What makes this a RICO case

What's the Corrupt Organization? RICO was enacted to prosecute organized crime, not a handful of people acting in opposition to democrats. What is the pattern of lawlessness supporting the claim of organized criminal activity?
The Trump organization coercing government officials to violate state laws makes it a Rico offense.
The clincher is coercing Georgia officials to violate the law.
If it wasn't these same Georgia officials who barged into the state House demanding that Brian Kemp's election be overturned, I might believe them. Running around claiming Stacy Abrams is the governor makes them suspect.
The Trump organization coercing government officials to violate state laws makes it a Rico offense.
With the exception of Trump, none of the named defendants have anything to do with the Trump Organization. They are all Republicans however.
What's the Corrupt Organization? RICO was enacted to prosecute organized crime, not a handful of people acting in opposition to democrats. What is the pattern of lawlessness supporting the claim of organized criminal activity?
The DA will be showing how it was organized. That must be too hard for you to understand.
With the exception of Trump, none of the named defendants have anything to do with the Trump Organization. They are all Republicans however.
Maybe you should wait to see the evidence of their connections before making such a ridiculous, uninformed claim.
Piss of
I pointed out that no part of your post contained any truth, you lying diseased rat twat.

Go eat shit some more and do try to choke.
PIss off Back-it-in!
You have nothing of value to contribute here ya little nutsack.
Now go play and let the grownups talk.
Piss of

PIss off Back-it-in!
You have nothing of value to contribute here ya little nutsack.
Now go play and let the grownups talk.
Suck a bag of dead dicks, you worthless rodent twat.

I contribute more factually supported material, here, than you ever could. And it’s funny as fuck for a twat like yourself to worry about contributions. You make empty pronouncements and can’t support. Single thing you shit all over the board.

Go play in traffic and come back — never. 👍
Suck a bag of dead dicks, you worthless rodent twat.

I contribute more factually supported material, here, than you ever could. And it’s funny as fuck for a twat like yourself to worry about contributions. You make empty pronouncements and can’t support. Single thing you shit all over the board.

Go play in traffic and come back — never. 👍
Aren't you just a prissy, self-righteous, full of yourself little bitch.
The truth is you are literally the poster boy here for useless, misinformed information. And the funniest part of it all is the way you always try to present your bullshit, idle, mental ramblings with this sanctimonious, "learned," (educated) "sage-like" condescention.
FUCK OFF you ignorant hillbilly POSER!
Take your Dunning-Kruger bullshit and go off to the kiddie forums!
You are obviously having your little mental freakout here because as the walls are closing in on Trump (as I predicted LONG AGO) you are now being exposed as the fraud you are as every word you have ever written here is being exposed as pure BULLSHIT.
You should just quit while you are behind and stop digging.
Aren't you just a prissy, self-righteous, full of yourself little bitch.

No, ma’am. I’m just a simple guy who enjoys calling bullshit on you scumbag lying pissants. Suck it.
The truth is you are literally the poster boy here for useless, misinformed information.

Lol. This coming from the largest purveyor of manure on the board in the last 24 hours. Fuck you, bitch. :auiqs.jpg:
And the funniest part of it all is the way you always try to present your bullshit, idle, mental ramblings with this sanctimonious, "learned," (educated) "sage-like" condescention.
It comes across as condescension to you because everyone is so far superior to you.

FUCK OFF you ignorant hillbilly POSER!
Application denied, bitch. Practice on yourself, you dishonest twat.
Take your Dunning-Kruger bullshit and go off to the kiddie forums!
It’s adorable when you misuse terms you can’t grasp.
You are obviously having your little mental freakout here because as the walls are closing in on Trump (as I predicted LONG AGO) you are now being exposed as the fraud you are as every word you have ever written here is being exposed as pure BULLSHIT.
You seem agitated, ya twat face. I guess even simpletons like you dimly grasp that the reality is that Brandon and his crime family are becoming more and more exposed. It’s ok. With any luck the investigation by Comer will further expose the nefarious Potato.
You should just quit while you are behind and stop digging.
Lol. You already lost, zippy. You’re just too retarded to grasp it.

the reality is that Brandon and his crime family are becoming more and more exposed. It’s ok. With any luck the investigation by Comer will further expose the nefarious Potato.
Thank you for proving my point dim-wit.
This whataboutism phony Biden scandal has absolutely ZERO to do with Trump's latest or previous indictments.
Nor is it any legitimate defense. It doesn't make Trump look any less guilty just because you suffer from BDS.
You are a fake.
Thank you for proving my point

Nobody has any power to prove your alleged “point,” Oblio. You have never had a point.
This whataboutism phony Biden scandal has absolutely ZERO to do with Trump's latest or previous indictments.
I haven’t said anything about “what about” anything. You talked your bullshit about alleged Trump crimes. I merely pointed out that it is the current infestation in the Oval Orifice who is criminal.

We know Trump got indicted. What you scumsucking bottom feeding liberal shitheads can’t seem to comprehend is that an indictment is not a conviction.
Nor is it any legitimate defense.
Brandon’s criminality isn’t claimed as a defense. The non existence of the alleged Trump crimes is the defense.
It doesn't make Trump look any less guilty just because you suffer from BDS.
I don’t. I’ve recognized your demented god, Potato, as a lowlife lying racist piece of shit since before his Presidency. And I recognize Trump’s innocence for a reason a tool like you will never be able to wrap your little mind around: there is simply no valid claim of any “crime” against Trump.
You are a fake.
No, ma’am. That’s just your projection some more.

Thank you for signing your post. 👍 But we all see you as a loser, anyway.
Nobody has any power to prove your alleged “point,” Oblio. You have never had a point.

I haven’t said anything about “what about” anything. You talked your bullshit about alleged Trump crimes. I merely pointed out that it is the current infestation in the Oval Orifice who is criminal.

We know Trump got indicted. What you scumsucking bottom feeding liberal shitheads can’t seem to comprehend is that an indictment is not a conviction.

Brandon’s criminality isn’t claimed as a defense. The non existence of the alleged Trump crimes is the defense.

I don’t. I’ve recognized your demented god, Potato, as a lowlife lying racist piece of shit since before his Presidency. And I recognize Trump’s innocence for a reason a tool like you will never be able to wrap your little mind around: there is simply no valid claim of any “crime” against Trump.

No, ma’am. That’s just your projection some more.

Thank you for signing your post. 👍 But we all see you as a loser, anyway.
Federal prosecutors have a conviction rate of 99.6%according to data published by the Pew Research Center. I would not want to be in Trump’s shoes. The evidence in the indictments is overwhelming.
Federal prosecutors have a conviction rate of 99.6%according to data published by the Pew Research Center. I would not want to be in Trump’s shoes. The evidence in the indictments is overwhelming.
The case in Georgia is in state court.
Federal prosecutors have a conviction rate of 99.6%according to data published by the Pew Research Center. I would not want to be in Trump’s shoes. The evidence in the indictments is overwhelming.
That doesn’t contemplate their reversals on appeal. I mean, just look at the not very special counsel. One of his biggest “scores” was reversed based on his absurd twisting and attempted manipulation of the law.
If being wrong was really a crime every liberal in America would be serving life in prison right now. This pathetic attempt at political persecution will fail.

What a stupid thing to say. Trump lost. He's lied to you and turned you into a foolish groupy.

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