so Russia has the upper hand)? Do you think the Middle Eastern leaders respect Obama, and are less likely to cause trouble in the region (or here)? What was this great man (Obama) doing while he had the senate and the House (was it .... increasing taxes thru the new obamacare), where he ensured there will be no middle class, just the oppressed and the elite ruling class (includes education employees)? Oh, please explain how we are better off under this dictator wannabe.

Question: (by all means try to give a thoughtful, honest answer) Why are so many people trying to come to this country legally, illegally, or even temporarily if it "is liked nowhere else in the world"? Are the people coming here from "off-planet"?

I understand it's very hard to like someone you're eaten up with envy over.

I'd just like an answer....

Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.
Right on Cecile, though some are so brainwashed or so filled with leftist style 'hate' that they cannot appreciate anything good, noble, right, or positive about the freedom that we still have in this country but that is increasingly under assault. . . .from leftism. Leftism cannot recognize the unalienable rights of the person nor allow people to govern themselves because leftism, by its very nature and no matter how well intended, looks to government to create the sort of society the leftist thinks he or she wants.

So from leftism we have intrusion into all aspects of our life as to what light bulbs we may buy to what kind of toilet we can have to what kind of car we can drive to whether we can smoke a legal substance on our own property or what public religious expressions the people can enjoy to what words are permissable to use lest there are immediate judgmental demands for us to lose our standing, job, position, or opportunities.

And yes, when the religious right demands the federal government impose this or that law on everybody, they are not coming from a conservative perspective on that but rather from a leftist one.

Modern American conservatism does not look to the federal government to order society but rather wants to govern itself and order the society it wants. Rasmussen, after extensive poling, put out a little book on that in the last year or two illustrating how most Americans, unique among people of the Earth, do not want to be governed but want to govern themselves.

So those who are living under systems they desperately want to feel good about and try to defend hate the USA for doing it differently. (Klavan's thesis is that leftists aren't awful people but leftism makes people awful.) But you still can't get away from more people wanting to come to the USA and live and prosper and be free than people want to move anywhere else.
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Right on Cecile, though some are so brainwashed or so filled with leftist style 'hate' that they cannot appreciate anything good, noble, right, or positive about the freedom that we still have in this country but that is increasingly under assault. . . .from leftism. Leftism cannot recognize the unalienable rights of the person nor allow people to govern themselves because leftism, by its very nature and no matter how well intended, looks to government to create the sort of society the leftist thinks he or she wants.

So from leftism we have intrusion into all aspects of our life as to what light bulbs we may buy to what kind of toilet we can have to what kind of car we can drive to whether we can smoke a legal substance on our own property or what public religious expressions the people can enjoy to what words are permissable to use lest there are immediate judgmental demands for us to lose our standing, job, position, or opportunities.

And yes, when the religious right demands the federal government impose this or that law on everybody, they are not coming from a conservative perspective on that but rather from a leftist one.

Modern American conservatism does not look to the federal government to order society but rather wants to govern itself and order the society it wants. Rasmussen, after extensive poling, put out a little book on that in the last year or two illustrating how most Americans, unique among people of the Earth, do not want to be governed but want to govern themselves.

So those who are living under systems they desperately want to feel good about and try to defend hate the USA for doing it differently. (Klavan's thesis is that leftists aren't awful people but leftism makes people awful.) But you still can't get away from more people wanting to come to the USA and live and prosper and be free than people want to move anywhere else.

I do have to correct you on one thing. It's actually very rare that the religious right "wants to impose federal laws" "from a leftist perspective". A lot of people have been convinced to believe that by the never-ending leftist narrative trying to filter through a conservative viewpoint, rather than just being questioned and rejected outright.
Gee nobody likes us is probably why between 12 and 20 million people have sneaked into the country illegally and why we get hundreds of thousands more legal immigration requests than any other country.

Lord help us if anybody actually liked us.

I understand it's very hard to like someone you're eaten up with envy over.

I'd just like an answer....

Well, I have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that IS the actual answer: they DON'T like us, because they want to BE us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.

Poll: I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

Well, L.K. was invited.. :lmao:

Thanks for the answer.
Right on Cecile, though some are so brainwashed or so filled with leftist style 'hate' that they cannot appreciate anything good, noble, right, or positive about the freedom that we still have in this country but that is increasingly under assault. . . .from leftism. Leftism cannot recognize the unalienable rights of the person nor allow people to govern themselves because leftism, by its very nature and no matter how well intended, looks to government to create the sort of society the leftist thinks he or she wants.

So from leftism we have intrusion into all aspects of our life as to what light bulbs we may buy to what kind of toilet we can have to what kind of car we can drive to whether we can smoke a legal substance on our own property or what public religious expressions the people can enjoy to what words are permissable to use lest there are immediate judgmental demands for us to lose our standing, job, position, or opportunities.

And yes, when the religious right demands the federal government impose this or that law on everybody, they are not coming from a conservative perspective on that but rather from a leftist one.

Modern American conservatism does not look to the federal government to order society but rather wants to govern itself and order the society it wants. Rasmussen, after extensive poling, put out a little book on that in the last year or two illustrating how most Americans, unique among people of the Earth, do not want to be governed but want to govern themselves.

So those who are living under systems they desperately want to feel good about and try to defend hate the USA for doing it differently. (Klavan's thesis is that leftists aren't awful people but leftism makes people awful.) But you still can't get away from more people wanting to come to the USA and live and prosper and be free than people want to move anywhere else.

I do have to correct you on one thing. It's actually very rare that the religious right "wants to impose federal laws" "from a leftist perspective". A lot of people have been convinced to believe that by the never-ending leftist narrative trying to filter through a conservative viewpoint, rather than just being questioned and rejected outright.

Yes it is rare and certainly there are many in the Religious Right who are true conservatives and who do NOT look to the federal government to order the society they think they want. But we would be dishonest if we said there are none in that category. The left points to them all the time as 'typical' of conservatism, which of course they are not, which I think is what you are aying here.

But you are right to point out the phenomenon and discrepancy. That alone would make an interesting discussion topic. For instance, are those who want a Defense of Marriage constitutional amendment simply reinforcing traditional values and protecting a critically important American institution that has served us very very well? Or are they no different than those who want the federal government to make same sex marriage legal and on the same level as traditional marriage? Are those who want the federal government to make abortion universally illegal in almost all circumstances, or in some cases ALL circumstances any different than those who want the federal government to fund abortion at all stages and for any reason? Are those who want the federal government to enforce the absence of all religious expression in the schools any different from those who want a constitutional amendment permitting prayer in the schools?

ATTENTION: I do NOT want to debate same sex marriage vs traditional marriage or abortion or school prayer here. I use these only as an illustration of how the left and right can attempt to use the federal government and/or the courts to produce the sort of society they think they want.

The Founders intended the federal government to secure our individual rights and then leave us alone to form whatever sort of society we wished to have. If the federal government and/or the courts then take that back and starts dictating what sort of society we will have, how long will it be until the Constitution is pretty much null and void?
Right on Cecile, though some are so brainwashed or so filled with leftist style 'hate' that they cannot appreciate anything good, noble, right, or positive about the freedom that we still have in this country but that is increasingly under assault. . . .from leftism. Leftism cannot recognize the unalienable rights of the person nor allow people to govern themselves because leftism, by its very nature and no matter how well intended, looks to government to create the sort of society the leftist thinks he or she wants.

So from leftism we have intrusion into all aspects of our life as to what light bulbs we may buy to what kind of toilet we can have to what kind of car we can drive to whether we can smoke a legal substance on our own property or what public religious expressions the people can enjoy to what words are permissable to use lest there are immediate judgmental demands for us to lose our standing, job, position, or opportunities.

And yes, when the religious right demands the federal government impose this or that law on everybody, they are not coming from a conservative perspective on that but rather from a leftist one.

Modern American conservatism does not look to the federal government to order society but rather wants to govern itself and order the society it wants. Rasmussen, after extensive poling, put out a little book on that in the last year or two illustrating how most Americans, unique among people of the Earth, do not want to be governed but want to govern themselves.

So those who are living under systems they desperately want to feel good about and try to defend hate the USA for doing it differently. (Klavan's thesis is that leftists aren't awful people but leftism makes people awful.) But you still can't get away from more people wanting to come to the USA and live and prosper and be free than people want to move anywhere else.

I do have to correct you on one thing. It's actually very rare that the religious right "wants to impose federal laws" "from a leftist perspective". A lot of people have been convinced to believe that by the never-ending leftist narrative trying to filter through a conservative viewpoint, rather than just being questioned and rejected outright.

Yes it is rare and certainly there are many in the Religious Right who are true conservatives and who do NOT look to the federal government to order the society they think they want. But we would be dishonest if we said there are none in that category. The left points to them all the time as 'typical' of conservatism, which of course they are not, which I think is what you are aying here.

But you are right to point out the phenomenon and discrepancy. That alone would make an interesting discussion topic. For instance, are those who want a Defense of Marriage constitutional amendment simply reinforcing traditional values and protecting a critically important American institution that has served us very very well? Or are they no different than those who want the federal government to make same sex marriage legal and on the same level as traditional marriage? Are those who want the federal government to make abortion universally illegal in almost all circumstances, or in some cases ALL circumstances any different than those who want the federal government to fund abortion at all stages and for any reason? Are those who want the federal government to enforce the absence of all religious expression in the schools any different from those who want a constitutional amendment permitting prayer in the schools?

ATTENTION: I do NOT want to debate same sex marriage vs traditional marriage or abortion or school prayer here. I use these only as an illustration of how the left and right can attempt to use the federal government and/or the courts to produce the sort of society they think they want.

The Founders intended the federal government to secure our individual rights and then leave us alone to form whatever sort of society we wished to have. If the federal government and/or the courts then take that back and starts dictating what sort of society we will have, how long will it be until the Constitution is pretty much null and void?

In my experience, even when the left is pointing to someone and saying, "See? He wants to impose laws on people and intrude the government into their lives", they're mistaken as often as not.

I don't think passing a law that confirms the long-term status quo is imposing government on people. The laws - and worse, the court judgements - that that confirmation is attempting to head off, on the other hand, would be.
<snip> for brevity but see immediately preceding posts for the full context. . . . .

In my experience, even when the left is pointing to someone and saying, "See? He wants to impose laws on people and intrude the government into their lives", they're mistaken as often as not.

I don't think passing a law that confirms the long-term status quo is imposing government on people. The laws - and worse, the court judgements - that that confirmation is attempting to head off, on the other hand, would be.

Well there is something to say for that too. That in itself would make an interesting discussion, yes? :)

The thing is that when a conservative states their beliefs about religion or a social concept or a traditional value, they are too often accused of trying to ram it down somebody's throat.

When a leftist comments on these things, they are exercising their right to free speech. :)

The left too often objects and points fingers and accuses the religious when they lobby their government. Violation of church and state and all that and trying to turn the country into a theocracy and all that.

But when the left lobbies for a social issue, they are simply exercising their Constitutional right to petition their government.

I'm sure the left thinks the right is more guilty of offenses and the right thinks the left is more guilty of such offenses, but the hypocrisy in all that does abound for sure.

But there are some on both the left and right who would want the federal government to enact dangerous universal laws. We modern American conservatives see that as whittling away at our unalienable rights and/or ability to govern ourselves. And we should continue to resist that regardless of who is pushing for it lest we all lose.
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i'd just like an answer....

well, i have no idea what the left thinks the answer is, but that is the actual answer: They don't like us, because they want to be us, and they resent us for already having and being what they want.

poll: I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

well, l.k. Was invited.. :lmao:

Thanks for the answer.

I am the 2.5%

Shame it's not public. I would like to see who is the other numbnut troll!
<snip> for brevity but see immediately preceding posts for the full context. . . . .

In my experience, even when the left is pointing to someone and saying, "See? He wants to impose laws on people and intrude the government into their lives", they're mistaken as often as not.

I don't think passing a law that confirms the long-term status quo is imposing government on people. The laws - and worse, the court judgements - that that confirmation is attempting to head off, on the other hand, would be.

Well there is something to say for that too. That in itself would make an interesting discussion, yes? :)

The thing is that when a conservative states their beliefs about religion or a social concept or a traditional value, they are too often accused of trying to ram it down somebody's throat.

When a leftist comments on these things, they are exercising their right to free speech. :)

The left too often objects and points fingers and accuses the religious when they lobby their government. Violation of church and state and all that and trying to turn the country into a theocracy and all that.

But when the left lobbies for a social issue, they are simply exercising their Constitutional right to petition their government.

I'm sure the left thinks the right is more guilty of offenses and the right thinks the left is more guilty of such offenses, but the hypocrisy in all that does abound for sure.

But there are some on both the left and right who would want the federal government to enact dangerous universal laws. We modern American conservatives see that as whittling away at our unalienable rights and/or ability to govern ourselves. And we should continue to resist that regardless of who is pushing for it lest we all lose.

I need to correct your statements about religion. It is only the "Christian" religion that the left objects in regards to gov't. Many are openly claiming that Shariah should be accepted as "freedom of religion".
Maybe that is why the USA is like no where else in the world! Thank you very much

your attitude is why the USA is liked nowhere else in the world! Thank you very much

Question: (by all means try to give a thoughtful, honest answer) Why are so many people trying to come to this country legally, illegally, or even temporarily if it "is liked nowhere else in the world"? Are the people coming her from "off-planet"?

wow, such a serious question.

i am truly stomped.

i guess they come for your freedoms. and because you have such a nice flag, and so really good super morals.

am i close, cliché-victim?
<snip> for brevity but see immediately preceding posts for the full context. . . . .

In my experience, even when the left is pointing to someone and saying, "See? He wants to impose laws on people and intrude the government into their lives", they're mistaken as often as not.

I don't think passing a law that confirms the long-term status quo is imposing government on people. The laws - and worse, the court judgements - that that confirmation is attempting to head off, on the other hand, would be.

Well there is something to say for that too. That in itself would make an interesting discussion, yes? :)

The thing is that when a conservative states their beliefs about religion or a social concept or a traditional value, they are too often accused of trying to ram it down somebody's throat.

When a leftist comments on these things, they are exercising their right to free speech. :)

The left too often objects and points fingers and accuses the religious when they lobby their government. Violation of church and state and all that and trying to turn the country into a theocracy and all that.

But when the left lobbies for a social issue, they are simply exercising their Constitutional right to petition their government.

I'm sure the left thinks the right is more guilty of offenses and the right thinks the left is more guilty of such offenses, but the hypocrisy in all that does abound for sure.

But there are some on both the left and right who would want the federal government to enact dangerous universal laws. We modern American conservatives see that as whittling away at our unalienable rights and/or ability to govern ourselves. And we should continue to resist that regardless of who is pushing for it lest we all lose.

I need to correct your statements about religion. It is only the "Christian" religion that the left objects in regards to gov't. Many are openly claiming that Shariah should be accepted as "freedom of religion".

But I am speaking of modern American conservatives who are instructed by their religious faith. In nobody's wildest dreams is anybody who advocates or even tolerates Shariah Law a conservative because such people recognize no unalienable rights that come from God/Allah or anywhere else and they intend that there be no personal liberties outside of Shariah Law. That is 'leftism' at its absolute worst.
Actually, President Obama has undone a lot of the "Ugly American" stereotype.


Where are American citizens welcomed because Obama is President?

Is the ME singing the praises of the USA? Did they stop calling us the "great Satan" because Obama is President?

Please provide evidence/links for this "opinion".
Actually, President Obama has undone a lot of the "Ugly American" stereotype.
It was only a "stereotype" with American hating libturds like you. Now foreigners thing Americans are stupid, spineless and gullible.

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