What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

lol. the right wing preaching fiscal responsibility with Tax Cut economics. how droll.
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
Shame is no way of showing people how to prosper.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
Are you vowel poor?
my TTTT doesnt work worth a sht on this computer,,,sorry if it makes it hard to read
We have a Command Economy. Congress commands fiscal policy and the Fed commands monetary policy.
youre repeating yourself
and, you still don't get the economic point.
then explain it,,,
We have never had a free market market economy.
yes we have,,,pre 1910,,,roughly
Congress and State legislators have always commanded their economies.
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
thats theft and will in no way end poverty
If your parents were poor, there is a better than average chance you will be poor

If your parents were wealthy, there is very little chance you will end up poor

True, because of the life and spending lessons that those wealthy parents teach their kids.

My children will have money because I've taught them the "values" that are necessary for them to make money. In fact, I've taught them to make money for their great grand children. My kids will work their balls off because that is their /responsibility/ to their family, and to our family legacy.

Millions of poor folks get out of the welfare/socialist mentality and learn to earn for their futures. You lefties are enablists, and of the worst kind too, because you don't only fuck over the wealth prospects of the individual, but their entire bloodline, their kids, their grand kids. Generations of families fucked out of getting out because you'd rather throw money down the pit hole of greed and "easy living" than teach folks to earn, save, and be responsible, for themselves, and their families.
It’s called a safety net and generational wealth

Garbage. The primary reason the sons and daughters of wealthy people, end up wealthy like their parents, is because they learn the skills from their parents that lead them to success.

That is not something we should punish, or balance out. If anything, it is something we should encourage. There is no greater heirloom to pass on to your children, than to be wise, productive, and hard working. And by hard working, I don't mean sweating it out for a mere 8 hours a day, emptying garbage cans at Wendy's for $8/hour. I mean using your brain to engage in work that produces value to society.

The last company I worked for, the CEO was there at 6 AM, before any of the engineers or sales people showed up. And he was the last person to leave at 6 PM.

If his children end up having the same traits and work ethic as their father, they will undoubtedly be wealthy too.

That should be worthy of celebration, not condemnation for being "generational wealth".

Equally, if a person lives out their lives on government handouts, and working the welfare system, instead of working a productive job, don't be surprised when their children end up equally unproductive. And this should also not condemned either, and while I would not celebrate it, I certainly not encourage it, or support it.

You do not support bad behavior, or you end up with more bad behavior. Again, when we cut welfare, people got off welfare and started working. The only way for a person to learn how to move themselves up the income ladder, is by working. If you are on welfare, you tend to stay on welfare, and you stay at the bottom of the income ladder.

Haven't met a single rich person yet, who said their big break from poverty or low income, was their welfare check.

And I do know quite a few stories of people who ended up achieving their goals in life, after they were cut off from support.
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youre repeating yourself
and, you still don't get the economic point.
then explain it,,,
We have never had a free market market economy.
yes we have,,,pre 1910,,,roughly
Congress and State legislators have always commanded their economies.
as they should be,,,10th amendment
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
Like welfare? Over 21 trillion thrown at that, how's it working?
lol. the right wing preaching fiscal responsibility with Tax Cut economics. how droll.
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
Shame is no way of showing people how to prosper.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
Like welfare? Over 21 trillion thrown at that, how's it working?
that war on poverty is working great,,,,NOT
If a perfectly healthy person is lazy and poor no help should be given, but if the opposite is true I believe in helping out that individual..
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
Shame is no way of showing people how to prosper.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
partys dont control jobs,,, thats the private sector,,,government as always hurts more han it helps
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
Like welfare? Over 21 trillion thrown at that, how's it working?
lousy right wing management? we merely need solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
But see, when I look at Europe, and the most recently France, this system of attacking the rich, under the theory it helps the poor..... doesn't play out.

This entire time you are chatting back and fourth on how much money can we soak the rich for.... but when has that ever worked throughout all the world, and all history? Never.

France has spent decades now, trying to soak the rich. It hasn't made things better for the poor. That's why the poor have been burning down France.

France Rang In The New Year Under A Cloud Of Heavy Security

You can't tax your country into prosperity. You can only tax your country into poverty. No matter how much you talk about how you'll make the wealthy pay this tax, or that tax, or some other tax, it will never work. It never has. It never will.
I am not suggesting we should. I am suggesting that we should be fiscally responsible. The best way to accomplish that is to set the tax rate to the rate necessary to balance the budget and make all people share the burden proportionately. Overnight there would be a change.

I agree with what you wrote.

Impossible. There is no tax level high enough to fix socialism.

As long as we have a socialized system of health care and pensions in place, taxes will have to increase continually until the country implodes. It is impossible to find the magic tax rate that will balance the budget.

If you doubt that... again just look at Europe. All of Europe. Most of Europe has been protected by the US. Norway, like all European countries, has drastically higher taxes. Most people, even lower-middle class, lose 50% of their income in taxes.

And yet they are running a deficit. France is running a deficit. Japan is running a deficit.

They have nearly double our average tax rate, and are all running a deficit.

So this idea that we just need to increase taxes until we can afford socialism... is never going to work. Soon we'll be paying $8/gallon for gas, like France does. All to pay for the free stuff everyone wants. Then when it destroys the middle class, like in France, people will be burning down the country.

If you want to balance the budget, the solution is to reform entitlements. We need to privatize social security, and eliminate socialized health care. If we do that, the budget will balance without us doing anything with taxes.
Petrol in France is $5.50 a gallon not $8.

Gas prices change by the minute. And I do see sites saying what you posted. Gas prices have gone down around the world, since I posted that.

Gas Prices in Paris

Petrol price in Paris is €1.57 per liter. X 3.8, equals €5.96 per US gallon. €5.96 = $6.79.

So almost $7 per gallon. I just filled up for $1.87 per gallon.

So even now, it's not that far off from what I said. More importantly, the difference in cost is what I was getting at. If we had the same socialized systems in place that France does, I guarantee our gas prices would be like theirs.
There is a bit of a difference between your lying $8 a gallon and any reality. When was it $8 a gallon you lying twat ?

I didn't make it up. I read about it. The price changed. Next time, I'll be careful to take a screen shot of the page, before it changes and an ignorant buffoon, known for his unethical posts and immoral behavior, can try and claim others are lying, when he himself has been caught lying DOZENS ON DOZENS OF TIMES.

You are disgusting human being Tommy. Absolutely revolting.
taxs and the economy are two different things,,,and neither has anything to do with poverty
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
Shame is no way of showing people how to prosper.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
After a person reaches his middle age period those looking for employees tend to skim over the older ones.
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
Shame is no way of showing people how to prosper.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
partys dont control jobs,,, thats the private sector,,,government as always hurts more han it helps
employment is at-will in our at-will employment States. there is no work or hiring requirement.
social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
Like welfare? Over 21 trillion thrown at that, how's it working?
lousy right wing management? we merely need solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
thats not the job of the feds,,,
yes, they do. the right wing prefers to cut taxes for the rich and cut social spending for the poor.

social spending on the poor doesnt make them not poor, it makes them useless to themselves their children and society
Shame is no way of showing people how to prosper.
bu here are ways,,,one is to not let them grow comfortable in their poverty,,,dave ramsey can each the rest
employment is at the will of either party. capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. you cannot appeal to ignorance of either condition.
After a person reaches his middle age period those looking for employees tend to skim over the older ones.
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves for that.
we have the richest poor in the world. solving for simple poverty could make it more cost effective.

no such thing as simple poverty
simple poverty can be solved simply by transferring wealth.
Like welfare? Over 21 trillion thrown at that, how's it working?
lousy right wing management? we merely need solve for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment through unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
thats not the job of the feds,,,
yes, it is; providing for the general welfare is a general power delegated to our federal Congress for the Union.

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