What makes Christie such a liberal?

I thought marty's answer was pretty reasonable.

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

So gay rights is now the new progressive litmus test, along with abortion?

Can someone clue me in on this acronym "TPM"?? I've heard it more than once now. :dunno:
no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

And Democrats didn't care that Obama didn't support gay marriage until he supported gay marriage. Both are assholes in that regard.

People change.

Remember, the KKK was started by the Democratic Party. Now they are all Republicans:

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

But I suspect Christie still hates gays.

People do change, but you only gave an example of a political party changing. At the age of 50 Obama finally realized he supports gay marriage? I find that unlikely. He was going with the polls. The moment a majority of Americans started supporting gay marriage he was on board. I personally believe he does agree with gay marriage, but to win an election he was willing to disagree. He's a lying politician like the rest of them.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal??

He's not. Some fools who would rather stomp their feet and go sit in the corner watching the democrats fuck up the country than deviate from what they consider their political 'purity' are trying to paint him as a "liberal," no matter how ridiculous and self-destructive such nonsense is.

That's definitely true.

But there is a flip side as well. Christie will likely be treated like a darling moderate republican in the press... right up until he actually wins the GOP nomination. Then they'll turn on him like you read about.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?

Well he shook Obama's hand for one. That's the biggest thing I can think of. Just touching Obama turned Christie into a flaming commie. I can't see a good conservative touching that socialist marxist Christie with a ten foot pole after he shook hands with Obama.
His support of feel good gun control measures, and thus his passing disdain for the 2nd amendment.

Thats my main gripe with him. For the social conservatives, however the issue is he is a social progressive. That makes him suspect even with his fiscal bonifides.

To me he is not perfect, but better than any democratic progressive statist idiot out there, and he can remove some of the socially conservative issues by showing federalist tendencies.

I agree completely. The problem is that the far right calls him a RINO any time he agrees with Democrats on ANYTHING. It causes them to lose credibility when they try to accuse all Democrats of marching lockstep with their party.

That is what you get from a party that doesnt try to rigerously force the party line. Democrats are far better at reigning in both thier moderates to fall in step when the party wants them to, and quieting down thier hardcores when they feel the need to. Of course they have most of the MSM quieting down any hints of democratic schism while highlighting the slightest Republican kerfluffle, so you got that as well.

The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.
Christie is certainly liberal to Avatar4321 or Foxfyre or Stephanie or whomever.

Of course, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton would be liberals to them.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal??

He's not. Some fools who would rather stomp their feet and go sit in the corner watching the democrats fuck up the country than deviate from what they consider their political 'purity' are trying to paint him as a "liberal," no matter how ridiculous and self-destructive such nonsense is.

That's definitely true.

But there is a flip side as well. Christie will likely be treated like a darling moderate republican in the press... right up until he actually wins the GOP nomination. Then they'll turn on him like you read about.

Of course they will. They'll dig for dirt, and they'll dig deep. Just understand why they will -- not to make any particular political point, but to sell papers.
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal??

He's not. Some fools who would rather stomp their feet and go sit in the corner watching the democrats fuck up the country than deviate from what they consider their political 'purity' are trying to paint him as a "liberal," no matter how ridiculous and self-destructive such nonsense is.

It's a lot of conservatives doing this, not just a few. I would say there are enough that it will keep Christie from winning the nomination and if he does happen to win it, the far right will be so upset they won't vote on election day. They will lose it for Christie just like they lost it for Romney.
The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

I have to disagree with you on this one.

There are some seriously bat-shit crazies running around on the left too. The difference isn't that they're not as crazy, it's that there aren't as many of them and they're not taken seriously by the more mainstream democrats.

Basically, democrats don't need the votes of the left-wing crazies to win in the primaries the way republicans need the right-wing crazies.
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Christie is an obamalover and has shown that he is willing to compromise with democrats. That's enough to lose my vote.

Yes, because we can have zero compromise on anything. This is a battle to the death.

You are Right, Obama Never compromises

The right's idea of compromise is for Obama to give in on everything they want and not give a single thing back, so yea, we've gotten to the point that nobody is going to compromise. The thing is that conservatives are going to be the big losers in the long run. You guys are fighting a losing battle. The middle class has been getting fucked from conservative policies for the past 30 years. Change is a coming whether you like it or not.
Yes, because we can have zero compromise on anything. This is a battle to the death.

You are Right, Obama Never compromises

The right's idea of compromise is for Obama to give in on everything they want and not give a single thing back, so yea, we've gotten to the point that nobody is going to compromise. The thing is that conservatives are going to be the big losers in the long run. You guys are fighting a losing battle. The middle class has been getting fucked from conservative policies for the past 30 years. Change is a coming whether you like it or not.

Go wipe obamas cock stain off your fat chin
I agree completely. The problem is that the far right calls him a RINO any time he agrees with Democrats on ANYTHING. It causes them to lose credibility when they try to accuse all Democrats of marching lockstep with their party.

That is what you get from a party that doesnt try to rigerously force the party line. Democrats are far better at reigning in both thier moderates to fall in step when the party wants them to, and quieting down thier hardcores when they feel the need to. Of course they have most of the MSM quieting down any hints of democratic schism while highlighting the slightest Republican kerfluffle, so you got that as well.

The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

Bullshit. The issue is people like such as yourself to lump all those stormfront and milita crazies with what democrats consider the "far right" i.e. libertarians and small government supporters , while convinently ignoring thier own commie/socialist/PETA/Earth First nutters. Look at DiBlasio for christs sake, he was a Sandinista supporter, and that gets not only a pass, almost faint admiration.

Far left liberals are far left liberals, its comical that you have to make them more palatable by calling them "more center"
Christie is not a liberal.
He simply is not a type which goes well with people who do not live in NJ/NY.

That's a personality issue.

And he did make a humongous mistake last October. And never regretted it publicly. That does not make him a liberal it does show that his is not wise.
Yes, because we can have zero compromise on anything. This is a battle to the death.

You are Right, Obama Never compromises

The right's idea of compromise is for Obama to give in on everything they want and not give a single thing back, so yea, we've gotten to the point that nobody is going to compromise. The thing is that conservatives are going to be the big losers in the long run. You guys are fighting a losing battle. The middle class has been getting fucked from conservative policies for the past 30 years. Change is a coming whether you like it or not.

GOP: Repeal Obamacare
Obama: No
GOP: Delay Obamacare
Obama: No
GOP, OK Obamacare is making people lose thier insurance, change your OWN EXECUTIVE REGS to stop that from happening,
Obama: No.

So who isnt comprimising?????
Christie is an obamalover and has shown that he is willing to compromise with democrats. That's enough to lose my vote.

Yes, because we can have zero compromise on anything. This is a battle to the death.

You are Right, Obama Never compromises

You mean like when he refused to extend the Bush tax cuts... oh wait.

Or perhaps you mean like when he vetoed the ACA because it too closely mirrored the republican plan, including the individual mandate highly promoted by the Heritage Foundation... oh wait.

Do you even know what compromise means? :dunno:
righties, why do you waste your energy on trying to convince leftards in what we should or should not do? it is irrelevant what they think

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