What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

Selective. Overall employment is fine. There are always companies laying off and hiring. Even in the tech industry.
When was the last time you did a day of work? :uhh:

I did one today, even though I didn't go to work and make any money. I still did things.
Did not get paid today, but I still did work.
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First, we spend far more on Middle Class entitlements (Social Security and Medicare) than we do on "Welfare".

Secondly... I have mixed feeling on the second point. My sister lost her eyesight and could no longer work as a nurse, but SSI still insisted she try to do other things. On the other hand, a slug like Ray from Cleveland can not want to do certain kinds of work, and he's fine.

Third point- talk to your anti-abortion nutters, then. Can ban abortion and then not pay for the babies that result. But the reality is, most people on welfare are on it for less than four years.

Fourth point - Most people are only on welfare for a few years.

Fifth- Who is going to run this training?
JoeB131, STFU, you fucking ignorant asshat. You do not have a clue at all as to reality.
Jobs are an option. Nobody has to take a job if they believe the wages are not enough. They can seek better paying employment, and if nobody is offering them better money, it's because they have no acquired skills.

Companies could care less if you go on food stamps or not. It doesn't benefit them one bit. If you have a problem with food stamps, then it's not up to industry to correct it, it's up to voters to vote out Democrats that reward people for being failures.

Jobs are NOT an option, you stupid fool. You can only collect welfare for two years.
Ha ha. Another USMB thread that didn’t age well. Everyone is working and we still have 11M open jobs only about 5M on unemployment. 11M pen jobs. We need immigration.

Yeah, Canada is tripling immigration our immigration because we have 3.8% unemployment and 1 million open jobs. Our target is currently 500,000 immigrants per year. We're raising it to 1.5 million because we need workers.
Jobs are NOT an option, you stupid fool. You can only collect welfare for two years.

Yeah, Canada is tripling immigration our immigration because we have 3.8% unemployment and 1 million open jobs. Our target is currently 500,000 immigrants per year. We're raising it to 1.5 million because we need workers.
If jobs are not an option; You got life fucked up.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
All welfare need to be minimal survival. No health care, just enough calories to survive. That’s what it was meant to be and needs to go back to.
All welfare need to be minimal survival. No health care, just enough calories to survive. That’s what it was meant to be and needs to go back to.
Most of them spend more on groceries than I do; And I pay cash, and have since I was 17.
I may never have been "rich", but I've always paid for my own stuff.
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Jobs are NOT an option, you stupid fool. You can only collect welfare for two years.

Yeah, Canada is tripling immigration our immigration because we have 3.8% unemployment and 1 million open jobs. Our target is currently 500,000 immigrants per year. We're raising it to 1.5 million because we need workers.
You've got 35,000,000 people vs our 350,000,000.
Most of them spend more on groceries than I do; And I pay cash, and have since I was 17.
I may never have been "rich", but I've always paid for my own stuff.
The worst thing we allowed to happen is letting welfare become shameless. Welfare recipients should stand out at the checkout while they purchase items from the tax payers. There should and need to be a lot of shame for that.
JoeB131, STFU, you fucking ignorant asshat. You do not have a clue at all as to reality.

When I read his list of why you cannot eliminate welfare, he has far more "clues" than the brainless idiots like you who have nothing to offer but insults.

You can't discuss the economy from any point of view other than what FOX News tells you which makes you economically illiterate.
And I would support legislation in having people fixed first before getting one red cent from the government. No more making kids to get more government goodies. And anybody that thinks my idea is heartless, what do working people do when they reach the limit on how many kids they could afford? They get fixed themselves.

Another idiot comment from the childless asshole who didn't want to sacrifice his retirement to raise a family. YOU'RE the reason WHY the country is becoming a majority non-white nation. You're not replacing yourselves, and you don't want to let anyone in.

In fact YOU should be paying people to have babies, since you don't want immigration.
When I read his list of why you cannot eliminate welfare, he has far more "clues" than the brainless idiots like you who have nothing to offer but insults.

You can't discuss the economy from any point of view other than what FOX News tells you which makes you economically illiterate.
You Canuckian "Castro's son is the leader of my country" idiot. Go worry about hatespeech laws, because you have those, and we don't.
You have not ary a platform to stand on to be talking about the American economy, bitch.
How about having your country stop ripping us off about dairy products, hmm? How about that?
Let's start with that.
When was the last time you did a day of work? :uhh:

I did one today, even though I didn't go to work and make any money. I still did things.
Did not get paid today, but I still did work.
Oh my, such a dramatist.
Another idiot comment from the childless asshole who didn't want to sacrifice his retirement to raise a family. YOU'RE the reason WHY the country is becoming a majority non-white nation. You're not replacing yourselves, and you don't want to let anyone in.

In fact YOU should be paying people to have babies, since you don't want immigration.

We don't need anymore people here. That's pure communist propaganda to sneak in their illegals and eventually make them legal to benefit the Communist party. If anything, we need less people here because we have too many now.

Correct, I made the responsible decision not to have children so I can have a better life financially. God, how terrible, that I would weigh my finances before deciding on having children or not. I should have just irresponsibly had kids and foot the bill to my fellow taxpayers to raise them. The entire country should. We're only 31 trillion in debt. We can easily afford it.
The worst thing we allowed to happen is letting welfare become shameless. Welfare recipients should stand out at the checkout while they purchase items from the tax payers. There should and need to be a lot of shame for that.

The worst thing you allowed to happen is for idiot behaviour such as you describe to be considered a good idea.

The mark of a great nation is not how you treat the most successful among you. The mark of a great nation is how you treat the least among you are treated. Americans have shown themselves to be greedy, selfish and utterly uncaring.

Shaming people because they're poor???? Why don't you just lock them up in work houses like they did in Victorian times.
The worst thing we allowed to happen is letting welfare become shameless. Welfare recipients should stand out at the checkout while they purchase items from the tax payers. There should and need to be a lot of shame for that.

They wouldn't care. I see them laughing waving around their snaps card in line like they won free tickets to the super bowl. They pay for their food items with the snaps card and then whip out a wad of cash for their flowers, beer, wine, huge bags of dog food and/or cat litter. When they leave they head over to the head cashier to buy all their lottery tickets and cigarettes. No shame whatsoever.
The worst thing you allowed to happen is for idiot behaviour such as you describe to be considered a good idea.

The mark of a great nation is not how you treat the most successful among you. The mark of a great nation is how you treat the least among you are treated. Americans have shown themselves to be greedy, selfish and utterly uncaring.

Shaming people because they're poor???? Why don't you just lock them up in work houses like they did in Victorian times.

Outside those with mental or physical disabilities, poverty is a choice in our country. Why should people that choose poverty be helped in any way?

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