What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Mr. Barr is required only to provide lawmakers with very basic facts. He would be operating within the guidelines of the regulation if he were to give Congress a bare-bones notification that Mr. Mueller had concluded his work.

Will the Mueller Report Be Made Public? Answers to 6 Key Questions

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.


See above post.

Your link says "can and should" release.

The law (as I posted the link) says "AG doesn't have to release"
If he doesn't release it, the Congress will simply start up their own investigations into the matter and drag it on for another 2 years.

But since there's no reason to think he won't release it, your "if" is nothing more than an attempt to find something to be butt-chapped about pre-emptively.
Not at all. You should learn the meaning of the word "if."
Third, NO grand jury testimony hearings need to be taken out, with the approval of a neutral federal judge.

I agree with everything in your posting, except the above. Imperiling grand jury proceedings spun off by Mueller doesn't look like a wise decision to me. Whatever these proceedings are, they should be allowed to reach their targets unimpeded, or, if the grand jury does not return indictments, the targets should not be saddled with having their names published.

As I agree that exposing grand jury testimonies is a dangerous precedent.....EXCEPT for two related contingencies

First, since no criminal indictment resulted from the gran jury hearings, the "target" should actually feel vindicated and exonerated.

Second, there are several precedent in NON-criminal related grand jury testimonies, for the record to be made public.....Most notable is Bill Clinton's gran jury transcript.
Bottom line is this......

As of TODAY, there is NO Muller report......

What we DO have is the somewhat slanted and subjective synopsis of Mueller's "report" from someone who Trump hired precisely to cover his fat behind.

Barr has basically sacrificed his reputation and soul fpr a few weeks in the limelight.
With the appropriate caveat to members of Congress that names and methods of classified investigations NOT be revealed to the general public, what is the legal standing for Barr to not release the report? (of course, with the exception that Barr IS a Trump stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to protect his cult leader.)

So, I ask again.....since Mueller's report was authorized by republicans and fully funded by all of us tax payers, what is the LEGAL PRECEDENT for the report to not be FULLY disclosed?

The law says it's a confidential report between the special counsel and the AG. That's all you commies need to know.

Don't you think that Purin should also be in the loop....after all, Vlad IS instrumental in prompting this report....LMAO

Is that a serious question? You commies haven't been concerned with what the Russians actually did to this point, why would you start now? Reality doesn't fit the conspiracy theories and propaganda you've been pushing, you must have a serious hole you need to fill with new and exciting conspiracies.

What legal standing does Barr have to NOT release Mueller's report to Congress?

Bottom line is this......

As of TODAY, there is NO Muller report......

What we DO have is the somewhat slanted and subjective synopsis of Mueller's "report" from someone who Trump hired precisely to cover his fat behind.

Barr has basically sacrificed his reputation and soul fpr a few weeks in the limelight.

The echo chamber is loud and clear in this post, maybe you should step away form mslsd for a while. There is no cover up, no matter what your masters tell you.

If he doesn't release it, the Congress will simply start up their own investigations into the matter and drag it on for another 2 years.

As I agree that exposing grand jury testimonies is a dangerous precedent.....EXCEPT for two related contingencies

First, since no criminal indictment resulted from the gran jury hearings, the "target" should actually feel vindicated and exonerated.

Second, there are several precedent in NON-criminal related grand jury testimonies, for the record to be made public.....Most notable is Bill Clinton's gran jury transcript.

Since we agree exposing grand jury proceedings is setting a (another) dangerous precedent, why add to it, making future exposures more likely?

And yes, of course, in case the grand jury, months later, returns a no true bill, the target should feel vindicated and exonerated. Except, during the intervening months, he's been raked over the coals by the press, lost his job, his wife, his temper and his life, having jumped off a bridge. That is to say, there is a reason why targets, prior even to an indictment, shall not have their names mentioned in relation to an alleged crime - so as to protect their reputation.
If the Mueller report is thorough, and detailed on what he found out and why they made their decisions on each possible crime involved, then maybe we do not need the actual video or of the grand jury testimony.

Otherwise, in this very high profile case, where there is great public interest, and our national security at risk of being infiltrated by a foreign country's operatives with Americans, they should get the court order to release it.

We need to know everything that happened, including the contacts with Americans, even if the Americans did not conspire with them... it'll make us all more aware of our enemy's Psyops practices...
If the Mueller report is thorough, and detailed on what he found out and why they made their decisions on each possible crime involved, then maybe we do not need the actual video or of the grand jury testimony.

Otherwise, in this very high profile case, where there is great public interest, and our national security at risk of being infiltrated by a foreign country's operatives with Americans, they should get the court order to release it.

We need to know everything that happened, including the contacts with Americans, even if the Americans did not conspire with them... it'll make us all more aware of our enemy's Psyops practices...

I understand where you are heading with this, but... The Mueller report is on shenanigans related to the 2016 election. While there is highly justified interest in what happened, and why, and who was involved in what ways, the psy-ops in 2020 will be vastly different. Therefore, trying to protect the 2020 election with the knowledge gleaned from 2016 isn't all that promising.

Moreover, warning folks against psy-ops does not require the Mueller report to be published at all. There are other ways to collect, write up and communicate pertinent information on that. It goes without saying, though, whoever didn't wise up by now and doesn't show enough sound judgment to stay clear of FaceShit & Twitter & Co, can probably not be reached by any information whatsoever.
What happened with Manafort giving Kilimnik the detailed polling data, did he pass it off to the Russians and they used it to focus their internet trolls and Bots and ads and propaganda news articles that focused on division among us, in the areas the polling data showed needed help?

Roger Stone, did he work closely with Wikileaks on the distribution of the stolen emails? Did he pass it on to the Trump campaign and then to Trump?

What happened with the Russians and their back door NRA donations used in support of Trump... Alexander Torshin? And Maria Butina, what happened with her hand in the NRA for Russia?

Why did Jarod Kushner try to set up back door, secure communications with the Russian govt, using the Russian embassy, (for goodness sake!)? What were they trying to hide from the US Government, from us?

How was Cambridge Analytica involved?

Was there a pay for play theme with Trump and his campaign and foreign countries? Not just Russia, but Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia?

What was the secret meeting in the Seychelles and what was the real purpose of it?

What actually happened at the Trump tower meeting and what did the Russian government get out of it?

Why oh why oh why did ALL the Trump campaign lie about their contacts with Russia, if they believed they did nothing wrong? Why didn't the Trump campaign report the Russian operative tries to infiltrate their campaign to the FBI? Were they told by Trump to LIE to the FBI?

There are so many things that were out in the public from good investigative reporting that we KNOW the Mueller team was investigating, that WE NEED ANSWERS to....

I simply do not know how we can get all of these answers, without releasing the FULL Mueller report, including grand jury testimony.
This is insane.
You are complaining about Barr not releasing a report THAT HE IS GOING TO RELEASE. How deranged can you get?
Let's bring some honesty back in this discourse:
For that to happen, you'll have to stop posting.

To wit:
a. Barr said that he would release the report only to congress.....and
This is a lie.
"As we have discussed, I share your desire to ensure that Congress and the public had the opportunity to read the Special Counsel’s report. The Special Counsel is assisting us in this process,” Barr wrote to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.
Barr to release Mueller report to Congress by 'mid-April, if not sooner;' will not transmit to White House for privilege review
b. Barr stated that the report would be "redacted".........in other words a slightly longer version of his SUBJECTIVE synopsis of what Trump hired him to divulge.....
This is a lie of omission - The redactions are required by law:
Barr cited these considerations in his original memo to Congress, noting that federal law “protects the integrity of grand jury proceedings and ensures that the unique and invaluable investigative powers of a grand jury are used strictly for their intended criminal justice function.” He said his team must determine what material can and cannot be made public and, “As soon as that process is complete, I will be in a position to move forward expeditiously in determining what can be released in light of applicable law, regulations, and Departmental policies.”
Barr to release Mueller report to Congress by 'mid-April, if not sooner;' will not transmit to White House for privilege review
Here's what needs to happen...
You need to stop lying.
What happened with Manafort giving Kilimnik the detailed polling data, did he pass it off to the Russians and they used it to focus their internet trolls and Bots and ads and propaganda news articles that focused on division among us, in the areas the polling data showed needed help?

Roger Stone, did he work closely with Wikileaks on the distribution of the stolen emails? Did he pass it on to the Trump campaign and then to Trump?

What happened with the Russians and their back door NRA donations used in support of Trump... Alexander Torshin? And Maria Butina, what happened with her hand in the NRA for Russia?

Why did Jarod Kushner try to set up back door, secure communications with the Russian govt, using the Russian embassy, (for goodness sake!)? What were they trying to hide from the US Government, from us?

How was Cambridge Analytica involved?

Was there a pay for play theme with Trump and his campaign and foreign countries? Not just Russia, but Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia?

What was the secret meeting in the Seychelles and what was the real purpose of it?

What actually happened at the Trump tower meeting and what did the Russian government get out of it?

Why oh why oh why did ALL the Trump campaign lie about their contacts with Russia, if they believed they did nothing wrong? Why didn't the Trump campaign report the Russian operative tries to infiltrate their campaign to the FBI? Were they told by Trump to LIE to the FBI?

There are so many things that were out in the public from good investigative reporting that we KNOW the Mueller team was investigating, that WE NEED ANSWERS to....

I simply do not know how we can get all of these answers, without releasing the FULL Mueller report, including grand jury testimony.
All meaningless questions! AG Barr has given us all we need to know, No Collusion! It's over! Now it's time to appoint a Special Prosecutor and go after the true Russian Colluders which is Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Lynch, Rice, Power, Comey, and lastly, Obama!
What happened with Manafort giving Kilimnik the detailed polling data, did he pass it off to the Russians and they used it to focus their internet trolls and Bots and ads and propaganda news articles that focused on division among us, in the areas the polling data showed needed help?

Roger Stone, did he work closely with Wikileaks on the distribution of the stolen emails? Did he pass it on to the Trump campaign and then to Trump?

What happened with the Russians and their back door NRA donations used in support of Trump... Alexander Torshin? And Maria Butina, what happened with her hand in the NRA for Russia?

Why did Jarod Kushner try to set up back door, secure communications with the Russian govt, using the Russian embassy, (for goodness sake!)? What were they trying to hide from the US Government, from us?

How was Cambridge Analytica involved?

Was there a pay for play theme with Trump and his campaign and foreign countries? Not just Russia, but Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia?

What was the secret meeting in the Seychelles and what was the real purpose of it?

What actually happened at the Trump tower meeting and what did the Russian government get out of it?

Why oh why oh why did ALL the Trump campaign lie about their contacts with Russia, if they believed they did nothing wrong? Why didn't the Trump campaign report the Russian operative tries to infiltrate their campaign to the FBI? Were they told by Trump to LIE to the FBI?

There are so many things that were out in the public from good investigative reporting that we KNOW the Mueller team was investigating, that WE NEED ANSWERS to....

I simply do not know how we can get all of these answers, without releasing the FULL Mueller report, including grand jury testimony.

These are all very worthy and weighty questions, and, sure, anyone concerned about the integrity of the vote should demand answers, answers as full and complete as humanely possible. On the other hand, and I am sort of repeating myself, the investigative fervor should not lead us to overlook and dismiss the concern with the integrity of the judicial process. These need to be reconciled, and blindly traveling down one road, no matter what damage is being inflicted on other aspects of what is a country governed by the law - not men or the desire for revenge - is ill-advised.

I would, out of this concern, opt for even a seriously redacted Mueller report available to the public. Consider, please, that in case the respective grand juries return a true bill, the resulting indictments and trials will be public. That is to say, the judicial process will, over time, fill some or even most of the remaining gaps in the Mueller report. In cases where there is no true bill, that particular process dies, and the identity and privacy of anyone NOT indicted will remain protected (hopefully). That would appear to me the way to proceed.
As I agree that exposing grand jury testimonies is a dangerous precedent.....EXCEPT for two related contingencies

First, since no criminal indictment resulted from the gran jury hearings, the "target" should actually feel vindicated and exonerated.

Second, there are several precedent in NON-criminal related grand jury testimonies, for the record to be made public.....Most notable is Bill Clinton's gran jury transcript.

Since we agree exposing grand jury proceedings is setting a (another) dangerous precedent, why add to it, making future exposures more likely?

And yes, of course, in case the grand jury, months later, returns a no true bill, the target should feel vindicated and exonerated. Except, during the intervening months, he's been raked over the coals by the press, lost his job, his wife, his temper and his life, having jumped off a bridge. That is to say, there is a reason why targets, prior even to an indictment, shall not have their names mentioned in relation to an alleged crime - so as to protect their reputation.
It's not just that it souldn't be done. It's illegal.
What happened with Manafort giving Kilimnik the detailed polling data, did he pass it off to the Russians and they used it to focus their internet trolls and Bots and ads and propaganda news articles that focused on division among us, in the areas the polling data showed needed help?

Roger Stone, did he work closely with Wikileaks on the distribution of the stolen emails? Did he pass it on to the Trump campaign and then to Trump?

What happened with the Russians and their back door NRA donations used in support of Trump... Alexander Torshin? And Maria Butina, what happened with her hand in the NRA for Russia?

Why did Jarod Kushner try to set up back door, secure communications with the Russian govt, using the Russian embassy, (for goodness sake!)? What were they trying to hide from the US Government, from us?

How was Cambridge Analytica involved?

Was there a pay for play theme with Trump and his campaign and foreign countries? Not just Russia, but Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia?

What was the secret meeting in the Seychelles and what was the real purpose of it?

What actually happened at the Trump tower meeting and what did the Russian government get out of it?

Why oh why oh why did ALL the Trump campaign lie about their contacts with Russia, if they believed they did nothing wrong? Why didn't the Trump campaign report the Russian operative tries to infiltrate their campaign to the FBI? Were they told by Trump to LIE to the FBI?

There are so many things that were out in the public from good investigative reporting that we KNOW the Mueller team was investigating, that WE NEED ANSWERS to....

I simply do not know how we can get all of these answers, without releasing the FULL Mueller report, including grand jury testimony.

These are all very worthy and weighty questions, and, sure, anyone concerned about the integrity of the vote should demand answers, answers as full and complete as humanely possible. On the other hand, and I am sort of repeating myself, the investigative fervor should not lead us to overlook and dismiss the concern with the integrity of the judicial process. These need to be reconciled, and blindly traveling down one road, no matter what damage is being inflicted on other aspects of what is a country governed by the law - not men or the desire for revenge - is ill-advised.

I would, out of this concern, opt for even a seriously redacted Mueller report available to the public. Consider, please, that in case the respective grand juries return a true bill, the resulting indictments and trials will be public. That is to say, the judicial process will, over time, fill some or even most of the remaining gaps in the Mueller report. In cases where there is no true bill, that particular process dies, and the identity and privacy of anyone NOT indicted will remain protected (hopefully). That would appear to me the way to proceed.
The whole thing was a con from the get-go, so why should anyone give a damn about the demands of all the leftwing douchebags who are providing cover for this coup against a lawfully elected president? Mueller didn't indict him. That's the end of the story.
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Funny how Republicans were crying that Obama wasn’t transparent. And now you have a republican president who wants to hold back important information from the American people and Republicans are all cheering. These people are the party of nuts. They don’t care about America. Who even knows what they care about?

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