What made United States great ?

Black power" has evolved into various insane Afro Centric theories that Blacks were Egyptians and taught the Greeks math, etc
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Actually the presence of brown people is what made america great. Without slavery, the south wouldn't have become a world agricultural market leader, making America an exporter to the world, which propelled america into economic greatness.
A fair statement, and true.
without slaves the US would not have been great???!!!
Hey chuckles, what is so funny about that. If your lazy indentured white ancestors had gotten off their lazy arses and picked that cotton at reasonable wages slavery may never have occurred here.(sarcasm intended)

Slavery was here before the existence of the United States, moron.
Duh... Yeah...the indians captured their enemies and enslaved them... any other bright revelations, arctic beaver face? Or maybe it's arctic woodchuck face, I can't really tell.

The British imported almost all the slaves that came to America, dumbass. The Constitution barred further importation of additional slaves. Every square mile South of the Mason Dixon line practices slavery at the time of the Civil War.

You really are incredibly ignorant, ya know it?
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo if actually had one, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement.

A physical presence as in body in sight of or direct wording as to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.
Our founders saw the danger in an official religion
It is why our faith, and our belief in Christ is so strong within us, where as just as it was with the founders, they knew that to boast of these things within the documents in a loud and boasting way, was the same thing as to place such things up for debate among the Scribes and the Pharrisees who sought to challenge such beliefs in an unGodly way, and therefore these things were placed amongst the heathen and the believer's in a trial conducted by the Roman's for those unGodly challengers who feared the Lord once upon a time in the history of the world.

Our love of God is evident within so many ways in which we can find within this nation, but the heathens are doing everything possible to try and change that.
Plute Pulpit

Treating the Constitution like the Bible is heresy. The same goes for preaching that the "Founding Fathers" were like the Twelve Apostles and the Evangelists.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Hmmm, I think God might have left Y'all during the Indian genocide campaigns and He hasn't looked back. Satan took up refuge in His absence.

What "Indian genocide campaigns "?
Wounded Knee Pest Control
Black power" has evolved into various insane Afro Centric theories that Blacks were Egyptians and taught the Greeks math, etc
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
Let me make some people piss their pants with some bold truth.
What made America great?”
No presence of “Brown” people

Actually the presence of brown people is what made america great. Without slavery, the south wouldn't have become a world agricultural market leader, making America an exporter to the world, which propelled america into economic greatness.
A fair statement, and true.
without slaves the US would not have been great???!!!
. Your point ?? The slaves contributed regardless as to what degree, but of course there is an attempt here to suggest that maybe they don't count ??? Sad.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Hmmm, I think God might have left Y'all during the Indian genocide campaigns and He hasn't looked back. Satan took up refuge in His absence.

What "Indian genocide campaigns "?
Wounded Knee Pest Control
I'll keep that in mind when signs of ethnic cleansing start to appear.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.


You don't even say which god but every school kid knows why people left other countries to come here. There's no god in the constitution and no god belongs there.
What made United States great ?

The day Obama walked out the White house for last time and Trump walked in.:5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:
Black power" has evolved into various insane Afro Centric theories that Blacks were Egyptians and taught the Greeks math, etc
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Early American settlers had a vision, they would have executed their vision with or without blacks and slavery. .

Early settlers failed miserably. They didn't have the ability to survive without the help of the native americans they would later steal the land of. They were religious idealists who thought GOD would help them survive, only to find it took more than faith to put food on the table.

They later learned the easiest way to economic prosperity was with free slave labor, and taking land from it's its rightful owners.
Loonies Love Lowlife

More snobbish race traitors parroting misleading memes. The savages gave gifts only to get the pioneers' trust, following that up with stealing, kidnapping, and thrill-killing.
Smart people make shit happen using whatever resources they have access to....had they not had access to black slaves they still would have built the AG industry the same.

The problem is that America wasn't built on smart people, most early communities failed, and if not for the indians the pilgrims would have starved. Those intellectuals were imported as the country encouraged the best and brightest to come to america.

I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery
The authors of the Constitution were brilliant.
It has prevented America from becoming a dictatorship.
It's why the dumb Left Wingers hate it so much.
Obama's abuse of power was a huge blow against our democracy.
Trump is trying to drain the swamp and the dirty swamp critters are apoplectic.

Are you a russian troll?

Trump has put more swamp critters in government than anybody else. From lobbyists, to those in league with lobbyists.
Sunnisaurus Rex

He's an expert at stealing the most talented from the other side. If they continue to play for the other team instead of adopting new loyalties, he fires them. That's what happened to Tillerson, though I don't expect your unreliable sources to understand anything you believe they know.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Hmmm, I think God might have left Y'all during the Indian genocide campaigns and He hasn't looked back. Satan took up refuge in His absence.

What "Indian genocide campaigns "?
Wounded Knee Pest Control
I'll keep that in mind when signs of ethnic cleansing start to appear.

zactly what trump wants and has already started.
The problem is that America wasn't built on smart people, most early communities failed, and if not for the indians the pilgrims would have starved. Those intellectuals were imported as the country encouraged the best and brightest to come to america.

I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery

Don't tell bripat9643 that slaves built the WH among other things.
Black power" has evolved into various insane Afro Centric theories that Blacks were Egyptians and taught the Greeks math, etc
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say

The work ethic
Limited government
minimal parasitism
We've never been perfect, there is no such thing as perfect on Earth and never will be.

Two things that I saw as a kid that I thought made the US great. Whenever there was a catastrophe anywhere in the world our troops and planes were on the spot quick delivering food, water, and other assistance to help those in great need. I remember the site of all these planes air-dropping pallets of food to people below. We went everywhere and helped everyone. Even during the cold war the US would offer help to the Soviets if one of their subs or ships was in trouble out at sea. We offered our expertise in rescue techniques to everyone with the goal of saving lives.

The second was that the US did the big things. Built the Panama Canal, had the best airliners, landed on the moon, flew the space shuttle every couple months. The US supplied our allies during WW2 with food, weapons, ammunition, planes, ships and everything else in huge quantities. Whenever WE had a great success the entire world was with us, and whenever we had a huge failure like the explosion of the Space Shuttle or the attack and collapse of the WTC the world was with us then as well. Like we were the hopes, aspirations, and striving of the entire human race and when we succeeded they cheered with us and when we failed they cried with us.
The country is no less unified today than its strongest point. Its just that the far fringes from both sides make the most noise. Most are near the center.
We are divided because different localities want to impose their beliefs on all citizens of the country through a large Central Gov't...............

That is WHY the founding fathers believed in Enumerated Powers and local governing themselves...........

Democrats control most population centers and big cities in the United States.........who push their beliefs on more Rural areas who tend to be Republican.................and visa versa................

What is right in the belief system of New York City isn't what a Rural community in Oklahoma believes in.........So each side through Temporary power IMPOSES their BELIEF SYSTEM on others..................and is exactly why we are at each others throats so much and are so Divided Now.................

What is happening today is EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers didn't want a PURE DEMOCRACY................where 50% plus 1 decides all the laws for the 50% minus 1...............then it turns to who has the plus 1.......they counter the will of the ones with a temporary majority...........then it repeats...............wash, rinse, spin and dry...........over and over again.

And will not go away until we get the corrupt career politicians out of the system who use the system for personal gain.........as they get paid by lobbyist to do their bidding for personal wealth and power. A gov't that decides the winners and losers in business for greed.................and self serving reasons.............

We will continue to be this way.............as long as a plus 1 tries to impose it's will on the minus 1.............Never have relations been this bad in this country than since before the Civil War.
Bootlickers Slurping for Their Masters

Democracy is absolute rule by the majority. Most of the people you Buttboys for the Bosses cite as examples of democracy would not have had any power under majority rule. The latest is that freak David Hogg, who demands that the older generation should practice "democracy." Preachers demanding that we submit to a republic illogically, aggressively, and spastically use the kid's ignorance as proof that democracy is for pushy ambitious imbeciles like that wannabe Anderson Cooper. But, on the contrary to your illogical rants, democratic media would show Hogg's goofy mug only on a "Goofball of the Day" segment.
Pure Democracy is 50% plus or minus 1. That's why they created a Republic to check the dangers of such a system. Does the Republic have the components of Democracy...............of course it does......but the Republic and the Constitution pushed to put checks on the system when a plus 1 vote dominates the minus 1 vote and forces their views down others throats.

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