What makes Christie such a liberal?

That is what you get from a party that doesnt try to rigerously force the party line. Democrats are far better at reigning in both thier moderates to fall in step when the party wants them to, and quieting down thier hardcores when they feel the need to. Of course they have most of the MSM quieting down any hints of democratic schism while highlighting the slightest Republican kerfluffle, so you got that as well.

The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

Bullshit. The issue is people like such as yourself to lump all those stormfront and milita crazies with what democrats consider the "far right" i.e. libertarians and small government supporters , while convinently ignoring thier own commie/socialist/PETA/Earth First nutters. Look at DiBlasio for christs sake, he was a Sandinista supporter, and that gets not only a pass, almost faint admiration.

Far left liberals are far left liberals, its comical that you have to make them more palatable by calling them "more center"

In a country/political landscape where the entire spectrum is skewed to the right -- they ARE more center.
Christie is not a liberal.
He simply is not a type which goes well with people who do not live in NJ/NY.

That's a personality issue.

And he did make a humongous mistake last October. And never regretted it publicly. That does not make him a liberal it does show that his is not wise.

What humongous mistake was that?

And what would his margin of victory yesterday have been without it?

Christie is not a liberal.
He simply is not a type which goes well with people who do not live in NJ/NY.

That's a personality issue.

And he did make a humongous mistake last October. And never regretted it publicly. That does not make him a liberal it does show that his is not wise.

What humongous mistake was that?

And what would his margin of victory yesterday have been without it?


are you a rightie? no. would you vote Republican? never.
go away, I am not talking to YOU
Christie is not a liberal.
He simply is not a type which goes well with people who do not live in NJ/NY.

That's a personality issue.

And he did make a humongous mistake last October. And never regretted it publicly. That does not make him a liberal it does show that his is not wise.

What humongous mistake was that?

And what would his margin of victory yesterday have been without it?


are you a rightie? no. would you vote Republican? never.
go away, I am not talking to YOU

^ winning hearts and minds...
Christie is not a liberal.
He simply is not a type which goes well with people who do not live in NJ/NY.

That's a personality issue.

And he did make a humongous mistake last October. And never regretted it publicly. That does not make him a liberal it does show that his is not wise.

What humongous mistake was that?

And what would his margin of victory yesterday have been without it?


are you a rightie? no. would you vote Republican? never.
go away, I am not talking to YOU

Wassamatta? Is the question inconvenient? :lol:

Why don't you just go back to yammeryammer yammer leftards yammer yammer leftards yammer leftards and let the adults handle this.
What humongous mistake was that?

And what would his margin of victory yesterday have been without it?


are you a rightie? no. would you vote Republican? never.
go away, I am not talking to YOU

Wassamatta? Is the question inconvenient? :lol:

Why don't you just go back to yammeryammer yammer leftards yammer yammer leftards yammer leftards and let the adults handle this.

repeating to the dumb leftard:

I am not talking to YOU.

and I don't care what you and your ilk thinks.
are you a rightie? no. would you vote Republican? never.
go away, I am not talking to YOU

^ winning hearts and minds...
repeating - I don't waste my words on leftards.
It's futile :D

To each his own I suppose.

Personally, I find discussions with people whose views differ from my own to be more fruitful than a like-minded circle-jerk, but I'm crazy like that.
The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

I have to disagree with you on this one.

There are some seriously bat-shit crazies running around on the left too. The difference isn't that they're not as crazy, it's that there aren't as many of them and they're not taken seriously by the more mainstream democrats.

Basically, democrats don't need the votes of the left-wing crazies to win in the primaries the way republicans need the right-wing crazies.

Actually I think you're both right. The points needn't be contradictory.

The point about "more center" is important. Imagine a football field 1000 miles long, and place it horizontally on the map (east-west). The "left" is in the west, the "right" in the east, and the 50-yard-line is the center. Now if you take that football field and move it from Kansas to Kentucky, obviously those toward the left end zone are nearer the political "center" than they are to the 50-yard-line, and certainly nearer to it than those toward the east end zone.

The football field has been moving east steadily. That means for those in the far-east, they're on the edge, and possibly all wet.

(Map not drawn to scale)
The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

Bullshit. The issue is people like such as yourself to lump all those stormfront and milita crazies with what democrats consider the "far right" i.e. libertarians and small government supporters , while convinently ignoring thier own commie/socialist/PETA/Earth First nutters. Look at DiBlasio for christs sake, he was a Sandinista supporter, and that gets not only a pass, almost faint admiration.

Far left liberals are far left liberals, its comical that you have to make them more palatable by calling them "more center"

In a country/political landscape where the entire spectrum is skewed to the right -- they ARE more center.

Center is center, leftists are not center.
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”

Because he worked with Obama after the hurricane. They are butthurt cause they think it hurt Romney some how.

to the Far Right if you help disaster victims who are under your watch without their say so, you become a piece of shit....more so if the help available is from the "other" guys......just the way they are.....their Motto is...."if you dont think like we do....tough....go fuck yourself".....
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


ok, sit out more waiting for the knight on a white horse to arrive :lol:
You will eventually end up behind the barbed wire in the labor camp - as it has happened numerous times with others who were too noble to level down with the sinful ones.
What makes Christie such a "liberal"?


Clearly, it's because he had the nerve to "touch" this black man.

this coming from a guy who made fun of Christies weight numerous times before the Republicans started bad mouthing him.....then all of a sudden he is now an ok guy.....
All the yaw yawing aside, imo Vox does make an interesting pt in saying it's not that Christie is a liberal, but rather his personality will not go over well outide the NE. I'm not totally sure what he means by personality. Guliani creeped me out in that I'm a southerner, and he seemed creepy. Christie doesn't do that at all. He's load, and oft times almost bullying, but he could be from Illinois or even Fla, and he wouldn't look out of his place. Rudy was strictly NYC. And so is Bloomberg.

If Vox is saying his persoanlity of accepting compromise won't play well in deeply red states, lke SC, the deep south, Utah/Idaho/Wyo ... then I thnk he's right. The other problem Christie has is that purple and blue states also have gop primaries ... and delegates.

I realize the right here is spinning the elections just as the left is, but VA nominated a guy for governor who wanted a law to let one biz owner sue another for employing illegal aliens. And, people espouse to be surprised the biz community didn't give the guy money? LOL The gop can't win these states without compromising on immigration and gay rights, but the common belief amongst the right is "no compromise." Christie supports banning psychological treatement to turn gays straight. This is a weakness to the Right! Cuchinelli supports discrimination against gays. That flies with the VA gop.

Is North Carolina really any different? I doubt it.

And, in a place like Colorado, you have basically three parties: treehugging pot smokers/microbrewers, christian fundamenalists who want a const amend defining life at conception, and pseudo-libertarians like Rand Paul. I think it will be hard for a guy like Christie to motivate the base, because basically he's a big corporate biz conservative. Jack Welch would like the guy. So would the Bushs.

I think Christie woudl be ok in a state with a big biz element, like Mich and Chi, but look what happed to Dick Luger in Indiana. If Christie can't win a primary in Indiana, can he be the nominee?
The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

I have to disagree with you on this one.

There are some seriously bat-shit crazies running around on the left too. The difference isn't that they're not as crazy, it's that there aren't as many of them and they're not taken seriously by the more mainstream democrats.

Basically, democrats don't need the votes of the left-wing crazies to win in the primaries the way republicans need the right-wing crazies.

Actually I think you're both right. The points needn't be contradictory.

The point about "more center" is important. Imagine a football field 1000 miles long, and place it horizontally on the map (east-west). The "left" is in the west, the "right" in the east, and the 50-yard-line is the center. Now if you take that football field and move it from Kansas to Kentucky, obviously those toward the left end zone are nearer the political "center" than they are to the 50-yard-line, and certainly nearer to it than those toward the east end zone.

The football field has been moving east steadily. That means for those in the far-east, they're on the edge, and possibly all wet.

(Map not drawn to scale)

Perhaps I misunderstood, but the maj supports gay rights and immigration reform and Barak Hussein Obama got elected twice. I'm missing the rightward movment of the middle.
no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.

People change.

Remember, the KKK was started by the Democratic Party. Now they are all Republicans:

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

But I suspect Christie still hates gays.

i suspect you still hate White Republicans....
The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

I have to disagree with you on this one.

There are some seriously bat-shit crazies running around on the left too. The difference isn't that they're not as crazy, it's that there aren't as many of them and they're not taken seriously by the more mainstream democrats.

Basically, democrats don't need the votes of the left-wing crazies to win in the primaries the way republicans need the right-wing crazies.

Actually I think you're both right. The points needn't be contradictory.

The point about "more center" is important. Imagine a football field 1000 miles long, and place it horizontally on the map (east-west). The "left" is in the west, the "right" in the east, and the 50-yard-line is the center. Now if you take that football field and move it from Kansas to Kentucky, obviously those toward the left end zone are nearer the political "center" than they are to the 50-yard-line, and certainly nearer to it than those toward the east end zone.

The football field has been moving east steadily. That means for those in the far-east, they're on the edge, and possibly all wet.

(Map not drawn to scale)

One of us must be an idiot because I didn't follow any of that. :lol:

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