What makes this a RICO case

This latest indictment in Georgia ties together all the loose ends of Trump's desperate, attempted coup.
A guy like Trump, once installed in The Oval Office, had no intention of ever turning his little fiefdom over to anybody else. Ever.
Election be damned!
His narcissistic hubris allowed him to believe that he could actually get away with STEALING a U.S. election, and the Covid-19 pandemic gave him the perfect "crisis" backdrop to try to pull it off.
These plans for this coup were actually developed long before election day 2020. Trump and his freakish ensemble of indicted co-conspirators were putting together the plans to steal the election in the event Trump lost WAY before the first ballots were even cast.
This was a sweeping, multi-faceted, illegal conspiracy to subvert U.S. Democracy and seize power through illegal means up to and including violence as evidenced by Trump's minions storming the U.S. Capitol in a hail-mary, last ditch attempt to keep the votes from being certified once stealing the election through pseudo- "legal" avenues had failed.
This attempted coup had numerous moving parts....and these Georgia indictments are going to put them all together with overwhelming EVIDENCE showing that none of it happened randomly....in isolation.
It was a HUGE criminal conspiracy with Trump's lust for absolute power right at the center of a tangle of evil syncophants.
And now they are all going down!

As the indictment notes, Trump "made a nationally televised speech falsely declaring victory in the 2020 election" on Nov. 4, 2020 — days before the vote-counting was actually complete. When the ultimate tally showed that Democrat Joe Biden won both the popular and electoral votes, Trump began falsely claiming the election was "rigged" with fraudulent votes.

But according to the indictment, that message was one he had planned even before the election took place.

From the indictment: "Approximately four days [before the 2020 election], on or about October 31, 2020, Donald John Trump discussed a draft speech with unindicted co-conspirator number 1, whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, that falsely declared victory and falsely claimed voter fraud. The speech was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy."

Boy you are going to be in for a let down.
Not going anywhere................big fine is about all that will come of it.
Exactly how often do you crawl out from under your rock.
You don't get fined for 91 felony indictments fool.
He's looking at prison time for each charge he's convicted on.
The conviction rate for federal indictments is up there in the mid 90 percentile.
But let's be generous and give him aquittals on 90% of his charges.
Let's say he only gets convictions in 10% of what he's facing.
That's still the rest of his life in prison.
Time to give up the ruse Electra.
You've been had and you are in a cult.
You don't have to make excuses for Trump anymore.
He's toast....and he'll be going away soon.
Best to just forget him.
sure mr dictator, I will listen to you master, whatever you dictate

cult, that is the thing about the racist past and the hateful present of the Democratic Party, you can never give up labeling those you hate

I wish everybody could see your ugliness, there would be a lot less democrats if they awake to the people like you they give shelter to

If Trump goes away, American goes away with him, even you. Maybe you will be able to live and die in peace, but if Trump goes to jail, your life will get worst every day. Life will get more expensive, which will destroy your freedom

Democrats or whatever the fuck you call yourself, are digging your own grave, maybe it will be a slow decline until your death, but either way, you will have been a part of the people that destroyed America

A proud moron you are and will forever be
Exactly how often do you crawl out from under your rock.
You don't get fined for 91 felony indictments fool.
He's looking at prison time for each charge he's convicted on.
The conviction rate for federal indictments is up there in the mid 90 percentile.
But let's be generous and give him aquittals on 90% of his charges.
Let's say he only gets convictions in 10% of what he's facing.
That's still the rest of his life in prison.
Can't do prison time, Einstein.
You are a clueless clown whose uninformed "opinions" on matters way too complicated for you to even understand don't really matter.
Perhaps you should drop the armchair lawyer/academic schtick and just stick to what you do best.cleaning the toilets and taking out the trash.

The document is staggering in its breadth and the ambition of its charges. The 41 counts of crimes in it, including 13 against Trump, detail the lies the former president and his co-defendants told the public about fraud to try and keep him in power. It doesn’t back away from charging Trump’s attorneys and inner circle with crimes for coordinating a plan to create slates of fake electors and to stop Congress from counting votes. Some of the state’s 16 fake electors themselves also face charges. And it also casts a wide net, not letting those who breached voting equipment and intimidated poll workers off the hook.

Instead, the indictment tells perhaps the most comprehensive story to date of one of the most brazen efforts to subvert American democracy.

Legally, the Georgia case may represent the biggest legal peril for Trump. If he wins the presidential election next year, Trump cannot pardon himself, something he could theoretically do if he is convicted on similar charges pending in federal court. In Georgia, a defendant must serve five years in prison before a pardon is even considered by the state board of pardon and paroles. Unlike many other states, the governor of Georgia does not have the ability to unilaterally pardon people.

Your post gives us an idea of what a Trump administration would be like, court fights over his pardons, delaying pending cases, Firing prosecutors, payback for disloyal republicans and of course more impeachments and fighting congressional investigations,
all the thing you elect president to do.
Who said anything about a speech?
I am talking about the dozens of dog whistles he put out there about a "fraudulent election" and Mike Pence and statements like "you'd better fight like hell otherwise you won't have a country anymore" and all that crap.
The thing about dog whistles is..they can't be heard by people.
Read indictment
okay, quote the indictment, you bring it up as if you know you know what you're talking about, it is obvious that you dont know nothing.

quote word from word, show us that you are not full of shit,

I am calling you out, I am telling everyone that you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground

I am showing all the people who read and dont post, that when challenged you will prove that you do not know anything other than your opinion formed by watching the "News".

As I knew, and just proved, you dont nothing.

And it is not one indictment, as you just replied, it is dozens. So get specific, pull your head out of your ass, and at least make a feeble attempt at making it look like you have a functioning brain.
Well then, share with us the how's and whys Trump's 24/7 Secret Service Detail, fully armed, BTW, co exist with Trump in a jail?

Bet you haven't a clue.
Solitary confinement with one S.S. guard on the hall at all times.
Special meal/dining restrictions.
Supervision for rec. time on the yard with one S.S. guard at all times.
Problem solved.
Solitary confinement with one S.S. guard on the hall at all times.
Special meal/dining restrictions.
Supervision for rec. time on the yard with one S.S. guard at all times.
Problem solved.
Not to point out the obvious flaw in your petty effort to dismiss the problem, or anything, but ….

Why would the secret service allow some prison guards to have any access to the former President? If he tried to flee, they’d have to stop him bodily. The secret service would, instead, have to keep the inmate shielded away from correction guards.

Might as well not have him in prison at all.
okay, quote the indictment, you bring it up as if you know you know what you're talking about, it is obvious that you dont know nothing.

quote word from word, show us that you are not full of shit,

I am calling you out, I am telling everyone that you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground

I am showing all the people who read and dont post, that when challenged you will prove that you do not know anything other than your opinion formed by watching the "News".

As I knew, and just proved, you dont nothing.

And it is not one indictment, as you just replied, it is dozens. So get specific, pull your head out of your ass, and at least make a feeble attempt at making it look like you have a functioning brain.
Here is link. I assume you can read.

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