What made United States great ?

It’s nice to hear you taking such great pride in slavery and what slavery accomplished.
I take no pride in it. Just like we were made great by taking the country away from the rightful owners, and used it for our own gain.

The Kennedys became great by bootlegging. So im' proud of America being great, but not of how it got there.
the Native Americans stole land...they were not owners of the land
Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.
. You best go tell your buddies the same, because their agenda has been to crush Christianity by using the twisting of those laws into their favor.

Righties Know Perfectly Well that a Majoritarian Democracy Would Reject Liberalism

More proof that Liberals are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Historically, the hereditary rulers have wanted their subjects to worship them exclusively, and not God.

i'm a freakin' christian you dumbass. just not a part of an extremist fraction like what the ' (R)s ' & *you all* have become.
Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.

Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

To think otherwise is a foible.

The Constitution

written by our founding fathers

is the law of the land


No it is not...............but the values and Ethics of the Founding Fathers has it's root in their Religious Beliefs.............It is under that ideal and manner that they made their decisions....................

The Founders were Christians and as such it influenced the Constitution.
View attachment 187013
With your "god", it couldn't be said and more clear.

Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
And before that the Indians fought each other...................Taking each others lands to the point that many tribes were wiped out..........

This is History of Man killing each other...........and nothing more.........Nothing Godly about the wiping out other people for your own gain........We took the U.S. by force of arms................Just as many tribes took their lands by Force...............

Mexico took that land by Force..............the Spaniards took it and wiped indians from there off the map.................Mostly by disease...........then we beat them and took the West.........

This story is true for the whole world.
The birth of science was probably our beginning; science changed our whole concept of life, making mankind the most important thing on Earth. We are still in that stage and it will continue for some time.
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery
Most of our Nation was built with the help of Slavery...........In that time period of 1776 it was an acceptable practice in the World...........Many did so including those in the North..........yet in the 1800's the practice around the world changed and countries started to abolish it. It was used in the Agro world of the South more than in the North and was ended sooner there.................And the rest is History.
most whites did not own slaves
Most were too poor to own more than the shirts off their backs..............The ones with the money did in fact use slavery to build their businesses up..........

Most that fought in the Civil War weren't rich.........didn't own squat...........
The birth of science was probably our beginning; science changed our whole concept of life, making mankind the most important thing on Earth. We are still in that stage and it will continue for some time.

DNA discovery and the simple cure of anti-biotics has probably saved more people in this world than anything else in History.......
What made United States great ?

I think it's good to start with what doesn't make America great.

The American Nazi Party

The Alt White

The Aryan Nation

And the other parts of the current Republican Party.
Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

Slavery, manifest destiny, breaching treaties, repaying good with evil.

If you say so.
.Your corrupt interpretation for the evil one is noted. Man has been committing sins in this world since the beginning, and man's ability to corrupt anything and everything is also known in this world by now (it has been spoken in the word). Judgement day shall come, and you who mock and use the sins of man in order to try and corrupt that which is Holy will soon find that it was a huge mistake on yours or anyone else's part to do so.
What made United States great ?

I think it's good to start with what doesn't make America great.

The American Nazi Party

The Alt White

The Aryan Nation

And the other parts of the current Republican Party.

None of that is what made America great.
What made United States great ?





The two liberal coasts



The constitution

What Threatens the United States?



Lack of education




The GOP and the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and the American Nazi Party

The deep south and the midwest
Your refusal to acknowledge the glue that held it all together will soon reveal itself unto you as the nation before your very eyes slides off into the abyss.
trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.

Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

To think otherwise is a foible.

The Constitution

written by our founding fathers

is the law of the land


No it is not...............but the values and Ethics of the Founding Fathers has it's root in their Religious Beliefs.............It is under that ideal and manner that they made their decisions....................

The Founders were Christians and as such it influenced the Constitution.
. They can't accept it, because it convicts them of their wrong about this world. The conscious if anything was what fought against the denial of the truth, and yet sadly that is what we are seeing more and more of these days, "the blind leading the blind", and ones conscious being destroyed in the process.

It is the very reason why we have the kind of killings, mass shootings, and henious crimes that we are seeing more and more of these days, because the truth is being denide on a national scale..
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.Your corrupt interpretation for the evil one is noted. Man has been committing sins in this world since the beginning, and man's ability to corrupt anything and everything is also known in this world by now (it has been spoken in the word). Judgement day shall come, and you who mock and use the sins of man in order to try and corrupt that which is Holy will soon find that it was a huge mistake on yours or anyone else's part to do so.
This message from the Raving Loony Party is appreciated.
You are the one proclaiming "christianity" as this wonderful concept.
Not me.
Putting proof out there is all.

View attachment 187013
With your "god", it couldn't be said and more clear.

Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
And before that the Indians fought each other...................Taking each others lands to the point that many tribes were wiped out..........

This is History of Man killing each other...........and nothing more.........Nothing Godly about the wiping out other people for your own gain........We took the U.S. by force of arms................Just as many tribes took their lands by Force...............

Mexico took that land by Force..............the Spaniards took it and wiped indians from there off the map.................Mostly by disease...........then we beat them and took the West.........

This story is true for the whole world.
The birth of science was probably our beginning; science changed our whole concept of life, making mankind the most important thing on Earth. We are still in that stage and it will continue for some time.
Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys

Scientist pushovers created all the wealth stolen from them by the Capitalists. There was plenty of capital before the Scientific Revolution and hardly any progress. Corporate patents are the world's grandest larceny. Typical of the thievery by King Ape Low IQs, one scientist (Kary Mullis) got a $30,000 bonus for his invention, which his bosses sold for $300,000,000. In order to create such wimpy nerd doormats, this is why the rulers structure grade school and high school so that the smart kids are treated like freaks and losers.
You are the one proclaiming "christianity" as this wonderful concept.
Not me.
Putting proof out there is all.

View attachment 187013
With your "god", it couldn't be said and more clear.

Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
And before that the Indians fought each other...................Taking each others lands to the point that many tribes were wiped out..........

This is History of Man killing each other...........and nothing more.........Nothing Godly about the wiping out other people for your own gain........We took the U.S. by force of arms................Just as many tribes took their lands by Force...............

Mexico took that land by Force..............the Spaniards took it and wiped indians from there off the map.................Mostly by disease...........then we beat them and took the West.........

This story is true for the whole world.
I said clearly that they are influenced by their faith........It is a part of who they were..........and thus makes a big difference on how they looked at creating a new gov't...................

They were driven a lot by their faith.

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