What makes Christie such a liberal?

Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?


when you are on the level, you can ask some pretty decent questions.

I assume (without knowing) that you are on the level in your OP question.

Notably, a gaggle of liberals jump in to share their vapid and predictably off-point "opinions."

Putting that discordant cacophony to the side, a fair question deserves a more considered answer.

I suggest (if you truly want to know) that you look into the musings of Mark Levin:

Back before the Obumbler Re-Dejection, Levin critically answered Ann Coulter's support of Chris Christie:

Levin's criticisms of Christie included Christie's "positions on: gun control, amnesty, the appointment of an Islamist to the bench, the green agenda, his campaigning for Mike Castle, his MIA on health care litigation ...." -- Mark Levin Cool on Chris Christie

That article is informative. It scratches the surface of actual conservative concern over Chris Christie.

It's part of a much larger problem with the GOP, in fact.
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What makes Christie such a liberal?

Because he sucks obamas liberal black cock

Christie is an obamalover and has shown that he is willing to compromise with democrats. That's enough to lose my vote.

Yes, because we can have zero compromise on anything. This is a battle to the death.

You are Right, Obama Never compromises

And some people still wonder the far right gets labeled as a bunch of ignorant racists.

Enjoy your continued downward spiral to irrelevence. Good riddance.
I have a question.
How does the far right expect to win elections when they shun moderates? Moderates are the fastest growing sector of the voting public. Now take in account that moderates were the largest voting sector in the 2012 election. That's a huge group to blow off.
So, how is the GOP/Tea Party ever going to win the Big One without attracting moderates??
And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.

People change.

Remember, the KKK was started by the Democratic Party. Now they are all Republicans:

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

But I suspect Christie still hates gays.

No, it was not. It was founded by a band of ex-Confederate soldiers.

Who belonged to the Democratic Party and was embraced by the Democratic Party. That's just history. Those people fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's and swelled the ranks of the GOP. It was because blacks joined the Democratic Party. And today, the GOP is 90% white.
And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.

People change.

Remember, the KKK was started by the Democratic Party. Now they are all Republicans:

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

But I suspect Christie still hates gays.

People do change, but you only gave an example of a political party changing. At the age of 50 Obama finally realized he supports gay marriage? I find that unlikely. He was going with the polls. The moment a majority of Americans started supporting gay marriage he was on board. I personally believe he does agree with gay marriage, but to win an election he was willing to disagree. He's a lying politician like the rest of them.

A politician's job is to support the people who elected them into office. How many Republicans actually believe in "let him die" even when so many of the GOP base does?
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?

Well he shook Obama's hand for one. That's the biggest thing I can think of. Just touching Obama turned Christie into a flaming commie. I can't see a good conservative touching that socialist marxist Christie with a ten foot pole after he shook hands with Obama.

Now that's what I'm talking about.
You know how I'm going to vote in perpetuity based on a couple of threads? :lol:

I'd like to think you're not that stupid, unfortunately I've come to learn I don't always get what I'd like.

both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.
but you will waste your vote....voting for the same old shit.....sounds practical to me....

No, I do not. I don't vote for the shit you tend to vote :)
So, how is the GOP/Tea Party ever going to win the Big One without attracting moderates??

Why would you write "GOP/Tea Party" like that? The Tea Party is a loosely-organized movement, not a political party. Trying out your Goebbels persona?
both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.
but you will waste your vote....voting for the same old shit.....sounds practical to me....

No, I do not. I don't vote for the shit you tend to vote :)

right....you vote for people who belong to your precis party and who will do the same old shit again....and you will be here bitching about it for another 4 years....thats wasting your vote....and its not very practical.....cut the cord Vox....actually vote for some kind of change...
because working together, after elections are over, is considered treason by today's republicans. :tinfoil:
the far left is just as bad....they are not to keen on working with anyone with a different opinion themselves.......what is funny is Dean thanking you....one of the most divisive posters here who would never work with a righty....he knows it and any honest poster here knows it.....
Christie, a classic GOP, is the right choice, and the Dems tremble before him: rightfully so.
Christie, a classic GOP, is the right choice, and the Dems tremble before him: rightfully so.


He couldn't even beat Shrillary in an exit poll of New Jersey voters on the day of his big win.

Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup

UPDATE: This post has been updated to reflect the latest exit poll data.
By Domenico Montanaro, Deputy Political Editor, NBC News

Republican Chris Christie is poised for a blowout win for re-election in New Jersey. But those looking to extrapolate out what his broad-based victory means for a potential 2016 presidential bid might want to tap the brakes.

Why? Hillary Clinton.

If today was a race between Christie and Clinton, exit polls show Christie would not carry his home state. The former secretary of state, senator, and first lady beats Christie, 48 percent to 44 percent. * * * *
-- Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup - First Read

Fakey, the pretend Republican, of course LOVES fat old Chris Christie precisely because the Governor is SOOOOO enamored of behaving like a liberal Democrat and because it foreshadows a match-up that another Democrat can win in 2016.

Fakey is SUCH a transparent fraud.
Christie, a classic GOP, is the right choice, and the Dems tremble before him: rightfully so.


He couldn't even beat Shrillary in an exit poll of New Jersey voters on the day of his big win.

Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup

UPDATE: This post has been updated to reflect the latest exit poll data.
By Domenico Montanaro, Deputy Political Editor, NBC News

Republican Chris Christie is poised for a blowout win for re-election in New Jersey. But those looking to extrapolate out what his broad-based victory means for a potential 2016 presidential bid might want to tap the brakes.

Why? Hillary Clinton.

If today was a race between Christie and Clinton, exit polls show Christie would not carry his home state. The former secretary of state, senator, and first lady beats Christie, 48 percent to 44 percent. * * * *
-- Exit polls: Clinton beats Christie in N.J. in potential 2016 matchup - First Read

Fakey, the pretend Republican, of course LOVES fat old Chris Christie precisely because the Governor is SOOOOO enamored of behaving like a liberal Democrat and because it foreshadows a match-up that another Democrat can win in 2016.

Fakey is SUCH a transparent fraud.

Yanno, your never-ending whine about Jake, even in threads where he's not present, smacks of a certain.... what is the word... desperation. That's it.

Hillary's not running anyway. Pogo predicts.
Hillary's not running anyway. Pogo predicts.

What's funny about Hillary is that Obama (and McCauliffe) did so well with women (aside from white married women) against candidates that were offensive to issues traditionally important to them: you can be pro-life, but do so with respect, but don't diss on planned parenthood and govt funding of cancer screening and birth control, which really is offensive because they save money, so being against them strikes on misogyny even if its non-intentional.

So, when Hill talks about breaking a glass ceiling, there just aren't new voters out there for her to get that the gop hasn't already driven screaming from the gop big tent.

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