What makes Christie such a liberal?

What makes Christie such a "liberal"?


Clearly, it's because he had the nerve to "touch" this black man.

this coming from a guy who made fun of Christies weight numerous times before the Republicans started bad mouthing him.....then all of a sudden he is now an ok guy.....

Chris could eat Obama's weight in dog. (yeah, I went there.)
Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal?

I'm not disagreeing mind you, I'm merely asking the question because I don't know enough about his politics to endorse or rebut the notion.

But given what little I do know about him, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I'd vote for him over either Clinton or Biden.

Can anyone cite some concrete examples of his record as Governor of New Jersey that indicate he's a liberal in (over-sized) conservative clothing?

It's sort of like the old story about President Johnson in the 1964 election.

Johnson is credited as saying...

"I could have been in big trouble...I was going to run as a peace candidate. You may well laugh but compared to Barry Goldwater, I was a peace candidate."

The GOP has veered reckelessly so far to the right that moderates are now appearing to be further to the left than they actually are.
All the yaw yawing aside, imo Vox does make an interesting pt in saying it's not that Christie is a liberal, but rather his personality will not go over well outide the NE. I'm not totally sure what he means by personality. Guliani creeped me out in that I'm a southerner, and he seemed creepy. Christie doesn't do that at all. He's load, and oft times almost bullying, but he could be from Illinois or even Fla, and he wouldn't look out of his place. Rudy was strictly NYC. And so is Bloomberg.

If Vox is saying his persoanlity of accepting compromise won't play well in deeply red states, lke SC, the deep south, Utah/Idaho/Wyo ... then I thnk he's right. The other problem Christie has is that purple and blue states also have gop primaries ... and delegates.

I realize the right here is spinning the elections just as the left is, but VA nominated a guy for governor who wanted a law to let one biz owner sue another for employing illegal aliens. And, people espouse to be surprised the biz community didn't give the guy money? LOL The gop can't win these states without compromising on immigration and gay rights, but the common belief amongst the right is "no compromise." Christie supports banning psychological treatement to turn gays straight. This is a weakness to the Right! Cuchinelli supports discrimination against gays. That flies with the VA gop.

Is North Carolina really any different? I doubt it.

And, in a place like Colorado, you have basically three parties: treehugging pot smokers/microbrewers, christian fundamenalists who want a const amend defining life at conception, and pseudo-libertarians like Rand Paul. I think it will be hard for a guy like Christie to motivate the base, because basically he's a big corporate biz conservative. Jack Welch would like the guy. So would the Bushs.

I think Christie woudl be ok in a state with a big biz element, like Mich and Chi, but look what happed to Dick Luger in Indiana. If Christie can't win a primary in Indiana, can he be the nominee?

I don't think (1) you need an Indiana primary to go on to the nomination, and (2) that what happened to Luger and Bob Bennett could happen again. At least not in Indiana. We would think that the Akins, Mourdocks and Angles have imparted a lesson about the wages of wackadoodle. We would think anyway.

NC is not much different except we don't have a NoVA area. That makes Virginia purpler.

Actually Vox does make a point, but I don't see her talking about personalities; the point being that lockstep intolerance that she and NLT exhibit confirming what we're saying about the party's intolerance of "RINO"s in favor of radicals. We proffered that theory, and they confirm it.

I don't like a lot of Chris Christie's policies, but I do like his style, because at least he listens, which is far more than we can say for the Voxes and NLTs. That shouldn't have to be a standout trait; it should be a given. Lop off the Eliminationist intolerance and we could get back to that.
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


He has NEVER threatened to eliminate the welfare/warfare state.

His demo publican credentials are solid.


We would think that the Akins, Mourdocks and Angles have imparted a lesson about the wages of wackadoodle. We would think anyway.


That's what I'm not sure about. What happens in places "like" Indiana, where guys like Bayh and Lugar run very strong, or in Ohio where Bob Portman opposed the guvt shutdown, if a guy like Christie can't carry a message? We lose the national. LOL

Actually, I think what we're seeing is Cruzathon and Rubio are being tossed aside. Rand Paul and even more so Paul Ryan are trying to appear less non-compromising. I wonder what the TPM will do if Ryan says he's open to more revenue for entitlement reform and long term deficits reform? Hopefully, it involves a warm bath, bottle of beam and a sharp stright razor.
^ winning hearts and minds...
repeating - I don't waste my words on leftards.
It's futile :D

To each his own I suppose.

Personally, I find discussions with people whose views differ from my own to be more fruitful than a like-minded circle-jerk, but I'm crazy like that.

fruitful for WHAT?

you are not going to vote right/republican ever as I am never ever going to vote dimocrap.
what is there to discuss?
repeating - I don't waste my words on leftards.
It's futile :D

To each his own I suppose.

Personally, I find discussions with people whose views differ from my own to be more fruitful than a like-minded circle-jerk, but I'm crazy like that.

fruitful for WHAT?

you are not going to vote right/republican ever as I am never ever going to vote dimocrap.
what is there to discuss?

You know how I'm going to vote in perpetuity based on a couple of threads? :lol:

I'd like to think you're not that stupid, unfortunately I've come to learn I don't always get what I'd like.
PS: I voted for Ron Paul in the last presidential primary and Gary Johnson in the general. :thup:
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


He has NEVER threatened to eliminate the welfare/warfare state.

His demo publican credentials are solid.




you, purists, are hilarious.

He is a governor of a blue state with heavily welfare-dependent population and his first aim was to get reelected as a governor of that state. Which he achieved.

He is a politician.

He does not have to declare a war in a medieval way in order to do something when he actually gets a chance.

Have you ever played poker?
Do you show your cards to everybody playing before the game even starts? :cuckoo:
PS: I voted for Ron Paul in the last presidential primary and Gary Johnson in the general. :thup:

I voted for Huntsman.

I've certainly voted for Democrat, Republican and other party candidates. To declare one "will never vote for party X" is to shut one's mind off.

Which may explain a lot.

To each his own I suppose.

Personally, I find discussions with people whose views differ from my own to be more fruitful than a like-minded circle-jerk, but I'm crazy like that.

fruitful for WHAT?

you are not going to vote right/republican ever as I am never ever going to vote dimocrap.
what is there to discuss?

You know how I'm going to vote in perpetuity based on a couple of threads? :lol:

I'd like to think you're not that stupid, unfortunately I've come to learn I don't always get what I'd like.

both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.
fruitful for WHAT?

you are not going to vote right/republican ever as I am never ever going to vote dimocrap.
what is there to discuss?

You know how I'm going to vote in perpetuity based on a couple of threads? :lol:

I'd like to think you're not that stupid, unfortunately I've come to learn I don't always get what I'd like.

both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.

I already said I'd vote for Christie over Clinton or Biden.

Oh yeah I forgot, he's not a republican either. :lol:
. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


He has NEVER threatened to eliminate the welfare/warfare state.

His demo publican credentials are solid.




you, purists, are hilarious.

He is a governor of a blue state with heavily welfare-dependent population and his first aim was to get reelected as a governor of that state. Which he achieved.

He is a politician.

He does not have to declare a war in a medieval way in order to do something when he actually gets a chance.

Have you ever played poker?
Do you show your cards to everybody playing before the game even starts? :cuckoo:

The Republican Party surrender caucus have been saying the same thing since 1935.

You know how I'm going to vote in perpetuity based on a couple of threads? :lol:

I'd like to think you're not that stupid, unfortunately I've come to learn I don't always get what I'd like.

both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.

I already said I'd vote for Christie over Clinton or Biden.

Oh yeah I forgot, he's not a republican either. :lol:

you can say whatever you want I do not see it happening - based on your precise wordings on different issues. By 2016 if christie runs you will have a bunch of talking points form the left which will brainwash you in the needed direction.
He has NEVER threatened to eliminate the welfare/warfare state.

His demo publican credentials are solid.




you, purists, are hilarious.

He is a governor of a blue state with heavily welfare-dependent population and his first aim was to get reelected as a governor of that state. Which he achieved.

He is a politician.

He does not have to declare a war in a medieval way in order to do something when he actually gets a chance.

Have you ever played poker?
Do you show your cards to everybody playing before the game even starts? :cuckoo:

The Republican Party surrender caucus have been saying the same thing since 1935.

excuse me, Grandpa, I don't care what they were saying even in 1992 :D

it is important what the cards are playing now.
both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.

I already said I'd vote for Christie over Clinton or Biden.

Oh yeah I forgot, he's not a republican either. :lol:

you can say whatever you want I do not see it happening - based on your precise wordings on different issues. By 2016 if christie runs you will have a bunch of talking points form the left which will brainwash you in the needed direction.

I suspect you don't see much of anything, with such a narrow view and all.

To each his own.

you, purists, are hilarious.

He is a governor of a blue state with heavily welfare-dependent population and his first aim was to get reelected as a governor of that state. Which he achieved.

He is a politician.

He does not have to declare a war in a medieval way in order to do something when he actually gets a chance.

Have you ever played poker?
Do you show your cards to everybody playing before the game even starts? :cuckoo:

The Republican Party surrender caucus have been saying the same thing since 1935.

excuse me, Grandpa, I don't care what they were saying even in 1992 :D

it is important what the cards are playing now.

I see, who is impressing you and why?

Why is Christie widely considered by many republicans to be a no-good liberal??

He's not. Some fools who would rather stomp their feet and go sit in the corner watching the democrats fuck up the country than deviate from what they consider their political 'purity' are trying to paint him as a "liberal," no matter how ridiculous and self-destructive such nonsense is.

That's definitely true.

But there is a flip side as well. Christie will likely be treated like a darling moderate republican in the press... right up until he actually wins the GOP nomination. Then they'll turn on him like you read about.

Of course. The media were McCain's best buddies until he won the nomination. Then they set upon him like the pack of (lap)dogs they are. I remember McCain being laughed at like he was an old fool when he said that the fundamentals of the US economy were still sound during the financial crisis. Obama picked up on this and repeated it mockingly throughout the election. The liberal media stood behind him patting him on the back while pointing and laughing at silly old McCain for that one. Within a month of taking office, Obama said the exact same words McCain had been ridiculed for, and he was lauded for his insight and championing of the US economy.

Ever thus.
I agree completely. The problem is that the far right calls him a RINO any time he agrees with Democrats on ANYTHING. It causes them to lose credibility when they try to accuse all Democrats of marching lockstep with their party.

That is what you get from a party that doesnt try to rigerously force the party line. Democrats are far better at reigning in both thier moderates to fall in step when the party wants them to, and quieting down thier hardcores when they feel the need to. Of course they have most of the MSM quieting down any hints of democratic schism while highlighting the slightest Republican kerfluffle, so you got that as well.

The big difference is that the crazies on the left are not nearly as crazy as the crazies on the right. There is a much bigger gap between a far right conservative and a moderate Republican compared to a far left liberal and a moderate Democrat, and the reason is that far left liberals are much closer to the center than the far right conservative who is standing on the edge of the earth about to fall off.

Your completely subjective opinion has been noted for what it is (and not more).
fruitful for WHAT?

you are not going to vote right/republican ever as I am never ever going to vote dimocrap.
what is there to discuss?

You know how I'm going to vote in perpetuity based on a couple of threads? :lol:

I'd like to think you're not that stupid, unfortunately I've come to learn I don't always get what I'd like.

both of the guys, having my respect, will not have my vote as I am a very practical person and I don't waste my vote on unelectable candidate.

so, as I predicted - you will never ever vote republican :D
what is there to discuss?
how to lure you into the pool?
I don't see it happening.
but you will waste your vote....voting for the same old shit.....sounds practical to me....

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