What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

those public policies which favor those with the most capital; it is currently being financed at the Peoples' expense on the Peoples' Debt.

Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Maybe in Venezuela.

Debt is not financed with earned money, it's borrowed. Servicing the debt is not done with people's money neither, since almost 50% doesn't pay federal income taxes. In fact, as long the debt is increasing, it's not being serviced at all.

Again, how do the rich benefit most from the tax cuts?
the People's debt is also not the same as the debt of the rich; who benefit the most from our public policies.

Who's responsible for the debt of the rich?

How the rich benefit most from the public policies?

the people are responsible for their own debt
you understand nothing about economics. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

So we should pay everyone $100 an hour or how about $400 an hour, that would work well wouldn't it?
how much tax revenue do we need to generate and how much do we need to grow our economy?

You are the so called genius and you made the claim, so you explain why giving $100-$400 an hour would be good. You would get a lot more tax revenue and it would create more demand, according to you. Why not $1000 an hour?
we don't need that much tax money and we should focus what we grow our economy on.

Look at the demand, it will increase so much that we will be flourishing in wealth and we could end poverty, isn't that your goal?

sorry but there is no way to end poverty
First of all it’s a sliding scale secondly with all of the loopholes and deductions he probably pays a lower effective rate than a couple earning 300k jointly.
You think those loopholes won’t be there at 25 percent?
Yes, that is correct. The only deductions will be 25k for individual filings and 50k for joint filings. No exceptions.

But see, when I look at Europe, and the most recently France, this system of attacking the rich, under the theory it helps the poor..... doesn't play out.

This entire time you are chatting back and fourth on how much money can we soak the rich for.... but when has that ever worked throughout all the world, and all history? Never.

France has spent decades now, trying to soak the rich. It hasn't made things better for the poor. That's why the poor have been burning down France.

France Rang In The New Year Under A Cloud Of Heavy Security

You can't tax your country into prosperity. You can only tax your country into poverty. No matter how much you talk about how you'll make the wealthy pay this tax, or that tax, or some other tax, it will never work. It never has. It never will.
I am not suggesting we should. I am suggesting that we should be fiscally responsible. The best way to accomplish that is to set the tax rate to the rate necessary to balance the budget and make all people share the burden proportionately. Overnight there would be a change.

I agree with what you wrote.

Impossible. There is no tax level high enough to fix socialism.

As long as we have a socialized system of health care and pensions in place, taxes will have to increase continually until the country implodes. It is impossible to find the magic tax rate that will balance the budget.

If you doubt that... again just look at Europe. All of Europe. Most of Europe has been protected by the US. Norway, like all European countries, has drastically higher taxes. Most people, even lower-middle class, lose 50% of their income in taxes.

And yet they are running a deficit. France is running a deficit. Japan is running a deficit.

They have nearly double our average tax rate, and are all running a deficit.

So this idea that we just need to increase taxes until we can afford socialism... is never going to work. Soon we'll be paying $8/gallon for gas, like France does. All to pay for the free stuff everyone wants. Then when it destroys the middle class, like in France, people will be burning down the country.

If you want to balance the budget, the solution is to reform entitlements. We need to privatize social security, and eliminate socialized health care. If we do that, the budget will balance without us doing anything with taxes.
Petrol in France is $5.50 a gallon not $8.
The issue is that we live in a post industrial society and we havent figured out how to look after people who dont fit in.

any first world economy; we can Never compete on Cheap labor with the rest of the less developed world.

BS. If we could never compete with 3rd world economies, then we should have imploded 50 years ago.

We have been in direct competition with low-wage economies for decades on end.

Even to this day, US manufacturing is at record levels.

Now are there reasons that drive out jobs? Sure. You put in place regulations, taxes, and limit on corporations, and that will drive out jobs.

But high-wage economies have always been able to compete with low-wage economies.

Again, when Obama asked Steve jobs why they don't bring Iphone manufacturing to the US, he didn't say the reason they couldn't was because of wages. He said it was because of flexibility, ability to ship internationally, and reduced regulations.

I read the same about a car maker that opened in Mexico. The reason wasn't wages. It was because they could ship with lower tariffs from Mexico.
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

That doesn't answer the question, how does growing the debt help the rich?

How does the rich benefit most by the tax cuts? It should be an easy answer from a guy that claims to know economics so well.
Government is being financed not being paid for. Tax cuts means we need to finance more more government while the rich get richer financing less of it.

the government has grown beyond its legal bounds and needs brought to a more realistic and constitutional level

and we arent talking about money to run the government but redistribution which violates the constiution
spending only doesn't correlate with revenue for the right wing.

and, the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

but the results of welfare harm the general populace

and then there is that pesky last sentence of the 5th amendment.

my money is my property and giving it to others is not just compensation
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause;

let me know when you start whining about general warfare taxes.
those public policies which favor those with the most capital; it is currently being financed at the Peoples' expense on the Peoples' Debt.

Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Maybe in Venezuela.

Debt is not financed with earned money, it's borrowed. Servicing the debt is not done with people's money neither, since almost 50% doesn't pay federal income taxes. In fact, as long the debt is increasing, it's not being serviced at all.

Again, how do the rich benefit most from the tax cuts?
the People's debt is also not the same as the debt of the rich; who benefit the most from our public policies.

I would say the welfare collectors are he ones that benefit,,,the rich are worse off with the public policies

the rich got that way by working hard not by stealing from the ones that dont
why a natural rate of unemployment for capitalists but a work ethic from the age of Iron for Labor as the least wealthy.
those public policies which favor those with the most capital; it is currently being financed at the Peoples' expense on the Peoples' Debt.

Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Maybe in Venezuela.

Debt is not financed with earned money, it's borrowed. Servicing the debt is not done with people's money neither, since almost 50% doesn't pay federal income taxes. In fact, as long the debt is increasing, it's not being serviced at all.

Again, how do the rich benefit most from the tax cuts?
the People's debt is also not the same as the debt of the rich; who benefit the most from our public policies.

Who's responsible for the debt of the rich?

How the rich benefit most from the public policies?
Congress can Tax You, to pay the Peoples' Debt.
you understand nothing about economics. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

So we should pay everyone $100 an hour or how about $400 an hour, that would work well wouldn't it?
how much tax revenue do we need to generate and how much do we need to grow our economy?

You are the so called genius and you made the claim, so you explain why giving $100-$400 an hour would be good. You would get a lot more tax revenue and it would create more demand, according to you. Why not $1000 an hour?
we don't need that much tax money and we should focus what we grow our economy on.

Look at the demand, it will increase so much that we will be flourishing in wealth and we could end poverty, isn't that your goal?
lol. we can't do it now the way we have been doing it.

better products at lower cost!
That doesn't answer the question, how does growing the debt help the rich?

How does the rich benefit most by the tax cuts? It should be an easy answer from a guy that claims to know economics so well.
Government is being financed not being paid for. Tax cuts means we need to finance more more government while the rich get richer financing less of it.

the government has grown beyond its legal bounds and needs brought to a more realistic and constitutional level

and we arent talking about money to run the government but redistribution which violates the constiution
spending only doesn't correlate with revenue for the right wing.

and, the power to provide for the general welfare is general.

but the results of welfare harm the general populace

and then there is that pesky last sentence of the 5th amendment.

my money is my property and giving it to others is not just compensation
we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause;

let me know when you start whining about general warfare taxes.
when have I said otherwise???

we havent fought a real war since the 40's everything since were democrat or republican concoctions to mislead the people and build a bigger government, the build up of the military is the reason so many are worried about the 2nd amendment, and the dumbass leftist want the government they complain about to take away their only means of protection
those public policies which favor those with the most capital; it is currently being financed at the Peoples' expense on the Peoples' Debt.

Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

That doesn't answer the question, how does growing the debt help the rich?

How does the rich benefit most by the tax cuts? It should be an easy answer from a guy that claims to know economics so well.
Government is being financed not being paid for. Tax cuts means we need to finance more more government while the rich get richer financing less of it.

Why won't you answer my question? It is pretty easy for a man that claims to know simple economics.

How does the rich benefit the most from tax cuts?
we are not cutting spending; all of that cost is being added to the Debt of the People. The rich were paying more for their government services.
Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Maybe in Venezuela.

Debt is not financed with earned money, it's borrowed. Servicing the debt is not done with people's money neither, since almost 50% doesn't pay federal income taxes. In fact, as long the debt is increasing, it's not being serviced at all.

Again, how do the rich benefit most from the tax cuts?
the People's debt is also not the same as the debt of the rich; who benefit the most from our public policies.

Who's responsible for the debt of the rich?

How the rich benefit most from the public policies?
Congress can Tax You, to pay the Peoples' Debt.
the debts getting bigger not smaller, so they are in a breach of contract and shown they dont deserve more money let alone need it
i don't need to lie. i understand the topics i argue.

Then why did you say you lied?
it takes morals to bear the truest witness.

Then why do you lie? You admitted to it, lying is not moral, so are you now saying you are immoral?
who lies the most.

Apparently you, at least that is your claim.
the biggest liars claim that the most.
Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

That doesn't answer the question, how does growing the debt help the rich?

How does the rich benefit most by the tax cuts? It should be an easy answer from a guy that claims to know economics so well.
Government is being financed not being paid for. Tax cuts means we need to finance more more government while the rich get richer financing less of it.

Why won't you answer my question? It is pretty easy for a man that claims to know simple economics.

How does the rich benefit the most from tax cuts?
we are not cutting spending; all of that cost is being added to the Debt of the People. The rich were paying more for their government services.
what government services are the rich getting???
Again, you can't answer simple questions? Why does the rich as you claim, benefit most from the tax cuts?
because it is being financed on the Peoples' dime. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Maybe in Venezuela.

Debt is not financed with earned money, it's borrowed. Servicing the debt is not done with people's money neither, since almost 50% doesn't pay federal income taxes. In fact, as long the debt is increasing, it's not being serviced at all.

Again, how do the rich benefit most from the tax cuts?
the People's debt is also not the same as the debt of the rich; who benefit the most from our public policies.

Who's responsible for the debt of the rich?

How the rich benefit most from the public policies?

the people are responsible for their own debt
the subject of Bankruptcy is in our federal Constitution.
So we should pay everyone $100 an hour or how about $400 an hour, that would work well wouldn't it?
how much tax revenue do we need to generate and how much do we need to grow our economy?

You are the so called genius and you made the claim, so you explain why giving $100-$400 an hour would be good. You would get a lot more tax revenue and it would create more demand, according to you. Why not $1000 an hour?
we don't need that much tax money and we should focus what we grow our economy on.

Look at the demand, it will increase so much that we will be flourishing in wealth and we could end poverty, isn't that your goal?

sorry but there is no way to end poverty
lol. only the right wing has no solutions. the left already knows we can end simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
any first world economy; we can Never compete on Cheap labor with the rest of the less developed world.

BS. If we could never compete with 3rd world economies, then we should have imploded 50 years ago.

We have been in direct competition with low-wage economies for decades on end.

Even to this day, US manufacturing is at record levels.

Now are there reasons that drive out jobs? Sure. You put in place regulations, taxes, and limit on corporations, and that will drive out jobs.

But high-wage economies have always been able to compete with low-wage economies.

Again, when Obama asked Steve jobs why they don't bring Iphone manufacturing to the US, he didn't say the reason they couldn't was because of wages. He said it was because of flexibility, ability to ship internationally, and reduced regulations.

I read the same about a car maker that opened in Mexico. The reason wasn't wages. It was because they could ship with lower tariffs from Mexico.
we can't compete on Cheap labor. our first world Costs.
how much tax revenue do we need to generate and how much do we need to grow our economy?

You are the so called genius and you made the claim, so you explain why giving $100-$400 an hour would be good. You would get a lot more tax revenue and it would create more demand, according to you. Why not $1000 an hour?
we don't need that much tax money and we should focus what we grow our economy on.

Look at the demand, it will increase so much that we will be flourishing in wealth and we could end poverty, isn't that your goal?

sorry but there is no way to end poverty
lol. only the right wing has no solutions. the left already knows we can end simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
whats simple poverty???
You think those loopholes won’t be there at 25 percent?
Yes, that is correct. The only deductions will be 25k for individual filings and 50k for joint filings. No exceptions.

But see, when I look at Europe, and the most recently France, this system of attacking the rich, under the theory it helps the poor..... doesn't play out.

This entire time you are chatting back and fourth on how much money can we soak the rich for.... but when has that ever worked throughout all the world, and all history? Never.

France has spent decades now, trying to soak the rich. It hasn't made things better for the poor. That's why the poor have been burning down France.

France Rang In The New Year Under A Cloud Of Heavy Security

You can't tax your country into prosperity. You can only tax your country into poverty. No matter how much you talk about how you'll make the wealthy pay this tax, or that tax, or some other tax, it will never work. It never has. It never will.
I am not suggesting we should. I am suggesting that we should be fiscally responsible. The best way to accomplish that is to set the tax rate to the rate necessary to balance the budget and make all people share the burden proportionately. Overnight there would be a change.

I agree with what you wrote.

Impossible. There is no tax level high enough to fix socialism.

As long as we have a socialized system of health care and pensions in place, taxes will have to increase continually until the country implodes. It is impossible to find the magic tax rate that will balance the budget.

If you doubt that... again just look at Europe. All of Europe. Most of Europe has been protected by the US. Norway, like all European countries, has drastically higher taxes. Most people, even lower-middle class, lose 50% of their income in taxes.

And yet they are running a deficit. France is running a deficit. Japan is running a deficit.

They have nearly double our average tax rate, and are all running a deficit.

So this idea that we just need to increase taxes until we can afford socialism... is never going to work. Soon we'll be paying $8/gallon for gas, like France does. All to pay for the free stuff everyone wants. Then when it destroys the middle class, like in France, people will be burning down the country.

If you want to balance the budget, the solution is to reform entitlements. We need to privatize social security, and eliminate socialized health care. If we do that, the budget will balance without us doing anything with taxes.
Petrol in France is $5.50 a gallon not $8.

Gas prices change by the minute. And I do see sites saying what you posted. Gas prices have gone down around the world, since I posted that.

Gas Prices in Paris

Petrol price in Paris is €1.57 per liter. X 3.8, equals €5.96 per US gallon. €5.96 = $6.79.

So almost $7 per gallon. I just filled up for $1.87 per gallon.

So even now, it's not that far off from what I said. More importantly, the difference in cost is what I was getting at. If we had the same socialized systems in place that France does, I guarantee our gas prices would be like theirs.
The issue is that we live in a post industrial society and we havent figured out how to look after people who dont fit in.

I can't think of a single society in all human history, that did look after people who didn't fit in. It's part of the human experience to find a way to fit into society. Not societies job to fit you.

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