What Legislation Do We Need to get Work Refusniks off the Couch?

JoeB131, STFU, you fucking ignorant asshat. You do not have a clue at all as to reality.

Duly noted you couldn't refute a single point I made.

JobB131 is self-hating White Trash.
Quite the contrary, legitimate criticism isn't hate.

Screaming "WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" is what a teenager does when you set limits.

A grown ass adult should be able to evaluate criticisms, and determine if they are valid or not.

We don't need anymore people here. That's pure communist propaganda to sneak in their illegals and eventually make them legal to benefit the Communist party. If anything, we need less people here because we have too many now.

Uh, no, we really don't because we have 11 million jobs we can't fill right now. We have too many old people retiring and you are abusing the disability system.

Correct, I made the responsible decision not to have children so I can have a better life financially. God, how terrible, that I would weigh my finances before deciding on having children or not. I should have just irresponsibly had kids and foot the bill to my fellow taxpayers to raise them. The entire country should. We're only 31 trillion in debt. We can easily afford it.
While the world is happy that you didn't reproduce, Ray, the fact is, someone needs to work to pay your disability payments.

We are 31 Trillion in debt because you clowns on the right keep giving tax breaks to billionaires to not produce jobs.

Before Reagan, 200 years of history, two world wars and a dozen smaller ones, we only ran up 1 Trillion in debt, because the rich paid their fair share. When we had a war, we sold war bonds and taxed the rich to pay them off.
In ALL cases -
Help in disasters.........hurricanes..........tornadoes................blizzards...........etc
No, but those corporations are struggling without their tax breaks.

February 6 2023
Global oil companies have rebounded since the pandemic to post their highest ever profits since people started using petroleum.

Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon and Shell all reported record profits in 2022 — a year in which Russia's war on Ukraine collided with the post-pandemic economic recovery to drive oil prices to their highest levels in history.

Together, the four companies saw $1 trillion in sales last year, a sum greater than the total economic output of Colombia, South Africa or Switzerland. TotalEnergies and BP are set to report their 2022 financial results next week.

The record profits come after a year of skyrocketing gas prices.

What I would love is to take all of you Libertarians, and put you in a state like Wymoing where no one lives, and provide you with ZERO government services and see how you get on.

And you can't get back into the United States until you sign a statement admitting you kind of fucked up and government is actually a good thing.

Me, I like knowing the food I eat is safe and the roads I drive on are maintained and I will get my mail in a timely manner.
Again you’re just making stuff up. The federal report shows jobs across all industries are up. Full time are up. 2 job holders are down to pre Covid levels. All sectors are healthy. What’s not healthy is the lack of workforce from dead republicans due to Covid and lack of immigration due to republicans.
I guess AP News and Reuters are lying.
The answer is NOT increasing the minimum wage, as I see signs all over the place offering $17 and $18 an hour to run a cash register or restock clothes on shelves. The answer is to stop giving taxpayer money away to people able to work and who simply feel jobs are beneath them.

1. Any adult not working a full-time job and living with a parent in a six-figure household should be exempt welfare-type benefits:

a) I know a young mother, now divorced, who moved in with her mother (a GS 14), who not only gets child support for her two children, as she should, she also gets food stamps, Medicaid for her kids, and a host of other benefits. She works one day a week, as a fill-in receptionist for a vet.

b) I also know a woman in her 50s, who lives with her parents, both of whom are retired government professionals with a six-figure pension. She too gets food stamps, and works two afternoons a week at the library.

2. Any parent in a two-parent household, where neither is working, should get no welfare. I know a couple (with kids) where both refuse to get a job, saying what’s available is beneath them, and they are getting rent relief, food stamps, Medicaid, and so forth.
When are you gonna get off your ass and get a job?
The worst thing we allowed to happen is letting welfare become shameless. Welfare recipients should stand out at the checkout while they purchase items from the tax payers. There should and need to be a lot of shame for that.
Yes. What this country is missing is a sense of shame. I know someone on food stamps who is being provided so much for her family of five that she shops at Whole Foods - and she brags about it (which is how I know).
I worked for 40 years and am now retired. When are entitled young adults in their 20s and 30s going to get a job?!
I have worked for forty-five years and still am working, you have no excuses get up and geta job.
Yes. What this country is missing is a sense of shame. I know someone on food stamps who is being provided so much for her family of five that she shops at Whole Foods - and she brags about it (which is how I know)

Omg someone other than you is shopping at whole foods. That's only for elitists right?
Again you’re just making stuff up. The federal report shows jobs across all industries are up. Full time are up. 2 job holders are down to pre Covid levels. All sectors are healthy. What’s not healthy is the lack of workforce from dead republicans due to Covid and lack of immigration due to republicans.

What's not healthy are people on the dole who chose government programs over work. What's not healthy are parents that allow their kids to live at home smoking pot in the basement instead of working full time.

Only leftists think that the solution is bringing in more third worlders to do the jobs instead of cutting back on social programs for younger people fully capable of working to get them to take these jobs.
So it’s “grouchy” to want young adults to get jobs rather than force retirees who have worked their whole lives to support them via taxes?

I've asked many times what programs these are so I can sign up also. I never get an answer.

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