What makes Christie such a liberal?

noun: demagogue; plural noun: demagogues

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
synonyms: rabble-rouser, agitator, political agitator, soapbox orator, firebrand, fomenter, provocateu


liberals don't hold a monopoly on demagoguery, and no amount of bold red font is going to change that.

I did not say that demagoguery is purely a "liberal" characteristic. I merely indicated that Christie is the mother of all demagogues.


-- to which you gave no basis.

Ipse dixit doesn't cut it.

You have access to the internet, you have the ability to listen to his speeches and closely monitor his behavior but nevertheless want me to identify concrete examples.

You should've just said you can't in the first place, and saved us both a little time.

^^ Exactly. You made the argument, so the burden of proof is yours.
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Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?

His support of feel good gun control measures, and thus his passing disdain for the 2nd amendment.

Thats my main gripe with him. For the social conservatives, however the issue is he is a social progressive. That makes him suspect even with his fiscal bonifides.

To me he is not perfect, but better than any democratic progressive statist idiot out there, and he can remove some of the socially conservative issues by showing federalist tendencies.

I agree completely. The problem is that the far right calls him a RINO any time he agrees with Democrats on ANYTHING. It causes them to lose credibility when they try to accuse all Democrats of marching lockstep with their party.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?

His support of feel good gun control measures, and thus his passing disdain for the 2nd amendment.

Thats my main gripe with him. For the social conservatives, however the issue is he is a social progressive. That makes him suspect even with his fiscal bonifides.

To me he is not perfect, but better than any democratic progressive statist idiot out there, and he can remove some of the socially conservative issues by showing federalist tendencies.

I agree completely. The problem is that the far right calls him a RINO any time he agrees with Democrats on ANYTHING. It causes them to lose credibility when they try to accuse all Democrats of marching lockstep with their party.

That is what you get from a party that doesnt try to rigerously force the party line. Democrats are far better at reigning in both thier moderates to fall in step when the party wants them to, and quieting down thier hardcores when they feel the need to. Of course they have most of the MSM quieting down any hints of democratic schism while highlighting the slightest Republican kerfluffle, so you got that as well.
Because the far right doesn't understand the definition of the word "moderate" or for that matter "moderation", just like they don't understand the definitions of "socialism" and "communism".
I think it's time the far right came out with their own dictionary, it'd be a Number 1 seller under the "Fiction" category! :lol:

I agree with the rest. It appears to be a byproduct of this limited black-and-white dichotomy thinking; any failure to genuflect obsequiously to the rabid fringe -- Christie, Snowe, Collins, Huntsman -- gets stuffed into the magic "RINO" box.

Trouble with that is, to have a RINO box you must assume that the job of an elected official is to satiate and promote their national party, rather than their local constituents who actually elected them. Oops.
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Because the far right doesn't understand the definition of the word "moderate" or for that matter "moderation", just like they don't understand the definitions of "socialism" and "communism".
I think it's time the far right came out with their own dictionary, it'd be a Number 1 seller under the "Fiction" category! :lol:

I agree with the rest. It appears to be a byproduct of this limited black-and-white dichotomy thinking; any failure to genuflect obsequiously to the rabid fringe -- Christie, Snowe, Collins, Huntsman -- gets stuffed into the magic "RINO" box.

Trouble with that is, the RINO box must assume that the job of an elected official is to satiate and promote their national party, rather than their local constituents who actually elected them. Oops.

How about federal officials keep policies that the locals want as a local issue? I dont care if a local republican governor is more left than me, and his consituents are more left than me, but once they try forcing those policies on the nation as a whole, beyond the scope of the original intent or amended intent of the federal government, thats where I have an issue. Why do people in Mississippi have to be forced to fund government programs people in New Hampshire want? Why do they have to follow rules that people in New York want? (Before you go to the slave/jim crow route, all that shit was already unconsitutional, and therefore highly illegal, it was the federal courts that allowed them to get away with it).
You have access to the internet, you have the ability to listen to his speeches and closely monitor his behavior but nevertheless want me to identify concrete examples.

You should've just said you can't in the first place, and saved us both a little time.

It appears that you are also a fascist. So from your standpoint he is an angel:

Chris Christie Is a Hardcore Statist Control Freak
James Ostrowski

Character is best revealed in times of stress. The storm has revealed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to be a mean, nasty, statist, control freak. His latest stunt is persecution of business owners who had the temerity to charge the prices they felt like charging for the goods they own. He calls this “price gouging,” an imaginary crime that cannot be rationally defined. Christie is aggressively cracking down on price gougers. As LRC readers know, price “gouging,” which I take it means increasing prices during times of scarcity and high demand, is exactly what we need to allow those who most urgently need gas to get it and to provide an incentive for firms to increase supplies. Price controls create shortages and dissuade suppliers from bringing goods to market. They are poison to any economy. That Christie is an icon of the GOP illustrates the sad state of that party."

Because the far right doesn't understand the definition of the word "moderate" or for that matter "moderation", just like they don't understand the definitions of "socialism" and "communism".
I think it's time the far right came out with their own dictionary, it'd be a Number 1 seller under the "Fiction" category! :lol:

I agree with the rest. It appears to be a byproduct of this limited black-and-white dichotomy thinking; any failure to genuflect obsequiously to the rabid fringe -- Christie, Snowe, Collins, Huntsman -- gets stuffed into the magic "RINO" box.

Trouble with that is, the RINO box must assume that the job of an elected official is to satiate and promote their national party, rather than their local constituents who actually elected them. Oops.

How about federal officials keep policies that the locals want as a local issue? I dont care if a local republican governor is more left than me, and his consituents are more left than me, but once they try forcing those policies on the nation as a whole, beyond the scope of the original intent or amended intent of the federal government, thats where I have an issue. Why do people in Mississippi have to be forced to fund government programs people in New Hampshire want? Why do they have to follow rules that people in New York want? (Before you go to the slave/jim crow route, all that shit was already unconsitutional, and therefore highly illegal, it was the federal courts that allowed them to get away with it).

?? Huh?

No idea how you got there from where we were... :dunno:
I agree with the rest. It appears to be a byproduct of this limited black-and-white dichotomy thinking; any failure to genuflect obsequiously to the rabid fringe -- Christie, Snowe, Collins, Huntsman -- gets stuffed into the magic "RINO" box.

Trouble with that is, the RINO box must assume that the job of an elected official is to satiate and promote their national party, rather than their local constituents who actually elected them. Oops.

How about federal officials keep policies that the locals want as a local issue? I dont care if a local republican governor is more left than me, and his consituents are more left than me, but once they try forcing those policies on the nation as a whole, beyond the scope of the original intent or amended intent of the federal government, thats where I have an issue. Why do people in Mississippi have to be forced to fund government programs people in New Hampshire want? Why do they have to follow rules that people in New York want? (Before you go to the slave/jim crow route, all that shit was already unconsitutional, and therefore highly illegal, it was the federal courts that allowed them to get away with it).

?? Huh?

No idea how you got there from where we were... :dunno:

Sorry, its the strict constructional federalist in me coming out.
What makes Christie such a "liberal"?


Clearly, it's because he had the nerve to "touch" this black man.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal??

He's not. Some fools who would rather stomp their feet and go sit in the corner watching the democrats fuck up the country than deviate from what they consider their political 'purity' are trying to paint him as a "liberal," no matter how ridiculous and self-destructive such nonsense is.
That is what you get from a party that doesnt try to rigerously force the party line. Democrats are far better at reigning in both thier moderates to fall in step when the party wants them to, and quieting down thier hardcores when they feel the need to. Of course they have most of the MSM quieting down any hints of democratic schism while highlighting the slightest Republican kerfluffle, so you got that as well.

In my opinion, it shows a lack of leadership that the Republicans can't present the desired message to the people of this country. Even with a liberal leaning media the Republicans have been much better at presenting their message and winning in the past. Somewhere along the line they fell off. I personally blame the influence social conservatives have in the party nowadays. We now live in a world where everybody is connected, and expecting people's values to remain consistent with a 1900's train of thought isn't going to work.
What makes Christie such a "liberal"?


Clearly, it's because he had the nerve to "touch" this black man.

Worse, Christie even gave Obama that blue sweater he's wearing. Oh the shame!

Oh Manifold...Republicans say stuff they cant prove or explain all the time man. That's why they blame blacks for taking all the jobs with affirmative action while saying that there are no jobs and blacks are too lazy to work.

Its as if they have two brains that don't add up to a half a human brain

I thought marty's answer was pretty reasonable.

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.
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Oh Manifold...Republicans say stuff they cant prove or explain all the time man. That's why they blame blacks for taking all the jobs with affirmative action while saying that there are no jobs and blacks are too lazy to work.

Its as if they have two brains that don't add up to a half a human brain

I thought marty's answer was pretty reasonable.

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.
I thought marty's answer was pretty reasonable.

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.

People change.

Remember, the KKK was started by the Democratic Party. Now they are all Republicans:

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

But I suspect Christie still hates gays.
Oh Manifold...Republicans say stuff they cant prove or explain all the time man. That's why they blame blacks for taking all the jobs with affirmative action while saying that there are no jobs and blacks are too lazy to work.

Its as if they have two brains that don't add up to a half a human brain

I thought marty's answer was pretty reasonable.

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

So gay rights is now the new progressive litmus test, along with abortion?
no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.

People change.

Remember, the KKK was started by the Democratic Party. Now they are all Republicans:

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

But I suspect Christie still hates gays.

No, it was not. It was founded by a band of ex-Confederate soldiers.
Christie is a typical old time democrat if you can remember the democrat party before it drifted off the left wing scale. . He is glib, politically experienced and liberal. He couldn't run as a democrat because he was too honest for the likes of former governor Jon Corzine and the rest of the crooks in the democrat party so he ran as a republican.

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