What makes this a RICO case

yeah. the enterprise definition is only at the start of the indictment. but as we all know, trumptards cannot read indictments, and in some way know better than anyone else anyway.
The words organized and crime together is a miff to the mucks.
Perfectly relevant. As he got called on in the past (by a unanimous SCOTUS vote, by the way), he is doing again. He strains and contorts the words in the laws he invokes to force fit a charge or charges.

That a full fledged moron like you can’t see the relevance is of no concern to the real world.
Perfectly relevant. As he got called on in the past (by a unanimous SCOTUS vote, by the way), he is doing again. He strains and contorts the words in the laws he invokes to force fit a charge or charges.

That a full fledged moron like you can’t see the relevance is of no concern to the real world.
Keep grasping at straws kiddo if that's what makes you feel good.
I'll look forward to your ridiculous moonwalking excuses for why you turned out to be full o shit (again) when Smith and Willis nail Trump's ass to the wall with these charges that AREN'T going to be thrown out.
But keep moving that goalpost ya TWIT.
It is amusing to watch.
This latest indictment in Georgia ties together all the loose ends of Trump's desperate, attempted coup.
A guy like Trump, once installed in The Oval Office, had no intention of ever turning his little fiefdom over to anybody else. Ever.
Election be damned!
His narcissistic hubris allowed him to believe that he could actually get away with STEALING a U.S. election, and the Covid-19 pandemic gave him the perfect "crisis" backdrop to try to pull it off.
These plans for this coup were actually developed long before election day 2020. Trump and his freakish ensemble of indicted co-conspirators were putting together the plans to steal the election in the event Trump lost WAY before the first ballots were even cast.
This was a sweeping, multi-faceted, illegal conspiracy to subvert U.S. Democracy and seize power through illegal means up to and including violence as evidenced by Trump's minions storming the U.S. Capitol in a hail-mary, last ditch attempt to keep the votes from being certified once stealing the election through pseudo- "legal" avenues had failed.
This attempted coup had numerous moving parts....and these Georgia indictments are going to put them all together with overwhelming EVIDENCE showing that none of it happened randomly....in isolation.
It was a HUGE criminal conspiracy with Trump's lust for absolute power right at the center of a tangle of evil syncophants.
And now they are all going down!

As the indictment notes, Trump "made a nationally televised speech falsely declaring victory in the 2020 election" on Nov. 4, 2020 — days before the vote-counting was actually complete. When the ultimate tally showed that Democrat Joe Biden won both the popular and electoral votes, Trump began falsely claiming the election was "rigged" with fraudulent votes.

But according to the indictment, that message was one he had planned even before the election took place.

From the indictment: "Approximately four days [before the 2020 election], on or about October 31, 2020, Donald John Trump discussed a draft speech with unindicted co-conspirator number 1, whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, that falsely declared victory and falsely claimed voter fraud. The speech was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy."

Keep grasping at straws kiddo if that's what makes you feel good.
I'll look forward to your ridiculous moonwalking excuses for why you turned out to be full o shit (again) when Smith and Willis nail Trump's ass to the wall with these charges that AREN'T going to be thrown out.
But keep moving that goalpost ya TWIT.
It is amusing to watch.
I already explained to you why it’s not irrelevant. As I expected, you’re just too stupid to grasp it.

Meanwhile, your predictions about the outcome of any prospective trials don’t mean shit. 👍
I already explained to you why it’s not irrelevant. As I expected, you’re just too stupid to grasp it.

Meanwhile, your predictions about the outcome of any prospective trials don’t mean shit. 👍
Either do yours.
The main difference between our "predictions" though is that mine are rooted in the facts before us.
Yours are (obviously) based upon the wild, speculative, cult propaganda of a MAGAt Trumptard.
Either do yours.
Did you mean “neither,” you ignorant illiterate idiot?
The main difference between our "predictions" though is that mine are rooted in the facts before us.
No. They’re just your brainless adherence to leftwing talking points.
Yours are (obviously) based upon the wild,
Name mine, ya Shitwad.
speculative, cult propaganda of a MAGAt Trumptard.
Name one, ya hapless helpless hump shitsucker.
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Did you mean “neither,” you ignorant illiterate idiot?

No. They’re just your brainless adherence to leftwing talking points.

Name mine, ya Shitwad.

Name one, ya hapless helpless jump shitsucker.
Keep hoping all 81 felony charges Trump is facing get magically thrown out you witless shit stain.
In fact, why don't you hold your breath and wait for that to happen?
Keep hoping all 81 felony charges Trump is facing get magically thrown out you witless shit stain.
In fact, why don't you hold your breath and wait for that to happen?
You’re a brainless morherfucker.

What I’ve speculated is that it is possible for President Reump to get convicted for any case that goes to trial. But that doesn’t mean he will get a prison sentence, you moronic twat. And I don’t believe any conviction on any of these bullshit cases would survive the appeals process.
And I don’t believe any conviction on any of these bullshit cases would survive the appeals process.
I will be reminding you of these words probably MANY times over this next year as this prediction gets blown to pieces.
Don't blame me. They are your words.
And no, you won't be able to do your typical weasel out routine and claim you "didn't exactly say/mean that."
I'll just copy them now and I'll paste them on every post of yours after the appeals are shot down.
I will be reminding you of these words probably MANY times over this next year
Mr he trials may not even be started within the next year. So there is like no chance that the appeals process will have played out. Damn, girl. You’re very ignorant.
as this prediction gets blown to pieces.
I didn’t even make a prediction, you fuckwit dumbass.
Don't blame me.

I only mock you.
They are your words.
Mwhich aren’t a prediction. FFS. You’re too retarded to even get that much right.
And no, you won't be able to do your typical weasel out routine and claim you "didn't exactly say/mean that."
It’s not typical. I’ve never said that. You started off wrong. As always.
I'll just copy them now and I'll paste them on every post of yours after the appeals are shot down.

Good girl. And you’ll still be wrong no matter how things turn out.
That doesn’t contemplate their reversals on appeal. I mean, just look at the not very special counsel. One of his biggest “scores” was reversed based on his absurd twisting and attempted manipulation of the law.
The most recent comprehensive data on the success of appeals of federal cases is only 6.9% for criminal cases. The federal conviction rate is so high and reversal rates so low compared state cases is due to a number of factors including the depth of prosecution staffing and construction of federal code compared to state code.

Although the federal cases against Trump will be strong and the chance of conviction high, the state cases are a bigger problem. He can shutdown the federal cases if elected or there can be a presidential pardon but not the state cases.

It he is to have any future he has to win the election, delay the federal cases till after election and fight like hell the State charges.
The Trump organization coercing government officials to violate state laws makes it a Rico offense.
That's such a crock of shit.

Happenings such as this could make one start to think that blacks should never be near any kind of power.

And that's just wrong. However, in this case? Wtf?!

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