What made United States great ?

Well in what we are seeing right now today, is that such a loop hole that was created in words, has allowed a doorway in which the demons of today are using constantly in order to rise to power through that very doorway as is interpreted by those using it in these ways. Government power is the objective or target of the left in this country, and they have scoured through the documents in order to find their doorway in.

As noted - It (government) shall not restrict the free expression of or restrict the excersize of nor shall it prohibit the establishment of religion in this nation in which layeth within the hearts of man whom soon might take office within our government, and therefore if so can use it as a guiding light in times of great struggle and troubles to come, just as so many presidents and military officers had written in their letters and/or had done in the past. It has allowed them to develope just and moral decisions out of tragedy or tough circumstances while conducting themselves within any capacity or position of power that this nation had offered them through out time in the past.

The religious folks aren't encroaching on government, but rather it has been the other way around in this stage of the game.

Government being taken over by anti-religious or anti-Christianity zelots are the problem being experienced today, where as these zelots are using government power to crush Christianity, and not the other way around.

'The religious folks aren't encroaching on government, but rather it has been the other way around in this stage of the game.

Government being taken over by anti-religious or anti-Christianity zelots are the problem being experienced today, where as these zelots are using government power to crush Christianity, and not the other way around.'

uh-huh. is that why the fundie nutbags have excused EVERYTHING trump has been for his entire life? he has committed several...if not all... of the 7 deadly sins, AND broken a majority of the 10 commandments.


to get the SC & overturn roe v wade. they will sell out EVERYTHING that jesus has stood for to get that done.


Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.

Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

To think otherwise is a foible.
Size don't matter when an enemy makes war with you, because getting a giant to finally realize that it is under attack is the hard part. I think it knows now, but it took sometime to get there.
Care to borrow a portable cross of martyrdom?
Freedom and opportunity without a state mandated religion, and the freedom to practice any religion you want if you choose to.
'The religious folks aren't encroaching on government, but rather it has been the other way around in this stage of the game.

Government being taken over by anti-religious or anti-Christianity zelots are the problem being experienced today, where as these zelots are using government power to crush Christianity, and not the other way around.'

uh-huh. is that why the fundie nutbags have excused EVERYTHING trump has been for his entire life? he has committed several...if not all... of the 7 deadly sins, AND broken a majority of the 10 commandments.


to get the SC & overturn roe v wade. they will sell out EVERYTHING that jesus has stood for to get that done.


Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.
. You best go tell your buddies the same, because their agenda has been to crush Christianity by using the twisting of those laws into their favor.


um, no.
'The religious folks aren't encroaching on government, but rather it has been the other way around in this stage of the game.

Government being taken over by anti-religious or anti-Christianity zelots are the problem being experienced today, where as these zelots are using government power to crush Christianity, and not the other way around.'

uh-huh. is that why the fundie nutbags have excused EVERYTHING trump has been for his entire life? he has committed several...if not all... of the 7 deadly sins, AND broken a majority of the 10 commandments.


to get the SC & overturn roe v wade. they will sell out EVERYTHING that jesus has stood for to get that done.


Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.

Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

To think otherwise is a foible.

The Constitution

written by our founding fathers

is the law of the land


Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.

Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

To think otherwise is a foible.

The Constitution

written by our founding fathers

is the law of the land


trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.

Bullshit! This country was founded on the principles of Christianity.

To think otherwise is a foible.

The Constitution

written by our founding fathers

is the law of the land



lol...^^^ fake news ^^^

you drama queen, you...
Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say

Yes, the recognition of freedom as a primary ideal is what made this land great, though its hobbled, hypocritical application haunts us to this day. Ideas and principles are what people have revered about the U.S., but in truth, they were hollow words even at the moment they were spoken.

We have yet to live up to them, and have gone many long miles in the opposite direction since the Declaration. This land mass arbitrarily defined as the "United States" still has the potential to actually be what it has always falsely claimed - a free people who value individual rights above all else - but as long as people allow themselves to be misdirected by those who would obfuscate the truth of those principles for their own personal gain, we remain hopeless failures.

If you want to claim respect for freedom, do not forsake it for security, practicality, prosperity, or any other temptation. Do not excuse its infringement by citing the faux-philosophy of political rhetoric like the "social contract", "implied consent", or a government of, by and for "the people". There is no such thing. Government is the fallacious "right" to rule. It represents an inherent inequality of rights, an inherent injustice, and blatant immorality. Agreement of the majority via voting does not create new rights for some that others do not have, such as the right to claim a portion of another man's labor, or the right to punish the innocent perpetrators of victimless "crimes' with violence.

If you believe that man is endowed by his creator with certain inherent and inalienable rights, do not accept anything that denies this principle, even if written by the same hand, in the same document. Do not accept the idea that a moral double standard exists whereby it is wrong for a private individual to do something, but right for those calling themselves "elected representatives" or "law enforcement agents" to do it. Then, this land will truly be great - not again, but for the first time.
Many people (including me) will think entrepreneurs made the U.S a developed country and that was caused by capitalism. Also systems such as: free market, freedom of opinion, competition.. etc. provided us those technologies and science. In the history, those people from aristocratic background have been always made the useful things for the humanity.

I don't know am I right ? What do you think ?

We also have an article about that topic, you can read it here:
What made America great? – Think and Say
If you want to know what makes America great, I highly recommend Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville.
Ironic that the same elements that made us great could well be our demise.....~S~
We May Live for a Long Time Not Feeling the Tumor That Eventually Kills Us

That is a contradiction, not irony. Therefore, it proves that you do not understand which elements made us great and which elements we succeeded in spite of.
mmmmmmaybe......up for it then?

i'll throw out the 1st one


Rainbow BowWows

Too broad a category. The self-righteous can link anything to guilt-trip us up, if their chain is long enough. But only White ethnic diversity was positive; interracial diversity has been negative.

With your "god", it couldn't be said and more clear.

Its Constitution.
Putting God first, and including him in spirit into the Constitution. We couldn't have written a Constitution such as we have without him being added into the mix.

The reason we are claiming that we need to MAGA now, is because over the years there has been a negative force that has been attempting to remove God from everywhere in this nation.

It has been a relentless game of attrition that has been conducted by this negative force against us, yet it has been pushed back, and it is losing ground lately.

Hopefully the trend continues in the right direction which is to keep God in our midst always, and to continue to pray that he accepts our invitation to dwell amongst us always.
The country is no less unified today than its strongest point. Its just that the far fringes from both sides make the most noise. Most are near the center.
We are divided because different localities want to impose their beliefs on all citizens of the country through a large Central Gov't...............

That is WHY the founding fathers believed in Enumerated Powers and local governing themselves...........

Democrats control most population centers and big cities in the United States.........who push their beliefs on more Rural areas who tend to be Republican.................and visa versa................

What is right in the belief system of New York City isn't what a Rural community in Oklahoma believes in.........So each side through Temporary power IMPOSES their BELIEF SYSTEM on others..................and is exactly why we are at each others throats so much and are so Divided Now.................

What is happening today is EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers didn't want a PURE DEMOCRACY................where 50% plus 1 decides all the laws for the 50% minus 1...............then it turns to who has the plus 1.......they counter the will of the ones with a temporary majority...........then it repeats...............wash, rinse, spin and dry...........over and over again.

And will not go away until we get the corrupt career politicians out of the system who use the system for personal gain.........as they get paid by lobbyist to do their bidding for personal wealth and power. A gov't that decides the winners and losers in business for greed.................and self serving reasons.............

We will continue to be this way.............as long as a plus 1 tries to impose it's will on the minus 1.............Never have relations been this bad in this country than since before the Civil War.
Bootlickers Slurping for Their Masters

Democracy is absolute rule by the majority. Most of the people you Buttboys for the Bosses cite as examples of democracy would not have had any power under majority rule. The latest is that freak David Hogg, who demands that the older generation should practice "democracy." Preachers demanding that we submit to a republic illogically, aggressively, and spastically use the kid's ignorance as proof that democracy is for pushy ambitious imbeciles like that wannabe Anderson Cooper. But, on the contrary to your illogical rants, democratic media would show Hogg's goofy mug only on a "Goofball of the Day" segment.
Pure Democracy is 50% plus or minus 1. That's why they created a Republic to check the dangers of such a system. Does the Republic have the components of Democracy...............of course it does......but the Republic and the Constitution pushed to put checks on the system when a plus 1 vote dominates the minus 1 vote and forces their views down others' throats.
The "Framers" Framed Us

The only alternative to democracy is tyranny by a minority of special-interest groups. The Constitution created a bossy and bickering oligarchy. It is a tool of the 1%.

You have to tell imaginary scare stories about what a democracy would be like, while I only have to tell facts about what the self-appointed ruling class has done to us. The majority can be wrong, but only the majority has the right to be wrong. They would have to suffer for their mistakes; but under the present system, they suffer for the mistakes of the oligarchy, which gets off scot-free.
Our founders intentionally kept God out
You poor, poor ignorant person. The mention of God or his character doesn't have to always come in the form of literally calling out ones name or seeing a physical presence as in a photo if actually had one, but it can come in the form of ones intent or message placed within the content of a statement.

A physical presence as in body in sight of or direct wording as to mention by name is not needed, but only that the spirit in which guides our very actions afterwards, is all that is needed.

Hey it's like an instructional, where as once read and then applied you have the results. Anything good is the result of God, while anything bad is the result of the evil one. Take your choice.
Our founders saw the danger in an official religion
It is why our faith, and our belief in Christ is so strong within us, where as just as it was with the founders, they knew that to boast of these things within the documents in a loud and boasting way, was the same thing as to place such things up for debate among the Scribes and the Pharrisees who sought to challenge such beliefs in an unGodly way, and therefore these things were placed amongst the heathen and the believer's in a trial conducted by the Roman's for those unGodly challengers who feared the Lord once upon a time in the history of the world.

Our love of God is evident within so many ways in which we can find within this nation, but the heathens are doing everything possible to try and change that.
Plute Pulpit

Treating the Constitution like the Bible is heresy. The same goes for preaching that the "Founding Fathers" were like the Twelve Apostles and the Evangelists.
Who the hell says it's the Bible?.....................The Constitution was created to establish a new-style Government...............and it has worked well for a long time..................Those that who have went gone away from it's its intentions have screwed us..................And why we are are we in the situation we are in today?............Had we kept the powers of Gov't LIMITED............we would not have the career politicians and lobbyist from hell deciding our laws..........screwing over the citizens for personal gain...................In the 20th Century, especially early..............Under Wilson............they used the crisis of World Wars and Depressions to change it's its meanings................to a point that we can now pay via Tax payers dollars for anything our politicians desire...............It was never intended to be that way...............and the creation of the tax system of today was a part of that departure from the Constitution.............

The Founders were VERY SMART..............They were not GODS...................but they did their homework very well when they created this country.....
An Anti-Democratic Manifesto Written Behind Closed Doors

Preach to the choir that the rulers hired to chant your glorification of private-sector tyranny.
What made United States great ?





The two liberal coasts



The constitution

What Threatens the United States?



Lack of education




The GOP and the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and the American Nazi Party

The deep south and the midwest
Three things. The Atlantic Ocean. The Pacific Ocean. World War (1 and 2).
'The religious folks aren't encroaching on government, but rather it has been the other way around in this stage of the game.

Government being taken over by anti-religious or anti-Christianity zelots are the problem being experienced today, where as these zelots are using government power to crush Christianity, and not the other way around.'

uh-huh. is that why the fundie nutbags have excused EVERYTHING trump has been for his entire life? he has committed several...if not all... of the 7 deadly sins, AND broken a majority of the 10 commandments.


to get the SC & overturn roe v wade. they will sell out EVERYTHING that jesus has stood for to get that done.


Funny you say this, because Jesus is pro-life and pro-after life. So who is Trump working for again ?

trump is working for his own ego & profit driven motives, & will say or do anything to get what he wants.

so, tell how jesus was pro torture AND pro death penalty again? you think the whole abortion issue isn't pence's gig? lol...

. Jesus said that he had come not to take away from the old ways, but instead he is here to strengthen them in justice there of. I know how you people hate the old testament, so just be warned that Christ is not this (turn a blind eye towards justice or a blind eye towards sin kind of being), but instead he had come to offer us another way out if we so choose his way out.

you can follow whatever religion & practice whatever belief you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anybody else's beliefs or lack there of.

we are a nation of laws, not men & not a favored god. to demand otherwise makes one no different than those that practice sharia law.
. You best go tell your buddies the same, because their agenda has been to crush Christianity by using the twisting of those laws into their favor.

Righties Know Perfectly Well that a Majoritarian Democracy Would Reject Liberalism

More proof that Liberals are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Historically, the hereditary rulers have wanted their subjects to worship them exclusively, and not God.
I see what you’re wanting to do here...I’ll play along.
So by your account, the south wouldn’t have been built without slavery...is that your assertion?
.Would have been built without slavery, but it would be that it wouldn't have been built as quickly or produced the amount of wealth that it did because of slavery.
Slavery was a drag on the American economy, not a benefit. Just compare how fast the North, without slavery, developed in comparison to how fast the South developed.
.Are you attempting to deny the contribution's of slavery to the southern AG industry, and the wealth in which it generated for that industry ??
The Confederacy was built on slavery
Most of our Nation was built with the help of Slavery...........In that time period of 1776 it was an acceptable practice in the World...........Many did so including those in the North..........yet in the 1800's the practice around the world changed and countries started to abolish it. It was used in the Agro world of the South more than in the North and was ended sooner there.................And the rest is History.
most whites did not own slaves

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