What Leftism Does to People

In your opinion, which statement most closely reflects the truth?

  • Leftism is America’s best hope.

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • Unchecked Leftism will destroy the America we know.

    Votes: 66 72.5%
  • Neither and I will explain in my post

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • I am a troll and/or numbnut who has nothing constructive to add to the discussion.

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
Gee nobody likes us is probably why between 12 and 20 million people have sneaked into the country illegally and why we get hundreds of thousands more legal immigration requests than any other country.

Lord help us if anybody actually liked us.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison in the modern world. Reaganism is a farce...

AND THE DUPES BLAME OBAMA- who's been filbustered since 2/4/2010. Jobs jobs jobs my azz...change the channel, brainwashed dupes...You are being duped by the best lying con men in the world, bought off by Murdoch and Rev. Moon, your heroes...
It WAS the beacon of the world...now it's only NOW coming back from being hated and laughed at under Boooosh. And thanks for the SECOND Pub great Depression. Voodoo and the Pub BS propaganda machine are a disgrace, and it's now obvious but to total dittoheads...

17 minutes till the debate- illustration of the bankruptcy of the Limbaugh Party...LOL
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Anywhere else in the world, Dems would be seen as centrist and moderate at most. Pubs are seen as off the wall.

Maybe that is why the USA is like no where else in the world! Thank you very much

"Everywhere else in the world" means every fucked up socialist welfare state with permanent 15% unemployment and everyone living in apartments the size of my closet.
lol, more retarded posts on this "serious thread".

if you were honest you'd agree with foxfyre. and then all participants could wax poetic about how right she and her "source" are. and how dumb and dishonest the "others" are.

now, that would be a "debate".
Gee nobody likes us is probably why between 12 and 20 million people have sneaked into the country illegally and why we get hundreds of thousands more legal immigration requests than any other country.

Lord help us if anybody actually liked us.

So who are more selfish? Those who think government should require all people to live by the liberal ideal of the day? Nevermind that freedom thing or what the unintended consequences might be. As long as the motives are in the right place, it is all good?

Or those who think the government should secure our rights and then leave us alone to enjoy and benefit from the blessings of liberty, self determination, opportunity, vision, and limitless boundaries? People who really don't care what the liberals do but who demand the right to live their own life and form their own society as they see fit? Who see charity as digging into their own pocket and giving of their own labor rather than demanding that the government confiscate the property of others and do it for them?

I expect the idiots and numbnuts to call conservatives names and say all manner of hateful things about us. That's all most seem to know how to do. It does hurt a bit when a friend calls me selfish though and accuses me of being on the wrong side of society, history and the rights of all.

I look around our busy little city here at the many thrift shops providing low costs food, clothing, and housegoods to disadvantaged people at pennies on the dollar--free when somebody needs something and can't pay at all. Every one of those shops was organized and is staffed mostly by conservatives.

I look at the homeless shelters and soup kitchens around town and the yeoman's work the Salvation Army does to give a hand up to the fallen and Love Inc. that every week on every week is rounding up furniture and household necessities and deivering to the family who has lost everything or never had much of anything. All done by mostly conservative staff and volunteers.

I can't think of a single agency targeted for ongoing help for the poor that actually helps people with no fanfare and no expectation of reward or good publicity that was founded by or is staffed by liberals.

I look at the leper colonies around the world, the on going ministries among some of the world's poorest and most desperate people, an amazing orphanage in Juarez, Mexico, the amazing relief work of groups like World Vision that can get to the people when governments can't.

Most conservatives believe in actually helping people. Most liberals seem to think concern and motive is sufficient and results are secondary. Liberals support government assistance and don't seem to care that most of it goes to viscious, unscrupulous warlords and other corrupt governments and little, if any, gets to those who desperately need it. At least their hearts are in the right place.

Conservatives think it more important to get results.

Liberals too often seem to think throwing more money at a problem or a government program with a noble sounding title is all that is required in order to be noble.Conservatives know better.

I prefer conservatism.

Good Lord, are you full of it!!! What did you do, visit all of those places and take a survey?? This entire post is just a hate speech disguised as something else. Listen to your friends. I think they know what they're talking about.

Lastly, based on what I've observed about conservatives, they are not as benevolent as you seem to think.

Would you care to list where conservatives are deficating on police cars, vandalizing businesses and property, squatting on other people's property, demanding free supplies from businesses (or trashing a business when one says I have given you all that is possible without hurting the business), throwing rocks/stones at police that are trying to enforce the law, intimidating customers trying to get to businesses or employees trying to go to work, etc?

Conservatives are doing all of those things??? Well, I'm not surprised. I would like to see a reference before I respond. Were you there??? I hope you didn't join in. :)
Each to their own. But however anybody sees it, nobody has yet put up any kind of coherant argument to dispute it.

I think because it is convoluted and not worth the time.

We hear this a lot from dems/leftists/libs/communists/socialists/islamic extremists/homosexual activists. After hearing it for 30+ years, I am convinced it is because the dems/leftists/libs/communists/socialists/islamic extremists/homosexual activists don't have any facts to back up their ideals. It is "do as I say, not as I do" mentality.

Conservatives, on the other hand: "hey, this is what I did to make it, and if I can do it, and make it, anyone can", especially an elite intellectual, like yourself!

Oh, brother.
How is it convoluted?

It's convoluted because they can't figure out a way to dispute it. They can accuse me, accuse Klavan, or accuse others of us of all manner of uncomplimentary adjectives, but they can't dispute the thesis because it is obviously correct.

The 'awful' part is the only subjective consideration in the thesis, but in order to discredit that, they have to condone what the destructive Occupy groups are doing. And even most of our most radical leftists friends here are not quite up to doing that. :)

Or understand it Foxfyre. It takes understanding to dispute, and it takes logical intellect to dispute your posts. I've had these discussions with you when we are on different viewpoints. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not but it always takes understanding and logic to debate or discuss with you.

I don't here because I agree with you and you say it better than I do.

The ones who can debate you and disagree are not in here. :lmao:


Oh, please!!! Leave it to you people to turn it around as though Foxfyre wrote a brilliant piece and anyone that questions the validity of the content is somehow in the wrong. That is so typical.
It's convoluted because they can't figure out a way to dispute it. They can accuse me, accuse Klavan, or accuse others of us of all manner of uncomplimentary adjectives, but they can't dispute the thesis because it is obviously correct.

The 'awful' part is the only subjective consideration in the thesis, but in order to discredit that, they have to condone what the destructive Occupy groups are doing. And even most of our most radical leftists friends here are not quite up to doing that. :)

Or understand it Foxfyre. It takes understanding to dispute, and it takes logical intellect to dispute your posts. I've had these discussions with you when we are on different viewpoints. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not but it always takes understanding and logic to debate or discuss with you.

I don't here because I agree with you and you say it better than I do.

The ones who can debate you and disagree are not in here. :lmao:


Aw thanks, Ropey. I sure don't have expertise in all areas and don't pretend to have all the answers on how to deal with specific problems--I've had my ass handed to me more than once in a serious debate--always by another conservative though?

If I ever leave USMB, it will be for an ACTIVE forum in which people really want to debate issues and just throwing random stones is not allowed. At least I THINK that is what I want. I haven't found such a place yet. :)

And you have done so much to promote a peaceful atmosphere around here. You make me laugh. It is so easy to tell that you just think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's in almost every post I see of yours. You really need to get over yourself.
Or understand it Foxfyre. It takes understanding to dispute, and it takes logical intellect to dispute your posts. I've had these discussions with you when we are on different viewpoints. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not but it always takes understanding and logic to debate or discuss with you.

I don't here because I agree with you and you say it better than I do.

The ones who can debate you and disagree are not in here. :lmao:


Aw thanks, Ropey. I sure don't have expertise in all areas and don't pretend to have all the answers on how to deal with specific problems--I've had my ass handed to me more than once in a serious debate--always by another conservative though?

If I ever leave USMB, it will be for an ACTIVE forum in which people really want to debate issues and just throwing random stones is not allowed. At least I THINK that is what I want. I haven't found such a place yet. :)

And you have done so much to promote a peaceful atmosphere around here. You make me laugh. It is so easy to tell that you just think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's in almost every post I see of yours. You really need to get over yourself.

Thanks you for what could be interpreted as a nice compliment if one was really gullible. And I'll work on getting over myself just because you suggested it of course.
It's convoluted because they can't figure out a way to dispute it. They can accuse me, accuse Klavan, or accuse others of us of all manner of uncomplimentary adjectives, but they can't dispute the thesis because it is obviously correct.

The 'awful' part is the only subjective consideration in the thesis, but in order to discredit that, they have to condone what the destructive Occupy groups are doing. And even most of our most radical leftists friends here are not quite up to doing that. :)

Or understand it Foxfyre. It takes understanding to dispute, and it takes logical intellect to dispute your posts. I've had these discussions with you when we are on different viewpoints. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not but it always takes understanding and logic to debate or discuss with you.

I don't here because I agree with you and you say it better than I do.

The ones who can debate you and disagree are not in here. :lmao:


Oh, please!!! Leave it to you people to turn it around as though Foxfyre wrote a brilliant piece and anyone that questions the validity of the content is somehow in the wrong. That is so typical.

What people am I?

Aw thanks, Ropey. I sure don't have expertise in all areas and don't pretend to have all the answers on how to deal with specific problems--I've had my ass handed to me more than once in a serious debate--always by another conservative though?

If I ever leave USMB, it will be for an ACTIVE forum in which people really want to debate issues and just throwing random stones is not allowed. At least I THINK that is what I want. I haven't found such a place yet. :)

And you have done so much to promote a peaceful atmosphere around here. You make me laugh. It is so easy to tell that you just think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's in almost every post I see of yours. You really need to get over yourself.

Thanks you for what could be interpreted as a nice compliment if one was really gullible. And I'll work on getting over myself just because you suggested it of course.

And maybe there will be a rebut other than asking for you to rebut yourself Foxfire. I've not seen any of these other posters show a breakdown and response.

While I think you and I are clearly diverse in our views, there's no doubt I understand your view. :)
I'm just wondering how many people here who support Liberalism have actually had to live in the world created by big government programs that have destroyed people and made victims out of them. Otherwise good people who have fallen into the cycle of dependency, living on government handouts and been brainwashed into thinking they are owed something simply because they were born. This is how the left gains their power. I've lived it, look at Detroit and you'll see the result.. It isn’t pretty.
Or understand it Foxfyre. It takes understanding to dispute, and it takes logical intellect to dispute your posts. I've had these discussions with you when we are on different viewpoints. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not but it always takes understanding and logic to debate or discuss with you.

I don't here because I agree with you and you say it better than I do.

The ones who can debate you and disagree are not in here. :lmao:


Oh, please!!! Leave it to you people to turn it around as though Foxfyre wrote a brilliant piece and anyone that questions the validity of the content is somehow in the wrong. That is so typical.

What people am I?

And you have done so much to promote a peaceful atmosphere around here. You make me laugh. It is so easy to tell that you just think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's in almost every post I see of yours. You really need to get over yourself.

Thanks you for what could be interpreted as a nice compliment if one was really gullible. And I'll work on getting over myself just because you suggested it of course.

And maybe there will be a rebut other than asking for you to rebut yourself Foxfire. I've not seen any of these other posters show a breakdown and response.

While I think you and I are clearly diverse in our views, there's no doubt I understand your view. :)

Thanks Ropey. I've never asked anybody to agree with me or with the thesis for that matter. Just asked for some civil discussion re the concept. When they start ragging on me, that's how I know I won the debate. And it's fun. :)
Now I am putting this out there... I don't know one way or the other if what I say is true or not....I have not done the research yet. But last week I heard a statement along the lines that between 1776 and today Congress made a law that would not allow for more than two parties in the government.

This sounds extremem and I hope to find time soon to look it up. Can anyone confirm or deny the statement I heard?
I'm just wondering how many people here who support Liberalism have actually had to live in the world created by big government programs that have destroyed people and made victims out of them. Otherwise good people who have fallen into the cycle of dependency, living on government handouts and been brainwashed into thinking they are owed something simply because they were born. This is how the left gains their power. I've lived it, look at Detroit and you'll see the result.. It isn’t pretty.

And Klavan took the entitlement mentality that he said comes from leftists and focused on the antisocial, destructive behavior of those hooked on entitlements when anybody proposes to scale them back or take them away.

I think conservatives aren't really thinking about how something doesn't come from nothing. Every government program that gives something to somebody has to take it away from somebody else in order to give it. I think leftists maybe aren't so 'awful' that they would literally take food out of my mouth or my rent money in order to receive their entitlement. But they seem unaware that it is you, me, and other wage earners who are providing it for them.

It is like the government magically is a golden goose of unexhaustible benefits. And because they see it as a dutiful government providing it, they don't feel the least bit beholden to those who actually did provide it from their own labor and resources. But when government runs out of other people's money and presumes to cut back on or end an entitlement, there is instant blame and rage and accusations of selfishness and heartlessness.

And generally you see the rage and riots and civil disobedience that Klavan points to in the Occupy groups, in Greece and Spain and anywhere that the government tries to get a handle on runaway entitlements that threaten to bankrupt nations.
Leftism/Socialism creates laziness and an entitlement attitude. How can anyone not see this? Most on the Left really do believe they're entitled to someone else's hard-earned money. And thanks to the Left/Democrats we now have Millions & Millions of people who think that way. It's flawed and ignorant thinking. Thanks a lot Democrats.
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