What makes Christie such a liberal?

Christie, a classic GOP, is the right choice, and the Dems tremble before him: rightfully so.


He couldn't even beat Shrillary in an exit poll of New Jersey voters on the day of his big win.

Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup

UPDATE: This post has been updated to reflect the latest exit poll data.
By Domenico Montanaro, Deputy Political Editor, NBC News

Republican Chris Christie is poised for a blowout win for re-election in New Jersey. But those looking to extrapolate out what his broad-based victory means for a potential 2016 presidential bid might want to tap the brakes.

Why? Hillary Clinton.

If today was a race between Christie and Clinton, exit polls show Christie would not carry his home state. The former secretary of state, senator, and first lady beats Christie, 48 percent to 44 percent. * * * *
-- Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup - First Read

Fakey, the pretend Republican, of course LOVES fat old Chris Christie precisely because the Governor is SOOOOO enamored of behaving like a liberal Democrat and because it foreshadows a match-up that another Democrat can win in 2016.

Fakey is SUCH a transparent fraud.

Yanno, your never-ending whine about Jake, even in threads where he's not present, smacks of a certain.... what is the word... desperation. That's it.

Hillary's not running anyway. Pogo predicts.

Hey, pugs. Fakey IS present in THIS thread. I was RESPONDING to one of the fraud's posts.

I will continue to expose him as the complete fraud he is with or without your approval, by the way.


And Shrillary may or may not run. She is an OLD bag. But, your predictions are as valuable as your opinions. Not very.

Contrary to your assurance, however, the rancid sow IS making some of the moves associated with a prospective candidates. So, might as well wait and see.

Finally, nobody said that the ONLY liberal Democratic who could beat half-a-RINO Christie is the former first porker, Shrillary. The fact that on the very day of his big run up the stats re-election win, Christie STILL couldn't defeat Shrillary in an exit poll match-up indicates that (gasp) New Jersey is still a pretty fucking blue state. And If home-boy Christie can't even fare well there against Shrillary Benghazi Clinton, then in a national campaign, he might prove as electable as McCain was.
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When he hugged O and then came out and said he was doing a good job with Sandy aftermath, the GOP extremist consider him a traitor. He also dissed them when they House tried to hold up recovery money. Anyone that is not far right in the GOP TP mind is a libral and a traitor...

I expect Karl Rove has already identified Christie as the one person who could win the WH in 2016. It will be interesting when the TP and RW extremist begin throwing mud at him and doing everything they can to block his nomination.

He couldn't even beat Shrillary in an exit poll of New Jersey voters on the day of his big win.

-- Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup - First Read

Fakey, the pretend Republican, of course LOVES fat old Chris Christie precisely because the Governor is SOOOOO enamored of behaving like a liberal Democrat and because it foreshadows a match-up that another Democrat can win in 2016.

Fakey is SUCH a transparent fraud.

Yanno, your never-ending whine about Jake, even in threads where he's not present, smacks of a certain.... what is the word... desperation. That's it.

Hillary's not running anyway. Pogo predicts.

Hey, pugs. Fakey IS present in THIS thread. I was RESPONDING to one of the fraud's posts.

Ah, so you don't know how to click a link then... :thup:

I will continue to expose him as the complete fraud he is with or without your approval, by the way.


It's an observance, not an approval. An obsession that belies a certain desperation, which in turn belies self-doubt.
:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

And Shrillary may or may not run. She is an OLD bag. But, your predictions are as valuable as your opinions. Not very.

I suppose I could bet my membership on it-- I understand that one's got all kinds of wiggle room. :lol:

Contrary to your assurance, however, the rancid sow IS making some of the moves associated with a prospective candidates. So, might as well wait and see.

Finally, nobody said that the ONLY liberal Democratic who could beat half-a-RINO Christie is the former first porker, Shrillary. The fact that on the very day of his big run up the stats re-election win, Christie STILL couldn't defeat Shrillary in an exit poll match-up indicates that (gasp) New Jersey is still a pretty fucking blue state. And If home-boy Christie can't even fare well there against Shrillary Benghazi Clinton, then in a national campaign, he might prove as electable as McCain was.

Your logic is facing backwards. NJ being a blue state should give Hillary an advantage, not a disadvantage. If it's a bluer state than the rest of the country, then that advantage disappears once the field spreads outside NJ. I mean -- duh?

Plus those same pollsters tell us Jerseyans don't like the RP but they do like Christie -- which also makes the opposite case.

Got anything left?
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* * * *

Ah, so you don't know how to click a link then. * * * *

What you can't grasp is that there is no need to click a link. I responded to Fakey's post in THIS very thread, thereby disproving your contention. Feel free to try to deflect that obvious fact some more, though. :lmao:

It's an observance, not an approval.

No. It was an obserVATION -- and a pointless and plodding meaningless one at that. Not unexpectedly. :thup:

* * * *

I suppose I could bet my membership on it-- I understand that one's got all kinds of wiggle room. * * * *

For you perhaps. I wouldn't expect a guy like you to ever honor a bet. I have always honored all of mine. A voided / nullified bet, however, does not count. Ponder it. But you won't. It would require honesty on your part, so that's obviously out. :thup:

Since you said nothing else warranting a reply, I just snipped the balance of your empty musings.

Muddle on, pugs.
* * * *

Ah, so you don't know how to click a link then. * * * *

What you can't grasp is that there is no need to click a link. I responded to Fakey's post in THIS very thread, thereby disproving your contention. Feel free to try to deflect that obvious fact some more, though.

Is the link toxic then? Afraid it will prove me right?
You could just do the Welsh thing and go delete the evidence...

It's an observance, not an approval.

No. It was an obserVATION

AAAGGH! The Welshman scores. I am wounded. You are correct. Avoided the shutout. :thup:

-- and a pointless and plodding meaningless one at that. Not unexpectedly.

Pointless as long as you don't .... click the link. :eusa_whistle:

* * * *

I suppose I could bet my membership on it-- I understand that one's got all kinds of wiggle room. * * * *

For you perhaps. I wouldn't expect a guy like you to ever honor a bet. I have always honored all of mine. A voided / nullified bet, however, does not count. Ponder it. But you won't. It would require honesty on your part, so that's obviously out.

To be honest, yes I remember the kid who would lose at some sports match and whine, "that didn't count!" :eusa_hand:

Since you said nothing else warranting a reply, I just snipped the balance of your empty musings.

Nothing else except the bit about how your logic was ass-backward so you made a point opposite the one you intended. But you're correct again; there IS no reply for that; you just plain fucked up. :thup:

Or as we call it around here, "Thursday".
Because he worked with Obama after the hurricane. They are butthurt cause they think it hurt Romney some how.

I gotta believe there is more to it than that.

Well he did criticize Rand Paul for his stance on surveillance, and Ted Cruz took Paul's side...two TP's that are against Christie....Oh, and he also hugged Obama....can't do that!
* * * *

Nothing else except the bit about how your logic was ass-backward so you made a point opposite the one you intended. * * * *

NOTHING you've managed to post has shown any such thing -- of course.

You may be a legend in your own mind, but in the real world, pugsly, you continue to be all fail all the time.
* * * *

Nothing else except the bit about how your logic was ass-backward so you made a point opposite the one you intended. * * * *

NOTHING you've managed to post has shown any such thing -- of course.

You may be a legend in your own mind, but in the real world, pugsly, you continue to be all fail all the time.

Nothing in your quiver but gainsaying then? That must suck. :lol:


"Pugsly" -- I like that. Put an E on it... Pugsley Adams.

I could take that ugly kid for an avatar but then people might get me and you confused.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?

His support of feel good gun control measures, and thus his passing disdain for the 2nd amendment.

Thats my main gripe with him. For the social conservatives, however the issue is he is a social progressive. That makes him suspect even with his fiscal bonifides.

To me he is not perfect, but better than any democratic progressive statist idiot out there, and he can remove some of the socially conservative issues by showing federalist tendencies.
What a load of bullshit!!!!
He vetoed all anti-gun legislation sent to him, and he sued to block gay marriage, appealing each loss it until the courts turned against him.

Where do you get this bullshit???
* * * *

Contrary to your assurance, however, the rancid sow IS making some of the moves associated with a prospective candidates. So, might as well wait and see.

Finally, nobody said that the ONLY liberal Democratic who could beat half-a-RINO Christie is the former first porker, Shrillary. The fact that on the very day of his big run up the stats re-election win, Christie STILL couldn't defeat Shrillary in an exit poll match-up indicates that (gasp) New Jersey is still a pretty fucking blue state. And If home-boy Christie can't even fare well there against Shrillary Benghazi Clinton, then in a national campaign, he might prove as electable as McCain was.

Your logic is facing backwards. NJ being a blue state should give Hillary an advantage, not a disadvantage. If it's a bluer state than the rest of the country, then that advantage disappears once the field spreads outside NJ. I mean -- duh?

Plus those same pollsters tell us Jerseyans don't like the RP but they do like Christie -- which also makes the opposite case.

Got anything left?

Damn but you are a void.

The POINT was that on his BIG night, Mr. Landslide won NJ handily and yet STILL couldn't take on the liberal Democrat Shrillary head to head. And there are LOTS of BLUE votes, you void, often times more than RED ones (in terms of Electoral College votes, anyway).

YOU might not be able to wrap your head around it, but this means that trying to pander to the far left Dims is NOT going to bode well for the GOP.

If the guy (nominally a Republican) who wins a landslide re-election in NJ can't stand up against Shrillary in spite of that popularity advantage, and if his liberal qualities alienate sufficient numbers of GOP/conservative voters, then Christie (the liberal media faux darling of the moment) is actually positioning the GOP for another massive, huge enormous defeat in 2016. Might as well think BIG. This is Christie we are talking about.

What the GOP NEEDS to do is EMBRACE the conservative contenders and move to the RIGHT, not to the left.

Give the VOTERS a true choice. They have seen what ObamaSocialism is all about. The failed ObumblerCare roll-out is not he problem with ObumblerCare. ObumblerCare is the problem with ObumblerCare.

Putting some DISTANCE between THEM (the fucking asshole socialist leaning liberal Democrat Parody) and the GOP by moving to the right would HELP, not hurt, the GOP.

By contrast, embracing Christie (a difficult thing to accomplish physically) is tantamount to moving TO the LEFT. It's just a stupid-ass mistake.

Guys like you and Fakey, of course, cheer it on and encourage it. Naturally. All you liberal Democrats want to help the Democrat Parody.
* * * *

"Pugsly" -- I like that. Put an E on it... Pugsley Adams.

I could take that ugly kid for an avatar but then people might get me and you confused.

Here, pugsly:


Nobody would confuse a moronic post from you with anything I have ever posted. So don't be a pussy.

Pugsley (the character) is spelled with an "e." Addams, however, is spelled with two "d's."
* * * *

Contrary to your assurance, however, the rancid sow IS making some of the moves associated with a prospective candidates. So, might as well wait and see.

Finally, nobody said that the ONLY liberal Democratic who could beat half-a-RINO Christie is the former first porker, Shrillary. The fact that on the very day of his big run up the stats re-election win, Christie STILL couldn't defeat Shrillary in an exit poll match-up indicates that (gasp) New Jersey is still a pretty fucking blue state. And If home-boy Christie can't even fare well there against Shrillary Benghazi Clinton, then in a national campaign, he might prove as electable as McCain was.

Your logic is facing backwards. NJ being a blue state should give Hillary an advantage, not a disadvantage. If it's a bluer state than the rest of the country, then that advantage disappears once the field spreads outside NJ. I mean -- duh?

Plus those same pollsters tell us Jerseyans don't like the RP but they do like Christie -- which also makes the opposite case.

Got anything left?

Damn but you are a void.

The POINT was that on his BIG night, Mr. Landslide won NJ handily and yet STILL couldn't take on the liberal Democrat Shrillary head to head. And there are LOTS of BLUE votes, you void, often times more than RED ones (in terms of Electoral College votes, anyway).

You're goin' deeper then? Ooooookay.

YOU might not be able to wrap your head around it, but this means that trying to pander to the far left Dims is NOT going to bode well for the GOP.

The RP doesn't want the vote of independents then. Check.

If the guy (nominally a Republican) who wins a landslide re-election in NJ can't stand up against Shrillary in spite of that popularity advantage, and if his liberal qualities alienate sufficient numbers of GOP/conservative voters, then Christie (the liberal media faux darling of the moment) is actually positioning the GOP for another massive, huge enormous defeat in 2016. Might as well think BIG. This is Christie we are talking about.

So you're saying a guy who polls within a few points of a blue candidate in a solid blue state, doesn't have a chance in a red or purple or less-blue state.

back to work..

What the GOP NEEDS to do is EMBRACE the conservative contenders and move to the RIGHT, not to the left.

-- and how has that been working out? :rofl:
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* * * *

Your logic is facing backwards. NJ being a blue state should give Hillary an advantage, not a disadvantage. If it's a bluer state than the rest of the country, then that advantage disappears once the field spreads outside NJ. I mean -- duh?

Plus those same pollsters tell us Jerseyans don't like the RP but they do like Christie -- which also makes the opposite case.

Got anything left?

Damn but you are a void.

The POINT was that on his BIG night, Mr. Landslide won NJ handily and yet STILL couldn't take on the liberal Democrat Shrillary head to head. And there are LOTS of BLUE votes, you void, often times more than RED ones (in terms of Electoral College votes, anyway).

You're goin' deeper then? Ooooookay.

The RP doesn't want the vote of independents then. Check.

If the guy (nominally a Republican) who wins a landslide re-election in NJ can't stand up against Shrillary in spite of that popularity advantage, and if his liberal qualities alienate sufficient numbers of GOP/conservative voters, then Christie (the liberal media faux darling of the moment) is actually positioning the GOP for another massive, huge enormous defeat in 2016. Might as well think BIG. This is Christie we are talking about.

So you're saying a guy who polls within a few points of a blue candidate in a solid blue state, doesn't have a chance in a red or purple or less-blue state.

back to work..

What the GOP NEEDS to do is EMBRACE the conservative contenders and move to the RIGHT, not to the left.

-- and how has that been working out? :rofl:

It is working out GREAT for me. Thanks for asking!

YOU keep exposing the depths of your ignorance and your inability to employ logic.

Keep up the wonderful work!


No. A guy who has problems in HIS home state on the very day he wins a landslide re-election is destined to have problems NATION WIDE when he runs against opponents of his LIBERAL political preferences. Those who like his more conservative stances are still going to be put off by his liberal pandering.

And the dregs we call the modern American liberals aren't going to vote for Krispy Kreme Christie, anyway. They are GOING to vote for another FAR left liberal Democratic, like Shrillary or whichever other Obumbler-like puppet Soros and the boys put up.

The advice of stooges like you and Fakey is transparent. "Psst. Say. You. Yeah YOU, Republicans. Take my advice. Yeah yeah, THAT'S the ticket. Put up a wobbly faux 'moderate.' Someone who will 'reach across the aisle.' Yeah. That's the ticket. It's a can't miss recipe for a huge electoral win in 2016. Don't tell anyone where you got this TERRIFIC advice. <<wink wink>>" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Great. Another McCain or another Romney. Thanks. But you know what? Maybe this next time the GOP should --

take a pass on such "advice." But, thanks anyway. :eusa_hand:

Pugsley and Fakey: perfect together.
Damn but you are a void.

The POINT was that on his BIG night, Mr. Landslide won NJ handily and yet STILL couldn't take on the liberal Democrat Shrillary head to head. And there are LOTS of BLUE votes, you void, often times more than RED ones (in terms of Electoral College votes, anyway).

You're goin' deeper then? Ooooookay.

The RP doesn't want the vote of independents then. Check.

So you're saying a guy who polls within a few points of a blue candidate in a solid blue state, doesn't have a chance in a red or purple or less-blue state.

back to work..

What the GOP NEEDS to do is EMBRACE the conservative contenders and move to the RIGHT, not to the left.

-- and how has that been working out? :rofl:

It is working out GREAT for me. Thanks for asking!

YOU keep exposing the depths of your ignorance and your inability to employ logic.

Keep up the wonderful work!


No. A guy who has problems in HIS home state on the very day he wins a landslide re-election is destined to have problems NATION WIDE when he runs against opponents of his LIBERAL political preferences. Those who like his more conservative stances are still going to be put off by his liberal pandering.

And the dregs we call the modern American liberals aren't going to vote for Krispy Kreme Christie, anyway. They are GOING to vote for another FAR left liberal Democratic, like Shrillary or whichever other Obumbler-like puppet Soros and the boys put up.

The advice of stooges like you and Fakey is transparent. "Psst. Say. You. Yeah YOU, Republicans. Take my advice. Yeah yeah, THAT'S the ticket. Put up a wobbly faux 'moderate.' Someone who will 'reach across the aisle.' Yeah. That's the ticket. It's a can't miss recipe for a huge electoral win in 2016. Don't tell anyone where you got this TERRIFIC advice. <<wink wink>>" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Great. Another McCain or another Romney. Thanks. But you know what? Maybe this next time the GOP should --

take a pass on such "advice." But, thanks anyway. :eusa_hand:

Pugsley and Fakey: perfect together.

CuRsEs!! We must have a mole. OK I'll spill the beans -- it's true. Jake, Hillary, O'bama and I met for breakfast last week at my house and hatched exactly this plan.
Damn you hyper-Meilyr, you have found us out. There's nothing left to do now but get on a plane back to Pyonyang and regroup, stopping at Uncle Fidel's place on the way for a nightcap.

Damn damn damn. We were just about to release the teleprompter-bots to perform mandatory lobotomies on the populace. Now you have ruined everything.

Thanks a LOT, big mouth. :mad:
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I thought marty's answer was pretty reasonable.

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

So gay rights is now the new progressive litmus test, along with abortion?

There is no ‘progressive litmus test.’

Obeying the Constitution and it’s case law has nothing to do with being ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative,’ although there is a conservative propensity to exhibit contempt for the Constitution with regard to equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women.

Concerning Christie, he’s a pragmatist as opposed to an ideologue, which the dogmatic right incorrectly perceives to be ‘liberal.’ And the dogmatic right is consequently suspicious of Christie because he doesn’t adhere blindly to that conservative dogma.
So, how is the GOP/Tea Party ever going to win the Big One without attracting moderates??

Why would you write "GOP/Tea Party" like that? The Tea Party is a loosely-organized movement, not a political party. Trying out your Goebbels persona?

Because the GOP and TPM are one in the same, a loosely organized movement within the Republican Party. By members’ own admission, 70 percent of the TPM is republican or republican leaning. The TPM is an aggregate of the Old Bush Base, pseudo-libertarians, and far right extremists – but all republicans just the same.

Remember also what when one references ‘Nazis,’ it’s his concession he’s lost the argument.
You're goin' deeper then? Ooooookay.

The RP doesn't want the vote of independents then. Check.

So you're saying a guy who polls within a few points of a blue candidate in a solid blue state, doesn't have a chance in a red or purple or less-blue state.

back to work..

-- and how has that been working out? :rofl:

It is working out GREAT for me. Thanks for asking!

YOU keep exposing the depths of your ignorance and your inability to employ logic.

Keep up the wonderful work!


No. A guy who has problems in HIS home state on the very day he wins a landslide re-election is destined to have problems NATION WIDE when he runs against opponents of his LIBERAL political preferences. Those who like his more conservative stances are still going to be put off by his liberal pandering.

And the dregs we call the modern American liberals aren't going to vote for Krispy Kreme Christie, anyway. They are GOING to vote for another FAR left liberal Democratic, like Shrillary or whichever other Obumbler-like puppet Soros and the boys put up.

The advice of stooges like you and Fakey is transparent. "Psst. Say. You. Yeah YOU, Republicans. Take my advice. Yeah yeah, THAT'S the ticket. Put up a wobbly faux 'moderate.' Someone who will 'reach across the aisle.' Yeah. That's the ticket. It's a can't miss recipe for a huge electoral win in 2016. Don't tell anyone where you got this TERRIFIC advice. <<wink wink>>" :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Great. Another McCain or another Romney. Thanks. But you know what? Maybe this next time the GOP should --

take a pass on such "advice." But, thanks anyway. :eusa_hand:

Pugsley and Fakey: perfect together.

CuRsEs!! We must have a mole. OK I'll spill the beans -- it's true. Jake, Hillary, O'bama and I met for breakfast last week at my house and hatched exactly this plan.
Damn you hyper-Meilyr, you have found us out. There's nothing left to do now but get on a plane back to Pyonyang and regroup, stopping at Uncle Fidel's place on the way for a nightcap.

Damn damn damn. We were just about to release the teleprompter-bots to perform mandatory lobotomies on the populace. Now you have ruined everything.

Thanks a LOT, big mouth. :mad:

You don't need to sit down in a room with Shrillary (her wide load ass and your unjustified ego could never fit in the same room at the same time anyway). But lots of guys like Fakey, who cannot even grasp that nobody buys his obviously fraudulent poseur persona, somehow imagine that the GOP might "accept" their advice.

And you clearly buy into the same crap that he so freely dispenses.

The GOP ought to give your suggestions every due consideration. That oughta take a few seconds.

Your advice? Dismissed. RE-jected.

Your application? DEnied.

See ya. :eusa_hand:
Here's another newsflash.

The "musings" here of Adam_Clayton_Jones are flatly false.

It takes someone kind of "special" (i.e., someone like Adam_Clayton) to make a stupid claim like his contention that the tea party movement and the GOP are one and the same: :lmao: In reality, there is a huge faction in the GOP that is fucking liberal. They are way too ready to embrace the Democratics in order to "work" together (as though the mere fact that they can agree on legislation and pass legislation somehow makes them valuable). SOMETIMES, in fact, the passage of legislation is a very bad bad thing. Take ObumblerCare for example. Please.

Adam_Clayton_Jones, you really ARE "special."


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