What makes this a RICO case

Although the federal cases against Trump will be strong
and the chance of conviction high,
Not necessarily. Maybe in DC.
the state cases are a bigger problem.
Not really. Bragg’s case is bullshit.

Fani’s case is more substantive, yet still lacking in actual legal merit.
He can shutdown the federal cases if elected or there can be a presidential pardon but not the state cases.
Even that isn’t certain. But it is absolutely true that the legal consensus is that a President can only pardon people of federal crimes.

Edit to add a tiny bit of support for that final point: Could Trump pardon himself if convicted of Georgia charges? Experts weigh in
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Not necessarily. Maybe in DC.

Not really. Bragg’s case is bullshit.

Fani’s case is more substantive, yet still lacking in actual legal merit.

Even that isn’t certain. But it is absolutely true that the legal consensus is that a President can only pardon people of federal crimes.

Edit to add a tiny bit of support for that final point: Could Trump pardon himself if convicted of Georgia charges? Experts weigh in

You are a clueless clown whose uninformed "opinions" on matters way too complicated for you to even understand don't really matter.
Perhaps you should drop the armchair lawyer/academic schtick and just stick to what you do best.....cleaning the toilets and taking out the trash.

The document is staggering in its breadth and the ambition of its charges. The 41 counts of crimes in it, including 13 against Trump, detail the lies the former president and his co-defendants told the public about fraud to try and keep him in power. It doesn’t back away from charging Trump’s attorneys and inner circle with crimes for coordinating a plan to create slates of fake electors and to stop Congress from counting votes. Some of the state’s 16 fake electors themselves also face charges. And it also casts a wide net, not letting those who breached voting equipment and intimidated poll workers off the hook.

Instead, the indictment tells perhaps the most comprehensive story to date of one of the most brazen efforts to subvert American democracy.

Legally, the Georgia case may represent the biggest legal peril for Trump. If he wins the presidential election next year, Trump cannot pardon himself, something he could theoretically do if he is convicted on similar charges pending in federal court. In Georgia, a defendant must serve five years in prison before a pardon is even considered by the state board of pardon and paroles. Unlike many other states, the governor of Georgia does not have the ability to unilaterally pardon people.

You are a clueless clown whose uninformed "opinions" on matters way too complicated for you to even understand don't really matter.
Perhaps you should drop the armchair lawyer/academic schtick and just stick to what you do best.....cleaning the toilets and taking out the trash.

The document is staggering in its breadth and the ambition of its charges. The 41 counts of crimes in it, including 13 against Trump, detail the lies the former president and his co-defendants told the public about fraud to try and keep him in power. It doesn’t back away from charging Trump’s attorneys and inner circle with crimes for coordinating a plan to create slates of fake electors and to stop Congress from counting votes. Some of the state’s 16 fake electors themselves also face charges. And it also casts a wide net, not letting those who breached voting equipment and intimidated poll workers off the hook.

Instead, the indictment tells perhaps the most comprehensive story to date of one of the most brazen efforts to subvert American democracy.

Legally, the Georgia case may represent the biggest legal peril for Trump. If he wins the presidential election next year, Trump cannot pardon himself, something he could theoretically do if he is convicted on similar charges pending in federal court. In Georgia, a defendant must serve five years in prison before a pardon is even considered by the state board of pardon and paroles. Unlike many other states, the governor of Georgia does not have the ability to unilaterally pardon people.


Some liberal opinion purveyors tell MuddledMikey what to think. And he, being a dutiful libturd, complies. :itsok:
As the indictment notes, Trump "made a nationally televised speech falsely declaring victory in the 2020 election" on Nov. 4, 2020 — days before the vote-counting was actually complete. When the ultimate tally showed that Democrat Joe Biden won both the popular and electoral votes, Trump began falsely claiming the election was "rigged" with fraudulent votes.

But according to the indictment, that message was one he had planned even before the election took place.
False or Truth, how is freedom of speech now a crime?
He forgot the George Soros district attorney.
Where does this local yokel have standing to bring these charges? A federal election is the purview of the state, not the individual counties. Any malfeasance would be the state's responsibility, as it would be and is an undue burden on the counties.
Where does this local yokel have standing to bring these charges? A federal election is the purview of the state, not the individual counties. Any malfeasance would be the state's responsibility, as it would be and is an undue burden on the counties.
See how the motion to remove goes.
False or Truth, how is freedom of speech now a crime?
If your freedom of speech is attempting to incite an insurrection designed to steal an election yeah....you may technically have a 1st Amendment "right" to it.....but you still have to own the consequences of it.
Who said anything about a speech?
I am talking about the dozens of dog whistles he put out there about a "fraudulent election" and Mike Pence and statements like "you'd better fight like hell otherwise you won't have a country anymore" and all that crap.
dog whistles, you must be kidding, are you really that dumb, to believe Trump uses dog whistles? And if so, that is so far from being a crime or conspiracy you are a fool for repeating it.

Of course, we also have tough guy Biden, who should be arrested for assaulting the public, for actually challenging people to fist fights. But we dont, because you are not in charge of deciding that speech is a crime.

all that crap? You know what is crap, running out of baby food, giving ten of billions of dollars of weapons to the taliban, allowing our ambassador in Libya to be murdered, giving Iran the money to build nuclear weapons, looking the other way while they build nuclear weapons.

Trump did not do one damn thing wrong as president and even made america better, despite the fools like you rallying against Trump.

You are on the wrong side of history, foolish enough to listen to what CNN and everyone tells you, dictates to you
dog whistles, you must be kidding, are you really that dumb, to believe Trump uses dog whistles? And if so, that is so far from being a crime or conspiracy you are a fool for repeating it.

Of course, we also have tough guy Biden, who should be arrested for assaulting the public, for actually challenging people to fist fights. But we dont, because you are not in charge of deciding that speech is a crime.

all that crap? You know what is crap, running out of baby food, giving ten of billions of dollars of weapons to the taliban, allowing our ambassador in Libya to be murdered, giving Iran the money to build nuclear weapons, looking the other way while they build nuclear weapons.

Trump did not do one damn thing wrong as president and even made america better, despite the fools like you rallying against Trump.

You are on the wrong side of history, foolish enough to listen to what CNN and everyone tells you, dictates to you
91 felony charges.
I didn't make that up.
91 felony charges.
I didn't make that up.
yes, you did not make it up, but your relish it because at heart you must be a bigot

guilty of 91 felonies? If you dont see that as bullshit your are dumb enough for me to call you a bigot

our courts prosecute and convict the innocent every day, lawyers are well known for being scum, despite the few that are good
yes, you did not make it up, but your relish it because at heart you must be a bigot

guilty of 91 felonies? If you dont see that as bullshit your are dumb enough for me to call you a bigot

our courts prosecute and convict the innocent every day, lawyers are well known for being scum, despite the few that are good
Time to give up the ruse Electra.
You've been had and you are in a cult.
You don't have to make excuses for Trump anymore.
He's toast....and he'll be going away soon.
Best to just forget him.

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