What makes crimminals?

People are born good or bad............................................
Their level of "give a shit about others" is non existant. It isn't laziness in most cases, criminals work hard at their craft.
Catholic nuns help

They were very harsh when I went to grade school .
more than a few factors are at play-

a child needs good role models to mimic. law abidingness starts with small things like 'don't litter' and 'use the crosswalk'. and the role models have to explain the reason why society has rules, and how the rules help everyone have a better life.

children who develop empathy for others are much less likely to become criminals. those children who seem to lack empathy often develop phychopathic or predatory tendencies which is likely to lead to criminal behaviour.

ginscpy's catholic nun's gave children an all-seeing outside authority as a reason to follow the rules until the child developed their own code of behaviour. it is unrealistic to believe that children will invent for themselves the basic strategies of society so we must try to inculcate them by example and to some extent by 'fear of authority'.

last but not least, intelligence is necessary to learn the rules of society, the reasons behind them, and the ability to foresee the future consequences of present acts. criminals are often thoughtless, uncaring individuals who lack the understanding that criminal acts are bad, and dont see the punishment as directly related to their behaviour, just bad luck instead.
Criminals think that the law is wrong, or there is something so special about them that the law should only apply to others.

When a criminal steals your wallet, he doesn't think it's your wallet. It's HIS wallet and your possession of his property is wrongful. He has a right to take it back.
Criminals think that the law is wrong, or there is something so special about them that the law should only apply to others.

When a criminal steals your wallet, he doesn't think it's your wallet. It's HIS wallet and your possession of his property is wrongful. He has a right to take it back.

That mentality may apply to some, but no the majority. Otherwise they'd be less inclined to flee the scene.

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