What makes arguing with liberals so frustrating #1

That's not the 'liberal' thing. That's just the fact that you're an idiot.
You prove my point right here. I hope you have better things to do with your life then attack me on a message board.:cuckoo:

No, as I stated, that's really not it. Do try to keep up.

Do I call people morons just because they're Republican? Nooooo... I call morons morons.

I honestly think you have a mental condition.. Get some help man
You prove my point right here. I hope you have better things to do with your life then attack me on a message board.:cuckoo:

No, as I stated, that's really not it. Do try to keep up.

Do I call people morons just because they're Republican? Nooooo... I call morons morons.

I honestly think you have a mental condition.. Get some help man


Does anyone here from any political persuasion wish to go on the record and state that they think Lovebears is smart?
I don't know Lovebears, but from what I've seen I would say he/she is smarter than some posting in this thread seem to be.

Does anyone here from any political persuasion wish to go on the record and state that they think Lovebears is smart?

Does anyone from any political persuasion want to go on record and state they think Cuyo is smart? How about normal? Would you believe, merely suffering from mild retardation? Come on people, give me something....

Does anyone here from any political persuasion wish to go on the record and state that they think Lovebears is smart?

Does anyone from any political persuasion want to go on record and state they think Cuyo is smart? How about normal? Would you believe, merely suffering from mild retardation? Come on people, give me something....

He loves to personally attack me in private messages. This is what a child does.
You mean like the way anyone receiving public assistance is a welfare cheat and all union workers are lazy, overpaid slobs?

This response will be the basis for the thread "what makes liberals annoying #2" But for now, all I can say is this is not a response to the thread and it is typical of the way Liberals try and turn the discussion away from the real issue into a matter of loaded rhetoric that totally ignores the topic at hand. which will be "What makes liberals annoying #3"

Mr clean's response is precisely why discussing issues with liberals is futile.
Typically, they will as a fallback position, deflect the discussion away from the issue at hand.
Welfare and unions have nothing to do with this thread.
The most infuriating thing to conservatives when arguing with liberals is complexity. Conservatives tend to try to boil everything down to simplicity, the argument always starts when someone says "it's not that simple or clearcut."

Liberalism is expensive because liberals like attorneys and engineers will complicate the process of boiling a pot of water.
Truth is, most things are pretty simple and clear cut.
Liberals live in a world of "what if" and "what about..."
Listening to a liberal answer a direct question is like watching an obsessive compulsive try to decide which color to wear.
You mean like the way anyone receiving public assistance is a welfare cheat and all union workers are lazy, overpaid slobs?

This response will be the basis for the thread "what makes liberals annoying #2" But for now, all I can say is this is not a response to the thread and it is typical of the way Liberals try and turn the discussion away from the real issue into a matter of loaded rhetoric that totally ignores the topic at hand. which will be "What makes liberals annoying #3"

Mr clean's response is precisely why discussing issues with liberals is futile.
Typically, they will as a fallback position, deflect the discussion away from the issue at hand.
Welfare and unions have nothing to do with this thread.

But what makes arguing with liberals frustrating is and Mr. Clean just gave a perfect example of it

You are too preoccupied with looking for a direct and rational answer to see that you just received your answer, Mr. spoon! In fact, ou just answered the question!
The most infuriating thing to conservatives when arguing with liberals is complexity. Conservatives tend to try to boil everything down to simplicity, the argument always starts when someone says "it's not that simple or clearcut."

Liberalism is expensive because liberals like attorneys and engineers will complicate the process of boiling a pot of water.
Truth is, most things are pretty simple and clear cut.
Liberals live in a world of "what if" and "what about..."
Listening to a liberal answer a direct question is like watching an obsessive compulsive try to decide which color to wear.

As I described earlier, it's not a liberal or conservative thing. A stubborn idiot can be of either political stripe. Chances are that if they're dumb and/or stubborn, it extends to other issues in their life and outlook as well.

It's a completely different metric. I see more stubborn idiot conservatives here than liberals, but that's probably only because I see more conservatives than liberals overall. I could easy name 10 conservatives I respect and 10 liberals I don't (but I won't :D).
The most infuriating thing to conservatives when arguing with liberals is complexity. Conservatives tend to try to boil everything down to simplicity, the argument always starts when someone says "it's not that simple or clearcut."

That, and their black-and-white position on every issue.
Very amusing.
You people reject the idea of black and white because you always need an escape route for your behavior. You people like to make rules( e.g. political correctness) for everyone else yet use double standards to absolve yourselves from responsibility for your actions.
The reality is things are not nearly as complicated as you would like them to be.
Liberals: "We need to have more meetings/studies".
Conservatives; "let's cut to the chase and get down to the bottom line".
You people cannot stand that. The more you protract an issue, the more likely the other side is to go your way.
The most infuriating thing to conservatives when arguing with liberals is complexity. Conservatives tend to try to boil everything down to simplicity, the argument always starts when someone says "it's not that simple or clearcut."

That, and their black-and-white position on every issue.

Hyperpartisans on this board are black and white with every position they have, they support what their team does, don't support what the other team does.

How many Obamabots speak out in favor of a republican position over a democrat position on 1 issue?

How many Bushbots speak out in favor of a democrat position over a republican position on 1 issue?

I'd say that equates to less than 1% of the posts by partisans on this board.

When you're right, you're right. :thup:
i find it interesting that people who post threads like this are surprised when others respond to them accordingly and don't take them seriously.

What makes you think you or anyone else while in the process of deflecting the discussion away from the issue at hand should be taken seriously?
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government.

These days, the committment to limited government by conservatives is just so much lip service.

The leadership in no way actually means it.

I give you Homeland Security and the unfinanced Medicare Group D as prime examples.

Neither of which are agreeable to conservatives.
Bush's ideology was misinterpreted by liberals in stating he governed conservative.
Untrue. On domestic and fiscal policy, Bush 43 was a right leaning populist.
Many of his spending policies were quite liberal.
Where Bush differed from other right leaning moderates was his military and foreign policy. On those issues Bush was indeed conservative.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government. Just because we say we don't want government doing things where government is inept, counterproductive, wasteful or whatever, does not mean that we should shut it down totally.

Yes, we do need roads, bridges, highways, jails, schools, aircraft carriers, GPS satellites, standard weights and measures, courts, etc etc. Saying we don't need subsidies for crummy cars badly built and still with astronomical prices does not mean we don't need highways.

The conservative view is that the government should be a useful servant of the people's needs. However, you give it too much money, power, authority it becomes the worst sort of master.

This, of course, is total bulshit.

Government is the only defense a citizen has against powerful corporations which have been shown again and again to steal, cheat, and lie to the point of polluting the planet and destroying the world economy. Why? Because the government is ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.

And the conservatives want to let the unelected corporations run wild....

Gets pretty scary sometimes when you get the full view of the liberal brain.

Government is the only defense a citizen has against powerful corporations?

No, a citizen can simply take his business somewhere else and the corporation loses power as it loses money. Don't like how Mcdonald's gets their meat? Go to Wendy's. Don't like how Wal Mart treats their employees? Go to Meijer.

No, we don't have to be saved by the almighty, all-knowing, all-loving Father Government.

Dude stop trying.

if someone can't go two words without posting something that is factually incorrect like Chris has here, you're never going to get through to them. They just plain don't get it.

Chris and many liberals like him simply don't understand how the relationships between consumers and business relate to each other, how the actions of one effects the other, etc. That is crystal clear by making the completely stupid and completely false statement that government is the only means of protecting the people against corporations. That is unequivocally false. The PEOPLE are supposed to defend the people against corporations acting in a way that is undesirable. If you don't like what a company does you don't give them your business. It's that simple. Bringing us to your second false statement, that corps have shown again and again that they cheat, steal and lie. Again, unequivically false. That simply is not the reality in how the majority of corporations operate. Why? Because being the stupid liberal you are and because you again don't understand the relationship between consumer and business. The only thing you would be right about is that a business acts primarily in its own financial best interest. What you are too stupid to figure out apparently is that everything you accuse 'evil corp. america' of doing are things that are in fact NOT in a corporatins financial best interest.
I see this over and over. Conservatives are for limited government.

These days, the committment to limited government by conservatives is just so much lip service.

The leadership in no way actually means it.

I give you Homeland Security and the unfinanced Medicare Group D as prime examples.

Neither of which are agreeable to conservatives.
Bush's ideology was misinterpreted by liberals in stating he governed conservative.
Untrue. On domestic and fiscal policy, Bush 43 was a right leaning populist.
Many of his spending policies were quite liberal.
Where Bush differed from other right leaning moderates was his military and foreign policy. On those issues Bush was indeed conservative.

Nation-building, open borders and ports aren't a conservative defense policy.

Nothing about Bush or any of the republicans in power during his administration, was conservative.
This response will be the basis for the thread "what makes liberals annoying #2" But for now, all I can say is this is not a response to the thread and it is typical of the way Liberals try and turn the discussion away from the real issue into a matter of loaded rhetoric that totally ignores the topic at hand. which will be "What makes liberals annoying #3"

Mr clean's response is precisely why discussing issues with liberals is futile.
Typically, they will as a fallback position, deflect the discussion away from the issue at hand.
Welfare and unions have nothing to do with this thread.

But what makes arguing with liberals frustrating is and Mr. Clean just gave a perfect example of it

You are too preoccupied with looking for a direct and rational answer to see that you just received your answer, Mr. spoon! In fact, ou just answered the question!
No..I want the answers to be as direct as the question. In other words I want the answer to cut through the bullshit.
My most used response is : "that is not what you were asked"..
The fact is he DID NOT answer the question I asked.
You don't get to change the context of the question. You don't get to leave out words.
These days, the committment to limited government by conservatives is just so much lip service.

The leadership in no way actually means it.

I give you Homeland Security and the unfinanced Medicare Group D as prime examples.

Neither of which are agreeable to conservatives.
Bush's ideology was misinterpreted by liberals in stating he governed conservative.
Untrue. On domestic and fiscal policy, Bush 43 was a right leaning populist.
Many of his spending policies were quite liberal.
Where Bush differed from other right leaning moderates was his military and foreign policy. On those issues Bush was indeed conservative.

Nation-building, open borders and ports aren't a conservative defense policy.

Nothing about Bush or any of the republicans in power during his administration, was conservative.

Liberals can't tell the difference between Republicans and conservatives, nor has it ever occurred to them that neither is a big, monolithic clump of groupthink the way they are. The idea that the right is a wide-ranging spectrum of thought seems beyond the left's comprehension.
These days, the committment to limited government by conservatives is just so much lip service.

The leadership in no way actually means it.

I give you Homeland Security and the unfinanced Medicare Group D as prime examples.

Neither of which are agreeable to conservatives.
Bush's ideology was misinterpreted by liberals in stating he governed conservative.
Untrue. On domestic and fiscal policy, Bush 43 was a right leaning populist.
Many of his spending policies were quite liberal.
Where Bush differed from other right leaning moderates was his military and foreign policy. On those issues Bush was indeed conservative.

Nation-building, open borders and ports aren't a conservative defense policy.

Nothing about Bush or any of the republicans in power during his administration, was conservative.

Now here you are being extreme. I agree that President Bush's policies on entitlements, energy, immigration, environment, and education were not conservative positions and I opposed many of his policiies there and some other things too.

It is not true that he was not conservative in anything, however. His tax poliicy quickly pulled us out of what could have been a devastating recession following 9/11. He publiically called for reform and reining in of Fannie and Freddie at least 27 different times over his two terms and was openly opposed by the Democrats in doing so when they took power in 2007. Before the housing bubble burst, we had strong growth, full employment, and were on a solid track back to a balanced budget. I don't think any Democrat would have been as competent in tightening security and preventing another mass murder terrorist attack.

I have no problem with hanging our elected leaders for their crimes. But I do insist that they be hanged for the crimes they commit and not for those they don't commit.
These days, the committment to limited government by conservatives is just so much lip service.

The leadership in no way actually means it.

I give you Homeland Security and the unfinanced Medicare Group D as prime examples.

Neither of which are agreeable to conservatives.
Bush's ideology was misinterpreted by liberals in stating he governed conservative.
Untrue. On domestic and fiscal policy, Bush 43 was a right leaning populist.
Many of his spending policies were quite liberal.
Where Bush differed from other right leaning moderates was his military and foreign policy. On those issues Bush was indeed conservative.

Nation-building, open borders and ports aren't a conservative defense policy.

Nothing about Bush or any of the republicans in power during his administration, was conservative.
Then why do liberals express such vitriol over Bush's presidency?
Or for that matter, the man himself?

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