What made United States great ?

Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say

The work ethic
Limited government
minimal parasitism

LBJ killed a lot of that. I just learned this last Christmas, because it was before my time.
Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.


You don't even say which god but every school kid knows why people left other countries to come here. There's no god in the constitution and no god belongs there.
.One thing you can't control nor can you do anything about duddly, and that is that you can't stop what a man carries with him in his heart, and you can't control what or how it controls his pen, his thinking, and how it influences his writings.

The Constitution was written by men who had the spirit of God dwelling within their hearts, and it shows in the words for which they had written down so long ago in spirit there in.

The fact that they added the religious clause that instructs government not to object nor oppress our religious beliefs and our actions based upon those beliefs "speaks truth to power" about what was in their hearts at that time in which they wrote the Constitution.

I know that it kills your soul duddly, but try and deal with it bud.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo if actually had one, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement.

A physical presence as in body in sight of or direct wording as to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.
Our founders saw the danger in an official religion
It is why our faith, and our belief in Christ is so strong within us, where as just as it was with the founders, they knew that to boast of these things within the documents in a loud and boasting way, was the same thing as to place such things up for debate among the Scribes and the Pharrisees who sought to challenge such beliefs in an unGodly way, and therefore these things were placed amongst the heathen and the believer's in a trial conducted by the Roman's for those unGodly challengers who feared the Lord once upon a time in the history of the world.

Our love of God is evident within so many ways in which we can find within this nation, but the heathens are doing everything possible to try and change that.
Plute Pulpit

Treating the Constitution like the Bible is heresy. The same goes for preaching that the "Founding Fathers" were like the Twelve Apostles and the Evangelists.
Who the hell says it's the Bible.......................The Constitution was created to establish a new style Government...............and it has worked well for a long time..................Those that have went away from it's intentions have screwed us..................And why we are in the situation we are in today.............Had we kept the powers of Gov't LIMITED............we would not have the career politicians and lobbyist from hell deciding our laws..........screwing over the citizens for personal gain...................In the 20th Century, especially early..............Under Wilson............they used the crisis of World Wars and Depressions to change it's meanings................to a point that we can now pay via Tax payers dollars for anything our politicians desire...............It was never intended to be that way...............and the creation of the tax system of today was a part of that departure from the Constitution.............

The Founders were VERY SMART..............They were not GODS...................but they did their homework very well when they created this country.....
I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery

Don't tell bripat9643 that slaves built the WH among other things.
Don't tell the left that some of their cities very names were from Slave Traders.........

They might have to Change the name of New York City and the State's name.

William Penn and James, Duke of York

The Duke of York was the main shareholder in and the director of the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading in Africa; established at the time of the restoration of the English monarchy in 1660. The shareholders in this Company were a combination of the Stuart Royal family along with a number of wealthy London merchants. The Company established London’s monopoly of the English slave trade. It created slave ports on the West coast of Africa where British-produced goods were exchanged for Africans who were then transported as slaves to colonies in the Caribbean and the Americas.

In 1664, the Duke of York, as Admiral of the Navy, annexed the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (it was then renamed New York in his honour). When the Duke took over New York one of the first actions of the new authority was to grant the colony port privileges and the right to use warehouses to ships engaged in the slave trade (1) ~ i.e. ships owned by the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading in Africa in which the Duke was the largest shareholder.
The problem is that America wasn't built on smart people, most early communities failed, and if not for the indians the pilgrims would have starved. Those intellectuals were imported as the country encouraged the best and brightest to come to america.

I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery
The Confederacy was built while slaves worked the fields for huge amounts of wealth to be generated over time or until the Confederacy was defeated and the slaves were freed.
The problem is that America wasn't built on smart people, most early communities failed, and if not for the indians the pilgrims would have starved. Those intellectuals were imported as the country encouraged the best and brightest to come to america.

I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery
Most of our Nation was built with the help of Slavery...........In that time period of 1776 it was an acceptable practice in the World...........Many did so including those in the North..........yet in the 1800's the practice around the world changed and countries started to abolish it. It was used in the Agro world of the South more than in the North and was ended sooner there.................And the rest is History.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo if actually had one, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement.

A physical presence as in body in sight of or direct wording as to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.
Our founders saw the danger in an official religion
It is why our faith, and our belief in Christ is so strong within us, where as just as it was with the founders, they knew that to boast of these things within the documents in a loud and boasting way, was the same thing as to place such things up for debate among the Scribes and the Pharrisees who sought to challenge such beliefs in an unGodly way, and therefore these things were placed amongst the heathen and the believer's in a trial conducted by the Roman's for those unGodly challengers who feared the Lord once upon a time in the history of the world.

Our love of God is evident within so many ways in which we can find within this nation, but the heathens are doing everything possible to try and change that.
Plute Pulpit

Treating the Constitution like the Bible is heresy. The same goes for preaching that the "Founding Fathers" were like the Twelve Apostles and the Evangelists.
Who the hell says it's the Bible.......................The Constitution was created to establish a new style Government...............and it has worked well for a long time..................Those that have went away from it's intentions have screwed us..................And why we are in the situation we are in today.............Had we kept the powers of Gov't LIMITED............we would not have the career politicians and lobbyist from hell deciding our laws..........screwing over the citizens for personal gain...................In the 20th Century, especially early..............Under Wilson............they used the crisis of World Wars and Depressions to change it's meanings................to a point that we can now pay via Tax payers dollars for anything our politicians desire...............It was never intended to be that way...............and the creation of the tax system of today was a part of that departure from the Constitution.............

The Founders were VERY SMART..............They were not GODS...................but they did their homework very well when they created this country.....
Exactly, but to separate God from man's hearts at the time, is the game that is being played by the left in order to dethrone the documents value unto Christian's, therefore leaving them out of the process is what the left hopes that their bullcrap might do in their attempt. To make the Chistian's think that the document wasn't written to include them nor was it written by men who may have been one of them is by design today. Why the left hates Christian's is evident today, and the destruction of Christianity is on going by the left.
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo if actually had one, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement.

A physical presence as in body in sight of or direct wording as to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.
Our founders saw the danger in an official religion
It is why our faith, and our belief in Christ is so strong within us, where as just as it was with the founders, they knew that to boast of these things within the documents in a loud and boasting way, was the same thing as to place such things up for debate among the Scribes and the Pharrisees who sought to challenge such beliefs in an unGodly way, and therefore these things were placed amongst the heathen and the believer's in a trial conducted by the Roman's for those unGodly challengers who feared the Lord once upon a time in the history of the world.

Our love of God is evident within so many ways in which we can find within this nation, but the heathens are doing everything possible to try and change that.
Plute Pulpit

Treating the Constitution like the Bible is heresy. The same goes for preaching that the "Founding Fathers" were like the Twelve Apostles and the Evangelists.
Who the hell says it's the Bible.......................The Constitution was created to establish a new style Government...............and it has worked well for a long time..................Those that have went away from it's intentions have screwed us..................And why we are in the situation we are in today.............Had we kept the powers of Gov't LIMITED............we would not have the career politicians and lobbyist from hell deciding our laws..........screwing over the citizens for personal gain...................In the 20th Century, especially early..............Under Wilson............they used the crisis of World Wars and Depressions to change it's meanings................to a point that we can now pay via Tax payers dollars for anything our politicians desire...............It was never intended to be that way...............and the creation of the tax system of today was a part of that departure from the Constitution.............

The Founders were VERY SMART..............They were not GODS...................but they did their homework very well when they created this country.....
Exactly, but to separate God from man's hearts at the time, is the game that is being played by the left in order to dethrone the documents value unto Christian's, therefore leaving them out of the process is what the left hopes that their bullcrap might do in their attempt. To make the Chistian's think that the document wasn't written to include them nor was it written by men who may have been one of them is by design today. Why the left hates Christian's is evident today, and the destruction of Christianity is on going by the left.
They wish to demonize those who normally stand against them..............not always but most of the time.

They see them as a threat to their taking over all power in this country and turn it into a 50% plus 1 advantage for them for life.

Our politicians faith and beliefs decide how they look at policy and not the other way around. God played a major role in that with the founders and this country and those that WANT CHANGE THEY CAN BELIEVE IN want to DESTROY it's image for Political reasons and power.

They want the nanny state..............They want a Large Gov't...............and if they take overall control of this country......they will DECIDE WHAT'S BEST FOR US....................OR ELSE..............

Well when it gets to that point............we must take the OR ELSE OPTION.
What made the US great was that individual liberty used to be paramount

We're not so great anymore
Black power" has evolved into various insane Afro Centric theories that Blacks were Egyptians and taught the Greeks math, etc
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
But Jesus was blue eyed and blonde hair white
I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery
The Confederacy was built while slaves worked the fields for huge amounts of wealth to be generated over time or until the Confederacy was defeated and the slaves were freed.
Creating the Confederacy accelerated the freedom of the slaves by decades
Black power" has evolved into various insane Afro Centric theories that Blacks were Egyptians and taught the Greeks math, etc
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
Are you trying to defend the idiocies posted by Aclepsis? I had this debate with him and thoroughly proved him wrong.
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
Are you trying to defend the idiocies posted by Aclepsis? I had this debate with him and thoroughly proved him wrong.
And i have had this debate and won with hundreds of skeptics and unbelievers who not only deny the black origins of KMT but question the black genesis of civilization as well. But this is no place for rekindling a historical debate going back that far. If you wish to engage someone on the subject...start a thread.
But the Bible tells me so. Shall I put faith in the word of God or subscribe to your ilk's usurpation of history?
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
But Jesus was blue eyed and blonde hair white
Well,after the ressurection, he was .said to have been transformed into a Casper like being. It is . written that his head and his hair were as white as lamb's wool. However, His feet shone like polished brass. His physiognomy, though, was not detailed in the biblical narrative neither before or after the crucifixion....other than his eyes which were like balls of fire.
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
But Jesus was blue eyed and blonde hair white
Well,after the ressurection, he was .said to have been transformed into a Casper like being. It is . written that his head and his hair were as white as lamb's wool. However, His feet shone like polished brass. His physiognomy, though, was not detailed in the biblical narrative neither before or after the crucifixion....other than his eyes which were like balls of fire.
So now he is the Anti Christ.............

Another Trump Sucks poster child for the insane...........
Shit like that has been posted right here in this forum by none other than Aclepsis.
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
Are you trying to defend the idiocies posted by Aclepsis? I had this debate with him and thoroughly proved him wrong.
And i have had this debate and won with hundreds of skeptics and unbelievers who not only deny the black origins of KMT but question the black genesis of civilization as well. But this is no place for rekindling a historical debate going back that far. If you wish to engage someone on the subject...start a thread.

The power of self-delusion is strong in this one, Obiwan.
Indeed, and now it is scientifically proven the DNA of ancient Egyptians is apparently Whitey. Afro Centric folks should actually embrace this info since now they don't have to believe in the contradiction they were both Israelites AND Ancient Egyptians which they often do. They can now just pretend they are from the tribe of Judah and refer to themselves as Black Hebrews, dress in funny costumes and harass people on the streets claiming they are going to enslave Whitey AND Jews as soon as their savior comes back. :p

“It’s one of the Holy Grails of ancient DNA to collect good data from Egyptian mummies,” said Pontus Skoglund, a geneticist at the Francis Crick Institute in London who helped confirm the accuracy of the finding while he was a researcher at Harvard. “It was very exciting to see that Odile got something that looked like it could be authentic ancient DNA.”

For centuries, archaeologists and historians have debated the origins of the ancient Egyptians and how closely related they were to modern people living in North Africa. To the researchers’ surprise, the governor’s mitochondrial DNA indicated his ancestry on his mother’s side, or haplogroup, was Eurasian.

“No one will ever believe us,” Loreille recalled telling her colleague Jodi Irwin. “There’s a European haplogroup in an ancient mummy.”

The mystery of the mummy’s head: How the FBI helped crack a 4,000-year-old case

Last edited:
And I commend him for it! Few things are as dangerous to bigots as a Black man armed with knowledge.
All his "knowledge" is wrong. It's bullshit. Few things are as dangerous to blacks as black men spouting idiocies.

The Egyptians weren't black, and they didn't teach trigonometry to the Greeks.
Of course Egyptians weren't black...no one is black. Besides, the word Egypt is a Greek term that came into vogue long after the original Sphinx and pyramid builders were gone.

Those earliest to occupy the region called their nation KMT...or Land of the Blacks. That discovery wasn't very popular among white archeologists who frantically sought means of downplaying that sobering reality. They simply reinterpreted rhe hieroglyphics another way...saying the ancient peoples of KMT were referring to the narrow strip of dark fertile land in the Nile valley. I expect you to subscibe to the dark soil theory but common sense dictates something logically different: the majority of the country's land mass was not comprised of dark fertile soil.
But Jesus was blue eyed and blonde hair white
Well,after the ressurection, he was .said to have been transformed into a Casper like being. It is . written that his head and his hair were as white as lamb's wool. However, His feet shone like polished brass. His physiognomy, though, was not detailed in the biblical narrative neither before or after the crucifixion....other than his eyes which were like balls of fire.
So now he is the Anti Christ.............

Another Trump Sucks poster child for the insane...........
When did i mention Trump?
It was the liberal age that saw the US emerge as a republic and not a monarchy.

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