What makes Christie such a liberal?

no it wasn't. Christie hasn't supported gay rights. 60% oif his state, and the major gop donors didn't want him to continue a legal fight against gay rights, so he dropped it. To the TPM that makes his a gay lover.

The TPM can't stand anyone who will walk away from a losiing legal/electoral strategy to get what conservative issue gains he can. They'd rather lose than compromise. And we'll keep losing until they're expelled from the party.

So gay rights is now the new progressive litmus test, along with abortion?

There is no ‘progressive litmus test.’

Obeying the Constitution and it’s case law has nothing to do with being ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative,’ although there is a conservative propensity to exhibit contempt for the Constitution with regard to equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women.

Concerning Christie, he’s a pragmatist as opposed to an ideologue, which the dogmatic right incorrectly perceives to be ‘liberal.’ And the dogmatic right is consequently suspicious of Christie because he doesn’t adhere blindly to that conservative dogma.

Except that the words abortion and gay marriage are not FOUND in the constitution, but the word arms is, and progressives seem to LOVE placing infringements on anything with regards to arms.

You are not obeying the constitution, you are making stuff up in it, and ignoring the parts you don't like.
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


I have read this entire thread and found nothing meaningful that would give me a clue to Christie being a liberal until I saw this post. Could you follow this up with a link?
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


Er, there is no such animal, "compassionate conservative" - from what I've seen.
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


Er, there is no such animal, "compassionate conservative" - from what I've seen.

It must be very hard for liberals to "see" much of anything with their eyes tightly shut like that all the time.
Christie is not a liberal.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


I have read this entire thread and found nothing meaningful that would give me a clue to Christie being a liberal until I saw this post. Could you follow this up with a link?

"He portrayed himself as a cost-cutting fiscal hawk but then proceeded to strangely advocate for the pork-filled Sandy Relief Bill (the lack of actual Sandy relief has been well-documented). His willingness to accept the expansion of Medicaid is not a head-scratcher. Governor Christie stated “we have an opportunity to ensure that an even greater number of New Jerseyans who are at or near the poverty line will have access to critical health services beginning in January 2014.” I.

. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


I have read this entire thread and found nothing meaningful that would give me a clue to Christie being a liberal until I saw this post. Could you follow this up with a link?

"He portrayed himself as a cost-cutting fiscal hawk but then proceeded to strangely advocate for the pork-filled Sandy Relief Bill (the lack of actual Sandy relief has been well-documented). His willingness to accept the expansion of Medicaid is not a head-scratcher. Governor Christie stated “we have an opportunity to ensure that an even greater number of New Jerseyans who are at or near the poverty line will have access to critical health services beginning in January 2014.” I.


Those are hardly liberal acts... those are acts of a Governor getting things for his state, especially the one in the Sandy relief bill. His focus is his state, not the fiscal well being of the country.

Take, in comparison Mitch McConnell who was supposed to be negotiating a deal for the country, and he blew the deal on the ACA in turn taking an earmark for his state. That is a sign of a liberal or a traitor to the Republicans and the country together in one sweep of an action.
I have read this entire thread and found nothing meaningful that would give me a clue to Christie being a liberal until I saw this post. Could you follow this up with a link?

"He portrayed himself as a cost-cutting fiscal hawk but then proceeded to strangely advocate for the pork-filled Sandy Relief Bill (the lack of actual Sandy relief has been well-documented). His willingness to accept the expansion of Medicaid is not a head-scratcher. Governor Christie stated “we have an opportunity to ensure that an even greater number of New Jerseyans who are at or near the poverty line will have access to critical health services beginning in January 2014.” I.


Those are hardly liberal acts...
those are acts of a Governor getting things for his state, especially the one in the Sandy relief bill. His focus is his state, not the fiscal well being of the country.

Take, in comparison Mitch McConnell who was supposed to be negotiating a deal for the country, and he blew the deal on the ACA in turn taking an earmark for his state. That is a sign of a liberal or a traitor to the Republicans and the country together in one sweep of an action.


Why are the so-called conservatives criticizing it?


"“Why was this in the emergency bill for Sandy? It doesn’t make any sense.” Only $1 out of every $6 — $9 billion of the $60 billion will be spent in 2013. That means 85 percent doesn’t come until 2014 and beyond. That’s not immediate relief. What this bill is fundamentally is a pork bill."

Christie acted like a GOVERNOR on behalf of the people of his stricken State when he figuratively and literally embraced President Obama.

I have no quarrel with Christie over doing that.

And if his decorum with the President assisted the President (to the GOP's detriment) during an election period, too bad. A Governor's gotta do what a Governor's gotta do. It's not like Romney would otherwise have captured NJ on Election Day.

I have issues with Christie, but that's just not one of the one's on the list.
I saw Christie on a weekend news program (FTN IIRC), and his views about public education are about as republican (read 'not liberal') as they get.

I like him a little bit less now.
See? There ARE some good things about Christie.

One of the many problems with the so-called "liberal" view of 'education" is that such Statist thinking tends to lead toward stupid shit like the Federal DEPARTMENT of "Education."
See? There ARE some good things about Christie.

One of the many problems with the so-called "liberal" view of 'education" is that such Statist thinking tends to lead toward stupid shit like the Federal DEPARTMENT of "Education."

I don't necessarily subscribe to the "liberal" view of education, but I absolutely oppose school vouchers, and Christie appears to be a big proponent of vouchers.
See? There ARE some good things about Christie.

One of the many problems with the so-called "liberal" view of 'education" is that such Statist thinking tends to lead toward stupid shit like the Federal DEPARTMENT of "Education."

I don't necessarily subscribe to the "liberal" view of education, but I absolutely oppose school vouchers, and Christie appears to be a big proponent of vouchers.

So basically you like the State having a de-facto monopoly on basic education? A little competiton is too much for public schools to handle?

Or should only Rich people have the option of bailing out on a sinking public education system?
See? There ARE some good things about Christie.

One of the many problems with the so-called "liberal" view of 'education" is that such Statist thinking tends to lead toward stupid shit like the Federal DEPARTMENT of "Education."

I don't necessarily subscribe to the "liberal" view of education, but I absolutely oppose school vouchers, and Christie appears to be a big proponent of vouchers.

So basically you like the State having a de-facto monopoly on basic education? A little competiton is too much for public schools to handle?

Or should only Rich people have the option of bailing out on a sinking public education system?


Seems you've already made up your mind.
Off the top of my head and without vewing the entire thread? He's happy to take federal money for his state related issues. He's not a fiscal conservative at all. I believe someone called him a demogogue, I'd say that is fair. He isn't a man of principle. He's a pragmatic progressive who will do and say what it takes to maintain his seat at the troth.
. What Governor Christie has just done is admit that if he were to become the nation’s 45th President, entitlement reform would be hands-off. In fact, an actual expansion would not be beyond the realm of possibility. A pattern has emerged and it is not flattering: Chris Christie is a “compassionate conservative.”


Er, there is no such animal, "compassionate conservative" - from what I've seen.

It must be very hard for liberals to "see" much of anything with their eyes tightly shut like that all the time.

No shit. the old "eyes wide shut" syndrome.

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